Chapter 723 Thought She Was A Boy

Those onlookers were chattering away, guessing what was going on with her.

A man said: "I saw a man and a woman with him just now. They should be his father and mother. He should have lost with his parents."

Another man said: "It is also possible that his parents left him here on purpose, because I saw in the morning that his parents were leaving, but they told him to sit here and not follow them."

"That's how he cried at the time, begging his parents not to leave him, he was afraid."

"His parents coax her, they will buy delicious food for her, and he will be back in a while, so he just sits here reluctantly and no longer follows his parents."

"But it's already afternoon, and I've shipped the goods back and forth three times, and his parents still haven't come back to pick her up, and she's still crying here."

A woman who was watching was surprised: "According to you, his parents threw him here on purpose? How can there be such cruel parents in the world who are willing to throw away their own flesh and blood?"

The man sighed: "I couldn't figure it out at first, but then I figured it out. The clothes worn by his father and mother were mended. At first glance, he looked like a countryman living in a difficult life. Look at this little kid. The clothes are also tattered."

"His parents probably had no other choice, so they put him on the street to see if he could be picked up by someone who is destined, rather than follow them to starve to death."

"If not, why doesn't his parents come back to pick her up now?"

But someone immediately refuted him: "Your statement is wrong! If he was a girl, your words would make sense, but he is a boy! No matter how poor or miserable, it is impossible to abandon the son who has passed on the family line!"

But some people think: "If it is not his own son, he may have discarded it."

"Did you hear that, he seems to be a foreigner, and his accent is different from ours."

"It's very possible that it was not his parents who brought him here, but his relatives. He may have lost his parents. He is an orphan and was entrusted to his relatives. He recognizes them as his parents."

"It's very possible that his relatives got his property, but they didn't want to raise him, and they weren't vicious enough to kill him, so they deliberately brought him here and discarded it."

The onlookers were all talented people, and they made up several versions of the story while guessing.

At that time, Lian'er was dressed in men's clothing, and she cried like a boy, very loudly.

The onlookers thought she was a boy.

Her personality is also a bit boyish.

She stopped crying after crying for a while, and continued to sit there waiting for his parents.

Seeing that the sky was getting darker and his parents hadn't come back to pick her up, some people had a bad idea and wanted to coax her to go home with them.

"Son, are you hungry? Go home with uncle, and uncle will give you food."

If it is a boy, you can get a lot of money if you sell it to a human tooth.

Even if it is a girl, if she sells her teeth, she can get more or less a sum of money.

Lian'er would pick up the food they gave her, but she refused to leave the place.

"I'm going to wait for my parents..."

"Dad and mother said, I don't want to go away, they will come to pick me up..."

In addition to those who have bad intentions, there are also kind-hearted people who sincerely want to take him home and don't want him to sleep on the street.

But no matter what others said, she still persisted in not leaving the spot.

Her will is very firm and she will not accept anyone's temptation.

(End of this chapter)

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