Chapter 1647 Tian Shao Extra Story (28)

The last semester of senior year was an internship period, and Gu Wenbai was not preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination but for the teacher qualification certificate examination.

Wen Bo thinks that the teacher has winter and summer vacations, so that in the future, children can go back to Beijing to visit their in-laws and parents during the winter and summer vacations.As for weekends, I still learn etiquette from the teacher, and stop after learning the tea art.According to what Tian Shao said, just know how to do it, don't seek perfection.Of course, if you particularly like exceptions.

In addition to asking the teacher to teach Gu Wenbai various things on weekends, Tian Shao also took her to other banquets.

Full Moon Banquets, Engagement Banquets, Wedding Banquets and Birthday Banquets.Tian Shao didn't like this kind of activities, but he broke the routine in order to train Gu Wenbai.For the first time, the girl couldn't speak easily when she was nervous, and her palms were all sweaty, but now she is able to stabilize herself.

In May, when Bao Huamao's eldest son got engaged, he specially called to invite Tian Shao and Tan Yue's family to the wedding banquet.

Hearing that Tan Yue didn't have time to go, he said with a smile: "Your family Minji is engaged, and I have never seen the bride. This time, taking advantage of my son's engagement, I will bring it out for everyone to see."

The engagement banquet of the eldest son of the Bao family must be full of celebrities, and it is also a rare exercise for Wen Bai.Thinking about it this way, Tian Shao agreed.Otherwise, she wouldn't go to the engagement banquet.

Gu Wenbai knew about the Bao family, which ranked third on the rich list of Hong Kong City.There will definitely be officials and rich people at his son's engagement banquet.

Tian Shao saw that she was a little nervous, and said with a smile: "Don't think so much, it's the same as when you attended the banquet before, just treat it with a normal mind."

After a pause, she said again: "Min Yu will also go, if you are nervous then follow her."

Hearing this, Gu Wenbai felt a little relieved.

Three days before Mr. Bao's wedding, Tian Shao took Gu Wenbai to Hong Kong City.When trying on the dress, Min Yu felt that the custom-made dress this time was too ordinary.

Seeing the dress, Gu Wenbo breathed a sigh of relief, she was really afraid that Tian Shao would make a slim dress like the red cheongsam again.Good-looking is good-looking, too eye-catching.

Tian Shao looked at Min Yu and said, "We are attending someone else's wedding banquet this time, if you dress up too beautifully and cover your head to gain the limelight of the main character, it will be too much of a distraction, it's very rude."

Min Yu felt that Tian Shao was thinking too much, she said: "Mom, Young Master Bao's fiancée is very beautiful, she wears a custom-made dress, and she is put on by a top makeup artist. No matter how we dress up, we won't Overshadow the scenery of the heroine."

Tian Shao frowned and said: "As far as I know, Bao Yanrui's future wife is not outstanding in appearance."

Min Yu felt that Tian Shao must have heard the wrong news: "I ran into Bao Yanrui while shopping last month. He was shopping with a very beautiful girlfriend. I asked too much, and he said it was his girlfriend. It also shows that she is engaged this month. The girl is very beautiful, um, only a little worse than me and my siblings."

Tian Shao didn't remember who told him that the eldest daughter-in-law selected by Bao Huamao was average in appearance.She called Feng Yi and asked about it.

Feng Yi affirmed that Tian Shao was not mistaken, the girl who was engaged to Bao Yanrui graduated from Stanford Business School, a prestigious school, but she was not outstanding in appearance: "I sent something there last week to meet, Young Master Bao's fiancée has a very good temperament. "

Min Yu's face changed, he was busy with work this month and didn't bother to inquire about it, he didn't expect to make such a mistake.

"Then did he have a girlfriend before?"

Feng Yi said with a smile: "Bao Dashao started dating in high school, changing girlfriends more frequently than changing clothes. I dated a female model last year, but broke up in February."

Tian Shao looked at Min Yu and said with a stern face: "I haven't received such an important message. If you really dress up and attend, you will overshadow the heroine's limelight. What do you make the Bao family and other guests think?"

Min Yu quickly admitted his mistake, but was still angrily reprimanded by Tian Shao.

It was the first time that Gu Wenbai saw Tian Shao angry, and his heart was in turmoil.What happened this time also made her clear that she should act more thoughtfully in the future, otherwise she would make such a low-level mistake

After Tian Shao scolded Min Yu, he said to Gu Wenbai: "In the future, if you go to someone else's wedding banquet, it doesn't matter whether the bride is beautiful or ordinary-looking, as long as you dress decently."

Gu Wenbai hurriedly stated that he had written it down.

Min Yu also hurriedly said: "Mom, I will remember it too, and I will never make such a mistake again."

If it is a birthday party or party, then how beautiful and how to dress up.As for the wedding banquet, you still have to take it easy, so as not to slap the host in the face.

The three of them got up early the next morning to have breakfast, and soon a makeup artist came over to make up the three of them, and changed into their dresses after they were done.

Tian Shao chose an ankle-length black dress for Gu Wenbai.Min Yu felt that this dress put away Gu Wenbai's art exhibition.But Tian Shao felt that Gu Wenbai was attending such a grand banquet for the first time, and she would not be so nervous if she dressed conservatively and low-key.

When they were about to arrive at the hotel, Min Yu and Wen Bai said: "If someone provokes you later, don't be afraid, just go back."

"Isn't this bad? It will offend people."

Min Yu explained: "A person who is self-cultivated and outstanding will not make things difficult for others. Those who speak provocative words are narrow-minded and unable to rely on family support. They are not afraid of being offended."

Tian Shao hummed and said: "Wen Bo, if you want the other party to speak rudely, you must fight back, otherwise you will be regarded as a soft persimmon. You are not afraid of offending people, and the elders will not care about some conflicts between words. Otherwise, you will fall into inferiority."

Gu Wenbai was relieved.

Tian Shao reminded again: "Wen Bai, no matter where you are in the future, don't eat what others hand you when there are no bodyguards around you."

Min Yu also heard Tian Shao say the same thing, and she agreed: "Wen Bai, you are so beautiful, it is inevitable that some disgusting things will hold wrong thoughts. So you must protect yourself outside."

Fearing that Gu Wenbai would take it lightly, Min Yu shared an incident she personally experienced: "When I was in the beautiful country, the cousin of a boy from the foreign department fell in love with a beautiful female classmate in my class. The female classmate rejected him. quest, the man despicably got off/drugs at the dance."

Gu Wenbai's face turned pale, and he asked, "Then what happened later? Did the girl get spoiled?"

Min Yu smiled and said, "Don't worry, nothing happened. I happened to see him supporting my female classmate, and I thought it was wrong, so I sent her back to the dormitory."

What he didn't say was that the other party made trouble for her several times later, but never took advantage of it.The man realized that he was not easy to mess with and stopped.

When Tian Shao said this, he just hoped that Gu Wenbo would remain vigilant: "Don't be afraid. With me and your dad around, no one would dare to plot against you under normal circumstances. What you have to guard against are those people who are not clear-headed. When you meet such people Must stay far away."

Min Yu took her hand and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Mom and Dad will arrange someone to protect us."

When Tian Shao arrived at the hotel, there were already crowds of people, many of them were acquaintances, Tian Shao introduced Gu Wenbai to them.

Gu Wenbai learned etiquette for more than half a year, and it came in handy at this time.As for this engagement banquet, she was a little nervous at first, but she relaxed after chatting with someone.

Tian Shao is very satisfied, as long as he can stabilize himself, it will be fine if he goes out to socialize a few times in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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