Qu Yan lives in Ganxiu's house, she has enough food and clothing, and the nursing staff come to her every now and then, but it's too deserted.At home, four generations live together, not to mention how lively it is.She wanted to go back but Tan Xingli refused, saying that she would wait for Mao Wanhua to calm down.

Quyan will go back after the Chinese New Year, after all, the Spring Festival is all about reunion.What Tan Xingli didn't expect was that Mao Wanhua asked the two daughters-in-law to cook the New Year's Eve dinner together.After being rejected, she said that she would either do it together or go to a restaurant to eat.It's just that the restaurant's New Year's Eve dinner must be booked in advance, and there are no seats now.

Tan Xingli's two daughters-in-law were both hot-tempered, and they were forced by Mao Wanhua to carry their children back to their natal home immediately. Seeing this, both Tan Minfeng brothers followed.

But he didn't want to go through this incident. Tan Xingli felt that his two sons were unreliable, and he saved the money himself so that he would not subsidize them.

When Tian Shao went to Tan Xingguo's place to pay New Year's greetings on the third day of the Lunar New Year, he heard about Tan Xingli's family and found it quite enjoyable: "Without Wanhua dedicating to them like an old scalper, they all showed their original colors."

Bai Churong also felt that Qu Yan and Min Feng's daughter-in-law were disgraceful, and now it's their own fault: "Let's not talk about them. Why did you come here alone? Why didn't Xiao Gu bring it?"

Tian Shao said with a smile: "Wen Bai and her parents have returned to their hometown, and then she will go directly to Min Ji's place to stay for a few days."

"Didn't Wen Bo stay with him for ten days during the winter vacation?"

Tian Shao felt that Bai Churong didn't understand the young people nowadays, and he was in the period of passionate love, which was the time when honey was mixed with oil, and he wished they could stick together for 24 hours.She said with a smile: "Wen Bai has to go to school after Lantern Festival, and we won't see each other for another two or three months. Now that we have holidays, we naturally want to be together."

Bai Churong said: "Xiao Gu graduated from university this year, and after he graduates, he will hold the wedding as soon as possible."

She was afraid that the two of them would accidentally kill a child.Although he is engaged, firstly, Gu Wenbai will not turn [-] in more than three months; secondly, he is still in college, and he cannot graduate smoothly if he has a child, and it is not good to say that he is pregnant before he is married!

Tian Shao knew what she meant: "Sister-in-law, don't worry, I have told you that you are allergic, you can't do anything out of line before marriage."

He not only explained to Min Ji but also told Wen Bai not to share a room with Min Ji before getting married.At the same time, I also told Min Ji that in case she can't control herself, she must take protective measures, and don't have a child before getting married, otherwise it won't look good in a dress with a big belly after the wedding.

Only when I became a mother did I realize that I really have a heart that can't be finished.

Upon hearing this, Bai Churong immediately changed the topic, talking about Tan Xinghua and Minxing, and the chat ended in the morning.

After the Lantern Festival, Tian Shao called Wen Bai over: "Xiao Gu, the two teachers I invited for you will come to teach you on Sundays from now on."

Gu Wenbai hurriedly nodded in agreement.The more I get in touch with Min Ji, the more I feel that I know too little.The only way to bridge the gap between the two is to watch more, listen more, learn more, and make yourself better and better, so that you can match your husband.

Tian Shao smiled and said: "You are quite busy with your studies now, so you don't need to come here, just rent a house near your school, and send the teacher there."

Gu Wenbo was very grateful: "Auntie, thank you."

She thinks Tian Shao is too kind.As her mother said, it is lucky to meet such an open-minded and caring mother-in-law, and she must cherish it.

After dealing with this matter, Tian Shao went to Hong Kong City.

As soon as he got there, Feng Yi told her that Min Yu was in a relationship with a movie star: "Boss, this guy is very good at pretending, he has dated three girlfriends, and for a while he was on his feet." Two boats."

Tian Shao also reads entertainment magazines. She has seen this male star on the cover of the magazine. He is good-looking and was named one of the four big creamy niches by the Hong Kong City media.She smiled and said, "Young people are just dating, don't make a fuss."

Feng Yi said worriedly: "The other party is very good at coaxing people. I think the young lady's attitude this time is different from before. If the young lady gets stuck and wants to marry the other party, then she will be passive."

"If you are going to be dizzy by a few sweet words from a man, if you don't want to marry me, then she is not qualified to take over the company."

That's what he said, but in reality Tian Shao wasn't worried at all, Min Yu wasn't a love brain.It is basically impossible to coax her into marrying despite her parents' objections.

Feng Yi saw that she was successful, so he didn't say anything more.

When Min Yu came back from get off work, she saw Tian Shao giving her a warm hug: "Mommy, I miss you so much!"

Tian Shao poked her forehead with a smile, and said with a smile: "Those who don't know think we haven't seen each other for a long time!"

No matter how busy the Chinese New Year is, they still have to go home. Min Yu and Min Ji both arrived home on the 29th of the Chinese New Year.Min Ji stayed at home for five days before returning to work, and Min Yu stayed until the tenth day of the first lunar month before returning to Hong Kong.

When the mother and daughter were walking in the garden, Min Yu talked about his relationship, and even tried to praise each other: "Mom, he is considerate and gentle, I really like it."

Tian Shao said: "I heard that his private life is quite chaotic, you go to check me first tomorrow. If any disease infects you, find out and treat it early."

When this girl was studying in the beautiful country, she didn't just concentrate on working like Song Mingyang and Liu Ya.She likes to be lively and very social, so she can let go.

Thinking of this, Tian Shao also used Zhao Xiaorou's sister as an example: "Your Aunt Zhao's sister went to work in a nightclub, was coaxed to take drugs, and then contracted HIV. Such a beautiful girl, she was tortured for the rest of her life. People are not like humans and ghosts are not like ghosts.”

Min Yu was very surprised: "Ah, why didn't I hear you mention it to Aunt Zhao?"

Tian Shao briefly explained Qin Xiaoman's matter: "Mom doesn't interfere with what kind of boyfriend you have, but you must pay attention to safety. Some men don't taboo meat and vegetables and don't take protective measures, so they are easily infected. That Who, private life is also chaotic."

Min Yu didn't doubt Tian Shao's words, her mother knew so many people, it was easy to know the details of her boyfriend: "Mom, I know he had a few girlfriends before, but it's all in the past. But you Don't worry, I will go to the hospital for a physical examination tomorrow."

Tian Shao nodded.

Min Yu hesitated and said, "Mom, I don't want to break up."

"If you don't want to divide, then don't divide."

This time it was Min Yu's turn to be surprised, she thought that Tian Shao knew that the other party's private life was messed up so he must break up.

Looking at her expression, Tian Shao knew what she was thinking: "It's just a relationship, not a marriage. I won't interfere."

She had already told Min Yu that as long as the future partner she found was good-natured and responsible, she would not interfere.Otherwise, they will not agree.

"Then what am I going to marry him for?"

Tian Shao didn't even lift his eyelids, and said quietly: "If you really like him so much that you don't want to marry him, I will persuade your father to accept it."

Min Yu asked in disbelief: "Mom, what you said is true?"

Tian Shao smiled, and said: "When have I ever lied to you? But if you really insist on marrying someone with bad conduct regardless of my opinion and your father's opinion, I will prepare a dowry for you. As for your half The industry will be used for charity at that time."

Min Yu was stunned, and then asked: "What if Min Ji is like me?"

"Same. Instead of ruining your family property and making it easier for others, you might as well use it for charity to accumulate merit for the whole family."

The bowl of water was served flat, Min Yu had nothing to say.

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