Sail across the sea

Chapter 261 Really Two Good Buildings

There is an undercurrent in the Chemical Design Institute, and there is no need to elaborate on the details.Gao Fan, the manipulator behind the scenes, had left Maolin at this time and appeared on the streets of Manhattan, New York.

After confirming that he wanted to start the vitamin C project, Gao Fan started to arrange things to go abroad.

A set of production equipment with an annual output of 5000 tons of vitamin C, even if it uses an optimized two-stage fermentation process, requires an investment of more than 1 million yuan.

The current official exchange rate between the RMB and the US dollar is close to 2:1.However, the value of RMB in this exchange rate is overvalued, especially when purchasing industrial equipment, the purchasing power of 1 US dollar is much higher than 2 RMB.

For this set of equipment, Gao Fan's idea is to import some key equipment from abroad, and import some raw materials such as glass fiber reinforced plastics and stainless steel that cannot be provided in China, and find chemical equipment manufacturers in China to produce the remaining equipment.He inquired about the prices of equipment and raw materials at home and abroad through some channels, and roughly calculated that it would take about 2500 million US dollars to build this production device.

After Gao Fan reported this figure to Bob, on the one hand, Bob said that a mere $2500 million was not a large amount for the Hatch Group, and on the other hand claimed that Gao Fan had to produce strong evidence to convince the company to report to Cang. Chemical Technology and Trade issued such a commercial loan.

The most solid evidence is the actual product order.On this issue, Chinese and foreign banks have the same attitude.Previously, Gao Fan wanted to obtain a loan from a domestic bank to build a vitamin E production facility. The domestic bank also required to see the order first in order to determine whether Gao Fan had the ability to repay the loan in the future.

Gao Fan's trip to the United States is to inspect the vitamin market in the United States and try to negotiate a large order so as to convince the loan approval personnel of the Hatch Group.

He also knew that in fact, Bob tried his best to encourage him to go to the United States in order to let him show his face in front of the management of Hatch Group so that the management could evaluate the investment value of Canghua Technology and Trade.

"Gao Fan, look, this is the New York World Trade Center, also called the Twin Stars, a symbol of Manhattan."

Bob, who brought his own dry food as a tour guide for Gao Fan, pointed to a set of twin towers and introduced it to Gao Fan.

"Oh?" Gao Fan was indeed interested. He raised his head and saw two tall buildings inserted into the clouds, shining brightly in the sunlight.

"Well, isn't it spectacular?" Bob asked proudly.

"Unfortunately, they are really two good buildings!"

Gao Fan sighed.

Bob looked surprised: "What do you mean by 'unfortunately'?"

Bob took Gao Fan to visit the cityscape of New York with some show-off mentality.In his mind, Gao Fan, as a Chinese who has never been abroad, should be shocked, envious, and jealous when he sees the lights and skyscrapers in New York.

He imagined that Gao Fan might be full of praise, and that Gao Fan might pretend to be reserved, but he never imagined that when Gao Fan walked on the streets of New York, his expression was indifferent, and there seemed to be a trace of disdain in his eyes .

The Twin Towers in New York are a symbol of New York in this era. Countless tourists from the third world feel their knees are weak in front of it and have the urge to kneel down.Gao Fan also gave a "good building" evaluation, but what does "it's a pity" mean?

"It's a pity..." Gao Fan resisted the urge to laugh, and explained forcefully, "This is an interjection in Chinese, which is a fake word for 'poor'. You haven't heard the song 'Looking at Chang'an from the northwest, pity countless mountains' word?"

He would never say that what he said just now was actually a parody of a line from the Yugoslav movie "The Bridge". The original words were "Unfortunately, what a good bridge".

The two of them chatted in a mixture of Chinese and English.Gao Fan recited a Song Ci, which stunned Bob. He repeated Gao Fan's words, nodded and said, "Indeed, Chinese is indeed too broad and profound, and one word can still be used like this."

"Okay, I've seen everything that needs to be read, let's get down to business." Gao Fan changed the topic, "I asked you to help me contact the feed companies in the United States, how are you doing?"

"I've already contacted you," Bob said.

When Gao Fan went abroad, it took him some time to apply for a passport and a visa.Bob returned to the United States earlier. These days, he has contacted some user companies according to Gao Fan's instructions.

"Meister Brothers is on the street ahead, and this company is one of the top three feed companies in the United States." Bob pointed to the front and said to Gao Fan.

The two walked for more than ten minutes to the office building where Meister Company is located.Take the elevator to the designated floor, and the big logo of Meister Company is what Gao Fan sees.

"I'm Bob Hatch from the Hatch Group. I have an appointment with Mr. Dorian." Bob stepped forward and said to the company receptionist.

"Okay, both of you, please follow me." The front desk lady replied.

The two followed the receptionist into a small negotiation room, and the receptionist poured them a glass of water, said "wait a moment" and left.After a while, the door of the negotiation room was pushed open, and a greasy middle-aged man who visually weighed more than 300 catties slid in smoothly.

"Hello, Mr. Dorian!"

Bob stood up and greeted the people who came.

"Hi, little Bob, you're not here to seek sponsorship from our company, are you?" The greasy man joked while shaking Bob's hand.Obviously, he and Bob have known each other for a long time. Judging from his tone of voice, he should be regarded as Bob's uncle.

"No, Uncle Dorian." Bob also changed his address. He pretended to be angry and said, "I'm already an adult, and I also have my own business. Let me introduce you, this is my Chinese partner Mr. Gao Fan, the CEO of Canghua Technology and Trade Company in Maolin Province, China, is also the number one student in the college entrance examination in Maolin Province and a student of Peking University.”

"Oh, a young man from China?" Dorian was really interested.He turned his head and sized Gao Fan up and down, his gaze as sharp as an awl.

If it were other youths of Gao Fan's age, especially youths from developing countries, they would have felt uneasy in the face of Dorian's aggressive glance.But Gao Fan is not a rookie, he has never experienced any kind of scene in his previous life, and Dorian's tricks have no effect on him.

Previously, Bob had told Gao Fan that this Dorian was the vice president of Meister, in charge of marketing and procurement.If Gao Fan wants to sell vitamin C to Meister, he needs to convince Dorian first.

Meister Company has some business contacts with Hatch Group, and the management of the two companies also has good personal relations.But friendship belongs to friendship, and business matters will ultimately come down to interests.

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