Sail across the sea

Chapter 155 It's Better to Teach a Man to Fish

Chapter 155 It's Better to Teach a Man to Fish
"My opinion is different from that of Lao Wang."

Liang Dongquan said in a deep voice:

"As long as it can promote the employment of unemployed young people, it doesn't matter whether our labor bureau does it or the unemployed young people do it themselves. But, I want to hear your opinion, Xiao Gao. , can it also play a role?"

At this time, there is a gap between the realm of the bureau chief and the section chief.

What Wang Xinglong cares about is whether the Labor Bureau can lose its performance.

What Liang Dongquan thought about was what the Labor Bureau could do.As for political achievements, they are all floating clouds.

I believe reporter Sun can understand her own state, and then use her wonderful pen to write an image of a labor bureau chief who is indifferent to fame and fortune and only wants to make more contributions to the people.

Gao Fan didn't care about Liang Dongquan's fork. He smiled slightly and said, "Director Liang, in this matter, the Labor Bureau plays a very important and irreplaceable role."

"You mean..." Liang Dongquan looked at Gao Fan and asked.

Gao Fan said: "It's very simple. The Labor Bureau can establish an employment training center, which is responsible for imparting various employment skills to unemployed young people and providing corresponding supporting services.

"For example, this time, the Labor Bureau obtained chemical cleaning agents from our Canghua Company. You can hold a chemical cleaning business training class to provide cleaning skills training to all young people who are interested in engaging in this business.

"All unemployed youths who have graduated from the training class, if they are willing to start their own businesses and start a chemical cleaning business, you can provide them with chemical cleaning agents.

"Others have no channels to get cleaning agents, only your Labor Bureau has such channels. Others don't know how to carry out the chemical cleaning business, but Director Liang has mastered the core technology through personal experience, and taught it to the unemployed youth for free.

"Director Liang thinks, do you play a big role?"

"Employment training center... that's a good idea!" Liang Dongquan applauded, "The ancients said that it is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish. We set up a cleaning company to provide job opportunities to unemployed young people. This is a ready-made fish.

"And if we change it to chemical cleaning business training, let them start their own businesses and engage in self-employment after learning the technology, this is teaching people how to fish."

"This method is currently advocated by the state." Sun Shanshan interjected, "The state's current policy also encourages government departments to reduce direct intervention in economic activities and instead support and guide enterprises.

"If the Lingchuan Labor Bureau can change its concept and change from arranging employment for unemployed youths to helping and guiding unemployed youths to find jobs independently, it will also explore a new way for the province's labor department."

"Really? Haha, if this is the case, that would be great. However, if this new road is feasible, the credit should go to Xiao Gao. This is his idea of ​​contribution."

Liang Dongquan smiled like a chrysanthemum on his old face, and at the same time modestly pushed the credit to Gao Fan.

Liang Dongquan's words are really not false.Gao Fan's suggestion really made his eyes shine. Many problems that had troubled him in the past seem to have solutions at this moment.

As the director of the Labor Bureau, he is used to working according to the labor force balance sheet. Every year, he racks his brains to find various units to ask for jobs, and then arranges the unemployed young people on hand to these jobs.

In previous years, this was still possible.Most of the new labor force added every year is sent to the countryside in the way of going up to the mountains and going to the countryside. There are not many people left, so just put a few in any unit and it will be solved.

But in the past few years, the policy of going to the countryside has stopped, and the educated youth who were originally arranged to go to the countryside have also returned, which means that the employment pressure left over from the past ten years is now under pressure.The number of unemployed youth in the region has reached 3.Even if Liang Dongquan has great abilities, how can he create 3 jobs?

The proposal proposed by Gao Fan is to let unemployed young people start their own businesses.Self-employment is also employment, and it can also reduce the employment pressure of the society.In fact, the country has liberalized self-employment in the past two years for this purpose.

The detour that Liang Dongquan couldn't get around before was that he felt that the self-employment of unemployed youths had nothing to do with the Labor Bureau, and even made people question the capabilities of the Labor Bureau.

For example, if Liang Dongquan proposed in the labor bureau's work plan to let the unemployed youth find their own way out, the leader would definitely say, what is your labor bureau doing?

But now, Liang Dongquan has found the value of his existence. Although he can't provide jobs for unemployed young people, he can provide them with employment training.

The labor bureau itself cannot create jobs, the labor bureau is just a porter of jobs.

There are few jobs in Lingchuan City, which is the problem of various functional departments. Factories are unwilling to recruit workers, and shops are overcrowded. What can the Labor Bureau do?
In the absence of job creation, the Labor Bureau has used its brains and found ways to provide employment guidance for unemployed young people, teach them skills, and enable them to be self-employed. Isn't this a resounding political achievement?
I thought about setting up a chemical cleaning company before, but there were actually a lot of troubles.Establishing a company requires capital, and you have to consider which unit to affiliate with. There are a lot of things in recruitment and management.

Now the way of thinking has changed, I just need to get chemical cleaning agents from Gaofan, and then open a training class, anyone who wants to learn is welcome, after learning, I can buy cleaning agents from the Labor Bureau, and develop the market by myself. , the Labor Bureau is not responsible.

What a hassle it would save!

However, the resulting employment can be included in the work report of the Labor Bureau, because this is an employment opportunity created by starting a business under the guidance of the Labor Bureau.

By analogy, other projects can be found in the future, and they should be handled accordingly. Why not do it?
"Director Liang, if the Lingchuan Labor Bureau wants to establish an employment training center, I would like to ask for permission to do a follow-up report. The graduates of the training center have achieved self-employment in what way, and the effect is what the public is very concerned about. When the time comes, Director Liang, don't think I'm coming too often." Sun Shanshan said with a smile.

"How is this possible!" Liang Dongquan laughed loudly, "Reporter Sun is willing to report on our work, which is what we wish for. We wish that Reporter Sun would stay in Lingchuan."

"Well, I'll use soda as wine, thank you Director Liang first." Sun Shanshan said, picked up the soda bottle in front of her, and said to Liang Dongquan.

"Thank you, thank you, I also want to thank Xiao Gao for providing us with this golden idea, no, it is a good idea that is priceless!" Liang Dongquan also raised the soda bottle and said loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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