Restricted area grave keeper

Chapter 89 Bai Mo and One Eye

Chapter 89 Bai Mo and One Eye

Xia Yuxi suddenly felt an indescribable tremor.

This feeling came out of nowhere, she just felt that everything she saw was so strange that it overturned her cognition.

In fact, everything in this memory is really quite strange.

Whether it's the construction style of the surrounding buildings that have been turned into ruins, or the weird guns used by these people, or the humanoid monster...all are completely different from the world she knows.

...and Bai Mo with a cold smile in front of him.

It was clearly the same face, but its temperament was completely different from what she had seen before, and it was also different from what she saw in the coffin.

It's almost like three people.

Lu Zhan still admires Xia Yuxi's ability, and thinks that both her extraordinary ability and her own adaptability are beyond ordinary people, and she has the value of cultivation.

Therefore, he did not choose to clear Xia Yuxi's relevant memories in the coffin, but absorbed her into the banning bureau by coercion and lure.

That's right, coercion and temptation.

After the friendly invitation, Xia Yuxi went through several rounds of tests and repeated warnings before she became a member of the Anti-Banning Bureau. She was mainly responsible for the monitoring work in the No. [-] city. Quest video can be watched.

Salary is second. Xia Yuxi is really interested in the secret-exploring video of the Bureau of Removal of Prohibition, so the forced invitation to Lu Zhan is not considered a contradiction.

After some deliberation, Lu Zhan chose to tell Xia Yuxi about Bai Mo's information, including the latter's characteristics as a taboo sequence.

Because in his opinion, Xia Yuxi's ability might play a huge role in dealing with the tomb guards later.

So Xia Yuxi knew the characteristics of white ink.

What happened just now was obviously an abnormal situation, but Bai Mo didn't react too much, which obviously didn't match the characteristics of the gravekeeper.

So, this has not yet met the conditions to trigger the characteristics of the gravekeeper, or... the white ink at this time is not a taboo sequence?
Xia Yuxi frowned slightly, she realized something was wrong——

Bai Mo first received an invitation from Zheshou Mountain inexplicably, and then he saw the corpse on the road just after entering Zheshou Mountain, and he and Lu Zhan happened to be there, and the second paragraph appeared when he was investigating the memory of the corpse Memory, and I saw Bai Mo in this memory...

All this is too much of a coincidence. if it was specially arranged by someone.

Generally speaking, under the effect of [Telepathy], Xia Yuxi will see everything the other person has experienced from the target's perspective, and she has seen two memories in this corpse, and the second one obviously does not belong to the body. this era……

So is this memory really the same person?

At this time, the inch-cropped man had already died, and the cause of death was that his chest had been pierced. However, the corpse she saw outside was not like this. His hands and feet were all broken, but there was no problem with his chest.

Also, the targets I substituted are all dead, logically speaking, this memory should also end, but this memory has not ended yet.

too weird……

With the death of the inch-cut man, the room fell into a deathly silence.

Bai Mo looked calm, and slowly withdrew the blood-stained arm from the inch-cut man's body, and then quickly retreated a distance, waiting for the man to fall to the ground and die.

It wasn't until the latter closed his eyes unwillingly that he leaned over cautiously and kicked the corpse hard. Seeing that the latter did not make any movement, and after confirming that the latter was really dead, he felt relieved.

The seriously injured one-eyed man stared dumbfounded at the scene in front of him, with shock and bewilderment in his eyes. .

When he regained his senses, he noticed that the young man was walking towards him without any haste. He couldn't help feeling chills in his heart, and quickly took a step back, but he touched the cold wall.

There is no going back.

Just when the one-eyed man was at a loss, he saw Bai Mo suddenly speeding up, which made his heart feel cold for a while——

Based on his experience, this is obviously a charge move, the opponent wants to kill him!
He lost all hope and closed his eyes.


There was a huge impact sound, but there was no pain as imagined. When the man opened his eyes, he saw Bai Mo with his back facing him in front of him, and a monster that was knocked out farther away.

He instantly understood that the opponent's attack was aimed at the monster, and he was saving himself.

"I've felt a sense of hunger since I entered the house. Is it because of this guy?"

Bai Mo didn't even look at him, he stared at the monster covered in bite marks, then looked at the shredded meat and blood-stained hair on the floor, and said in a low voice, "Are you eating each other? It seems that you ate your family." ..."

"I'm so hungry, so hungry..."

The man with only one arm and one leg left stood up. The impact just now seemed harmless to him. He showed greed, made an indistinct sound in his mouth, and looked at the two drooling, "Let me eat One bite, one bite..."

Bai Mo ignored him, he didn't turn his head, but said to the man behind him, "Hide first."

The man looked at the hideous wound on his back that was scratched by the bullet, and remained silent.

The fog filled the air, and the dim lights flickered one after another. When it was lit up again, the monster had already jumped high. The next second, a mouth full of fishy smell appeared in front of Bai Mo.

He didn't hesitate, and immediately raised his arm to sweep across. The monster seemed to sense the danger, and his head was deflected strangely, making the shot miss. Blood glistened in his eyes. With a twist of his body, the remaining right arm stabbed forward.

Bai Mo didn't dodge, crossed his arms in front of his chest, supported the palm of the monster, and then leaned sideways, bumping the monster into a mess.

The two sides exchanged wounds for wounds, risked their lives, and tried their best to leave wounds on each other's bodies. They didn't care about the extra wounds on their bodies. After a fight, there were not many good things left in the house.

"This guy's fierce fighting style..."

The man was terrified watching from behind, with the same ferocious expressions and bloodthirsty eyes on both sides, for a moment he couldn't tell who was the real monster.

Xia Yuxi felt pain just looking at it.

Bai Mo's back was obviously the wound left by the previous people when they shot. The power of that kind of firearm was too great, even if Bai Mo avoided it in time, he was still scratched by the bullet and suffered serious injuries.

Maybe even the internal organs were damaged.

But Bai Mo's expression didn't change at all, even though he was injured, he didn't look flustered, he just looked at the monster calmly, not knowing what he was thinking.

The next second, I saw the monster jumping up suddenly, still using the same attack method as before, the blood and saliva were sticking together, and the stench in the mouth was simply disgusting.

Bai Mo avoided it dangerously, his scalp almost brushing the opponent's paw.

Xia Yuxi frowned slightly. He noticed that the monster's movements seemed to be more flexible than before.

Turning her eyes to the mutilated corpses on the ground, she quickly had an answer in her heart.

This guy's previous behavior may not be as simple as provocation. He seems to be able to quickly recover his physical strength by eating, and even heal his injuries.

"Don't give him a chance to eat!"

Bai Mo seemed to realize this too, he gritted his teeth fiercely, without any reservations, and launched an attack like a madman, regardless of the gradually deepening wound on his body.

Now he can only fight to the death, otherwise he will continue to delay. With the recovery ability of the opponent, defeat is only a matter of time.

Facing Bai Mo's crazy attack, the monster couldn't stand it for a while. He tried to find a chance to get rid of the attack, but was caught by Bai Mo, even if his arm was bitten, he didn't intend to let go.

Xia Yuxi could see that Bai Mo seemed to be unable to hold on any longer, so it was impossible to give the opponent another chance to replenish his strength. Time was running out, and he had to end the battle as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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