Restricted area grave keeper

Chapter 88 The Murderer Bai Mo?

Chapter 88 The Murderer Bai Mo?
"team leader……"

The men all seemed a little stunned. At this moment, anyone could see that the short cut was aimed at this young man.

"Who decides what happens in the disaster area, don't you know?" Cun Tou glanced back, and several people immediately shut their mouths.

"I go."

Facing the different gazes, the young man looked slumped, and quietly clenched his fists hidden in his sleeves.

He sighed, as if resigned to his fate, turned on the light in the room, and walked over following the smell of blood.

Everyone followed him carefully, looking at his back with complicated expressions, thinking that if there was really a problem, this guy might not survive.

The young man went upstairs in silence.

After only a few steps upstairs, he quickly came to the second floor, and walked to a half-open door with a look of fear on his face.

"Very hungry, very hungry..."

The room was pitch black, with a strong smell of blood remaining, and there seemed to be survivors inside, and everyone heard an indistinct voice.

The voice was a little weird, hoarse and unpleasant, mixed with pain and longing, not like a human voice.

The inch-cut man gave the young man a stern look, and the latter had no choice but to bite the bullet and push the door open.

The lights in the house were not turned on, and the young man didn't touch the switch immediately, but the moment he entered the door, the smell of blood in the darkness suddenly became stronger.

At the same time, the weird voice also disappeared, as if something suddenly fell silent, watching everyone in the dark.

Everyone's heartbeat began to speed up, and they were vaguely hungry.


A scream rang out, and the range of vision of the few people was limited, and they could only vaguely see the young man being thrown to the ground by something.

They took a few steps back in horror, only to hear the short-cut man order: "Shoot."

"Yes, but..."

Everyone hesitated, worried that they would hurt the young man.

"I said shoot."

The voice of the inch-cut man cooled down, and they panicked. Coupled with the urgency of the situation, they could only press the trigger.

In an instant, a huge roar sounded, and the exaggeratedly shaped firearms in the hands of several people trembled suddenly, like shelling. The huge recoil made several strong men take a few steps back, which shows the power of these firearms.

Under such a terrifying weapon, regardless of whether the monster in the room is fine or not, at least that kid will not survive.


The man with the cropped head turned on the light, and the dim light spread slowly. Although the area covered was not large, it was enough for everyone to see everything in the house clearly.

Accompanied by a disgusting smell, the scene inside the house was displayed in front of everyone.

On the floor where the blood piled up, a man with only his left leg and right hand left had bloodshot eyes and was desperately crawling on the ground. His jaw was worn out, but he looked greedily at him as if he couldn't feel the pain. Several people.

There were clear bite marks on the man's body, like human tooth marks, big and small, with blood visible deep in the wound.

There are three huge holes not far from his side. It is obvious that the shooting of the few people just now is empty, or it should be said...

It was escaped by this half-disabled "person".

And that unlucky young man collapsed on the edge of the sofa not far from him, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

"This is not a monster, but a person..." Someone saw something and murmured.

Before the words were finished, the man in the room without arms and legs suddenly flew into the air, his body folded up strangely, and he rushed to the person who made the sound in an instant, opening his mouth full of blood.

Blood splattered, the man couldn't react in time, his neck was torn apart in an instant, and he never had a chance to say the following words.

"Xiao Xing!"

All this happened so suddenly, no one could have imagined that this victim-like guy with no arms or legs would violently injure others. The other two team members froze for a moment, then shot with red eyes.

The strange thing is, it was clear that there was only one arm and one foot left, but the man's movements were extremely flexible, and he dodged their bullets time and time again.

This kind of firearm is powerful, but the firing interval is relatively long, and there is a pause of about two seconds each time. The monster seems to be aware of this, and every time it avoids the bullet, it will jump back and eat a bite of Deng Xing's meat. corpse.

He shook his head provocatively, his teeth were scarlet, and his blood-stained face was full of satisfaction.

"Captain, you need to act!" the one-eyed man said anxiously.

Facing the team member's request for help, the inch-cut man did not say a word. Instead of stepping forward, he quietly took a step back.

"It's better if they're all dead."

He glanced at the young man's body, played with the sharp dagger in his hand, and spoke coldly.

"I know that some of you will make small reports. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, I can only ask you to die here."

Listening to his indifferent words, the two team members were startled at first, then angry and scared.

Before they could speak, they saw the monster jumping out from nowhere again, its figure flashed, and when it landed, there was another piece of flesh in its mouth.

Blood soared into the sky, and a corpse fell to the ground with a crash, gradually losing its temperature.

"A Lei!"

The only one-eyed man left with his eyes tearing apart, roared angrily and raised his gun to shoot.

However, although his movements were fast, the monster's movements were even faster, and it easily dodged his attack.

Taking advantage of the two-second interval between shots, he even jumped back and gnawed on Ah Lei's head.

He raised his head and licked his lips, his eyes full of sarcasm.

The man lowered his head in despair, and after a short while he showed determination, gritted his teeth and shot again.


There was another loud bang, but this time it was not aimed at the monster, but at the cropped man, the captain of the team.

Seeing that he couldn't kill the monster, he decided to kill the traitor first.

However, the latter seemed to have expected it a long time ago, his body twisted strangely like a snake, easily avoided the bullet, and came to the man in a flash, with a playful expression on his face.

"I really don't know whether to live or die..."

He kicked the man to the wall with one foot, and repelled the monster that was flying over to attack him, his expression became a bit grim, "Go to hell, don't hinder me!"

Facing the monster that everyone is helpless, he appears to be fearless. Obviously, his strength is far beyond the comparison of others.

The one-eyed man stood up with difficulty, spat out a mouthful of blood, and his expression gradually turned gray.

Isolated and helpless, his teammates betrayed him, and he was completely desperate.

However, just when he was about to die, an unexpected scene happened.

The short-cut man stopped suddenly, his ferocious expression turned into bewilderment and astonishment, and then became distorted by pain.

"Tap, tap..."

Drops of blood fell on the ground, and the inch-cut man slowly lowered his head, looking at the palm that ran from his back to his chest, full of doubts and unwillingness.

And behind him, the young man who everyone thought was dead had stood up at some point, and showed him a slightly gentle smile.

As she was dying, Xia Yuxi, who had witnessed everything from the perspective of a man with a cropped head, trembled inexplicably.

She was very familiar with this young man's face, but his smile was so strange, she didn't even know who he was smiling at...

That's right, this young man who "resurrected from the dead" is none other than Bai Mo.

(End of this chapter)

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