Under Xiaozhi, what are you doing?

Chapter 120 How Strong is the Lightning Bird

Chapter 120 How Strong is the Lightning Bird
"It's terrible, it's terrible..." The factory manager was amazed: "The black one hundred thousand volts broke the insulating alloy material. Doesn't this mean that the electric attribute moves of the Lightning Bird can ignore the elves of the ground system and attack them?" cause some damages?"

"No, not only that, maybe even the electric engine, the lightning rod, which restrains electric moves, can no longer take effect on this lightning bird."

Taking a closer look at the deep place, Director Li was even more startled.

"Ignore the electric engine..."

When the factory manager said this, Xiaozhi also recovered from the grief of the heavy loss.

The factory manager's analysis is reasonable.

Being able to break through walls made of insulating materials means that the Lightning Bird may now be able to electrocute Warcraft with tens of millions of volts like Pishen.

The black lightning broke common sense, and the lightning bird in Xiaozhi's hand has already surpassed the range of the lightning bird's ability.

In the cognition in Xiaozhi's mind, the only two electric elves who can ignore electric engines and lightning rods are probably Mega Electric Dragon and Zekrom.

One of these two is a mega evolution, and the other is a divine beast standing at the apex of the elves.

And they all rely on their own characteristics to ignore electric engines and lightning rods.

Lightning Bird is different from them.

The lightning bird ignores the anti-electricity attribute with its special black lightning.

In a sense, this lightning bird surpassed Mega Electric Dragon and Zekrom,
Factory Manager Li stroked his beard and commented: "The future is promising!"

"Do you still want to touch it?" Xiaozhi asked him after paying the balance.

"No, seeing the Lightning Bird made me more sure of one thing... There are some things that I will never get in my life."

The factory manager looked even more haggard. He turned around, walked outside, waved his back to Xiao Zhi, and said, "I am waiting for you in the office, the trainer who subdued the Lightning Bird."

Xiaozhi looked at the big hole in the wall suspiciously: "Did he forget something?"


The Lightning Bird beside him hugged Xiaozhi's shoulder with its wings and let out a happy cry.

No need to pay, yes!

The battle factory is nominally a place for workers to fight, but in fact it is also a place for workers to rest and a place for power plants to store electricity.

Deep underground in each power plant, there will be battle factories of different sizes.

Walking here is no different from a horror house.

After all, as you walk, you may encounter a big man in uniform rushing out to fight you.

Even five big men surround you and challenge you in turn.

An inexperienced trainer may lose his eyes if he is not careful, and be sent to the elf center to be given quick-acting heart-rescuing pills.

There are also experienced trainers who can pass five levels and kill six generals, win ten consecutive victories, and win huge prizes, which belong to the minority.

But Xiaozhi has won nine consecutive victories.

Counting the uncle worker who jumped out in front of him, there are exactly ten of them.

He saw the lightning bird with golden eyes shining, and the nine pieces of paper on Xiao Zhi's body.

Uncle is scared.

"Young man, is this just a Diversified Monster behind you?"


"Could it be Zoroark?"

"No!" Xiaozhi squinted his eyes and smiled, "It's the real Lightning Bird!"

"Chirp!" The Lightning Bird spread its wings in unison, overflowing with lightning, showing an arrogance.

The worker uncle subconsciously swallowed his throat, and smiled awkwardly: "Well, I remembered that the clothes in the washing machine at home hadn't dried yet, so I left first."

Lightning Bird, so the fuck is a legendary elf, how could his own elf be the opponent of Lightning Bird?
36 meter, go is the best policy.

Xiaozhi frowned, shook the elf ball in his hand and roared loudly: "Don't run, fight with me!"

On that day, the workers of the battle factory once again remembered the fear of being dominated by their leaders.

After a while.

"Lightning bird, one hundred thousand volts!"


The black silver snake poured on Naughty Bullet's body, instantly incapacitating it.

"My naughty bomb!"

The worker uncle cried bitterly holding the naughty bullet who was circling his eyes in remorse.

If he hadn't blindly fought with Xiaozhi, he wouldn't have been treated as a vegetable and abused so badly.

"Don't worry, the Lightning Bird didn't use any strength, it just passed out."

Xiaozhi patted the uncle on the shoulder, and by the way, got the tenth token of victory from the uncle.

Ten pieces of paper with the word "Victory" written on it can be exchanged for a small Magneto with Director Li.

If you lose a game in the middle, all the notes will be taken away, which means the end of the winning streak.

Any prize can only be taken once.

Many trainers will choose to stop when they win five games in a row. After all, [-] kWh of electricity is already worth a lot.

Magneto is not a necessity for many trainers, and most of the time it is not as good as [-] kilowatt-hours of electricity.

The reason why Xiaozhi chose to play ten consecutive victories is because he is really short of power-type elves.

"The next thing is to subdue those Pichus."

The instructions given to him by Director Li were very vague. He only said that he was in the depths of the battle factory, but did not mention the specific location.

Xiaozhi wants to catch Pichu and has to find their traces by himself.

In theory, this work is cumbersome and tiring.

Fortunately, Xiaozhi has a right-hand assistant.

He turned his head and asked the Lightning Bird who was following him: "Lightning Bird, can you sense Pichu's position?"


The Lightning Bird folded its wings and nodded slightly.

After awakening the power of waveguide, although the lightning bird can't spit waves and play balls, it can reasonably use waveguide's perception ability to find some elves hidden in remote corners.

In some cases, the waveguide can also be used as a sixth sense, predicting the arrival of danger in advance.

In short, waveguide power is not limited to launching wave missiles, it has a wide range of uses.

Lightning Bird can now find Pichu through the spirit waveguide.

Saved Xiaozhi a lot of trouble.

The only pity is that Lightning Bird can't use Bird and Xiaozhi to communicate like Reshiram.

This is also partly related to the fact that the lightning bird does not have a super energy system gene.

But it was almost enough, the Lightning Bird could understand his words, as long as he could roughly understand the meaning expressed in the Lightning Bird's call.

After listening to Xiaozhi's order, Lightning Bird closed his eyes, and immediately prepared to search for Pichu's location.

"Don't worry, it's already noon, take a rest first, and look for it in the afternoon."

Xiaozhi interrupted the Lightning Bird, put on rubber gloves, took out some food and water from the backpack and handed them to the Lightning Bird.

When Lightning Bird put away the black current, the rubber gloves could still barely work.

As for the Thunder Stone mentioned by Director Li, Xiao Zhi really didn't know where to get it for a while.

So the lightning bird can only make do with some ordinary food.

One person and one bird are sitting against the wall, accompanied by the roar of machines in the power plant, enjoying a "leisure" time.

(End of this chapter)

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