Under Xiaozhi, what are you doing?

Chapter 119 The Pain Mask

Chapter 119 The Pain Mask
The factory manager's suggestion was considered by Xiaozhi, but he gave up because it was too dangerous.

Nowadays, the cost of cultivating Lightning Bird is a bit high, so Xiaozhi has to re-evaluate the feasibility of this plan.

Among the electric elves, there are only a few elves that are suitable as "power banks".

Magneto is one of them.

The factory director saw Xiaozhi's thoughts: "I know you are thinking about the fact that our power plant won ten rounds in a row against the factory and gave away the little magnetic monster for nothing.

The little magnetite can provide electricity for the lightning bird, but the energy of a little magnetite is far from enough. "

The idea was rejected, so Xiaozhi had no choice but to ask: "Does Director Li have any recommendations?"

"Ahem~_Actually, our power plant has also encountered trouble recently."


"This trouble may help you solve this problem."

Factory Manager Li hesitated for a moment before slowly saying: "Recently, our power plant often loses power in the middle of the night.

Later, after I had someone check the monitoring, I found out that a group of wild Pichus broke in from the depths of the battle factory.

These little guys not only eat electricity indiscriminately, but also tend to leak electricity, which damaged several important facilities in the factory. We called for professionals.

But their speed is too fast, and their size is also small. We have spent a lot of effort and failed to drive them away.

If you can capture this batch of Pichus, I, as the director of the power plant, would like to give you a little magneton for free.

In this way, your lightning bird power supply problem has been solved, and our factory has one less worry, which is the best of both worlds. "

Pichu is a miniature mouse elf.

Although these guys are cute in appearance, they are very naughty by nature, and they often act in groups and wander around in various places.

Although they are electric elves, their power storage ability is very poor, and they often release the power in their bodies when they laugh.

Of course, this guy is not famous, but his evolutionary form, Pikachu!
A yellow-skinned mouse who has accompanied Master Zhi in the parallel time and space for more than ten years.

International actor, Pi Arceus Kacho.

It is said that the heroine of the flowing water, the Pikachu of the flowing water, this sentence simply summarizes the life of Pikachu, the legendary elf.

Therefore, Pikachu has also become one of the most famous characters in the time and space of Xiaozhi's previous life, the kind that is more famous than Xiaozhi.

On the contrary, Pikachu is just a cuter and slightly more popular elf in this world.

Perhaps not as famous as the Ibrahimovic family among the trainers.

Now, the factory manager told him that there was a group of Pichu sent to him to catch...then they must still be caught.

Raising a group of cuties can solve the electricity problem of the lightning bird at the same time, which is very good.

Of course, it is impossible for Xiaozhi to catch this group of Pichus and use them to fight. At most, he can keep them as pets like Sonia's calling Wang.

After all, Pikachu and Pikachu cannot be generalized.

Some Pikachu can be electric monsters, and some Pikachu can't even defeat the fifth-level rattan snake.

Taking Pikachu to fight is not only testing Pikachu's ability, but also testing Xiaozhi's level. To sum it up in two words, torture!

"I've accepted this task, and I'll help you find out those Pichus later, the factory manager."

In the end, Xiaozhi agreed without thinking too much.

The factory manager smiled happily, but reminded Xiaozhi:
"Guests, please pay attention, Pichu is very timid, very sensitive to the smell of strangers, good at sneaking around in every corner, not easy to catch.

Be sure to walk softly and slowly when approaching them, and don't let them discover your whereabouts.

Also, the workers in the battle factory are very enthusiastic, and they may take the initiative to ask you to fight. "

"Well~ I see." Xiaozhi nodded to express his understanding.

At the same time, the rumbling sound around the storage room gradually weakened, and the vibration disappeared.

After all the current was transported, the door of the power storage room opened with a bang.

The white smoke formed by the evaporation of the air slowly flowed out, and the lightning bird's golden hair was particularly conspicuous in the smoke.

The invisible fluctuations spread out from the center of the room.

The smoke dissipated, and the lightning flowed, and the lightning bird appeared in front of the two of them with a somewhat burly figure.

"This power..." Xiaozhi frowned slightly: "It's different from before."

His mind went blank the moment the Lightning Bird just appeared.

The factory manager was even more surprised than Xiaozhi. He looked at the Lightning Bird with curiosity.

"Black Lightning!"

That's right, among the lightning crackling on the lightning bird's feathers, there was a subtle and hard-to-see pitch-black light.

He had never heard of a lightning bird with black light.


Xiaozhi immediately reacted.

The lightning bird's wings didn't flap, and it formed a strong wave around its body.

This represents the awakening of the power of the waveguide in Rogia's body.


The factory director is not as familiar with this term as Lightning Bird, and he asked with some doubts: "What is that?"

The power of the waveguide is already very rare in this world.

20 years ago, when waveguide was popular in the world, everyone still practiced waveguide.

And when the society is modernized, there are few people in the world who can use Bird.

As the number of people who know how to waveguide decreases, this knowledge is slowly lost in the long river of history.

"Waveguide is the spiritual embodiment of living things, and it can also be understood as the power possessed by living things."

Xiaozhi stroked his chin, his expression rarely became serious.

"But only a small number of organisms can perceive the existence of the waveguide, which is a common and uncommon force."

Rogia didn't fool him. Perhaps the reason why this lightning bird was rejected by its peers was that it was constantly influencing the waveguide power around it.

"Lightning Bird!" He tried to call Lightning Bird.

The lightning bird responded with a high-pitched song.

"Come launch a wave of missiles."

Lightning Bird shook his head, saying no.

Xiaozhi fell into deep thought. He thought that his Lightning Bird was the kind that was so rare that it could learn moves that it couldn't learn in the illustrated book.

Now it seems that there is also a gap between the elves who have mastered the waveguide power.


The lightning bird seemed to sense Xiaozhi's regret, and screamed, black and yellow lightning burst out from its wings, and suddenly hit the alloy wall of the storage room.


The insulating alloy, which can withstand tens of millions of degrees of electricity, was blown out by the black lightning released from it.

"This power!!"

Director Li's eyelids twitched, his pupils widened, and his expression was full of disbelief.

The specially made walls of their power plant, even a hundred self-explosive magnetites would not be able to pass through them, and now they are...

"I'm going, Lightning Bird! What are you doing!"

Xiaozhi on the side put his head in his hands and let out a heart-piercing cry.

"You show your strength and show it outside, this wall is something we can't afford!!"

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Lightning Bird tilted its head in confusion, it didn't understand Xiaozhi's meaning.

(End of this chapter)

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