Bizarre Domain Archives

Chapter 75 Peng Gang

Shu Yi picked up the gun that Qin Xue dropped on the ground, and sighed softly: "If you want to threaten me with a gun in the future, it's best to turn on the safety." Qin Xue raised her head, her face was full of astonishment: "You just now Do you know that I don't have insurance?" Shu Yi nodded, and Qin Xue said, "Then why don't you resist?" Shu Yi smiled and said, "Because he can't run away, I bet he will come back in half an hour at most."

Qin Xue said: "Why?" Shu Yi said: "Because of you, his feelings for you are the same as your feelings for him. I can feel this. To be honest, the emotion between you two I am very moved and envious, I even had a faint urge just now to ask you to leave together, but I can't, let you go I am sorry for the dead Xiao Changtian, I am sorry for the scouts who died."

Shu Yi dialed Yan Zheng's phone number: "Minister Yan, please ask the director of the National Security Bureau of Yundu Province to call me." Yan Zheng asked: "What's wrong?" Shu Yi said: "I will explain to you later. Bar."

Yan Zheng hung up the phone without saying anything, and Qin Xue said: "Shu Yi, just let us go, I will give you whatever you want, don't you always like me? I will give myself to you. "Shu Yi looked at Qin Xue, his face gradually became ugly: "Qin Xue, you really let me down, there is nothing wrong with me liking you, but it doesn't mean that I will trade my feelings and principles, you also You underestimated me too much.”

Shu Yi's phone rang, and he answered it.A loud voice on the phone: "Shu Chu?" Shu Yi said lightly: "I am Shu Yi." The man said: "I am Yuan Hao, Director of the National Security Bureau of Yundu Province." Shu Yi said: "Yuan Bureau, hello, please bring someone to the People's Hospital immediately, I am in Ward 12 on the third floor of the inpatient department, and you will lead the team yourself." Shu Yi hung up the phone after speaking.

After listening to Shu Yi's phone call, Qin Xue let out a long breath. At this moment, her heart was calm, and once she saw the end of everything, she became calm.The two of them didn't speak any more, just sat quietly like this, each having their own concerns.

Shu Yi felt indescribably sad, he never thought that Qin Xue would do such a stupid thing for Peng Gang, and what made him even more sad was that Qin Xue, who used to be like a goddess in front of him, would do something for Peng Gang. Using her body to make a deal with herself, it seems that Qin Xue has never taken herself seriously, otherwise she would not be ignorant of her own personality.

Qin Xue was desperate, she knew that she might never see Peng Gang again, her only wish now was that Peng Gang would not run back for herself as Shu Yi said, but she was disappointed because she still saw Peng Gang Just, Peng Gang is standing outside the ward right now.

Shu Yi played with the gun in his hand, and said softly: "I know you will definitely come back." Peng Gang said: "Does what you promised count?" Shu Yi looked at him quietly, and Peng Gang continued: "If I'll tell you everything I know, can you plead with Minister Yan to let Qin Xue go?" Shu Yi said: "I can plead with Minister Yan, but as for whether Qin Xue can be exempted from punishment, I can't decide .”

Qin Xue said: "What are you doing back here?" Peng Gang walked up to Qin Xue and held her hand: "Xiaoxue, you can be desperate for me, how can I leave you alone and run away? I I figured it out, instead of being so worried all day, it's better to have a happy ending."

Shu Yi didn't disturb them, and sat quietly aside.

Yuan Hao came with four or five plainclothes.When he saw Peng Gang, he was stunned. He knew Peng Gang. He also knew about Peng Gang's case six years ago. It took him a long time to walk up to Shu Yi: "Shu Yi?" Shu Yi clicked. Nodding his head, Yuan Hao pointed at Peng Gang and asked, "Well, what's going on here?" Shu Yi said, "We'll talk about this later, let's take them back first." Shu Yi also followed them to Yundu Provincial State Security Bureau.

Shu Yi interrogated Peng Gang alone in Xiao Changtian's office.

Peng Gang was not handcuffed, Shu Yi sat opposite him on the sofa, Shu Yi looked at the furnishings in the room, and said to Peng Gang: "Sitting in this office again, how do you feel?" Peng Gang He didn't speak, and lowered his head, his eyes stayed on the coffee table.

Shu Yi said: "Tell me, what's going on?" Peng Gang said: "Six years ago, I came to Yundu because of a case. It's not easy, and finally targeted an organization called the 'Crescent Society'."

Peng Gang smiled wryly and said: "I think this 'New Moon Club' Shu Chu should have come into contact with, right?" There were two of my team members. Just when we thought we were on the line with the "Crescent Club" and were about to follow the clues, we were attacked by unknown people. Two of my team members were killed, and I was also seriously injured. , passed out."

"When I woke up, I found myself lying on the bed, and there were two strangers in black clothes in the room. I struggled to get up, but I couldn't move at all. Just then, a man walked in from outside. room, looked at me with a smile, I asked who he was, and he said that I was the person he had been looking for." Peng Gang said.

Shu Yi asked: "Who is that man?" Peng Gang replied: "You should have seen that man." Shu Yi thought for a while, then shook his head.Peng Gang said: "Then listen to me and speak slowly." Shu Yi nodded for him to continue.Peng Gang said: "The man seemed to know my identity. He said he wanted to negotiate a deal with me. I asked if they were the ones who attacked us. He didn't deny it. I was very sad at that time. Teammates are sad."

Shu Yi nodded: "If it was me, my teammate died and I lived alone, I would also be sad." Peng Gang said: "At that time, that person said that if I agreed to their conditions, he would let me go. If it was just this condition, I wouldn't be tempted, but later he threw out a huge temptation."

Shu Yi asked: "What is it?" Peng Gang said: "Xuanzang Liuliqin!" Shu Yi sat up straight: "Liuliqin?" Peng Gang nodded: "I like antiques, which are published in the entire national security system. It is famous, and I have a certain degree of research on Buddhism, so I am very clear about the value of this glass. It is also because if I am shaken, I think that if I die, everything will be over. If I agree to their conditions , then I still have a chance to avenge my comrades."

Shu Yi said: "So you want to pretend to agree to their conditions?" Peng Gang said: "I really thought so at the time, but I didn't expect that they would videotape me from the negotiation to the transaction with them, and finally let Do you know who I saw this videotape from?"

Shu Yi nodded: "I think it should be Xiao Changtian!" Peng Gang smiled coldly: "It is Xiao Changtian, and he also leaked our whereabouts." Shu Yi said: "Xiao Changtian used The video tape threatens you to do things for them, and you don’t want to be threatened, and you don’t want your dealings with them to be exposed, so you premeditated to kill him?” Peng Gang said: “That’s right, but you only said to one of them , the first step in my plan is my death."

"If Xiao Changtian dies first, then the Ministry will definitely attach great importance to it. If we investigate to the end, then maybe I will be exposed too, so I must die first." Peng Gang said.Shu Yi threw a cigarette to him, Peng Gang took it and lit it, and took a big puff: "As for my death, I really put a lot of thought into it, and finally I thought of a bizarre death."

Shu Yi smiled: "Indeed, I'm also very curious, how did you hide it from everyone's eyes." Peng Gang said: "It's actually very simple. Before I died, I took a medicine called Solanum genus. This kind of drug is already available in foreign countries. It can cause false death. It seems that there is no difference from real death, but there is also a great risk. If you can't take the antidote within twelve hours, you will really die. .”

Shu Yi nodded. He had heard of this kind of medicine, but he didn't really believe that there was such a medicine before. Solanum genus is a nightshade plant, which is mainly distributed in the Himalayas and the Mediterranean Sea.Shu Yi said: "In order to be safe, you must get Qin Xue's help, and her help is mainly for two points, one is to see your corpse within the scheduled time and detoxify you, the other is to prepare a corpse, Steal the beam and change the post."

Peng Gang said: "Yes." Shu Yi said: "The first point is easy to do based on the relationship between her and you, as long as she insists on transporting your body back to Yanjing, you can do the autopsy yourself, but the second point How did she do it?" Peng Gang said: "Do you still remember a case in Yanjing six years ago? A corpse was stolen from the dissection room of Yanjing Medical College."

Shu Yi's brows widened: "I understand, and Qin Xue also has another identity, that is, a visiting professor at Yanjing Medical College. Qin Xue's two identities make it so, so no one will believe that Qin Xue will steal the dissecting room." But no one would suspect that the body was replaced? I remember that I held a memorial service for you at that time, how could you not see it?" Peng Gang said: "Since I can die in a strange way, why can't the body fester in a strange way? ?”

Shu Yi did not attend Peng Gang's memorial service at that time, he was not in the country at all, he said: "But there is no record of corpse festering in the information they gave me." Peng Gang smiled wryly: "Qin Xue must have taken it out." Now, she has always warned me that you are a dangerous guy, and even the slightest loophole will make you catch it."

Shu Yi let out a sigh of relief: "After you finished the subcontracting casually, you returned to Yundu, killed Xiao Changtian, and then impersonated?"

Peng Gang shook his head: "No, I haven't found a chance to kill him. It's not that I didn't have a chance to kill him, but I didn't think about what to do after I killed him, so I hid in a remote village in Yundu Province. Even the people from the "Crescent Society" thought I was really dead. I went to Kunmi regularly to inquire about the news. Finally, two years ago, I overheard that Suizhou could produce a high-fidelity mask. It’s impossible to tell the truth from the fake.”

"So I paid attention, and later found out that this manufacturer had something to do with the 'New Moon Society'. Finally, I tried my best to get acquainted with a supervisor in the factory. After spending a lot of money, he secretly made me a Xiao Changtian mask. Then I killed him and started a two-year impostor."

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