Seeing the panicked appearance of the man running away, Shu Yi smiled wryly and shook his head.The phone rang, and it was Xiao Changtian calling.

"Shu Chu, I heard you were attacked?" Xiao Changtian asked straight to the point with his first sentence.Shu Yi said lightly: "Xiao Bureau's news is really well-informed." Xiao Changtian said with a smile: "Where, Shu Chu's skills are so shocking that the police are alarmed, and I just rushed to the hospital to hear about this Something happened, I called up the monitor and found out that it was Shu Chu.”

Shu Yi said: "Ju Xiao is in the hospital now?" Xiao Changtian said: "Well, Xiao Jiang and Xiao Zheng have been watching for two days, I will let them go back and have a good rest, and come back tomorrow morning." Shu Yi said: "Then Just trouble Director Xiao." Xiao Changtian said: "Oh, by the way, the police have found the person who attacked Shu Chu from the surveillance, do you know what explanation Shu Chu has?" Shu Yi said: "This trivial matter makes me Let the police deal with it, I'm too lazy to deal with them."

Xiao Changtian said: "Well, it's getting late, Shu Chu, you should go to bed earlier." Shu Yi yawned, and then said: "Well, let's do this first, goodbye." Hanging up the phone, But there was no sleepiness on Shu Yi's face, his eyes showed a sharp light.

Xiao Changtian went to the hospital again, did he really care about his subordinates or was there some other reason?Qin Xue was escorted by him on the first day in Kunmi, and today he went to the hospital just after she had an accident. Is this really just a coincidence? 200 million to buy my own life is really a big deal, who could it be?I came to Kunmi from Ximing in the morning, and apart from my team members, Xiao Changtian was the only one who knew that I had come, because he had called him before coming.

Xiao Changtian wants to get rid of himself?Why?

What is the purpose of Xiao Changtian accompanying Qin Xue?If there were any secrets between him and Qin Xue that needed to be communicated, it would only be possible if Qin Xue woke up, unless..., unless Qin Xue was not in a coma at all.

Shu Yi stood up, lit a cigarette, and walked around the room.He suddenly realized that he had overlooked a question, how did Xiao Changtian know about Qin Xue's accident?It is impossible for the people under him to take the initiative to inform Xiao Changtian of this matter.There is only one explanation, Qin Xue had reached a tacit agreement with Xiao Changtian in advance.And when he returned to Ximing, Xiao Changtian sent someone to pick up Qin Xue the next day. It was because Qin Xue knew him too well, and it was very difficult to pretend to be unconscious in front of him for a long time without being discovered. .

And the reason why Xiao Changtian sent someone to pick him up until he came back was to numb himself and make him feel that this matter was logical.Although he also felt something was wrong, but he didn't think it through so thoroughly at the time, Shu Yi hit his head hard, thinking of this earlier, he would never let Ye Hai take the risk.

Shu Yi changed into black clothes and a peaked cap, and went out again.

Shu Yi didn't drive again this time, but stopped a taxi at the entrance of the hotel, and went to the military hospital.

Shu Yi quietly came to the door of Qin Xue's ward, listened quietly, but didn't hear anything, he simply knocked on the door, but there was no response, he directly unlocked the door and walked in.There was no one in the ward, Xiao Changtian was not there, and even Qin Xue, who was supposed to be lying on the hospital bed, was not there.

Shu Yi quickly exited the hospital bed and hid in the safe passage.Qin Xue's ward can just be seen from here.Shu Yi stayed quietly in the dark, the lights in the hospital were already dim at night, but fortunately Shu Yi's eyesight was not bad.

About half an hour later, Shu Yi saw Xiao Changtian and a man wearing tight clothes and a mask entered the ward.Shu Yi rushed out and impulsively rushed into Qin Xue's ward. Xiao Changtian and the man were both stunned. The man's mask had already been taken off, and it wasn't Qin Xue who it was.

The appearance of Shu Yi surprised the two of them, and Shu Yi looked at them with a smile.Xiao Changtian smiled awkwardly: "Shu Chu, why are you here?" Shu Yi said: "Can't sleep, come out for a walk." He looked at Qin Xue, and said softly: "Since you are awake, why didn't you tell me?" What about me?" Qin Xue opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say.

Xiao Changtian said: "Oh, Director Qin also just woke up, I originally planned to call Shu Chu to report first, but Director Qin said that he wanted to go for a walk, so I went for a walk with her I forgot about the phone call, and I'm all to blame for this." Shu Yi sat down on the sofa: "So it's like this, after being in a coma for many days, and suddenly waking up, it's best to stay in bed and rest, don't get tired. "

Xiao Changtian smiled and said: "Shu Chu is right, Director Qin, you should go to bed and lie down, by the way, you just woke up, you must be hungry, but I will buy you some porridge, Shu Chu, you first Let's talk." Then he walked to the door, Shu Yi suddenly said lightly: "Thank you, Director Peng."

Xiao Changtian's figure froze, his back was facing Shu Yi, and after about a minute, he slowly turned around and looked at Shu Yi, his eyes full of murderous intent.Qin Xue was also stunned, she was a little at a loss.Xiao Changtian suddenly let out a long breath: "How did you know?" Shu Yi smiled and said: "Guess!" Xiao Shengtian narrowed his eyes: "Are you lying to me just now?" Shu Yi shook his head. Shaking his head: "Not exactly. In fact, if you weren't so concerned about Qin Xue, it might take me some time to find out."

Xiao Shengtian, no, it should be said that Peng Gang asked: "How do you know that I am not dead?" Shu Yi smiled: "I told you that you might not believe it, but we calculated it based on your birth date. Originally, we just suspected You are not dead, but there is no evidence, if Qin Xue came from Yanjing without hesitation, if you and Qin Xue did not have much intersection, I would not doubt that Xiao Changtian is Peng Gang."

Qin Xue stood in front of Peng Gang: "Since you already know, what do you want?" Shu Yi said: "You also planned the ambush tonight?" Peng Gang nodded: "Unfortunately, I have been wrong all along. Looking at you, I thought you were just a frail scholar, but I didn't expect you to be so skilled." He glanced at Qin Xue again: "What's even more ridiculous is that Qin Xue didn't even know that you had good kung fu. .”

Shu Yi waved his hand: "Don't praise me, let's talk about what's going on, maybe for Qin Xue's sake, I will plead for you in front of Minister Yan, but I don't think you can turn back Fake death is nothing, but killing Xiao Changtian and impersonating him is a capital crime!"

Qin Xue screamed: "Shu Yi, you can't do this." Shu Yi played with the lighter in his hand and looked at Qin Xue coldly: "I didn't realize until just now that you didn't come to Ximing because you wanted to help me To investigate the case, I was afraid that I would discover the secret that Peng Gang was not dead, and wanted to create obstacles for me. Unfortunately, you are being clever and being misled by your cleverness. Your arrival not only failed to achieve your goal, but accelerated Peng Gang's exposure. Qin Xue, do you know the consequences of doing these things?"

Qin Xue said: "I don't care about the consequences, I just know that Peng Gang is my man, and I won't let him have any accidents." After Qin Xue finished speaking, she had an extra pistol in her hand.Shu Yi raised his head and looked coldly at the woman who pointed the gun at him, the woman he once loved: "You'd better put the gun down, otherwise you won't be able to wait for the court-martial trial."

Qin Xue's hands trembled slightly, Peng Gang sighed, and said to Qin Xue: "Put down the gun, you can't kill him." Qin Xue's lips turned white from biting, and finally she put down the gun: "Shu Yi, count me Please, let us go, okay? As long as you let us go, let us do whatever you want." Shu Yi shook his head: "Qin Xue, it's not the first day you know me, who am I, Shu Yi? It should be very clear, I said that if you tell the truth, I may intercede for you, and the rest will not be discussed."

After finishing speaking, Shu Yi looked at Peng Gang: "Take off your mask, let me see your true face." Peng Gang slowly tore off the skin behind the ear, and half a minute later, a human skin mask was removed. It was torn off, revealing Peng Gang's true colors.Shu Yi said: "Can I have a look at this mask?" Peng Gang handed the mask to Shu Yi, who looked at it carefully and said: "Is this the mask produced by Zhuge Fengchu's toy factory? Exquisite."

Peng Gang didn't speak.

Shu Yi said: "Peng Gang, you should call the director of Yundu National Security Bureau and surrender yourself. This is your only way out." Shu Yi took out a cigarette and lit it.The moment Shu Yi lit his cigarette, Peng Gang suddenly pulled out a gun and pointed it at his forehead. The lighter in Shu Yi's hand flew out and hit his wrist. Peng Gang pulled the trigger, but the bullet Missed.Shu Yi seemed to have popped out of the sofa, and in the blink of an eye, he was in front of Peng Gang. One hand clasped Peng Gang's wrist holding the gun, and the other hand dropped the gun in Peng Gang's hand.

Shu Yi's movements were completed in one go, Peng Gang stood there dumbfounded, Qin Xue shouted to Peng Gang: "What do you want to do! What will I do if you die?" Peng Gang smiled bitterly: "You think we can still do it if you surrender yourself? Live? I'm dead, at least you can live." Qin Xue pointed her gun at Shu Yi again: "Let us go, or I will die with you!" This time Qin Xue pointed her gun directly at Shu Yi Shu Yi felt the coldness coming from the gun.

Qin Xue said to Peng Gang: "You go quickly." Peng Gang didn't move, he said: "What should I do if I leave?" Qin Xue shouted: "Go, go, go!" Shu Yi said: "Qin Xue, you can’t make the same mistake again and again.” Qin Xue shouted: “Shut up!” Peng Gang looked at Qin Xue, and finally squeezed out a sentence: “Then take care of yourself!” Then he rushed out the door.

Qin Xue's gun was pointed at Shu Yi's head all the time, and her hand didn't even tremble anymore. Shu Yi didn't move. He knew that if he moved a little, Qin Xue might shoot decisively. When facing feelings, most of them All the women are losing their minds. Qin Xue can do so many things for Peng Gang, so she definitely doesn't care about killing herself for him.

Half an hour later, Qin Xue felt that Peng Gang should be safe. She finally let go of the gun, and she fell down on the bed as if she had collapsed.Shu Yi asked softly: "Why didn't you shoot me to death? Wouldn't that be a one-off?" Qin Xue said with a teary voice: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't really want to hurt you." Shu Yi said lightly : "Surrender yourself."

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