Showdown: I'm Reborn

Chapter 275 The fellow meets fellow

Chapter 275 The fellow meets fellow
"Brother Lang, as you can see, Pang Ban has passed out. What made him unconscious was one of the latest research from our School of Biology. This thing was originally aimed at the Eucharist."

Even Ye Fan was stunned to death by Bai Mo using this thing, let alone Pang Ban?

At that time, Ye Fan sealed off the energy and blood in his body, challenged the limit, challenged himself, and climbed Mount Everest forever. As a result, as he was walking, the ice surface that looked normal suddenly cracked, and then several robot dogs rushed out of it. The body of the robot dog is also full of Vulcan cannons.

To Ye Fan is a meal output!
At that time, Ye Fan was more agile than he imagined, and the dense firepower network formed by dozens of Vulcan cannons could hardly hurt him.

He even destroyed the Vulcan cannon in turn, but who knows, when he destroyed the Vulcan cannon, the drug started to work.

"Is this the strength of Daxia?"

"This is actually just the tip of the iceberg. Daxia's strength far exceeds Brother Lang's imagination. Moreover, we will not force Brother Lang to do anything. In fact, the first thing Brother Lang has to do is not to fight and kill, but Go to the university, go to the laboratory, go to the imaginary world, follow teachers, scholars, experts, and study hard for a period of time."

"I believe that with Brother Lang's savvy, even if you don't become a warrior who fights and kills, but become a scholar, you will definitely be able to achieve something."

"Then can I know what happened to Pang Ban?"

"Experimental materials of his level are not easy to find, so in a short period of time, there is no danger of life."

While speaking, dozens of robot dogs came to Pang Ban's side, and the tentacles directly turned into chains, binding Pang Ban inside and out.

There are even many nano-robots that are invisible to the naked eye, crawling off the robot dog and getting in through the nose...

Although Lang Fanyun's spiritual cultivation is limited and he cannot directly observe these nano-robots, he still feels a chill.

"Brother Lang, don't worry. Pang Ban is a big villain, a real villain. The value of salvation is very limited, and it is too difficult to reform. Brother Lang, you are different..."

Hearing this, Lang Fanyun really wanted to ask what was different, but when he saw Pang Ban lying on the ground tied up like a dead dog and then being dragged away, Lang Fanyun couldn't say anything.

After a while, Lang Fanyun had no choice but to get in the car and let him go directly to the train, which was absolutely impossible.

After all, the current Lang Fanyun has not yet won the trust of Daxia, and considering his force, if he suddenly loses his temper, the entire train will be in danger.

Of course, some people will definitely say that Lang Fanyun is a hero, so he wouldn't do this, but an organization is different from an individual.Individuals can consider a series of invisible and intangible things such as character, feelings, feelings, morality, and quality, but for organizations, it is much colder.

Therefore, even the car that Lang Fanyun rides in is actually a special-made car that has been refitted. As for how it was refitted, that is an unspoken secret.

Not long after, when they arrived at a certain destination, they changed to another car. This time, a middle-aged man with a beard and a sword in Ming Dynasty Confucian clothing came up.

This person looks gentle and elegant, not like a quack, but more like a scholar, but he doesn't have the sour smell of an ordinary scholar, but has the elegance of a quack.

Looking at his appearance again, he has a very handsome beard and a full head of hair, unlike those people outside, that hair looks really incomprehensible.

The body, hair and skin, should not be damaged by parents, the beginning of filial piety, this sentence in the filial piety, even if Lang Fanyun has never read the book, he has heard of it.

But why do these people all have short hair?

There are also those women who directly exposed their calves one by one, and some even leaked their thighs. Is this really appropriate?

Is this really the land of Zhuxia?

Why does the atmosphere seem to have no characteristics of Zhu Xia at all?

Apart from their looks, how could they look like a Xia person at all?

So at this moment, when he suddenly saw Yue Buqun, who was dressed as a Confucian scholar in the Ming Dynasty, who was so handsome and friendly, Lang Fanyun immediately felt the urge to ask.

However, before he could speak, Yue Buqun introduced himself.

"Hello, Brother Lang, this is the book Turning Clouds and Rain, you can check it out first."

After receiving the books, Lang Fanyun discovered that these books were not read from top to bottom, let alone from right to left, but read line by line, or from left to right.

Although he was not used to it at the beginning, Lang Fanyun quickly got used to reading books like this.

Looking at it, Lang Fanyun couldn't help raising his head to look at Yue Buqun, and then looked at the cover again, it was written by Huang Yi.

Who is this Huang Yi?

How could he know so many secrets about the world?

With curiosity and a little bit of apprehension, Lang Fanyun continued to watch, and sometimes he couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

At the end of the night, Lang Fanyun finally finished reading the book Turning Clouds and Rain. At this time, he was in a very complicated mood, and countless questions had accumulated in his mind, but he didn't know what to say.

Looking at the bewildered Lang Fanyun, Yue Buqun finally had some comfort in his heart. When he finished watching Xiaoao Jianghu, he also looked like this.

Thinking of his end in the Swordsman, Yue Buqun couldn't help but feel a shivers down his spine.So, after coming to reality, in order to prove that there is no problem with him, he deliberately had a good time with his wife.

During that time, Yue Buqun would not leave the bed until his legs felt weak every day, and Yue Buqun stopped this behavior until Ning Zhong became pregnant again.

"Brother Lang, hello, I am the first... acting head of the Huashan School of the Ming Dynasty, Yue Buqun."

Ming Dynasty?
Huashan School?

Sect leader?

Yue Buqun?
After extracting so many key points, Lang Fanyun's eyes lit up, and Yue Buqun immediately took out a copy of Swordsman.

"Same as Brother Lang, the group also transforms from the virtual to the real, and descends from the virtual world to Daxia. The difference is that Brother Lang comes from this book, and I come from this book."

"Brother Lang lived in the Hongwu period, and Qun came from Daming in the Wanli period. Brother Lang is No. 1 in the world, and Qun is just a despicable and shameless villain in the novel."

"Suo Xingqun met an expert from the research institute. With the help of the expert, he successfully transformed from virtual to real and landed in Daxia. As for the plot, it was completely subverted, and many things did not happen..."

"By the way, these are the top, middle and bottom three books of Zhenqi Detailed Explanation written by Director Changkong of the Great Xia Research Institute. This is the first, middle and bottom three books of the Great Xia Qi Refining Collection. This is..."

While talking, Yue Buqun also took out a box of white wine from the back of the seat: "This is some strong wine. Brother Lang can drink it as water, and watch while drinking."

"Although these books are all basic, they also contain a lot of essence, and they are the brainchild of many researchers."

Seeing that there is wine to drink, Lang Fanyun's spirit is much lifted.

While drinking, I began to read the preface: "The low-level method of refining qi, refining and transforming qi, and refining the essence of water and grain in food, is the least efficient, but it is also the safest, without the danger of going crazy."

Lang Fanyun nodded slightly, this is a correct nonsense.

"The method of medium qi refining, in addition to refining the essence of water and grain in food, can also indirectly develop the potential of the five internal organs through the seven emotions and six desires or exhale and breathe, and then refine the essence of the body. The efficiency is high, but there is a risk of going crazy , if you are not careful, it will lead to frustration of the mind, or damage to the internal organs."

Seeing the words "seven emotions and six desires", Lang Fanyun thought of Momen. Many exercises of Momen are like this. The exercises themselves are very evil.

Perhaps thousands of years ago, when the Demon Sect was first established, there were no problems with their exercises, so they would not be so extreme and dark.But after many years of development, until the time of the Ming Dynasty, there were indeed many methods in the Demon Sect that were very evil in the process of cultivation.

"The first-class method of refining qi, contemplate with the mind, sit in meditation, directly attract the aura of heaven and earth, unify yourself with spiritual power inside, draw the aura of heaven and earth with spiritual power outside, learn from the world, use the power of heaven and earth to practice..."

Seeing this, Lang Fanyun thought of himself.

In fact, he himself doesn't have too many profound martial arts secrets, he relies on observing and studying Dongting Lake, and then he is very clear, mysterious and mysterious, and has practiced the sword technique of covering the rain.

As for the death of his wife, and then the extreme love and sword, this is of course one of the main reasons why Lang Fanyun has achieved today.

When the time came to the afternoon, the car finally stopped and came to the end of this time. This is a small town that combines Ming Dynasty and modern times.

The town looks like a Ming-style building on the outside, but many places inside have adopted modern technology to make life more convenient.

After arriving, Yue Buqun brought Lang Fanyun to a wine shop, the shape of the wine shop was also in the style of the Ming Dynasty, and the two of them came to the window on the second floor, where there was sunlight and they could see outside.

However, the indoor air conditioner has been turned on, so although the two of them are facing the sun directly, they are not too hot because of the barrier of the glass wall.Coupled with the fact that the two of them had successfully practiced Qi, the high temperature couldn't help them at all.

After a while, several dishes were brought up, a large plate of smashed cucumbers and eggs, a whole grilled sea bass, a fish pot, a small pot of peanuts, a large pot of fried meat, and a plate of roasted eggplant As well as a whole roast duck and a pot of shredded potatoes, and finally a pot of white flour steamed buns.

Looking at the dishes on the table, Yue Buqun said with some embarrassment: "Brother Lang came here in a hurry, so he only cooked a few small dishes for the time being, but don't worry, the kitchen is still cooking, let's eat slowly .”

Lang Fanyun's eyes lit up, although these are not considered delicacies, but Lang Fanyun has been looking at the lake in Dongting Lake, and he can't eat delicacies.

"Brother Yue is being polite."

"Let's eat and chat today, enough wine and meat!"

"To be honest, when I first came to Daxia, I was very uncomfortable. I was not used to it everywhere. I feel that this Daxia doesn't have the style of other summers."

"However, when I got used to it later, I felt that although they were a little different in etiquette and behavior, their spirit and quality were in the same line."

"In today's Great Xia, everyone can afford to read books, and they can read books for free for nine years. Of course, the books they read are different from the four books and five classics in the past. What they read is more complicated and wider, called science. "

"According to historical development, the Ming Dynasty was followed by the Qing Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty was followed by the Republic of China, and then the Great Xia."

"During this period, I experienced a lot of hatred between the country and the family, and the great Xia almost perished, so that the current Great Xia is a little eager for quick success and quick benefits, and sometimes even takes some detours because of it."

Speaking of this, Yue Buqun took a bite of the roast duck's bone, chewed the bone and the meat together and swallowed it, and took a sip of the wine.

"However, this is all in the past. Since the revival of spiritual energy, Daxia has become different. Today's Daxia, all walks of life are full of hope. This kind of vigorous state makes people like it. "

Hearing this, Lang Fanyun nodded but didn't speak. After all, he just came to Daxia and knew nothing about Daxia. So far, he was here to listen to Yue Buqun's talk, but who knows what Yue Buqun said? Is it true or not?
After a while, Yue Buqun laughed: "By the way, Brother Lang still wants to see Mrs. Zun?"


Almost instantly, Lang Fanyun pulled out the Rain-Covering Sword, and the surroundings were filled with sword auras. The sword aura closest to Yue Buqun was only three inches away from his eyebrows.

"Brother Yue, enough is enough."

"No, Brother Lang misunderstood."

"Yue, like Brother Lang, descended from the imaginary world. Therefore, all the imaginary worlds related to Xiaoao World, Yue can descend directly to replace Yue in that world. So, Brother Lang understands." ?"

"So, you're saying that if next time there is a virtual world related to the world of ups and downs, I can also directly replace me in that world, and then descend in the virtual world and migrate into the virtual world to find Xixi? But Xixi wants Shattering the void is almost impossible!"

At this moment, Lang Fanyun's face changed from angry to full of hope and then to full of despair. After several changes, he could only sigh in the end.

Seeing this, Yue Buqun shook his head with a smile: "Brother Lang misunderstood, not only by breaking the void can we turn the void into reality and come down from the void."

"If that's the case, why does Yue shatter the void?"

"Actually, as long as the virtual world is conquered, when the virtual world merges into the mother star, it can be transformed from virtual to real, and then Brother Lang can add Mrs. Madam to the list of virtualized realities. At that time, Mrs. Naturally, we can continue our relationship with Brother Lang in Great Xia!"

"Conquer the virtual world? How can I conquer the virtual world?" Lang Fanyun couldn't help asking.

Even though he knew that Yue Buqun had been waiting for him to say this sentence, Lang Fanyun couldn't help it.

"Brother Lang, don't worry. Conquering a virtual world is difficult and easy. In short, establishing an effective rule is considered a conquest."

"Although Brother Lang himself is not good at these things, Daxia also has a management department, a research institute, and countless capable people..."

(End of this chapter)

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