Showdown: I'm Reborn

Chapter 274 Don't talk about martial arts!

Chapter 274 Don't talk about martial arts!



Although the soldiers didn't understand firing at the high-altitude waves invisible to the naked eye in the distance, they still executed the order perfectly.

The distance is very far, five miles away, such a distance, with the backward artillery in front of you, it can't be said to be very accurate.

Just treat it as an exercise, and the exercise is to simulate various emergencies, so the soldiers didn't make any mistakes.


The deafening gunfire sounded instantly, and the ground within a few meters nearby was shaken by the huge recoil.

The little brother who was in charge of firing the cannon had already squatted down with his head in his arms, covered his ears, and stood up again when the shaking was over. Then he saw two people on the projector beside him, two standing in the air people.

standing in the air?

Is this still human?

Certainly not ordinary people!

Thinking about the recent news again, my little brother knew it in his heart.But after thinking about organization and discipline, he suppressed his curiosity, and only listened to the next order with his ears up, while quietly observing the two people on the projector from the corner of his eyes.

Pang Ban should be happy!

He, Meng Yuan Guoshi, the boss of the Magician Palace, the number one master in the world (in the world of the cloud and rain, there is no Zhang Sanfeng, so we can only assume that Lao Zhang does not exist, otherwise, Pang Ban, the number one in the world, is really unbelievable. Convinced.)
After so many years in the rivers and lakes, I don't know how many times he has swept the black and white, and the opponents who died under these fists are countless.

The masters trained by the eight sects carefully targeted him, and he picked them up just like chopping melons and vegetables.

The whole world trembled under his lust.Even Cihang Jingzhai can only use beauty tricks to temporarily delay him for 20 years.

Even the woman I like, I can personally send it out for other men to play with, and then use the magic seed to listen to the wall nearby, just for the magic power to be great.

Finally, after sending off the daughter, after listening to the root of the wall in person (the effect of the magic seed is actually similar to listening to the root of the wall in person, maybe the effect is similar to what you see with your own eyes. After all, it is a magic seed, which involves spiritual power. It’s even more exciting to see), it’s hard to tell if Pang Ban is still a human being who has achieved great magic skills.

To put it bluntly, based on Pang Ban's past actions, if he is allowed to flow into the public, he is a proper potential criminal, the leader of the reactionaries, and the leader of the cult.

No matter which eradication of evil, something like Pang Ban is a standard target!

Considering his experience, his past, his way of thinking, for a person like him, after you let him come to Daxia, it is very difficult to honestly be a good person!

Therefore, as early as the very beginning, the management department decided to kill him directly. There is nothing to talk about with this kind of guy who has no humanity at all.

However, in line with the idea of ​​curing diseases and saving lives, learning from past mistakes and avoiding future ones, the management department decided to give Pang Ban a chance and a choice after discussion.

Therefore, when Pang Ban first appeared, what greeted him was only a round of salvos from ten cannons.

Moreover, these artillery pieces were all outdated artillery pieces in the 80s and [-]s, with a caliber of only [-] to [-] millimeters. Whether it was power, range, or accuracy, they were all very worrying.

Therefore, it looked like a salvo was extremely powerful, but in fact Pang Ban spotted the shells before they even got close.

The dao heart planting magic method was activated, and the mental power directly controlled the surrounding waves. Before the waves could transform into shapes one after another, they met the cannonballs.

boom boom boom boom...

After ten cannon shots, Pang Ban stood in the air as if nothing had happened, while his mental strength was vigilantly moving in all directions.

100 meters!


200 meters!
Already on land, there were traces of human beings passing by here!

300 meter

In addition to humans, there are traces of food here. It seems to be barbecued beef and sheep, barbecued pork, and the smell of spices. Could it be that there are Han officials here?But how can Han officials eat barbecue openly?This does not conform to Confucian etiquette.

400 meters!
There are traces left by humans, and there are smells left by boys and girls.

500 meters!
There is a document here, which is placed directly on the shelf. The characters on it are all regular script of the Ming Dynasty. Near the regular script, there is even a Mongolian script. Is it because I am afraid that I will not understand it?
But I, Pang Ban, am also well educated, how could it be possible that I can't even recognize the regular script of the Ming Dynasty?
"Pang Ban, Lang Fanyun, hello."

"We are the Daxia Special Affairs Management Department, responsible for managing all extraordinary matters."

"First of all, welcome to your arrival, and congratulations to you who came from the virtual world to reality. As long as you abide by the laws of Daxia, you can obtain the right of residence in Daxia, and even become a member of Daxia."

"Secondly, Daxia's strength is far beyond your imagination. I suggest that you abide by Daxia's laws and become your own people."

"Finally, if you refuse, don't say it's unexpected!"

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

I, Pang Ban, have ruled the world for so many years, could it be that I was frightened?

Don't even dare to show your face, just want me, Pang, to be caught without a fight?

With a cold snort, the mental power controlled the aura of heaven and earth, and directly tore up the shelf and the documents on the shelf.

It was as if some mechanism had been triggered. Chu Xuan's projection immediately appeared in front of the two of them. This projection was magnified many times.

"You two choose to refuse?"

As he said that, Chu Xuan looked at Lang Fanyun at the side: "Pang Ban is the Mongolian national teacher. It's not surprising that he refused to accept Daxia's kindness. What about Brother Lang's choice?"

"Brother Lang, don't refuse in a hurry. Daxia is not a feudal dynasty in the past. We are a country in the new era. There is no emperor, and no nobles..."

After describing a few words, Chu Xuan found that it was difficult for him to accurately describe today's Great Xia with simple and precise words, so he had to use an analogy: "The Tang Dynasty was based on aristocratic families, the Song Dynasty was based on scholars, and This dynasty is based on ordinary people."

"As for other aspects, although there is no emperor and nobility, it is still centralized and unified."

A centralized and unified imperial court based on ordinary people?What should this court look like?Lang Fanyun couldn't help but began to think.

Just as Lang Fanyun was thinking, Chu Xuan began to follow the procedure: "So, Pang Ban, you refuse Daxia's kindness? Also refuse to abide by Daxia's law?"

As for persuading Pang Ban to be a law-abiding good person, to be honest, Chu Xuan didn't have the confidence.

The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change.

People like Pang Ban's temperament has long been fixed, and it is impossible to change it at will.

As early as Xiong Yan notified Chu Xuan, and before Pang Ban showed up, Chu Xuan had read the novels of Turning Clouds and Rain, as well as TV dramas, and various expert analysis.

In his opinion, Pang Ban was hardly a human being when he reached the peak of his magic skills.He is just a demon in human skin. It is too difficult for this kind of person to successfully transform into a good person.

So to take a step back, drive him out, drive him out of Daxia, and let him go to trouble other countries?

Although it is a scourge, as long as it is not a scourge in Daxia, what about harming other people?
This thought once appeared in Chu Xuan's mind, but it disappeared very quickly.

Times have changed!

Pang Ban can do whatever he wants in the classical feudal Ming Dynasty, but it does not mean that he can still do whatever he wants in the modern society.

Once Pang Ban leaves Daxia, with his temperament, he will definitely stand out as if he was in a pocket.Then it won't be long before information about him will appear in the Illuminati across the sea.

With the means of that St. George, it is estimated that a series of privileges will be offered to win Pang Ban. Considering Pang Ban's background and identity, he naturally has no thoughts about Zhu Xia's family in his heart, let alone think that he is a Han or Xia people.

He may be more inclined to be a Mongolian or even a foreigner, so the possibility of him cooperating with St. George is still very high.

That is to say, at that time, there is a high probability that Pang Ban will agree to St. George's solicitation, and then go to the beautiful country, become an unscrupulous new nobleman, and become the ruler of the beautiful country.

In that case, he is Daxia's enemy and the management department's enemy, so it's better for the enemy to be dead.

And if Pang Ban refuses St. George's solicitation, what awaits him is probably targeted by experts from the Beautiful Country, and then killed or arrested.

Facing the power of the once world's number one overlord, what is a mere Pang Ban?
In Chu Xuan's eyes, Pang Ban's aptitude was not in the first rank, and his comprehension was just that.Although the Shattered Void happened by chance in the end, it was more of luck.

Without Lang Fanyun's help, Pang Ban alone would probably not be able to shatter the void in this life.

And Pang Ban is over a hundred years old this year, although he looks young, he is actually a bad old man.

At a hundred years old, he still has to rely on an opponent to shatter the void.You have to rely on the green hat to send off the girl to achieve great success.

Chu Xuan really didn't pay attention to such aptitude and savvy, not to mention comparing with a legendary figure like Ling Donglai, even compared with Lang Fanyun beside him.

When Chu Xuan finished the process, Pang Ban instantly felt Chu Xuan's implication, and looked at Lang Fanyun beside him, and Pang Ban started directly.

Chu Xuan wanted to kill him!

Pang Ban can see it!
Chu Xuan looked down on him, and Pang Ban could see it too!
But Pang Ban is also very proud and has a good temper, so he didn't bother to ask why he didn't like him. As for why he wanted to kill him, Pang Ban didn't ask, after all, killing people doesn't need a reason.

When Pang Ban started, Chu Xuan in the distance calmly issued a combat order: "I declare that the fishing operation has officially begun!"

After speaking, Chu Xuan pressed the button in front of him!

On the ground, hundreds of artillery pieces of different types and sizes roared, and the dense ammunition shot a barrage of bullets directly in the sky.

In the sky, dozens of advanced fighter planes soared through the hole at supersonic speed, and with the help of satellites and Xiao Guanming, they launched missiles in certain directions in advance.

Hundreds of miles away, in a secret base, a new era of 'firecrackers' that had been driven was officially launched.

These new era 'firecrackers' have a long range, high power, high precision, and the price is not so expensive.

Feeling the murderous intent coming from all directions, Pang Ban's expression changed, and then he manipulated the flowing water to go in all directions.

Using running water to block the power of the explosion as much as possible, I tried my best to go underwater.

In all directions, in the air, and in the distance, there is a dead place, and his intuition tells him that only underwater can there be a chance of life.

In the process of launching, sometimes the distance between Pang Ban himself and the exploding shells may only be five or six meters. If it is not for the power of flowing water to block the explosion, if it is not for Pang Ban's power to participate in good fortune and great magic power, in the Three feet around the body, using spiritual power combined with heaven and earth aura combined with flowing water to create a barrier, it may have been finished long ago.

But even so, after the explosion of the cannonball, Pang Ban was dizzy from the shock, and most of the inexhaustible innate qi was directly consumed at this moment.

But fortunately, Pang Ban finally entered the water. No matter how powerful the cannonball is, at this moment, with the body of flowing water, Pang Ban has nothing to fear.

"Hahaha, I laughed at that..."

Listening to Pang Ban's confident smile, Lang Fanyun knew that the magician was still the same magician, and he would not be afraid of mere artillery.

However, when Lang Fanyun was about to say a few words, Pang Ban couldn't laugh anymore.

He originally thought that he would take advantage of the moment of laughter to take a good breath, rest, and observe the surrounding environment at the same time, so as to decide a way to escape.

But who knows that the other party doesn't talk about martial arts, he hasn't finished laughing yet, tens of thousands of fish the size of a fingernail appear in front of him at some point.

Before he had time to think about how these fish escaped from the mental power scan, the fish in front of them committed suicide en masse and turned into colorful liquid.

Above the head is the roar of artillery, surrounded by fish that are committing suicide, Pang Ban has no choice but to run the Dao Heart Planting Demon Dafa again, the true energy and spiritual power are connected with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and directly form a circle around the periphery of the body. An air wall as thick as three feet.

The colorful liquid kept lingering beyond the three-foot air wall, but it seemed helpless, and was even washed away by the water continuously.

At this moment, Pang Ban didn't dare to continue to mock, instead he carefully observed the surrounding environment. He didn't believe that Daxia's backhand was only so small.

Then, he passed out.

Looking at the menacing Pang Ban who wanted to coerce the world before, and looking at him now floating on the water like a dead dog, Lang Fanyun felt extremely complicated in his heart.

Is this the world after the shattered void (from void to reality)?
The original No. 1 Pang Ban in the world, at this moment, was cleaned up so simply and neatly.

On the ground, dozens of robot dogs came running wildly from a distance, and Chu Xuan's projection appeared in front of Lang Fanyun again.

(End of this chapter)

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