don't call me singer

Chapter 157 What is Gu Xiaobai doing?

Chapter 157 What is Gu Xiaobai doing?
As a celebrity, every move is stared at with a magnifying glass. Once there is any out-of-the-ordinary move, it will be magnified countless times.

Gu Xiaobai is an out-and-out celebrity. In this era where everyone has a camera, any move he makes may be photographed anywhere.

And the information he disclosed on the Internet has been checked over and over again.

It is said that Dongwon University's school website has seen a lot of visits recently.

Some people probably know more about Gu Xiaobai than their own parents.

When to take a certain class, when to take which test, how much each test, each one is clear.

This is also very dumbfounding.

Gu Xiaobai took the postgraduate exam, but within a few days of preparation time, he directly got a perfect score. Isn't this cheating?
Therefore, the topic of #谷小白弄起#, instantly occupied a place in the hot topic of discussion on the Internet.

Those who support Gu Xiaobai are of course unhappy: ""Introduction to Modern Acoustics" only has 2 credits, and it is just an introduction. Is it difficult to get a perfect score? Almost every year."

Xiaobai's perfect score in the exam is cheating, so is it true that all the people in the world who can get a perfect score in the exam are cheating?

If you can't do it yourself, others can do it, and others are cheating?

Why are you so good?

But it took only a few days to get a full score in an exam. What is it if it's not cheating?
Someone also posted a scene of Gu Xiaobai meeting two bald professors: "Meet the teacher who gave the question before the exam, what is it if it's not cheating?"

This made more people upset: "Of course it's for answering questions. If you can't see the teacher before the exam, do you have to quarantine the teacher for three months every time you take the exam?"

Strong words, right?

Gradually, this topic overlapped with the topic of #谷小白物传##谷小白是《燕燕》原创#.

In the past, people who were skeptical of Gu Xiaobai's originality on the Internet discussed and discussed, but there was a problem that they couldn't get around.

That is, how could a 16-year-old boy write a song about marrying his daughter (sister)?

And is it a song about marrying a daughter that fits the style, characteristics, and rhythm of the spring and autumn?
This is totally unscientific.

In fact, Gu Xiaobai's fans do not resist this kind of doubt. They like to have reasonable doubts, and they like to present evidence and overthrow the evidence.

This is a contest of logic, not nonsensical self-indulgence.

Some of them are also thinking about this issue.

Gu Xiaobai has 1 directions to write, why did he write such a song "Yanyan"?This doesn't make sense.

Gu Xiaobai had his own explanation before. He said that he just sorted out the ancient songs.

But there are still more people who think that the original song should be Zhao Xingsheng. Many reporters came to ask Zhao Xingsheng, which annoyed Zhao Xingsheng enough.

Zhao Xingsheng was helpless: "Historians all over the world, researchers of ancient literature and ancient music are looking for the score of "The Book of Songs". Why didn't anyone find the score of "Yanyan"? Only Xiaobai found it? Xiaobai Why don’t you dig the ancient tomb by yourself?”

"He must have written it himself, not me. Xiaobai sings so well, and his goal is also to be a great physicist. How can he be called an original singer like this, and it's worthless."

Then I was annoyed by the question, and one day accidentally revealed the truth: "One night, this child had a dream, and he wrote down the song he heard in the dream. So he always said this song It’s not written by myself, it’s historical materials compiled, and you can believe the nonsense of children!”

Is that true?
The truth turned out to be like this?
Then why do you write songs in your dreams?

"How do I know? Probably because I read too much historical data."

Have you read too much historical data?Gu Xiaobai, who aspires to become a physicist, why should he read historical materials?
Everyone is fascinated.

Then, who knows, sent out a video captured by the library surveillance, and Gu Xiaobai's long list of spring and autumn-related borrowings.

In the library, Gu Xiaobai picked up a lot of books from the history of the pre-Qin period in the historical area and threw them on the table.

And then start flipping, flipping, flipping...

Hush, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh?

After flipping through one book, I flipped through another one. It took only half an hour to finish flipping through a tall stack of books, and then I changed another pile and continued to flip through.

After reading for about two hours, Gu Xiaobai borrowed a lot of books and carried them back to the dormitory.

Netizens are discussing two issues.

"What is Gu Xiaobai doing flipping through the books? Are you looking for something? I've been flipping through for two hours. I'm so serious."

"Can you borrow so many books from Dongyuan University's library?"

For the latter question, someone quickly answered: "If you propose a research topic, you can borrow a lot of books. Besides, you are a novice. Of course, you can borrow as many books as you want. The library will do as long as you want."

That's right, that's Xiaobai, so there is still some preferential treatment for borrowing a few books.

In fact, this video was after Gu Xiaobai came back from the dream and wanted to determine the era of the little moth and the truth of the dream he was in, but at that time no one had sung "Yan Yan".

To the previous question...

"Could it be that Gu Xiaobai found the score from a book?"

"I'll go. Those are all published books. Can you find the score of "Yan Yan" in it? You think it's the Nine Yin Manual!"

"What the hell are you flipping over?"

Seeing netizens wondering about Gu Xiaobai's flipping through the book, Brother An from the student union burst out laughing.

Ignorant children...

Then suddenly he had another brilliant idea.

He immediately contacted several departments of the school and Sister Shan, and then handed another proposal to the desk of the school's Propaganda Department.

Cai Jie's eyes lit up when he saw this proposal from "The 108 Styles of Dongyuan Xueba".

He looked at Brother An, and felt that this young man... is really talented in the media. He can just take advantage of Gu Xiaobai's popularity and run a wave of advertisements for Dongyuan University to catch Gu Xiaobai's popularity.

Wait, no, can the enthusiasm we rub Xiaobai be called rubbing?We are noobs!We call this a ride!

"Okay, let's shoot this! Moreover, this proposal must be fast! Tell me if there is anything the school needs to do, and I will report to the principal in person later!"

Cai Jie immediately started dispatching. While collecting the materials at hand, he sent many people out to collect more materials, and then gathered several people to do the post-production together. At night, a video was posted at Dongyuan University On the official Weibo and the Weibo of the Student Union.

"Do you think that Xiaobai is flipping through the books to find the Nine Yin Scriptures? Actually, the truth is... an absolute secret, including Gu Xiaobai, Dongyuan University's 108 moves of god-level scholars! Please watch the video!"

Because of Gu Xiaobai, even the Weibo fans of Dongyuan University and the Student Union increased by almost half.

When this video was uploaded, it was almost midnight, but there was still a large wave of views in an instant.

At the beginning of the video, there is the scene of Gu Xiaobai flipping through books in the library.

"What the hell is Gu Xiaobai doing??????" A lot of question marks popped up from "biubiubiu" on the screen.

(End of this chapter)

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