I am a policeman

Chapter 674 Epilogue Economic Crisis

Chapter 674 Epilogue - Economic Crisis

On July 7, when the people were watching the handover ceremony on TV, the international hot money led by Soros launched a third attack on Thailand, and the Thai baht exchange rate broke through the previous low that day.

Faced with the impact of international hot money, Asian countries have a sense of crisis, and began to restrict domestic financial institutions from speculating on Southeast Asian currencies such as the Thai baht.

But it didn't work.

Because European and American capital strength is the biggest driving force behind the financial turmoil. In the hands of European and American banks, they hold a large number of currencies in Southeast Asian countries. The huge amount is beyond the reach of Southeast Asian countries.

At the same time when international hot money launched the third impact on the Thai baht, Dongfang Group, together with mainland capital such as Huo Daheng, Mr. Dong, and Huajia, announced that due to the impact of the economic recession in Southeast Asia, the company's performance will be greatly affected, that is, it is bearish on Xiangjiang The stock market, thinking it was about to plummet.

In fact, in June, the Hang Seng Index hit [-] points and hit a record high, then fell a bit and hovered around the [-] point line.

Many institutions have released news that the stock market will undergo technical adjustments, but most people buy up and not buy down, believing that there will be bull markets after bull markets, and after the adjustments, the market continues to climb.

Under such circumstances, Dongfang Group did not issue a warning, and joined forces with Daheng Huo and others to attack the market, selling a large number of stocks, and directly hit the Hang Seng Index, which was hovering at the 1 point line, to [-] points.

This is just the beginning. According to gossip, the boss of the Eastern Group has announced that the Hang Seng Index will be lowered to below 8000 points.

Compared with the previous [-] points, it can be said that it has been cut in half.

This made countless investors who lost money in the stock market extremely dissatisfied. They not only published articles in newspapers pointing out that the Eastern Group broke the rules, but also ran to the ICAC to protest, demanding that the ICAC investigate the Eastern Group's manipulation of the stock market.

It's just that two days before the farce started, news came that the Thai baht could no longer support it.

Faced with the few remaining foreign exchange, the Bank of Thailand had to announce through the national TV station that it had abandoned the 14-year-old fixed exchange rate mechanism and implemented the free floating exchange rate policy of the Thai baht.

Once the news came out, countless people cried bitterly, and countless speculators cheered, because it represented the surrender of the Thai government and adopted a policy of non-resistance and lying flat in the face of international hot money.

This policy was immediately reflected in the exchange rate. As soon as the international currency trading market opened, the Thai baht plummeted immediately, and the ratio of the Thai baht to the US dollar instantly became 31 to 1, a drop of more than 13%.

And this is just the beginning, Thailand’s suffering has not yet come, and soon the exchange rate continued to slide from 31 to 1 to the abyss, 32, 33, and 34 were breakthroughs without any suspense, and even the 40 to 1 mark was not blocked.

Again, Thailand's economy is in mourning. Not only the stock market and property market have collapsed, but the economy has also fallen into negative growth. I don't know how many companies have closed down and how many people's wealth has been wiped out.

The tragedy of Thailand's economy also affected Xiangjiang. The Hang Seng Index continued to drop from 1 points, and fell below the 8000-point mark in just a few days, slipping past Lei Weidong's predetermined goal of [-] points.

Contrary to the past, although many people suffered heavy losses in the stock market crash, the comments in the newspapers took a 180-degree turn. Instead of talking about conspiracy theories such as the Eastern Group manipulating the stock market, they praised Lei Weidong for his foresight and foresight of the economic crisis in advance.

Regarding the economic situation in Southeast Asia, both institutions and economic commentators have pessimistic forecasts. The economic crisis in Southeast Asia is beginning, and the more serious ones are yet to come. They have lowered their forecasts for the stock market.

Many people are even sad that the Hang Seng Index will not be able to stop when it reaches 8000 points, and will continue to plummet, just like it did in 83.

While the citizens of Xiangjiang were mourning the stock market plunge, the international hot money headed by Soros would scold the Eastern Group.

According to the plan, after the international speculators are going to ravage Southeast Asian countries, they will attack economies with large foreign exchange reserves such as Xiangjiang, Wanwan, Bangziguo, and Singapore.

In order to earn higher profits.

While wreaking havoc in Thailand, Indonesia and other Asian tiger countries and making profits, they made waves in Hong Kong, buying newspapers and so-called experts with money, and advocating how good Hong Kong's economy is.

In the real world, relying on showmanship, the economic crisis in Southeast Asia broke out for a month, the stock markets in Thailand, Indonesia and other places fell like dogs, and the Hang Seng Index on the Hong Kong side is still hitting a record high.

This gave enough time for international speculators to build up a large number of short positions in the Hong Kong stock market and futures index market after eating and drinking in Southeast Asian countries, making Xiangjiang a cash machine for international hot money.

Many people talk about the impact of international hot money on Xiangjiang, only talking about their fiasco in July 98, never mentioning the impact of international hot money on Xiangjiang during the period from October 97 to July 98.

Yes, in the final battle, with the support of the mainland, Heung Kong repelled these international speculators and caused them to lose a lot of money. However, when they repelled the international hot money, the Heung Kong Hang Seng Index was only a little over 8000 points.

Although it is much higher than the lowest point of 6600 points, compared with the highest point of more than 7000 points, the loss is not 01:30 points. Otherwise, how could a large number of Hong Kong investors suffer heavy losses in the stock market crash, from millions to thousands? Millions and even billionaires have become negative.

All their money was taken away by international hot money.
Because the stock market plummeted in advance, Soros and other international hot money are still in Thailand, and there is no time to establish a short position in Xiangjiang. Seeing that the fat is not available, they can only vent their resentment on Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries.

After the baht collapsed, the governor of the Central Bank of Thailand announced his resignation, and the whole of Thailand opened its arms to international hot money, the international hot money, together with Lei Weidong's several private funds, held a carnival feast in Thailand.

Attacks on other countries have also begun.

First of all unlucky Malaysians and non-concierges.

Faced with the big victory in Thailand and the international hot money that came with it, the Southeast Asian countries could not resist at all. Without a support for the first wave of attacks, they raised their hands and surrendered one after another, announcing their abandonment of fixed exchange rates.

As a result, the currencies of these countries depreciated wildly in a short period of time, and cuts in half abound. As a result, like Thailand, the financial crisis spread to the real world, a large number of enterprises and banks closed down, and countless workers lost their jobs.

And this is just the beginning of the financial crisis.
However, with the deepening of the economic crisis in Southeast Asian countries, the Four Tigers have also been affected. In addition, because of the smell of blood, the scale of international hot money gathered in Asia is astonishing, exceeding 2000 billion US dollars.

With such a huge amount of money wandering in the skies of Southeast Asia, as soon as they saw something profitable, they would immediately pounce on it and eat it, turning the four little tigers into four kittens, and there was no room for turning around.

"How much did we earn?" Lei Weidong looked at Zhong Jian and the others in the conference room of the Eastern Group headquarters and asked.

"A lot, even if it's not as good as the profits in Laomei over the years, it's about the same." Zhong Jian took out the financial statements he had prepared a long time ago and handed them to Lei Weidong:

"Since Thailand is the focus of international hot money, our income is not very high, only about 35 billion US dollars, which is not as good as that of Soros and other international speculators.

However, in Malaysia, Indonesia, and non-protocols, we have harvested about 220 billion US dollars because of the early deployment.

However, these are much worse than the gains in Xiangjiang. "

"How much did you gain in Xiangjiang?" Lei Weidong asked.

"We hit the Hang Seng Index from [-] points to [-] points, and all the leeks in it were harvested by us, Huo Daheng, Mr. Dong\s Mr. Shao and others.

Among them, we made the biggest profit, harvesting 430% of the profits, about 90 billion US dollars, and the remaining [-] billion US dollars were divided by Huo Daheng and the others. "

"A harvest of nearly 700 billion U.S. dollars, not bad!" Lei Weidong nodded when he heard that the harvest was nearly 700 billion U.S. dollars. "I am very satisfied with this operation. The rewards for all participants will be doubled."

"Thank you Mr. Lei." Everyone present laughed when Lei Weidong said that the bonus would be doubled.

For Zhong Jian and others, the basic salary is nothing, but the bonus is the big one. Lei Weidong originally gave a lot. If it is doubled, even the most ordinary traders present can have a million dollar income. Jian's income is measured in hundreds of millions.

"Can you guess the next target of the international hot money?" Lei Weidong asked.

"Basically I can guess." Zhong Jian nodded, "The four Asian tigers are finished. Not only the fat on their bodies, but also their bones have been gnawed by international hot money to the point of scum, which has not attracted the interest of international hot money. Wen The same is true for these small countries. If you are lucky, there will be scum, but if you are not lucky, the scum will disappear.

Now in Asia, there is only one giant dragon, two diseased dragons, one sitting tiger and four small dragons barely protecting themselves, and the others have fallen. "

"The giant dragon is the mainland, the four little dragons are Xiangjiang, Singapore, and Wanwanhe Bangzi country, who are the two sick dragons and the sitting tiger?" Lei Weidong asked with some doubts.

"One of the two sick dragons is Japan's stupid economy. The Japanese economy is very strong and there is still a lot of foreign exchange in hand. Unfortunately, the double blow of the bubble crisis and the Mt.

The other is Da Mao. Although the main body of Da Mao is in Europe, it is incompatible with European and American countries. It is expected to be targeted this time. As for the sitting tiger, it is Ah San. "

"Ah San, it is true that in South Asia, he has always been a tiger. After all, he is the regional overlord." Lei Weidong nodded.

Although Ah San's economy is not very good and its foreign exchange reserves are not high, one thing worth commending is that their foreign debt level is very low.

In addition, the economy of the third country is mainly self-sufficient, and its currency, the ruble, is mainly used in the country, and there is very little circulation abroad. This makes it impossible for international capital to establish short positions in the financial market even if they want to speculate in the ruble.

Because it is difficult for your money to enter India, and even the money cannot enter, so how can you make waves in the financial market.

"The Asian market is difficult to enter, and the mainland market is even more difficult to enter. Although the mainland has continued to reform over the years, transforming from a planned economy to a market economy, the financial market has only opened a small gap to the outside world.

It is okay for foreign capital to enter the mainland and invest in industries to make money. The mainland welcomes it with both hands, but it is not good to enter the financial market and make trouble.

If it is too much, it will cause economic turmoil like in Thailand. With the identity of the five permanent members of the mainland, the power of the iron fist can be huge, and it will definitely let the international hot money know what pain is. "

Lei Weidong said, "How about Riben, is it possible to become a target?"

"It was possible before, but now!" Zhong Jian shook his head, "Southeast Asia is Japan's largest foreign trade market and receives the most investment from Japan. The crisis in Southeast Asia will definitely drag down Japan's economy and cause the stock market to plummet.

But after the double blow of the bubble crisis and the Mt. Fuji incident, the water in the Japanese economy has been squeezed out long ago. Compared with 90, the stock market has fallen by more than [-]%, not even [-] points.

Housing prices were even worse, falling by more than [-]% during the bubble crisis. After the Mt.

It can be said that it has fallen to the bottom. Unless there is a war in Japan, there will be no room for decline. In addition, Japan still has a lot of foreign exchange reserves. "

"Indeed!" Lei Weidong nodded.

In the real world, Japanese stupidity may still become a target. The yen fell from 80 to around 150 due to the pressure of the economic crisis, depreciating by nearly half.

But in the Hong Kong comprehensive world, after the Mount Fuji incident, the exchange rate between the yen and the US dollar was directly knocked down by 250:1, and now it is even closer to about 300.

In this case, the situation of further depreciation is already very small. After all, Japan’s economy is strong. Even if it is hit by the Mount Fuji incident, it will surpass Hans Cat and become the second largest economy in the world.

"If you remove Asan, the mainland, and Japan, the remaining targets are only the Four Tigers and Da Mao, especially the Four Tigers, whose foreign exchange reserves are not very large, and the economy is still mainly export-oriented, and it is highly tied to Southeast Asia.

Now that there is an accident in Southeast Asia, it is impossible for the four little dragons to stay abroad.

As for which of the four is the most unlucky, Xiangjiang should have been ranked first, but because Mr. Lei, you took the initiative to cool down the economy and lowered the Hang Seng Index to [-] points, there is no room for hype.

As for which of the four is the most unlucky, Xiangjiang should have ranked first, but Mr. Lei, you took the initiative to cool down the economy and lowered the Hang Seng Index to [-] points, which not only left no room for speculation in the stock market, but also manipulated There is a lot of hot money trying to speculate on the Hang Seng Index.

Now it is difficult for these people to solve the problem, how can they establish short positions to hit the Hang Seng Index.

Not to mention, now that the stock market is in a downturn, everyone is pessimistic about the market outlook. If you want to build a large number of short positions, you need someone to accept it. Because Singapore is located in the Strait, it is not a good goal to maintain economic stability by relying on fees. "

"In other words, only Wanwan and Bangziguo are left." Lei Weidong shrugged.

"Yes!" Zhong Jian nodded and continued, "Wanwan is okay, he has made a lot of money by doing business with the mainland these years, with high foreign exchange reserves and low foreign debts, even if there is a loss in the face of hot money, it will not be too big.

Bangzi Country will not work.

But I heard that the scale of its foreign debt far exceeds foreign exchange reserves, and it can be said that it has no power to fight back in the face of international hot money, and it will definitely suffer a big loss. If we! "

"Make every effort to establish a short position in the Korean won!" Lei Weidong looked at his watch, there is still a meeting in a while, and he can't waste too much time, so he said,

"This time, the Bangzi country's economy, especially the four-star economy, will be brought to the ground. Even if it can't be bankrupted, it will take five or even ten years for him to recover."

(End of this chapter)

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