I am a policeman

Chapter 673 The Most Powerful Person in Xiangjiang

Chapter 673 The Most Powerful Person in Xiangjiang

"Next, we invite the new director of the Xiangjiang Police Department, Mr. Lei, to speak to everyone."

In the conference hall of the police force, Lei Weidong's inauguration ceremony began. The queen of television, guest host Le Huizhen, spoke loudly into the microphone.

Amidst the warm applause at the scene, Lei Weidong walked onto the stage with a smile.

"Sister, Brother Dong is so handsome today." Zhu Wanfang, who was sitting next to Sha Lianna in the audience, looked at Lei Weidong, and the little stars in her eyes were about to pop out.

Today's Lei Weidong is too handsome.

At only 30 years old, he reached the highest point of the police force, reaching a height that most people can't reach in their lifetime. Coupled with his handsome appearance, he is really amazing.

"Everyone has been with me for more than ten years, so you should know my personality. I like to go straight to the point when I speak, and I don't like long speeches, which waste everyone's time.

So I'm going to make a long story short and keep it simple, no more than 5 minutes. "Lei Weidong said a few humorous words into the microphone.

"Ha ha!"

Lei Weidong's words caused a few embarrassing laughs from the audience.

Don’t think that there will be less capitalism. In fact, it is the same in all countries. The more parties there are, the more problems there will be.

It's even impossible to say, and a full martial arts will be staged.

In the movie Young and Dangerous, Lei Gong, the boss of the pheasant, was beaten in the head by his opponent, Mr. Zhang, during the election of the Legislative Yuan. The situation is typical.

Xiangjiang is better than Wanwan, there is no martial arts, but because there are too many, and every time they use clichéd official words such as maintaining the law and order of Xiangjiang, the police present, whether they are leaders or police officers, suffer from it.

Because when the leader talks nonsense to his subordinates, he himself has to listen to the big leader's nonsense. At first, everyone thought that Lei Weidong would talk for ten minutes or even an hour or two when he came to the stage.

After all, the director's inauguration ceremony is only once in a person's life, so it should be more solemn. Unexpectedly, Lei Weidong should not be humorous at ordinary times, and directly set a time limit of 5 minutes for himself.

This made everyone present very happy, and the 5 minutes of patience and patience passed quickly!
"The director is called the first brother by the citizens. He looks like a high-ranking and powerful officer, but he is actually serving the citizens of Xiangjiang just like ordinary police.

So even if I become the director, I still have to work hard with my colleagues as before to maintain the law and order of Xiangjiang, fight crime, and protect the lives and property of citizens... I'm done, thank you! "

At 55 minutes and [-] seconds, Lei Weidong finished his speech on time, saluted everyone present, and stepped off the stage.

"Clap clap clap!"

There was warm applause at the scene, celebrating the new Commissioner of Police taking office.

"How is the land in the New Territories? Whether Xiangjiang's economy can get on the right track or not depends on the development of the north." The inauguration ceremony was not only a speech, but also a reception later.

This is a big Vanity Fair, because of Lei Weidong's status as the richest man, not only people from the police circle, but also many people from the business and political circles attended Lei Weidong's inauguration ceremony.

These people gathered together in twos and threes at the reception, turning the reception into a high-end business event.

We are all guests from afar!
As the host, Lei Weidong should show his due demeanor, walking around the banquet with Sha Lianna, Le Huizhen, Jian Huizhen, Yazi and other women like butterflies in flowers, and meeting with the inaugural guests one by one. Xiangjiang tycoons clinked glasses to talk about things and connect with each other.

Seeing Lei Weidong approaching, Huo Daheng raised his glass and asked about the land.

"About one-third of the land has been obtained, including about [-] square kilometers from local snakes, and about [-] square kilometers from those high-ranking officials and wealthy families who left Xiangjiang." Lei Weidong said with a smile :
""Compared to local snakes, high-ranking officials and wealthy families are the current landlords of Xiangjiang, and fortunately they were dealt with by the military control this time. Otherwise, it would be really troublesome to get these lands. "

"One hundred square kilometers of land is enough, enough." Hearing that Lei Weidong had obtained one hundred square kilometers of land, Daheng Huo was very happy.

"Land alone is not enough, and supporting transportation is also needed. When I met with Mr. Dong yesterday, I talked about this aspect. At least three subways, three expressways, three secondary roads and one railway need to be planned to connect the two places. stand up."

Lei Weidong casually changed a glass full of red wine, touched Daheng Huo lightly, and said, "How are these roads planned, where do they pass, and how are the land expropriated in the places they pass by? It's a headache to me.

But fortunately, these things are all handed over to Mr. Dong, and I will still do my old job, the police industry. "

"You are the richest man. It would be too wasteful to just be a policeman. You should use your status to contribute more to Xiangjiang." Daheng Huo shook his head and smiled.

"Leave this to Selena. At most, I can control the direction and how to do it. Not to mention Selena, even Ah Zhen is much better than me."

Lei Weidong chuckled, and pushed Shalena out as a shield.

"Okay, I'll get someone to contact Ms. Salina." Daheng Huo nodded. Daheng Huo is no stranger to the business queen of Salina, and the two of them have dealt with each other not once or twice.

Compared with Lei Weidong's immature business methods, Salina is much more sophisticated, so that Huo Daheng has eaten rice for decades, and it is not cheap.

"Lei sir, have you thought about going further in the future!" After chatting about business issues for a while, Daheng Huo took the initiative to change the topic.

"Go further?" Lei Weidong was a little confused.

"You are only 30 years old now, and even if you have been a director for ten years, you are still only 40 years old. For migrant workers, [-] is considered old, and you are not competitive in the workplace.

But for those of us, the age of 40 is the prime of life, and we can go further, and even go to the vast inland for development. "

"Ten years later, let's talk about it ten years later, let's talk about the present." Lei Weidong laughed.
Small things can be reversed, but big things can't be violated!
Even in the Hong Kong comprehensive world, the historical trend is compared with the reality, and changes are made in small aspects at most!

97 is coming soon.

The major events that happened this year are unforgettable for the people of Southeast Asia.

In February, after several years of planning, the international hot money headed by Soros made a move on Thailand.

Facing the surge of international hot money, the Thai government tried its best, spent a month and spent billions of dollars, and finally repelled it.

Before the Thais breathed a sigh of relief and celebrated the repulsion of hot money, in May, international hot money led by Soros made a comeback. They joined forces with Western shock funds holding a large number of Southeast Asian currencies to sell the Thai baht, forcing the Thai baht exchange rate to plummet in a short period of time.

Compared with the second impact of international hot money, the first time can only be said to be training and testing.

In order to repel international hot money, the Central Bank of Thailand and the Bank of Singapore reached an agreement to allocate a huge sum of 120 billion U.S. dollars from foreign exchange reserves to absorb Thai baht.

At the same time, the government passed a decree to strictly prohibit local banks from lending Thai baht to international hot money organizations, and will increase the overnight interest rate by 150 times, which will tighten the money of major banks, increase the cost of loan interest, and make it impossible to leverage the leverage of exchange rate trading tools.

This caught Soros and others by surprise and retreated hastily. In just ten days, they lost hundreds of millions of dollars, which was a huge loss.

However, even though the international hot money has been defeated, the Bank of Thailand has also been seriously injured, and its small foreign exchange reserves have been almost exhausted, and it is no longer able to cope with the next impact of the international hot money.

Unfortunately, it can be seen that there are very few people in the Bank of Thailand who are strong outsiders and middle-aged. Most people are still immersed in the joy of the second victory. They think that Soros and others are nothing special. snake.

Little did they know that the first two victories were flashbacks before the imminent disaster, and the loss of more than one billion US dollars was just a drop in the bucket for the well-funded international hot money organization.

They are raising funds, and in two months at most, they will dominate Southeast Asia with overwhelming momentum, and no one will be able to save the financial markets of these countries.

"How much information about Soros have you collected?" In the meeting room of Dongfang Jitu headquarters, Lei Weidong looked at Zhong Jian and other financial market elites and asked.

"After the defeat of the Thai baht in World War II by international hot money, bond prices in Europe and the United States continued to decline, while mortgage loans from banks such as Citigroup and Midland soared.
We can be sure that international hot money organizations are actively selling national bonds and mortgaged fixed assets of countries such as Europe and the United States to raise funds. According to gossip, the amount of funds may exceed [-] billion U.S. dollars.

It is conceivable that when they attack for the third time, the Southeast Asian countries will suffer a crushing defeat. Zhong Jian said in a positive tone.

"It's a crushing defeat, no way, Southeast Asian countries may not be able to cope with hot money alone, but they are still very strong together, how could they be crushed."

After hearing Zhong Jian's judgment, Le Huizhen asked.

"Miss Le, if Southeast Asian countries unite, their strength should not be underestimated, but this is unrealistic. After all, they are not a unified country. Moreover, in the previous two shocks, everyone suffered heavy losses in foreign exchange, especially Thailand, which lost more than half of it. above foreign exchange.

It is impossible to deal with the third attack of international speculators. Unless we can make a move, we cannot stealthily reap benefits like the previous two times. We must stand in front of the stage and fight against international hot money. "

Zhong Jian looked at Lei Weidong, and let him decide whether to help or not.

"Mobilize funds, when international hot money is attacking Thailand!" Seeing that everyone was waiting for his own decision, Lei Weidong tapped the conference table with his index finger.

"Cooperate with international hot money to launch an impact on the Thai baht. It is necessary to destroy the Thai baht in the shortest possible time, so that they have no power to fight back and earn enough benefits."

"Why, Brother Dong, why do you need to cooperate with international hot money? You must know that these guys are cannibals and can't spit out their bones. If they are full in Southeast Asia, Xiangjiang will not be able to escape."

Hearing that Lei Weidong not only didn't help, but also followed the international hot money to eat meat, Le Huizhen was a little confused and asked anxiously.

"Since you know you can't hide, why don't you take the initiative to burst the bubble." Lei Weidong waved his hand, signaling Le Huizhen to stay calm,
He said, "The Xiangjiang stock market has been rising for several years, and it has long been divorced from reality. Instead of letting international hot money harvest it, it is better to bring down the stock market in advance.

The reason why international hot money is targeting Thailand, Malaysia and other countries is not because the economies of these countries have loopholes and are being targeted.

As long as there are no loopholes in Hong Kong's economy, hot money will not dare to come. If it comes, we will close the door and beat the dogs, and let them spit out all the money they made in Southeast Asia. "

"But in this way, the Southeast Asian economy will be in chaos, which will have a huge impact on the company's product sales. At least in a few years, the company's sales in these regions will drop a lot."

Le Huizhen reminded.

"I can't bear to let my children catch wolves, and the economic chaos in Southeast Asia affects us, but don't forget that the most unlucky thing is the enterprises in these countries.

Over the years, relying on cheap labor, whether it is a company in Southeast Asia or a four-star company in Bangzi Country, they have all challenged us.

Because they have the support of their own governments, our sales in these regions have been greatly affected, but if they fail to recover or even go bankrupt in the economic crisis, how much will it benefit me. "

"International hot money is so powerful, let's forget about Southeast Asian countries, and they can bankrupt all the companies in Bangzi Country?" Le Huizhen asked.

"How can it be impossible? International hot money is not scary, but there are Wall Street tycoons behind them. These people have a big appetite. What they value is not the three melons and two dates in the stock market, but to take the pot away." Lei Weidong shrugged.

In the Southeast Asian crisis, the most unlucky ones are not the Southeast Asian countries, but the Bangzi countries.

During the most crisis, 30 of the 16 largest chaebol enterprises in Bangziguo were liquidated, 33 of the 15 large banks declared bankruptcy, and about one-third of the 2100 financial institutions went bankrupt and closed. 130 million people are unemployed, the suicide rate soars by 42%, and the government debt is as high as 1175 billion U.S. dollars, almost to the extent of national bankruptcy.

The reason why they were able to get out of the economic crisis was not only that the huge mainland market helped them, but also because, when Bangziguo was desperate, he bowed his head to the IMF, the tool of the United States to implement economic hegemony, and sold himself to pay back the money.

In order to obtain the US$550 billion loan promised by Laomei, Bangziguo was forced to accept seven unequal treaties.

The deadliest of these is to open up the market and allow foreign capital to acquire Korean companies in any form and for any reason.This means that the government of the stick country has lost control over its own enterprises.

For a time, a large amount of foreign capital poured into Bangzi Country like a tide, controlling the economic lifeline of a large number of core enterprises in Bangzi Country.

During the economic crisis, Bangzi Country did not fail to work hard. They not only asked Japan for help, but also borrowed 500 billion U.S. dollars.

It also set off a national donation boom in China.A total of 350 million citizens voluntarily took out their own gold bars and gold jewelry, and donated a total of 227 tons of gold to the government, wanting to share the difficulties with the country.

If Japan's loans can be in place, then the hole of tens of billions of dollars can be plugged and the companies in the country can tide over the difficulties.

Then at this critical moment, the finance minister of the old America made a phone call to Japan, threatening that if Japan dared to send money to Bangzigu, Soros would immediately turn his guns on Japan...

Now it's all right, Ridu, who was worried about getting burned, gave up the loan to Bangziguo.

Without Japan's stupid 500 billion US dollars, it is a drop in the bucket to be close to the gold raised by the people of Bangzi Country, and it cannot change the result at all.

In the end, the foreign shares of the eight major banks in Bangzi Country all accounted for more than two-thirds, which means that the banks are all controlled by Lao Mei.

Most of the shares of the four-star group that Bangzi Country is most proud of are also in the hands of Wall Street giants.For example, in Four Star Electronics, foreign investors accounted for 53% of common shares and 73% of preferred shares.

It can be said that the one controlled by Lao Mei is even more powerful than Japan's stupid, and has completely become Lao Mei's follower.

This is still the real world.

In Hong Kong Comprehensive World, Japan is still unable to recover from the Mt. Fuji incident.

In the mainland market and Southeast Asian market, because of the existence of the Oriental Group, the market share is far lower than the reality.

In this case, being targeted by Wall Street and Lei Weidong will only be more tragic than reality.

(End of this chapter)

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