blood plague

Chapter 324 Light and Shadow

Chapter 324 Light and Shadow (Third Deletion)
In the middle of the night, Sister Alison found Maria in the chairman's office and reported to her the results of today's trial.

"I'm sorry, all three of you failed the trials today." Sister Alison said apologetically to Maria.

The reason why Sister Alison feels sorry is because there is a female believer who she is very optimistic about. Sister Alison believes that today's trial, at least speaking, this female believer should be able to pass with a certainty.

Unfortunately, this female believer failed to survive the second round. Like the other two female believers, she cried, shouted, and begged that she would give up.

In order not to let this trial destroy their faith, Sister Alison led them to pray once before letting the three of them leave after regaining some calm.

After the three female believers left, Sister Alison began to reflect. The male believer who provided her with a new idea said that the effect of this thing is particularly good, and it can be used for a variety of purposes. However, the problem now is to confirm the method of this trial. Is the effect too strong?

So Sister Alison went outside, and she called in the two male believers who were guarding the door.

Sister Alison, who was slightly wet, was lying on the bed with her feet up and her head down. She was going to experience the ceremony herself, and then she could evaluate the difficulty of the trial.

In this small room with a fresh smell of incontinence, a flawless woman lying naked on the bed with a white cloth covering her face, for the two male believers, I really don't know whether it is welfare or torture.

Afterwards, the two picked up the jug next to them and poured the water in the jug onto the white cloth.


"That's it. The difficulty of the ceremony is indeed not small, but it is not insurmountable." Sister Alison reported gently to Maria Hui.

In fact, just now, the two male believers were scared to death.

People have never been able to remain calm when being poured by water. In addition to making people incontinent, suffering indescribable pain, and constantly dying, when they are about to die, the human body will inevitably have convulsions Struggle in the same way, that is, kicking with both hands and legs indiscriminately.

But Sister Alison just lay there, motionless, and the two male believers could only tell from the still heaving chest and the constant coughing that Sister Alison was not dead.Many times they even had to stop pouring water to make sure Sister Alison was still alive.

Sister Alison survived 5 rounds. At the end, the male believers who had looked at Sister Alison's smooth body and had some evil thoughts were left with only awe and praise in their hearts.

Now hearing Sister Alison speaking in a gentle and slightly hoarse voice, Maria realized that Sister Alison's hair was still wet.

For Sister Alison, Maria didn't know how to comment. She vaguely felt that there was something wrong with Sister Alison's actions, and on the other hand, she was shocked by her piety.

"I'm sorry, Maria." Sister Alison said apologetically to Maria: "During this period of time, I have neglected to guide the believers. You are correct, the suffering of the flesh cannot replace the will Metamorphosis.

As long as people's will has not changed, and they are only trying to endure and suppress pain, they will never be able to understand the true meaning of faith. "

"Although I don't want to accuse you, Sister Alison, the Holy Son has awakened." Maria said to Alison with anger and dissatisfaction: "Our plan was disrupted, and it turned out that you were at the end Something important went wrong.

This is not a fault that a single 'sorry' can bear.

Do you know what a nun stands for!
Nuns are dedicated people!
You must choose the most pious and reliable woman to dedicate to the Lord, this is your responsibility! "

"I'm sorry again, Maria." Sister Alison lowered her head and said, "But please call him Father Iger. Maybe no one knows about this except the two of us. You know, the secret The reason why it is a secret is that the fewer people who know it, the better."

Facing Sister Alison's gentleness, Maria realized that she had lost control of her emotions, and then Maria restrained her emotions.

With loss and disappointment, Maria discovered that the anger she had just burst out contained a lot of personal emotions.

Alison, a noble daughter from a family, crushed Lily and herself in all aspects, no matter in terms of morality or talent.

Maria was a little jealous of Alison, and Maria envied Alison at the same time, and Maria admired Alison very much, with such complicated feelings, so when Maria heard Alison exhale When she ran out of candidate believers and failed, her emotions inevitably got out of control.

The conflict happened suddenly, but due to the restraint of both sides, it did not expand and subsided after a few words.

After Maria and Sister Alison talked about other things for a while, Sister Alison bid her farewell and was about to leave when Maria stopped her.

"Sister Alison." Maria yelled, and when Sister Alison turned around, she said with some sadness and apology: "I'm sorry, Sister Alison, I was just impulsive just now. .

I also know that you have done better than me in every aspect of the church.Honestly, I'm jealous of you.

I'm jealous that you wear my nun's ring, I'm jealous that you can dedicate yourself to the Lord, I'm even jealous that you can take off your clothes and serve Iger, these opportunities are mine. "

Sister Alison turned to look at Maria, and she said to Maria with sincere gratitude: "Thank you again, Maria, you have taught me a lot. But, Maria, you Do you know what light is?"

"Light?" Maria was asked this question by Sister Alison. There are many answers to this question. Maria didn't know which one to answer, but she subconsciously felt that all the answers she knew were not Alison. What the nun wanted.

"Where there is light, there will be shadows. Although there is light, there can be no shadows, but where there are shadows, there must be light." After finishing speaking to Maria, Sister Alison nodded slightly to her, turned and left.

After Sister Alison left, Maria carefully pondered the meaning of these three sentences. Although what Sister Alison said was about light, her words were inseparable from shadows. Although what she said was about shadows, the content was actually all about light. .

Maria was not an intelligent woman, but she seemed to understand what Sister Alison meant.

Sister Alison and the others represent the light, and they themselves are the shadow behind the light. Although the shadow and the light look completely different, they are actually one.

Shadow, shadow, shadow.

Maria began to think about shadows.


Sister Alison had already keenly sensed Maria's jealousy towards her.

After all, to learn acting, the first basic skill is to perceive the emotions of others, so that you can better grasp the psychology of your character on the stage.

Maria is a poor girl, even younger than herself.

The biggest difficulty for Maria is the hurdle in her heart. In fact, no one in Jixi Town has cared about that matter for a long time.

Sister Alison believes that Mary is still pure, and a girl with a pure and white heart like her is unique among all the believers that Sister Alison has come into contact with.

Although suffering can strengthen people's will, it is actually a distortion of people's mind.

Sister Alison doesn't want all the nuns around Iger to be bitter and hateful women. She hopes to help Iger find some devout believers who believe in truth, goodness and beauty.

What Sister Alison said to Maria today is to tell her not to give up on herself, to take off her clothes to seduce Iger, and Maria actually has the same opportunity.

To be honest, Sister Alison, who had chosen clothes for Maria, even thought that even if she appeared in front of Father Iger with herself, Maria would have a great chance of winning.

Her body is the most beautiful gift God has given.


Aiger never expected that there would be a group of women plotting his body, and they all wanted to dedicate themselves to him impatiently.

Iger woke up only in the middle of the night, and he didn't sleep well.

Iger had been dreaming just now, and the dream was full of Elvira, Alison, Joanna, and even Joanna's infected girlfriend.

All kinds of things made him dazzled and dizzy.

It's okay to have one of these dreams, but all of them came up at once, making Iger feel tired and panicked.

After waking up, Iger didn't feel much better, his head was still groggy.

When Iger woke up, he rolled over and fell asleep again.


The next day, Iger, who was obviously depressed, sat on the bed and had breakfast under the service of Sister Catherine.

After the mental outbreak, there will be a period of mental weakness, and now Iger's Son of Light can only barely protect himself.

Sister Catherine placed a large plate of food in front of Iger.

Iger remembered his dream, and he didn't dare to continue thinking about it.

But the more you want to ignore it, the more people will take the initiative to think about it.

Wake up, wake up, this is not a dream.

Iger withdrew his sanity, and he dealt with the food on the plate seriously and honestly.

After using the combat potion, his body was severely overdrawn, and Iger decided to let himself take care of it for ten days and a half months before talking.

Iger was having breakfast when the cell phone beside him rang. Iger picked it up and saw that it was Maria.

"Good morning, Maria." Iger held the mobile phone in one hand, and picked up the toast bread in the other hand to wipe the residual oil left by the fried eggs on the bottom of the plate.

"Iger, I hope you come to Jixi Town immediately, there is the latest news from Rama City." Maria said to Iger.

Hearing Maria's words, Iger made some calculations. The field investigation team has been released for three or four days. There should be news. He said to Maria: "Which field team is back?"

"No, no. The people who came to Jixi Town to report today are the mountain people living in the mountains." Maria said to Iger, "Thank you for your mental suppression yesterday. If it weren't for the infected people, they would not move. That's right, the dozen or so mountain people were rounded up by the tide of infected people.

They seized the opportunity to escape from the center of the infected wave yesterday, and now they are in Rapid Creek.According to their report, the wave of infected people in Rama City has crossed the highest mountain and is speeding towards Pudo County. "

"Ah?" Iger stopped what he was doing when he heard it, and asked Maria in surprise, "Where is the scouting team we sent out?"

After a second of silence, Maria said, "Maybe it has been wiped out."

 In order to pinpoint exactly what place was blocked, I deliberately opened a membership, but this place was changed, and another place appeared again.

  Pray that this time it works out.

  Everyone is numb.

(End of this chapter)

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