blood plague

Chapter 323 The Battle of the Special Infected

Chapter 323 The Battle of the Special Infected

In the Lv1 state, the infected are actually independent individuals. They can only rely on their physical instincts to carry out activities, including wandering aimlessly or preying.

In the Lv2 state, the infected are still independent individuals, but they can receive instructions from the screamer and adjust their behavior through instructions.

After reaching Lv3, the infected are no longer a single individual, they can be regarded as the limb extension of the blood plague heart.In this state, the action authority of the infected individual is in the heart of the blood plague. Once the heart of the blood plague cannot give orders, the infected person will be offline.

So after Iger issued blocking interference, it was not a problem of dropping from Lv4 to Lv1, but directly dropped to Lv0.

When it was found that all the infected people were still in place, the overjoyed commando captain led the commando team into the urban area, and this operation now seemed like a piece of cake.

The drive-thru car moves forward in the city according to the shortest path calculated by the navigation. Except for the wreckage of cars all over the street, all the infected people who are standing still don't need to avoid it, just run over them.

This time the military's action team was the first to assault to such a deep position that only drones could fly here before.

At this moment, the observer sitting in the co-pilot's seat of the driving car vaguely saw a dark shadow falling from above, "Be careful!" He shouted to the driver.

The driver didn't realize what he needed to "be careful" at all, and before he had time to take any action, a reinforced concrete slab that was bigger than the drive car fell from the sky, hitting the driving area of ​​the drive car, and the whole car was crushed by the dozens of tons The heavy concrete slab was beaten flat.

The car behind was shocked when it saw such a sudden change. The driver quickly made a sharp turn to avoid the wreckage of the driving car, which also allowed the car to just avoid an equally huge concrete slab.

Subsequently, more concrete slabs fell from the sky, and all the drivers in the convoy could only control the car to dodge and move forward on the not too wide street by feeling.


A fire truck full of napalm was hit by a concrete slab, and several commandos climbing on the fire truck were smashed to pieces in an instant. Everyone understood that this was not an accident, but an attack.

The fire truck was struggling forward with the boulder on its back, and there was another fire truck behind it. These two fire trucks were the key to the whole operation.

"Quick, speed up and pass!" The commando captain shouted.

This narrow street with tall buildings on both sides was originally the best place to ambush, but no one expected that there would be an attack from the sky.

This kind of condescending blow is fatal to the convoy, and the best way to deal with it now is to quickly get out of the ambush area.

Behind the clearing car was the command car of the commando leader, which narrowly escaped the attack of the huge concrete slab just now, and now roared and accelerated forward.

At this moment, a big, chubby man walked out from behind an abandoned bus, and he rushed onto the narrow road with short legs.

"Fu*k!" The driver of the command vehicle yelled, and a few tenths later, the command vehicle collided with the fat man.


Without the huge impact everyone expected, the big fat man was hit and exploded by the command vehicle like a balloon.

As a mass of dark red blood mist rose, the command vehicle was shrouded in blood mist.

"Ho, ho, ho."

The commando leader sitting in the co-pilot pinched his throat with both hands in the blood mist. He saw the veins on the back of his hand bursting out like old tree roots, and there was only blood in his eyes.

Blood plague infection.

Although the military has mastered the method of making blood plague serum, the output is extremely limited.The military uses vaccines in order of military rank from high to low, first soldiers, then civilians. Obviously, the commando captain is not high enough to use the blood plague serum.

Although this assault was very important, the superiors still judged that the entire commando did not need to be injected with healing serum.

In the eyes of the superiors, this team of commandos are consumables that are about to be used up, and there is no need to increase the sunk cost.Besides, with the use of healing serum to prevent infection, there is no chance of being infected during this raid.

In just a few seconds, all the members of the command vehicle mutated into infected people. With a "boom", the front of the command vehicle tilted, hit the scrapped car beside the road and turned off.

The third cover vehicle also made the same mistake after forcing its way through the blood fog. It also lost control and crashed into a street building.

Seeing this situation, the fourth cover vehicle had to stop, and no one dared to break in until the blood fog dissipated.

The machine gunner in the cover car loaded the heavy machine gun vigorously. This 12.7mm heavy machine gun is now the only heavy firepower in the entire commando.

The machine gunner heard a scream overhead, and just as he raised his head, a black shadow fell from the sky.

The huge impact smashed the machine gunner into pieces. Before he could utter a scream, he bit his throat with his fangs.

Afterwards, several figures jumped down from a high place, and in the distance there were more than a dozen black figures crawling quickly on the outer wall of the tall building like geckos.

"Reverse, quickly reverse!" The commando on the last fire truck yelled loudly while firing his gun at the jumping figures.

Behind the fire truck, several giants like mountains of meat walked slowly.Two giants held a metal street lamp in their hands, and the huge metal street lamp was as slender as a bamboo pole in their hands.

The other two giants casually lifted up a scrapped car, and slammed it hard at the speeding up fire truck.

Three quadcopter drones were out of control after being hit by the drive car, they were suspended in mid-air silently, and the camera was just in time to record the one-sided carnage.


After watching the video, which was only a few minutes long, Iger involuntarily took a deep breath.

What kind of infected person is this? It's so strong!
"These infected people who attacked the convoy seem to be special infected people." Iger said to Dina.

"It doesn't seem to be, it's the special infected." Dina said to Iger, "The generation of special infected is very rare, and in terms of proportion, it is about one in ten thousand.

The city we are facing now has a population of one million. According to the population ratio, there are about a hundred of them.

These special infected are very cunning. According to the information you provided, we have already regarded them as alienated humans, but we are still unable to defend against their attacks. "

This is easy to understand, because the means and methods of defending against common infected and dealing with special infected are fundamentally different, or even completely opposite.

To deal with ordinary infected people, the pursuit is to maximize the coverage of firepower, but in front of special infected people, these firepower nets full of loopholes can easily come and go freely.

The biggest difference between special infected and ordinary infected is that they have independent minds.

When the blood plague brain is blocked by all channels, the actions of special infected people with independent minds will not be greatly restricted.They were even locals, familiar with the terrain, and ambushed the convoy at an optimal spot.

These betrayers of humanity!
Iger thought through gritted teeth.

No, this sentence is actually not correct, special infected people are no longer in the category of human beings.

Since ancient times, traitors are the most hated.

Because the traitor knows himself better than his enemy, he does more harm and destruction.

There are also a few special infected people in Pudo City, but they did not form a legion, but acted alone.

Perhaps, being able to learn and grow in war is not just the privilege of survivors.

Today's most important attack plan failed. Although it was not his fault, Iger was still very sad.After all, after paying such a high price and receiving such a powerful and cruel challenge, the plan failed.

After turning off Iger who communicated with Dina, he picked up his cell phone and dialed again, "Hello, this is Iger. Maria, I hope you can broadcast this news. Today I started at 11 o'clock in the morning and used my mental power to burst out to stop The action of the infected person was stopped for nearly 5 hours.

Yes, the battle potions you offer are very effective.

Sister Catherine?
No no no, she didn't participate.

Neither did Joanna.

There are no other women.

No, and no man, I was alone in the room.

Uh, the main reason is that I want to maximize the effect, so I endure it alone.

Yes, the effect is very good. According to Dina, all the infected people are all disconnected, just like wood.

However, there are no infected people in Pudo County, so everyone did not feel any difference.

This is not to say that I want to show off, I just feel that I have done such a big thing and I have to let others know.

What?I woke up?

Of course, I woke up that day.I am now a photon man made of pure sunlight, and I finally understand that it is the dark that fears me, not me that fears the dark.

What?You want to send someone over to protect me?
No need.

I'm in Rose Town, where I can pull up a team of 300 people with just a yell, so where do I need protection?Although the earthen wall here is not as good as that of Jixi Town, there are no tens of thousands of infected people or thousands of survivors who can't beat it at all.

Sister Catherine was very conscientious and there was no need to bring Sister Alison back.

Haha, yes, the radio station can find a way to slowly be in our hands.

Although I do have some opinions on Lily, this matter is really not tainted with selfishness. Gospel radio should be controlled by the Gospel team instead of being someone's personal trumpet.

How many nuns are you going to send me over?
Don't you still have to carry out the 'trial'?

To be honest, your method is a bit cruel.

You are also a woman, you know, that part is pierced, it may cause permanent damage, and you can't touch it casually in the future.

No, I don't mean I want to touch, it really doesn't matter to me.

Okay, okay, I'm a little tired, I'll take a break first and talk back. "

Iger hung up the phone, he fell on the bed, and slowly closed his eyes.


Sister Alison is very busy today.

Just now, Sister Alison announced today's miracle to all believers on the Gospel broadcast - Father Iger suppressed the infected person for nearly 5 hours through spiritual power.

Lily, who was on the side, was surprised to hear the news from ear to ear. Obviously, since there is Sister Alison, Lily can no longer get exclusive news about Iger.

Originally, one of the most attractive points of Lily's broadcasting was the large number of revelations. Now that the person who broke the news has become Sister Alison, Lily is naturally dissatisfied and disappointed.

However, they belong to a church, so it's normal to know any news first.

Lily comforted herself in her heart.

After Sister Alison finished telling the shocking news, Lily could only go on reading some free trade price lists in Rapid Creek.

This gap seems to be a bit big.

After finishing the broadcast, Sister Alison was escorted by two armed security believers to the accommodation area outside Jixi Town. In the revelation room, three female believers had been waiting for a long time.

Compared with the time when Sister Catherine was promoted, this small revelation room has an extra lifting iron bed that is common in wards.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting." Sister Alison said to the three female believers apologetically, "You are very lucky, because the church urgently needs to replenish nuns, so this early trial is available. But my The requirements will not be lowered because of this. The number of people who can successfully pass the test today may be 3 or 0.

But whatever the outcome, this trial is a reward for your piety. "

Sister Alison took off her clothes while speaking, she turned to look at the three female believers and said, "The nun's body is a gift to the Lord, so we try not to spoil its beauty.

Today's test is water, but this is the first time I use it, and I heard that there is a certain accidental fatality rate.In case I don't hear your cries for help, after the trial begins, raising any hand means giving up.

Okay, take off your clothes, which one of you will go first? "

After Sister Alison finished speaking, the three female believers scrambled to undress to grab the first chance.

(End of this chapter)

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