I copied my daughter in the parallel world

Chapter 518 393. New car in hand

Chapter 518 393. New car in hand
And Shangyan continued to argue with the sales staff, all supporting services were not required, only a few more maintenance times were needed, and under the circumstances of continuous concessions, the final conditions were completely negotiated.

The price of the car was [-]+ lower than the previous price. At the same time, ten maintenances were provided, as well as some pillows, thermos cups specially made by the car company, and umbrellas produced by the original factory.

Whether it is an umbrella or a thermos cup, they all carry their unique personal style of this car company, and they are incomparably matched with the car when placed on the car. Whether it is for office use or given to other friends, it can be said to be compelling. full.

Generally speaking, Gu Cheng was very satisfied with being able to talk to this point, and kept patting Shang Yan's shoulder, shouting loudly that he must comfort and comfort the other party at noon.

After all the conditions have been negotiated, the thing we are facing is the busy formalities. It is difficult to designate the license plate today. Because of the auto show, the staff of the vehicle management office have been busy in recent days. If If you choose to go to the nearest card, at least the waiting time will take a whole morning.

Therefore, a temporary license has become the best choice. A temporary license is valid for 15 days. During these 15 days, it is more convenient to apply for it at any time. Gu Cheng feels that he should choose a time when there are few people. It's done just by downloading, wouldn't it be great?

Before applying for a temporary license plate, insurance matters need to be settled. Because it is a new car, I bought full insurance in the first year. This kind of insurance covers all aspects. According to the introduction of the insurance salesperson, whether you hit someone or If someone hits you, you hit a building, or any other problem, you can find the corresponding compensation regulations.

Of course, you can not use these things, or try not to use them as much as possible. Regardless of whether applying for insurance will stimulate the purchase amount of insurance in the second year, Gu Cheng does not want to have any crises in the process of driving.

After the insurance is processed, I have to take pictures, as the basic information to be stored in the file. It is also because of the reason for the auto show today, so after communicating with the Convention and Exhibition Center, the Motor Management Office specially placed a temporary one in the Convention and Exhibition Center. The business window for license applications.

Any customer who comes to buy a vehicle can get a temporary license very quickly on the same day and drive a new car home.

Don't think that these government agencies are too flattering. You must know that the automobile industry is a double benchmark for the software and hardware strength of a country's manufacturing industry. Not to mention buying a car, you will receive a considerable amount of vehicle purchase tax. Local businesses and merchants with a range of ancillary services are thriving, and thriving business is equivalent to the growing economic strength of the region.

More importantly, the auto industry is an important criterion for the country's economic pillar. A strong auto industry means that the entire auto industry supply chain is local.In other words, the strength of the auto industry basically indicates the strength of various sectors of the country's manufacturing industry.

The automobile industry chain alone can boost the local GDP by several percentage points, which is something other industries cannot easily match.

Therefore, considering these problems, it is understandable for the local government to be cautious about the vehicle sales and manufacturing industry.

After all the procedures were completed, Gu Cheng happily took out his wallet, took out the bank card that was used to store his assets, and smoothly swipe on the other party's POS machine, enter the password, Then sign your own name, and the handover work is completely completed.

But seeing that it was almost noon, their current cars were usually in a warehouse in another suburb, and it would take a while to drive their new cars over there.

Of course, there is another option, which is to directly drive away the exhibition vehicles used in their exhibition halls, but because these exhibition vehicles are touched by various guests every day and even go up to experience the space and basic functions, strictly speaking, it is already Not exactly a new car.

Customers who don't mind don't go too deep into this aspect, but Gu Cheng still cares a lot. Whoever buys a new car wants to buy a car that many people have touched. Only when they buy a car that has not been touched by the original factory will they feel comfortable. For some, it is justifiable to have such a mood.

To be honest, since going out in the morning, Gu Cheng and Shang Yan have been starving for a long time. They didn't do anything this morning, they just drank the tea provided by various brands of car companies, and their stomachs couldn't bear it.

They also need to find a restaurant nearby to solve the problem of lunch, and also give the salesperson a time to prepare and complete various procedures. If there is no accident, they can drive home directly in the afternoon.

"Then let's go first, remember that I want the black color, and you have to wash it for me when you drive back, and come to pick up the car after I have eaten."

Gu Cheng and Shang Yan, the two of them took a step forward, waved their hands, and did not forget to tell the salesperson before leaving.

"Don't worry, brother, I'll drive the car back and get a basin of water and use a towel to wipe every corner for you. It will definitely improve the brightness of the tiles, and there will be no dust at all."

Another car was sold in my own hands, and the salesperson's face was also very happy and excited, which meant that this month's commission was much higher than last month, and nothing is more important than money. Motivation to work hard.

Because of the wandering all morning and the intense bargaining process, it is very exhausting for the mind and body.After discussing with each other, Gu Cheng and Shang Yan didn't go too far, and enjoyed their lunch at a nearby local restaurant.

Every dinner has always been either hot pot, or a variety of seafood and barbecue, or some other novelties.All of a sudden, the two of them went to the local restaurant to have a formal meal, and at the same time they finished a large pot of rice, feeling extremely satisfied and fulfilled in their hearts.

It seems that this kind of pasta and rice are more suitable for the tastes of Chinese people. The new diet method passed down from abroad can only be used as a condiment. If everyone eats according to this recipe every day, they will definitely not be able to stand it adapted.

The cooking skills of this restaurant are really good. The fried chicken and braised fish in the earthen pot, as well as the braised pork made in the crock pot, made the two of them eat oil from the corners of their mouths, and kept humming on the chair with their stomachs covered. It took a long time to rest before being able to stand up and walk.

After taking a look at the time, it was almost time. Around 1:30 in the afternoon, Gu Cheng and Shang Yan returned to the exhibition center again. Before they reached the door, they saw the sales consultant who was cleaning the car hard. After finishing the remaining procedures, Gu Cheng was finally able to drive in the new car he bought and drove towards home.

(End of this chapter)

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