I copied my daughter in the parallel world

Chapter 2049 1924 Flooded Jinshan

"Gu Cheng, Gu Cheng? Gu Cheng!"

Late at night, Gu Cheng fell into an extremely comfortable sleep state. Just as he was sleeping particularly comfortably, he vaguely seemed to hear someone calling him. At first, he thought it was an auditory hallucination or an illusion, but as he kept repeating The sound got louder and louder, and he finally opened his eyes with difficulty.

"Ah? What's wrong? Why are you calling me if you're up so late at night?"

The whole person was numb and extremely melancholy as he asked. In the dim moonlight, he could see Jiang Ning, who was sleeping on the other side of his body, holding his arm and shaking.

"Don't sleep, get up."

"What time is it? It's not bright yet. What are you doing? Oh, I'm so sleepy. Don't bother me."

As he turned over, he prepared to continue to sleep. You must know that for people, adequate sleep guarantee is a major reason for a healthy life and a peaceful mind. I myself have the energy to wake up, and every time I fall asleep When there is not enough, I feel particularly upset. You may not pay much attention to trivial things on weekdays, but when you don't sleep well, these things will become the spark that ignites your powder keg.

"Get up quickly, your daughter wets the bed."

Jiang Ning sighed helplessly, looked at Gu Cheng who was bedridden, and had no choice but to directly tell the reason why he called him.


This news was extremely shocking to Gu Cheng. For a moment, he thought he had heard it wrong. , but at this moment, the hazy sleepiness seemed to have diminished a lot. He sat upright and continued to focus on the other party, hoping that the other party could repeat what he just said.

"You touch the mattress. It's very wet. It's very big. Get up quickly and pick up the baby. I'll change the sheets and quilts. How can you sleep with a wet mattress? Don't get tattooed tomorrow. Scratch the rash.”

It could be seen that Jiang Ning was also extremely tired. After all, being woken up by other accidents while sleeping on weekdays was not a comfortable process in itself. However, considering his worries, he had no choice but to be patient and continue urging.

When there is water on the sheets and quilts, if you continue to cover them with these things, not only will they not have any effect of keeping you warm, but your skin may also become allergic and acne if it is in contact with water for a long time, which will be a torturous process. , these pimples are extremely itchy after they appear. Every time you scratch them, if you don’t use too much force, you may scratch the original pimples. Recovery is also a very long process.

After listening to the other party's words, he subconsciously touched the quilt next to him with his hand. He had to say that the moisture was warm. The feeling is never unfamiliar.

Turning his attention to the daughter next to him, he was still sleeping very soundly at this moment, and was not bothered by the bedwetting problem at all, as if he was not the one who did this. Even the sleeping posture of the whole person is extremely free and easy, and the wet area has been avoided by moving. It may also be the body's self-regulation and subconscious reaction. From time to time, he would blink his lips a few times in his sleep, as if he had eaten something delicious in his dream.

"Oh, let's put this naughty kid in diapers tomorrow. He hasn't wet the bed in such a long time. Why did he suddenly wet the bed again?"

By this time, my sleepiness had faded to nothing. I straightened my body and sighed helplessly, but I could only follow my girlfriend's guidance to benefit from the remaining battlefield. The main job I did was to wrap my daughter's body with the blanket next to her, and take off her underwear that had been soaked by urine.

Jiang Ning, who was next to her, was busy pulling down all the sheets and quilts on the bed, taking out the spare ones from the closet next to her and laying them again.

It has been more than a year since the last time my daughter wet the bed. Over the past year, her daughter has developed the habit of not excreting at night under the guidance of herself and Jiang Ning. Every time I wake up and before going to bed, I will consciously run to the children's toilet in the bedroom to solve personal problems, and then get back into bed and get ready before going to bed.

In order to prevent their daughter from developing a dependence on diapers, the two of them had already started to solve this problem. Now the baby is able to go to the toilet on his own very skillfully.

The only time adults need help is when wiping their butts or cleaning the children's toilet. Whenever I want to go to the toilet, I will be very skillful in closing the bedroom door first, and then sitting on the toilet to do it easily. In addition, because the clothes I wear in summer are relatively thin, I can even lift the clothes by myself.

It is precisely because of this that bedwetting is actually a relatively unfamiliar word to Gu Cheng. Even in his heart, his daughter has slowly become an independent adult.

It wasn't until the occurrence of this bedwetting accident that I realized that my baby is still a child. No matter how stable he behaves on weekdays, sometimes he still can't control his body.

While yawning, he hugged his daughter steadily. Seeing her sleeping like a piglet, Gu Cheng didn't feel much at ease. After all, children are like this. I believe every parent will experience it. At this similar stage, it cannot be said that there are no children who do not wet the bed, but it can only be said that there are only a few.

Even in my own memory, I had an occasional bedwetting experience when I was a teenager. At that time, I was extremely panicked. But the reason why it appeared was simply because I found a public toilet while traveling to the park in my dream, and couldn't help but urinate before I realized that I was sleeping.

"Okay, you can put it back first. I've already done it here. Remember to remind me tomorrow to clean all these beddings and everything."

Jiang Ning was not too surprised by this situation. After all, in her own understanding, it was natural for children to occasionally wet the bed. However, next time when making the bed, she should pay attention to the fact that her daughter often sleeps. I have always kept this habit before, but because the diaper may not be used at all for about half a year, some of it may be ignored.

At this moment, the baby was not troubled by any problems at all. Even in his father's arms, he slept very sweetly. After returning to the bed, he moved his body very skillfully and lay on his side. On the pillow, it was as if this incident had never happened.

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