I copied my daughter in the parallel world

Chapter 2048 1923 Covering one’s ears and stealing the bell

Now Gu Cheng already feels helpless towards his daughter. After all, she is his biological daughter, and it is impossible to use too severe punishment methods. Being scolded and beaten at the same time has made the other party indifferent, and sometimes he has even thought about it. If there are no effective punishment methods, the other party will have some scruples when doing things.

I don’t know if this situation is a stage that many fathers in the world will go through, but I have to say that when it comes to educating children, he really feels that he doesn’t have many novel ideas, so he can only pin this hope on himself. For my girlfriend Jiang Ning, I hope that the other party can take on the role of guidance.

When Jiang Ning rushed back from the company, Gu Cheng immediately shared with him everything he had experienced today when he was in a bad mood. The other party also frowned helplessly. Looking at the remaining battlefield that had been cleaned up and the mottled marks on the baby's body, he really didn't have any good ideas.

"Why don't you just throw those clothes away? I think even if you wash them, they won't have much of an effect. They might have to last for a long time, or you have to wash them 10 times in a row before they are completely gone. It disappears, but the clothes probably won’t have much elasticity after washing them 10 times or so.”

Looking at the clothes and sofa cushions soaked in the basin, even though many methods were used, the traces of ink on them still looked particularly fresh, with no possibility of diminishing at all.

Compared with this painstaking cleaning process, it is better to just throw away the clothes cleanly. After listening to the other party's suggestion, Gu Cheng also thought that this might be a better solution, and immediately put the clothes into the bag as he was told.

After solving these matters, Jiang Ning took the sofa cushion to the sink and cleaned it with a brush over and over again. This was obviously much simpler than the initial state, but similar colors could still be seen vaguely.

However, compared with clothes, the color of the sofa cushion itself is darker. The ink is on it. If you don’t look carefully, you really can’t see the specific marks. Furthermore, the function of the sofa cushion is to protect the sofa. Whether there are traces or not will not affect the beauty and function of the other party at all.

After cleaning it to this extent, I stopped the next step. After wringing out the water, I placed it on the balcony and prepared to dry it. After it was dried, I put it back into use.

After a full circle of work, they finally cleaned up the consequences of the other party's mischief. At this moment, Gu Cheng and Jiang Ning were both extremely tired and sat on the sofa, enjoying the rare peace.

"Come and let me see the marks on your feet. You can't play with these things with me next time. Didn't I remember that I put all these markers away before? Why did he dig them out again?"

Jiang Ning waved and called the baby while not forgetting to warn her. She even looked a little curious. Because she was worried about the possible consequences of the baby being naughty, she had already properly stored these things when she was cleaning up the house. , even placed in some relatively high places.

Logically speaking, there should be very few opportunities for babies to come into direct contact with these items. Without the possibility of contact, there would naturally not be many opportunities for such things to happen.

Hearing his girlfriend ask about this matter, Gu Cheng touched his nose a little embarrassed. In fact, she just realized it in hindsight. She remembered that she didn't put the marker back to its original place after using it, and threw it away casually. On the coffee table next to me, this may have been caused by my own negligence.

He had just made some marks on the book with a marker, but at this time, he would not admit these things easily, otherwise Jiang Ning would vent all the fatigue and resentment he had accumulated from a whole round of work on himself. . "Oh, this kid is jumping up and down like a monkey every day. Last time I saw him stepping on a stool to get the candies in the cabinet. The older he gets, the harder it is to discipline him."

He vaguely brought the topic back to the baby. When he saw that Jiang Ning did not delve into the issue, he was relieved. However, the resentment towards his daughter in his heart was not as serious as imagined. , after all, to a certain extent, the other party also took the blame for himself.

At this moment, the baby may be worried about being scolded by his aunt, so he just sits there without making any big movements.

"Come here, I won't scold you."

Jiang Ning had a friendly look on his face and continued to call the baby gently. He had no intention of reprimanding him on this issue, and it was understandable for the child to do these things. After all, the other party was full of strong feelings about everything. curiosity.

The role of adults itself is to guide and educate each other. What can and cannot be done, and wiping the child's butt itself is also the responsibility of adults in the care process.

Now that Gu Cheng has taught the other party a lesson, there is absolutely no need for him to continue to do this thing. The child has realized his mistake and should improve and restrain himself in the process of doing things in the future. Wait until this happens again next time. When this happens, it’s not too late to teach someone a lesson.

Seeing that the aunt's attitude didn't look like she was pretending, the baby slowly moved in the direction of the aunt. However, when moving, he would deliberately hide the obvious mark on his foot to avoid it. Looking at my aunt's pursuing eyes.

"Oh, no need to hide, Auntie just wants to come over and talk to you."

No matter how Jiang Ning emphasized his true thoughts, the baby had no intention of believing it at all. When he was next to his aunt, he did not forget to insert his two little feet under the pillow next to him to cover them as much as possible. It seemed that as long as the other party If you can't see any traces of yourself, you should have no reason to reprimand yourself.

I have to say that this deceptive look really made the two adults laugh. This is always the case when dealing with children. One second may make you angry, and the next second it may make you dumbfounded. . What the other person does always makes you feel extra childish and interesting.

With the emergence of this little episode, the two people obviously felt that their mood was not as bad as before, and they no longer wanted to pursue the matter. After chatting for a while, the baby found that there seemed to be no tendency to care at all, and then he was very relieved to expose his little feet again.

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