my bright sword career

Chapter 592 Arguing

Chapter 592 Arguing
Tens of thousands of troops from the United States and Japan fought bloody battles on the small island. The sound of gunfire and cannons has been resounding for more than a month.

The curtain of the tent was pushed open, and the deputy rushed in from the outside, and shouted at Colonel Thomas who was holding the walkie-talkie: "Sir, good news...good news..."


Colonel Thomas put down the phone, suppressed the anger in his heart and said in a low voice: "Nemir, if you don't give me a reasonable explanation, I will personally throw you into the frontline trenches!"

"It's not... sir, it's reinforcements... Our reinforcements are here!"

"Reinforcements? Damn it...the bitches from the [-]st Marine Division have finally arrived."

Thomas was taken aback for a moment, and then he was overjoyed, but before he finished speaking, he heard his deputy Qiqi Aiai say: "Sir, isn't the First Marine Division here?"

"Not the First Division Lu?" Thomas frowned. "Could it be the Third Marine Division? No, aren't they still training at the Allison Barracks in California?"

"Sir, have you forgotten that you told me a few days ago that we have an agreement with the Huaxia government, and they will send a team of no less than 5000 people to support us."

"Chinese people? Damn it, I actually forgot about them." Thomas slapped his forehead, threw the microphone away, and rushed outside...


When Thomas rushed to the airport, he saw that one after another C47 transport planes were beginning to land on the runway, and in the sky, there were more transport planes and fighter jets circling over the airport.

Not only Thomas, but more American troops who heard the news also flocked to the airport to watch the fun.

The careful Thomas even noticed that many of the transport planes that landed were not painted with the logo of the US Air Force, but the very strange blue sky and white sun badge.

"It seems that those Chinese people have really come, I hope they can help a little." Thomas thought as he looked at the densely packed planes in the sky.

And the American soldiers around the airport surrounded the entire airport as if it was Christmas, and everyone was happily discussing the reinforcements this time.

"With the reinforcements, now I can finally sleep soundly at night." A soldier put his arm around Harry's shoulder and said passionately as he watched the transport plane land.

"Dude, don't get too excited, this time it's not our American army." Harry, who had known the inside information for a long time, broke him down.

"Are you kidding, it's not our American army, could it be a Japanese monkey?"

"Of course not Japanese monkeys." Harry shrugged, "They are all troops sent by the Chinese government."

"It's actually a Chinese!"

There was a burst of exclamation from around.

"God, please forgive the sinner who made this stupid decision."

Hearing the exclamations around him one after another, Harry also frowned.

During this period of time, the Japanese are constantly taking advantage of the night to transport personnel and supplies to Guadalcanal. Compared with half a month ago, the Japanese army has made great progress in stockpiling supplies. Harry, who stretched out the front line, even I saw the figure of the Japanese tank.

Although the Japanese tanks can only be regarded as large-scale toys at best for the rich and powerful U.S. military, this is a very dangerous signal, which means that the Japanese are now more difficult to deal with.

In order to prevent the Japanese from launching sneak attacks at night, in addition to arranging a large number of guard posts, the current US military has also laid several layers of barbed wire and minefields outside the airport.

However, it is not an egg, and it still cannot stop the Japanese's love for sneak attacks, so that many Marines are now suffering from night fear and insomnia.

Its characteristic is that it often suffers from insomnia at night, and once it encounters any disturbance, it will call for artillery support regardless, and then use machine gun fire to shoot anywhere outside the airport.

But the consequences of doing so have led to a lot of waste of ammunition and more soldiers suffering from night insomnia phobia.

Now seeing these Chinese soldiers coming, Harry's first reaction was that someone had finally replaced them.

While the soldiers were whispering, the first C47 transport plane to land landed on the lawn.

The cabin door was opened wide, the hanging ladder was lowered, and a soldier started to get off the plane. It didn't matter if they got down, but the glasses of the American soldiers who saw them were shattered.

Many soldiers even crossed themselves: "God, what is going on, are we going to fight side by side with the Germans?"

In fact, it is no wonder that the American soldiers were surprised, because the soldiers who got off the transport plane wore German M35 helmets, German 36 field uniforms, big-toed leather boots on their feet, and 98K rifles in their hands. There are also many people carrying MG42 machine guns. On the surface, it looks like a German army. If they hadn't seen the typical Asian faces of those soldiers, the American soldiers would have been ready to fight.

"Didn't those Huaxia guys know to change their weapons before they came?" Thomas murmured to himself as he watched the soldiers filing down from the plane.

"Sir, there are several officers coming over there!" the deputy reminded.

"Nonsense, I know."

Thomas cursed, straightened his collar again, and then greeted the officers who were walking towards him.

After the two sides approached, Thomas found that the officer walking towards him was about thirty years old, with a particularly serious and indifferent expression, and stopped two meters away from him.

Then he saluted him, and said in unproficient English: "Mr. Colonel, Chi Yaohui, the captain of the Huaxia Shanxi Liantai Militia Guadalcanal Dispatch Corps, was ordered to come to support your army in combat. Where is the commander of your army?"

"I am here!"

Before Thomas could answer, a hoarse voice came from behind, and I saw Rear Admiral Fletcher, the commander of Task Force 17, striding towards them surrounded by several officers.

Fletcher strode up to Chi Yaohui, first looked at the soldiers who were gathering on the lawn for a while, and then looked at Chi Yaohui.

"Colonel, are you the reinforcements sent by the Huaxia government?"

Chi Yaohui shook his head: "No... To be precise, we only belong to local forces, not under the jurisdiction of the Chongqing government."

"Not under your government's jurisdiction?" Fletcher looked at him in surprise, but then shook his head, "Forget it, I don't care who you belong to, as long as you come to help us fight the war.

Mr. Colonel, according to the agreement between our government and you, you and your troops must completely obey my command starting today, do you understand? "

"Your Excellency, the first thing I want to correct is that we only obey your reasonable orders, and we have the right to refuse those unreasonable orders."

No one expected that as soon as the reinforcements from thousands of miles away got off the plane, a dispute arose between the two sides over the issue of command.

(End of this chapter)

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