my bright sword career

Chapter 591 Arrival

Chapter 591 Arrival
"Okay... I'm here to listen to the explanation."

Hirohito stared at Hideki Tojo with cold eyes, his eyes were obvious, if you don't give me a suitable reason today, I will make you look good.

The Chief of the Japanese Army, whom Kanji Ishihara jokingly called First Class Tojo, completely lost his previous majesty, took out his handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then whispered: "Your Majesty...the output of the empire's fighter planes is limited.

So far, the monthly output of the empire is only four to more than 500 fighters, and our losses on the Pacific battlefield alone have reached more than [-], so the empire really does not have any extra fighters to support the China battlefield . "

"This is just an excuse for you." Hirohito pointed out bluntly: "I don't believe that the huge empire can't even squeeze out the output of hundreds of planes."

Hideki Tojo took a deep breath: "Your Majesty is right. Although the empire lost a lot in the Pacific Ocean, one or two hundred planes can still be squeezed out, but it is no longer a problem with planes."

"What's the problem?"

"It's the pilot."

Tojo said bluntly: "The shortage of imperial pilots is too large, and the pilots who graduate every year to supplement the air force can no longer keep up with the speed of loss."

Konoe Fumimaro on the side also explained with a wry smile: "Your Majesty, it takes at least two years for a pilot to graduate from aviation school. But now we lose at least four hundred pilots each, and we don't have enough pilots." The pilot is here to fly the plane."

"Yes, Your Majesty. We can work hard to find a way to increase the production of aircraft, but we can't fill the gap for pilots. And according to the current level of loss, the empire's existing pilots will be lost in two years. At that time, the empire will no longer have anyone who can fly to the sky."

Hirohito was dumbfounded for a moment, he didn't expect the matter to be so serious.


The reason it does this is that Japan cannot afford expensive pilot training expenses, so it can only repeatedly eliminate students with good overall quality and ensure that limited resources are concentrated on a small number of elites.

Relying on the careful selection before the war and the actual combat experience in the Chinese battlefield, before the outbreak of the Pacific War, Japan's HNA finally pieced together an air force with more than 3500 pilots. Among them, the carrier-based pilots with the highest technical content, Many have more than 700 hours of flying experience,
Of course, there is no problem when dealing with a weak country like China, because at this time China is far behind Japan in terms of economy and industry.

But when the Pacific War broke out, the weakness of Japan's "elite soldiers" policy was fully exposed.

Among other things, Japan lost more than 300 pilots in the Battle of Midway alone.

You must know that this is the most elite naval aviation unit in Japan, many of them have more than 700 hours of flying experience, and most of them have experienced actual combat.

That’s not to mention, in the next few months, as the United States and Japan continued to fight in the Pacific Ocean, the losses of Japanese pilots continued to increase, and the Japanese couldn’t hold on anymore. From two years to ten months.

But even so, in the face of a steady stream of pilot shortages, Hideki Tojo was so worried that most of his hair turned gray, which was the main reason why he ignored Neiji Okamura's call for help.

And some people say that Japan's loss is so great, isn't the loss of the Americans not too great?

Of course, the damage to the Americans is also great, but unlike Japan, the Americans believe in a policy of only skilled workers and not elites.

The assembly line training mode was adopted, which also allowed the United States to quickly emerge a large number of pilots after the war, and there were scenes where more and more pilots fought. At the peak, the number of their pilots even reached more than 20.

"Your Majesty, due to limited resources, the problem we are facing now is whether to choose Shanxi or Guadalcanal. We can only choose one of the two. If we choose Shanxi, then the consequence is that the Battle of Guadalcanal is likely to end in Failed."

Konoe Fumimaro also persuaded: "Yes, Your Majesty, the Chinese people also said that you can't have both fish and bear's paws. We can only choose between Guadalcanal and Shanxi."

"Can I only choose one?" Hiroto asked with some disappointment.

"Yes, Your Majesty." The two answered hard-heartedly.

Hirohito let out a long sigh, in fact, there is no need to choose this question.

He shook his head helplessly, stood up and walked towards the door. After reaching the door, he said lightly: "In this case, the two lovers can do it according to your method, but I hope to give as much as possible." Please help Okamura-kun, don't embarrass him too much."

After Hirohito's figure disappeared at the door, the two stood up, looked at each other and showed helpless smiles on their faces. It seemed that some planes had to be dispatched to support the Shanxi battlefield.

Although Hirohito just said to follow their method, they are not rookies in the officialdom. Of course, they know that when the leader speaks, no matter how high-sounding the previous words are, they are all just foreshadowing. Often the last sentence is the most important. People who don’t understand this Such people will not go far in official career.


Accompanied by a huge roar, a group of huge black shadows appeared in the northwest direction.

This is a huge fleet, which consists of more than 200 C47 transport planes and more than 100 fighter jets. Now this fleet is passing over the US 17 Fleet, and on the other side of the fleet, a team consists of 28 Hellcats. The US military flight formation is accompanying this fleet.

The reason why the Americans did this is because in this huge fleet, a large part of the planes are painted with a blue sky and white sun badge that is unfamiliar to many American pilots.

"God, if I didn't see the paint on those planes, I would have thought it was our own plane." A pilot flying a fighter plane opened the father-in-law channel and said with emotion.

"Who said it wasn't, but what I can't figure out is when did we start selling large transport planes to the Chinese government on a large scale, and what are the dozens of planes around them? Why have I never seen them? But there is a sense of familiarity."

"Okay, let's save these things for later." A majestic voice sounded in the public channel, "Now, what we have to do is to guide them to land immediately, if even one of these transport planes is caused by our negligence There was an accident on landing.

Believe me, General Fleck will make you feel that life is worse than death. "

Amidst the discussion among the pilots, the fleet had already arrived at Henderson Airport, and the first plane had already aimed at the runway and rushed down...

(End of this chapter)

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