my bright sword career

Chapter 545 Pursuit

Chapter 545 Pursuit
770 Regiment Headquarters
Commander Zhang has been paying attention to them since he sent the fourth battalion to take over the defense line on the right. If the fourth battalion performs well, everything will be fine, but if it doesn't perform well, he will have a headache.

Just now, he went to visit the first battalion that had just been withdrawn from the position, and found that there were less than 600 people left in the first battalion that originally had more than 200 people.

On average, there are only dozens of people left in each company, and it is not known how long it will take to recover.

If the battalion of the Liantai militia had caused too many casualties and asked for reinforcements as soon as it went up, he really could only take the remaining dozens of people from the guard company to go into battle in person.

Just when Zhang Qianxun was feeling uneasy, a staff officer hurried over, his face seemed to have an expression mixed with excitement, doubt, surprise and other emotions.

Seeing this staff officer running over, Commander Zhang was a little displeased and said, "Why are you in such a panic, what happened?"

"Regimental...something has happened." The staff hurriedly said: "The battalion of the Liantai militia had just handed over its position to our first battalion. Less than 10 minutes later, the 86th Regiment of the Japanese Army sent a brigade to attack them for more than ten minutes. Minutes of bombardment, followed by an onslaught against them!"

"What... shelling? Onslaught?"

Commander Zhang's heart skipped a beat. He knew the artillery of the Japanese army. They were always known for their precision and fierceness. Once they were bombarded by the Japanese army, casualties were absolutely unavoidable.

"How about the casualties of the fourth battalion, can they hold on?"

The staff officer paused for a while, as if he was trying to organize his words, but this appearance made Captain Zhang anxious, and scolded, "What's the matter with you, kid? You can't even speak."

Head Zhang was so anxious that his face changed, "Didn't you see the fighting power of the 86th Brigade in the past few days?
The first battalion only defended for two days and suffered two-thirds of the casualties. The battalion commander and the others dared to attack as soon as they entered the position. If they were attacked by the devils and suffered heavy casualties and lost the position, our defense line would be in danger of collapsing. ,do you understand? "


After being told by his regiment leader, the staff officer also realized the seriousness of the matter, and asked in a hurry: "Regiment commander, do you want to report to the brigade headquarters and ask the brigade headquarters to send reinforcements?"


Head Zhang rejected this suggestion without even thinking about it.

A Japanese soldier who fled in a hurry staggered and fell to the ground. Before he could get up, a soldier from the Liantai militia who rushed to the front had already rushed to him.

"Order the entire guard company to gather and rush to the right position immediately!"

"Yes!" The staff officer swallowed, "I asked twice specifically, and that's what the other party said."

What are the bullets in your gun for?Why didn't he shoot and kill him, instead he chose the bayonet?Are you showing off your assassination skills? "



"No... Captain, I don't know what to say."

Looking at the fleeing Japanese army, Nong Tiancai naturally would not let go of this opportunity, and shouted, "Follow me two after another... kill the little devil!"


In the battle just now, the second and third squadrons of the Japanese army not only failed to charge up to the fourth battalion's position, but suffered heavy deaths in front of the fourth battalion's abnormally strong firepower. Half an hour later, when the gunfire from the right wing position fell into a In the silence, most of the two attacking squadrons fell into a pool of blood, leaving only a few dozens of Japanese soldiers running towards the back.

"You can't talk anymore?" Captain Zhang couldn't bear it any longer and kicked his ass.

"Ten times worse than this!"

After everything happened last night, he glared at the soldier and cursed: "Boy, do you know that you are wasting time? On another occasion, you would have been beaten to death by this devil's companion several times.

After being kicked, the staff officer hurriedly said, "It's not that I didn't say anything, but I couldn't believe it."

With a loud shout, the soldier stabbed the rifle in his hand at the Japanese soldier who was struggling to get up.

The Japanese soldier who was stabbed struggled to get up, but was stepped on his back by the soldiers behind him.

"It's not a question of whether you can hold it or not."

There are still some things that Commander Zhang did not say. When they attacked Ping'an County a few days ago, they were reprimanded by Brigadier Wang because they failed to attack the Sixth Division and suffered heavy casualties. In such a place, I am afraid that the 770 regiment will really fall from the position of the main regiment from now on.


"Don't even think about it. The brigade headquarters just sent us a battalion of reinforcements, and they asked for reinforcements again in less than two hours. What do you let the people in the Liantai militia and the brigade commander think of us?"

The strong Japanese soldier did not die immediately, but the severe pain also made him scream in pain, and at the same time he was shaking his body desperately, trying to break free from the cold bayonet that pierced his back.

Just as Captain Zhang led the guard company to the right-wing position, Nong Tiancai also led the soldiers of the two companies out of the position and launched a counterattack against the first brigade of the 86th Regiment.

Still a sergeant passing by couldn't see it, stopped and took out the M1911 pistol on his waist, and killed the Japanese soldier with two shots.

The scolded private did not dare to speak. After drawing out his bayonet, he quickly followed his companions and ran forward.

"Ah..." the staff officer asked in confusion, "Is it so serious?"


Accompanied by the sharp swan whistle, a soldier with a submachine gun or a bayonet-mounted rifle rushed out of the position and chased in the direction of the Japanese army's retreat.

Seeing the head of the regiment raised his foot again, the staff officer who was afraid of being kicked again hurriedly said: "Just now the fourth battalion of the Liantai militia reported that they had repelled the brigade-level attack launched by the Japanese army, killing and wounding about [-] Japanese soldiers. Now the battalion chief is leading the troops to fight back!"

Head Zhang stood up suddenly, grabbed the hat on the table and shouted loudly: "Guard!"

"What?" Head Zhang was taken aback, and said in a voiceless voice, "They're fighting back?"

"Hey! Captain, don't kick, I say!"

When the soldiers of the Fourth Battalion chased for 500 meters, they finally encountered organized resistance from the Japanese army. The leader was Akino Murakami, the captain of the first brigade. A fierce look appeared in the eyes of a soldier, and then he drew out his command saber and swung it forward heavily.

"Da da da……"

With the fall of the command knife, the two [-]-type heavy machine guns behind him began to pour out their heating flames, and soon knocked down the retreating Japanese soldiers to the ground.

"Fire all weapons... fire... never let the Chinese rush in!"

(End of this chapter)

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