my bright sword career

Chapter 544 Overheating


Accompanied by an explosion, a bomb fell on the open space 300 meters away from the front of the position. Accompanied by a burst of thick gunpowder smoke, two Japanese soldiers with a bundle of cluster grenades in their hands fell into a pool of blood.

One of the soldiers died on the spot, and the other soldier was blown off his legs and fell into a pool of blood, wailing loudly.

Not far away, he was the leader of the No. 42 Squadron in a bomb crater, looking at him, the eyes of the soldiers not far away were bloodshot, and hundreds of meters away, an MG[-] machine gun was crazily pouring out flames , The dense rain of bullets made them unable to lift their heads.

The leader of the second squadron was lying behind a bag of dirt, feeling the bullets whizzing past his head. With his head firmly pressed against the ground, he turned his head and roared with all his strength: "Grambist... grenadier Where? Are you bastards blind? Hurry up and knock out the machine gun on the opposite side!"

A squad leader who followed him loudly replied: "Your Excellency, squadron leader, have you forgotten? The two grenadier teams of our squad have all been destroyed by the Chinese mortars,"

Hearing this, the squadron leader was stunned for a moment, and then remembered that his grenadier team had been wiped out.

The grenadier is a very popular equipment in the Japanese army. The Japanese army even spread the word that Japanese soldiers would not even know how to fight without the grenadier. This shows that the Japanese army relies on the grenadier.

Each Japanese squadron is equipped with 6-9 grenadier teams, and on average, each team can be assigned 2-3 grenadiers.

In view of the threat of the grenadiers to our own side, once the Chinese army discovers the Japanese grenadiers, they will list them as the priority to eliminate them. Therefore, after discovering several Japanese grenadiers just now, the fourth battalion The soldiers immediately called the artillery company to cover their position with mortars.

Captain Nakajima turned cold, pointed to the front and sneered, "Since your Excellency Captain thinks I'm incompetent, why doesn't he come over and give it a try?"

"Nakajima-kun, I came to reinforce you under the order of the captain."

Nakajima snorted: "In this case, please Kameda-kun give me the command of the third squadron, and now please order all the bomb-throwing teams of the third squadron to knock down the machine gun position of the Chinese, and then we will work together Lead all the soldiers to charge, if you still can't take the position of the Chinese, then let us all die here!"

Seeing this, Nong Tiancai was furious, "What the hell is going on, why didn't you fire!"

Ma Zhanfu nodded: "Okay, you go get the walkie-talkie and I'll talk to the battalion commander."

More than 100 meters behind the infantry position, the 60 mortar gunners kept repeating the actions of aiming and shooting. The series of actions were very skillful, and there were roars everywhere, and their ears were almost deafened.

"Boom boom boom..."

The gunners next to them followed suit after seeing this, and unbuttoned their pants one after another. For a while, a strong smell of fishy smell wafted everywhere in the artillery position...

After finishing speaking, he continued to ask, "Kameda-kun, since the captain asked you to support me, did you also give me the command of the third squadron?"


The third squadron leader smiled wryly: "Mr. Nakajima, since we are soldiers of the empire, we must have the consciousness to die in battle!"

Nong Tiancai squatted behind a bunker. Ma Zhanfu, the commander of the 40th Battalion and [-]rd Company, threw away the MP[-] submachine gun whose barrel had been reddened, picked up the Mauser rifle and aimed at a man who had just jumped out of a bunker. , The Japanese army who was about to jump into another crater ahead pulled the trigger.


After more than a dozen mortars consumed a large amount of shells regardless of the cost, the six grenadier teams of the second squadron were blown to the sky before they had time to play their role.

Accompanied by a dull previous life, the Japanese soldier's aura paused for a moment, and then he rolled heavily into the bomb crater in front of him.

On the other side, Nong Tiancai agreed to Ma Zhanfu's request, but before he called the artillery company, he heard that the original dense artillery fire suddenly became sparse.

A second lieutenant pointed to the gun tube of the mortar that had turned red: "Sir, the barrel is already red. If we continue to shoot, we will all be killed. We don't have water to cool it down."

The third squadron leader's expression changed, and finally nodded reluctantly: "Yes."

Looking at the front from their point of view, it seemed that there were shadows of the Japanese army everywhere in front of them. Shells exploded in front of the position constantly. A Japanese soldier fell down and another soldier followed.

Nong Tiancai looked around, walked quickly to a mortar, unbuttoned his pants, and soon a piece of yellow urine sizzled towards the barrel of the mortar and made a sizzling sound.

Some soldiers fell, some soldiers charged, and no gunner could remember exactly how many shells were fired.

"Cesarean section?"

On the battlefield, shells from both sides flew intertwined in the sky.

"What's going on, why did our guns stop?"

Just when the squadron leader was burning with anxiety, he suddenly found himself being slapped on the back twice. When he turned his head and saw the person behind him, his expression changed: "Kameta-kun, why is your squadron here?"

When the battle came to this point, both sides became ruthless.

Nong Tiancai trotted all the way to the rear artillery position, and saw the gunners lying on the ground or squatting next to the mortars, beside them were many open boxes of ammunition, full of shells.

Nakajima showed a sarcasm on his face: "That's right... the captain seems to have hoped for me to die in battle for a long time, right?"

After peeing, Nong Tiancai glared at the second lieutenant: "If you see it, do it right away!"

"Company commander, there are too many devils, let the artillery company cover our position with artillery fire?"

The person who came was the captain of the third squadron. Because the guns were too loud, he also lay on the ground and dared not move. He said solemnly: "Captain Murakami saw that you have not achieved results for a long time, and specially ordered our squadron to come to reinforce you. , and let me tell you, if you can’t take down the Chinese positions within two hours, you can just cut open your stomach.”

The problem encountered by the artillery company was solved, but Nong Tiancai understood that urinating to cool down could only temporarily solve the problem. If the artillery company continued to shoot high-intensity as before, it would not take long for the barrel to overheat again.

He immediately picked up the phone, "Sanlian..."

Ma Zhanfu put down the phone and yelled, "A platoon leader!"

"Here!" A second lieutenant covered in dirt quickly ran over.

"Long platoon, the little devil's offensive is very fierce, we can't passively defend like this, you immediately take your platoon around from the right, give the little devil a shot, I will let the machine gun cover you."

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