after waking up.

Chapter 170 One more car

Chapter 170 Another One

On the edge of Blue Moon Lake, the man who is the employer sits by the water and watches the ebb and flow of the Great Lake. The side they are on is on the west side, and there is no refraction of the rays of the setting sun, but the afterglow of the setting sun paints the direction of the opposite bank. A golden glow.

The man slowly closed his eyes, and gently pressed the fingers of his hands around his mouth, as if immersed in some intoxicating state.

The red-haired man walked over slowly, and he didn't make a sound immediately, because the employer never made people wait for a long time.

Sure enough, the man's narcissism soon stopped, and he turned to look at the red-haired man.

"what's up?"

The red-haired man took out his pocket watch to show his respect.

"The sun has set, are you sure the target will arrive tonight?"

"It shouldn't be wrong."

"Okay, let's start the arrangement. If you don't come tonight, although you pay more gems than the value, I can only wait for two days at most."

"No problem, enough time, you go get ready."

The red-haired man nodded, and trotted towards the direction of the railway, where someone was already tinkering with things, the crossties were half-opened and then put back again, beating for a while before stopping.

On the other side of the forest, the steam tank retreated a certain distance, its body was covered with vegetation and branches, the main gun was pointed at the railway, but it was covered with a piece of rag, and it was also filled with camouflage. haystacks.

After setting up a few sides, the red-haired man lifted part of the camouflage outside the tank, opened the hatch and entered the interior, and immediately a companion outside restored the camouflage.

The inside of the steam tank is like a miniature locomotive cabin, with a combustion chamber insulated with triple hatches in front, and an exposed coal storage compartment in the rear, with a total of about [-] tons of coal.

The volume of the entire steam tank is much larger than that of the locomotive, its height is slightly lower, and its various complex components are far more than that of the train. The combustion chamber and transmission components of the steam engine occupy a lot of space, plus the fuel chamber and ammunition rack, making this more than 70 tons The interior space of the Monster is a bit cramped.

If Mu Lan was here, he would definitely have a strong interest in this chariot.

Including the red-haired man, there were five people in the tank, but unlike Mu Lan's previous life, except for the driver and the observation officer, three of the five-man crew were not considered technical positions, they were purely working hard.

The steering of the steam chariot is extremely difficult. Even with a part of the steam pressure as an assist, at least the driver and three people must pull the steering gear traction belt together. The 200mm caliber Jumbo main cannon weighs more than [-] kilograms of ammunition alone. The observer and the other three used their breastfeeding strength to send it into the barrel of the gun, and turning the turret was also a laborious task.

When fully loaded, the whole vehicle is only equipped with 9 rounds of shells, and the machine gun has more bullets.

The steam unit for the chariot uses an expensive high-energy and fast-burning igniter, one of the materials strictly controlled by the military, which can make the coal in the combustion chamber burn violently within 1 minute, and accelerate the start-up time of the chariot.

Driving such a steel monster requires rigorous training and endures what ordinary people can't bear. Even if there is no brutal battle, when the chariot is activated, the heat in the cabin is beyond ordinary people's imagination. It is not uncommon for soldiers to die due to the heat.

If this ferocious steel machine is a real horror monster for soldiers facing steam tanks, well, it is for both the enemy and us, including the driver.

When it was close to midnight, the red-haired man who was resting in the car was awakened by the sound in the distance. He opened his eyes and pushed all the companions around him to wake up.

There was already the sound of a train in the distance on the track.

"Get ready, the target should be coming!"

"Boss, are we really going to attack the church's car?"

"What are you talking about at this time, you still believe them?"

"I don't believe it, it's just that I'm a little scared." "Alright, be quiet!"

"Check the barrel!"

There is a preloaded shell in the barrel.

"Do you need to open the combustion chamber?"

"Don't worry, we are just a latent gun now, we only need to fire the gun without starting the steam engine, although it is quite cold today."

This is a cold joke. Everyone knows that although it is winter, it will be terribly hot inside after starting the steam engine, but it has successfully eased everyone's tension.

In fact, even Hongfa is a little nervous now, saying it is the same thing, but it is still very stressful when it comes to doing it, after all, the influence of the Holy Church has been osmosis since childhood.

"Boss, look, the employer?"

"What is he doing?" "Leave him alone and take care of yourself!"

The employer got up from the lake at this moment and walked slowly to the center of the railway track, but he ignored the red-haired man if he wanted to die.

The employer stretched out his hand to the forest, the railway track and the lake, as if doing some preparatory activities.

On the railway in the distance, the large gas lamps in front of the train are very conspicuous, the white water vapor is also very obvious under the moonlight, and the roar of the roaring sound is also approaching as the train continues.

In the cab of the train, the driver seemed to see someone on the distant track, so he immediately sounded the whistle.


"Get out of the way you idiot!"

The driver cursed angrily, although the other party would definitely not be able to hear it.

The employer stood on the railroad tracks and watched the train approaching, with a cruel smile on his lips. In a place like the Blue Moon Plain, there really was no magic array activated!
Looking up at the sky, the midnight spooky moon, Mosrib, half blocked the shining moon.

"Let's start the fun night!"

While whispering, the man stretched out his hand and waved lightly. The next moment, the flames of the explosion shot into the sky with a loud noise.


The locomotive and the rails were blasted into the sky by a large amount of explosives. The impact of the explosion caused waves on the lake, causing the trees in the forest to sway back wildly, and the carriages behind the train crashed into each other.

"Bang" "Bang" "Bang" "Bang"

"Zi la la la."


All the people on the train to the church fell to pieces, and two people jumped out of one carriage when it derailed and rolled.

"Dare to attack the train of the church, the criminals are doomed to be burned on the stake!"

The employer bowed slightly on the tracks ahead.

"Excuse me, I just want one thing!"

After the words fell, people had already rushed towards the bishop of the church. The bishop chose to meet the enemy, while another priest quickly rushed towards one of the obviously special carriages.


Somewhere in the forest, there was a loud noise accompanied by flames, and the main gun of the steam tank that had been aiming for half a day fired.

The shells shot at that special carriage at a terrifying speed. As soon as the priest arrived here, a terrible sense of crisis rose in his heart. He only had time to turn his head when the shells had already arrived.


The shell tore through the body of the hapless priest and hit the carriage, causing another explosion.

The bishop turned around in astonishment, and what he saw was the priest's death and the carriage being torn apart.

"At this time, looking around is not a good habit!"

There was a voice in his ear, and the moment the sense of crisis rose, a bright holy light burst out from the bishop.


The dazzling holy light lit up, and even the withered grass on the ground was burned, but the man was not affected. He had already stood on top of the bishop with one hand on his head.

Another wave of holy power struck, and the man moved a position away.

"Do you know, for a guy of your level, the spells of the temple are flawed, and what's more, don't blindly fight people hand-to-hand. I'm not your well-behaved believer, and I won't accommodate you!"

The employer had already appeared more than ten meters behind the bishop. The bishop turned to face him, but felt that something was wrong. He looked down, but he couldn't see anything, but he could feel something like silk thread connecting from all directions.

The man shook his right hand.

Puff puff.
Several lines of blood shot from the bishop, but at the same time a strong holy light erupted from the bishop, almost burning everything with the terrifying heat.

The scorching white flames stretched along many silk threads, and the threads also broke one after another. The bishop stood still panting violently, clutching his neck, blood continuously overflowing from his fingers, and his heartbeat was astonishingly fast.

Almost, almost dead!
The bishop didn't dare to approach that person blindly, but the other person didn't turn back, but rushed towards the carriage in a vertical leap, and took out a black box after a while.

"It's here!"

The man stood on the derailed carriage and opened the box, revealing a black stick inside, a flute to be precise.


The man holding the flute suddenly looked into the distance, his eyes widened slightly.

Ordinary train?No, there is also a Templar train!
Where the steam tank is, the red hair has already roared.

"Start the steam engine! Reload, reload!"

(End of this chapter)

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