after waking up.

Chapter 169 2 Trains

Chapter 169 Two Trains
A few days later, in the woodland by the Blue Moon Lake in the Central Plains of the Basman United Kingdom, several people were sitting around a campfire. On the fire was a skinned wild boar, and the fat was dripping under the flame fall.

For the few people around the campfire, there is nothing more exciting than waiting around the fire for the wild boar that is about to be roasted on this cold winter night.

A man was sprinkling salt on the wild boar. The smell of the roasted wild boar touched the taste buds of others, and some people were already swallowing.

"Okay?" "Yes, it should be ready to eat, right?"

"Don't worry, it will be fine soon!"

The salt-spraying man was tall and tall, with short red hair, a beard that was unshaven around his chin and lips, but not decadent, and a scar at the corner of his eye was very obvious, if it was a little bit off, it would definitely blind his eyes.

After all parts of the wild boar were evenly sprinkled with a layer of salt, the man turned the grill and roasted for a while, took out a knife, cut a small piece of meat and put it in his mouth to chew, then laughed.

"It's ready to eat!"

"Great!" "Finally ready to eat!"

"I want to eat a whole leg." "Me too."

The red-haired man cut up the wild boar with a knife, and handed the cut meat to the people next to him one by one. The others began to eat the hot wild boar with gasps and eagerness.

When most of the people had their meat, and at least half of the wild boars were on the grill, the red-haired man looked at the person sitting on the edge of the campfire, who sat there motionless with his knees hugged.

After cutting off a large piece of roast meat with ribs attached, the red-haired man walked up to the man and handed the roast meat over.

"Here, eat."

The man was looking up at the sky at this moment, the firelight flickered half light and half shadow on his sunken face.


The red-haired man subconsciously looked at the sky when he heard the words, and saw two moons in the sky through the gap between the tree crowns above. On the edge of the shining moon, a much smaller and strange moon had appeared.

When the weird moon appears, people always have the illusion that it is constantly changing, whether it is size or light.

"Tonight is double moon, everyone pay attention!"

The red-haired man reminded his companions that they all ate and echoed. On the day when the double moon appeared, the beast would appear more irritable.

"Take it and eat it while it's hot."

The strange man finally took the barbecue and said thank you.

The red-haired man went to the grill to cut a piece of meat, sat down not far from the lonely man, and started eating with a small blade.

The few people over there were having a good meal, and now someone pouted and pointed in the direction of the lonely man.

"What is the background of that guy? He hasn't said much for two days."

"Yeah, it makes people feel uneasy. Do you think he is targeting us?" "Eat yours, the boss will pay attention to him, and let him leave when he leaves the forest."

Two days ago, at the price of the only two silver coins on his body, the strange man begged the group of people he met in the forest to bring him out when he got lost.

However, as the leader of the team, the red-haired man did not accept the two silver coins, but promised to bring the man out for free.

At this moment, the red-haired man took the initiative to talk to the strange man.

"Tomorrow, you should be able to walk out of the forest and see the Blue Moon Lake directly. By then."

"I'll leave by myself then."


The red-haired man continued to cut and eat the meat, and asked again after a while.

"I don't mean any harm to you, but I just don't understand one thing. If you come from the western region, you can take the normal road even if you don't take the train. Why did you break into the Blue Moon Forest alone? This way of walking can't shorten your life. Too much time, and it's fraught with danger."

But the man didn't answer, he just ate the meat, and the red-haired man couldn't help being a little angry, this man didn't know what to do!
The strange man finished the barbecue quickly, threw the bones aside, and looked at the red-haired man beside him.

"I know who you are, and I know who you are."

The red-haired man froze slightly when he was eating the barbecue, and his right hand holding the meat knife was slightly exerted. The talking and laughing people over there were suddenly quiet, and all turned their heads to look at the stranger.

"I do not know what you're talking about."

The red-haired man smiled softly, but the stranger changed his usual silence and looked directly at him.

"You have helped me, and I can also feel the sincerity of your kindness, so I will not believe the accusations against you by the Basman local area."

The red-haired man looked at the stranger seriously, who knew their identities from the beginning but never showed any emotion.

"Who are you? Police officer? Military officer? Or someone else?"

The man smiled, he looked around, and then turned his gaze to the red-haired man.

"Is that all you have?"

The red-haired man had already clenched his knife tightly, and the nerves of the surrounding people were also tense, but at this moment the strange man's voice continued to sound.

"Relax, I know the purpose of your coming here, but I don't have any malice towards you, it's just a little strange, my request doesn't seem to be fulfilled by such a small number of people, right?"

The red-haired man was taken aback for a moment, then immediately realized that he stood up directly.

"Are you that crazy employer?"

"Yeah, I am. You are all crazy people who can come to the appointment, but to my surprise, you are not really villains."

The red-haired man sneered.

"Hmph, we don't have any good feelings for the Holy Church, and we have no faith in the Holy Light. The so-called God has never saved us, so there is no burden in our hearts!"

"As an employer, you have tried to test us in this way. I admit your courage, but you obviously don't know us well enough!"

The strange man also stood up.


"We'll make you realize your ignorance!"

Although the red-haired man was saying this, his suspicions about this so-called employer had already risen to a considerable height. How did he precisely "encounter" them in the forest?

The next morning, a group of people had already walked out of the Blue Moon Forest, and what was in front of them was the extremely beautiful Blue Moon Lake.

The entire Blue Moon Lake is almost endless. The sun shone down and made the lake sparkling. The village can be seen in the distance along the lake, and the outline of the city is farther away. On their side of the lake, there are two railways passing by. .

When they got to the lake, the red-haired man whistled.


Soon, there were whistles from other directions, and a man ran over from a corner of another woodland far away.

"Boss, are you here?"

The red-haired man smiled and hugged the man who came over. The man continued to hug other people, but stopped suspiciously in front of the employer.

"How are you getting ready?"

"Don't worry, boss, everything is ready! Who is he? The new brother?"

The red-haired man looked around.

"He is the employer. Then, Mr. Employer, are you sure that your information is accurate and you really decide to do it?"

"Yes, the target will probably pass by tomorrow night, and I will pay the rest of the entrustment fee now."

As he said that, the employer put his hand into his bosom, and took out another cloth bag that was not bulging and threw it to the red-haired man. After the latter took it, he frowned slightly and weighed it.

"Gold is not easy to carry, these will be more convenient."

The red-haired man opened his pocket, and there were more than a dozen bright gems in it. It can be seen that the value of these gems far exceeds the amount of gold coins in the final payment without asking for an appraisal.

"I can't find it!"

"Hahaha, you don't need to look for it anymore, this is an extra reward for you desperadoes! If it's so convenient, let me see where your confidence is first?"

The red-haired man nodded towards the others, and the people who had just run up immediately waved up and down towards the forest area.

In the distant forest, there was a noisy mechanical transmission sound. After a while, the sunlight refracted on the corner of the exposed metal. Although it was covered by vegetation and could not be seen clearly, it did not affect its ferocity. A monster out of the woodland.

The employer's eyes widened slightly, and the corners of his mouth raised at this moment.

"This is, a steam tank?"

"That's right, and it's the Stormrage Roaring Type 3. Although it moves slowly, it's no longer the mainstream, but the caliber of the main gun can match that of a battleship, and it has destructive power. It can definitely meet your needs!"

"Hahahahahaha, very good, very good!"

A day later, at the railway station in the lakeside town of Goryi, the train escorting Gollmos was slowing down, and the train was about to enter the station.

A priest passed through the closed coal bunker and hurried to the cab.

"Why stop? We don't have to resupply at this train station!"

The driver hurriedly saluted the priest, then pointed out the window and explained.

"My lord priest, there is a train blocking the platform on the one-way track, and it seems to be the car of our church."

The priest looked forward in amazement. Sure enough, there was a car on the platform with the church logo on the body. It should be Basman's local vehicle, which is different from Dirga's.

Soon there were people from the two cars meeting at the station, and then a priest returned to the car behind with a displeased expression.

Obviously, even though they are both churches, the church personnel in Basman Parish and Dirga Parish did not fight each other, and the car in front did not mean to move. The reason was that there was a serious shortage of supplies and the personnel needed to rest, and it would take at least a long time before they left.

As for the level issue, the Dirga train said that he had important items on the train, and the front train said that he also had them. There is no need to use this reason to overwhelm others.

After listening to the priest's report, the bishop in the back car rubbed his forehead, but in the end he didn't go to the theory himself.

"Forget it, let's take a break too. When they drive off, we don't want to follow immediately. We will start after a while."

"Good, my lord bishop!"

(End of this chapter)

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