Rebirth of the big era of online games

Chapter 421 If there is something wrong, it must be cured!

Chapter 421 If there is something wrong, it must be cured!

Master Bei's survival skills are great, but it doesn't mean that his manufacturing skills are also great.

For example, he can indeed produce small living objects such as stone blades, wooden sticks, and straw ropes in seconds through "hands-on transformation", but the efficiency and success rate of synthesizing them into "stone axes" are not high.

The "stone axe" is the most basic necessary tool for cutting down trees to obtain logs. "Barehand transformation" can only pick branches from trees, and cannot get logs.

So this formed a series of chain reactions.

First of all, it took him a long time to make the stone axe, its quality was not high, it was easily damaged, and the tree cutting efficiency was not high.

So he gets very little logs every day. During this period, he has to collect wild fruit food and fresh water, and he has to sleep to recover his strength to ensure his basic survival.

However, the output of logs is small, which leads to the fact that wooden houses that can greatly improve the protection cannot be built for a while.

Without a wooden house, he can only build a simple thatch nest in the open field with thatch and branches for the time being.

There is one thing to say, to be able to make this kind of thatched nest in a short period of time in the dangerous world of Ark is considered a high-end game, at least the quality of life is higher than that of other ordinary players, this is the benefit of game professional certification and advantages.


In addition to various advantages, the maritime temperate climate also has disadvantages, such as: rainy.

This rainy is not the kind of continuous rain for several days, but within a day, it is sunny and rainy, capricious, the British himself knows it best.

Of course, after a few days in the game, the system judged that he was sick, caught a cold, and had a bad cold.

Then he couldn't find any herbs nearby that could relieve his symptoms. After all, there were few grasses in the Yorkshire Highlands, let alone herbs, unless he went down to the valley to the east to find them.

The point is that there are dangerous wild animals everywhere now, and the safe range of human activities cannot be too large.

Even if you want to go down to the river valley, you have to walk several kilometers along the cliff to find an entrance. During this period, you have to pass through several wild animal habitats, especially the entrance area. Wild animals come and go all day long. Before these wild animals are completely eliminated, go to It's pure courting of death over there.

Simon, who entered the game with him, died because of this. He died several times without rushing over, and once rushed over, but did not come back alive.

In the end, Mr. Pei was too embarrassed to let Simon go. This is too inhumane. I am afraid that the audience will criticize me. I can’t say that in order to save him, I can continue to sacrifice my partner. If it is in the real world, this kind of behavior is necessary. Was struck by lightning.

Under the condition of lack of medical treatment and medicine, Master Pei's body became weaker and weaker, and he survived for almost a month in the game, which is about 1 hours in reality, before dying.

Thus, the Ark Challenge officially declared a failure.

This time, Mr. Bei was convinced and didn't make any more troubles.

Indeed, there was no need to make a fuss. Without the 1000 million bet, he would still have the income that the Chief Certification Officer would bring in, so his future earnings would not necessarily be small.

However, he did not end the show, but chose to resurrect and continue to experience the game. In his original words: Ark World is very challenging, and the details are well done. Although it is not a real world, I already love it. on it!

Entering the Ark World again, Mr. Pei no longer challenged the bet, but really took the Ark as an important thing to challenge, and made it the theme series of "Survival in the Wild".

Having learned the lessons from last time, this time he and his assistant Simon chose the river valley at the beginning, because there are karst caves washed out by underground rivers in the river valley, so that the housing problem will be solved and there will be no more diseases.

But there is also a problem with being born in a river valley: there are very few trees in it, and if you want to get logs, you have to go to the highlands...

Although there is no need to build wooden houses, making more tools, improving production efficiency, quality of life, and developing civilization all depend on a large amount of wood from the beginning.

So it's kind of cheating, but it's logical, and it's the fun of Arkworld.

When people think that they are fully prepared, foolproof, and have accumulated enough experience and lessons, they find that what they think is completely different from the reality. There are always accidents, but they are reasonable.

Gradually, some players finally came to their senses: It is impossible for one or two people to defeat the primitive world in the Ark!

At the beginning, everyone always regarded "Ark" as an entertainment game, thinking that it can be played well alone, but in fact, this idea is completely wrong.

"Ark" is a social game, and humans are social animals. To play this kind of social game, humans must live in groups.

It is difficult to build a log house from the logs felled by one or two people in a short time, but what about ten people, what about a hundred people?

After Master Bei figured this out, he directly chose to commit suicide in the valley, and re-chosen the original highland birthplace.

But this time, it was no longer him and Simon, but all the experts from the Science Support Group each created an account, a total of 10 people, all of whom chose the same birthplace coordinates.

Now, life is much better.

After a division of tasks, although there were still people who accidentally died for one reason or another, at least a small human village was formed because of this, and the quality of life was getting higher and higher, and the security activities of this human village The scope is also growing.

Not only the Bell team, players from all over the world have also invited relatives and friends to join the game and form their own villages. own family.

As a result, tens of thousands of villages have gradually formed in the Ark World, spreading all over the world, which also means that human beings have initially taken root in the Ark World, established human civilization, and the survival rate of human beings has also increased a lot. Players rarely die abnormally, and there are no more "human extinction events".

This will not work!

Originally, it was just $0.1 to buy a resurrection, and it was the floor price, but now it’s good, you can’t die once in ten days and half a month, how can Fangzhou International make money?

Without money, how can you acquire companies, add servers, develop technology, and contribute to all mankind?

In this regard, Fang Jie's approach is...

do nothing.

It's good to watch this matter with a cold eye.

The current human civilization in the Ark World is actually very fragile. The reason why human beings can take root is because they are threatened by serious survival and have to hold together.

Survival is the fundamental interest of all mankind. Under this common fundamental interest, everyone can naturally live in harmony.

But what about after surviving?
The greatest enemy of human beings is not wild animals, but human beings themselves.

And don't forget, most of the humans who first entered the Ark World were players.

Players just regard Ark World as a game, even if it is a social game that requires everyone to conquer together, it is still a game.

And the main goal of everyone playing games, or the main pursuit, the most universal, is to stand out and become a master.

This process is a process of continuous upgrading and strengthening, as well as a process of constant struggle. It is uncompromising. In many cases, there are no legal or moral constraints, and even PK is encouraged.

So after solving the problem of survival, when two players' villages are very close to each other and encounter each other, the players will not talk about moral laws like in reality, and the first thought is to destroy or annex each other!
This is the so-called sleeping under the couch, how can you allow others to snore!

If it is to exterminate the opponent, wouldn't the money to buy the resurrection come?
If it's a merger, that's even better.

Because after the merger of villages, they become towns, after the merger of towns, they become princes and warlords, and after the merger of princes and warlords, they become countries. Between countries, it is a national war, and when multiple countries fight, it is a world war.

In any of these links, countless people will die in the Ark World.

It's all money.

So it’s good to just wait and see the changes. The bad nature of human beings and the infinite resurrection of human beings in the Ark World determine that this world cannot be very peaceful, and it must be far more tragic than reality!

Of course, the general trend of the world is that long-term divisions must be united, and long-term divisions must be divided, and Arkworld will eventually usher in long-term peace and stability.

But at that time, it is estimated that the money is almost earned, and the virtual reality technology should be almost out, so it doesn't matter.

What's more, even if the inference of "not peaceful" is wrong, don't think that Fang Jie can't make money because everyone in ARKWorld is kind.

Not to mention professional certification or something.

Just one game setting: In the world of Ark, the lifespan of a player is only 60 years.

That is to say, in reality, within 1 year, the player's character in the game will naturally die of old age. If you don't die, you must die, and if you don't resurrect, you must resurrect!
No one else can say anything about this setting: birth, old age, sickness and death are in line with the laws of nature.

Therefore, at least one wave of leeks can be harvested every year, and it is harvested indiscriminately.

But on the other hand, Fang Jie also gave players the opportunity to "create life".

Players can get married and have children in Arkworld. The born children will be automatically managed by AI, but they need to consume the player's living resources until they are brought up to the age of 20, and then disappear, turning into a resurrection opportunity for the player.

This is the only way for players to get resurrections without spending money.

Of course, there must be many players who want to save money and raise a lot of doubles like raising pigs to keep themselves alive, especially Huaguo players, this thing can definitely be done.

But it doesn't matter, the more you raise, the more resources you consume. This is a population explosion in disguise.

However, the earth's resources are limited and non-renewable. Once the resources are exhausted, what will happen?
And war will definitely kill a lot of people!
Many people died, so it must cost a lot of money to buy resurrection!
So on the surface, it does seem to give players a chance to resurrect for free, but in fact... Fang Jie has no loss at all, but for the players, the gain may outweigh the loss.

Even if everyone understands this truth, it will not help. How the Ark World will evolve will still evolve.

Because there is a prisoner effect in it, I am afraid that the war will cause greater losses, so I engage in family planning. Others may not think so. People don’t care about the flood after death. As long as I give birth to 100 children at a time, and continue 100 lives, it is enough I have survived the war, and I still earn money!

Therefore, everyone will ignore it and only consider their own interests.

All in all, it is unfounded to worry that Fangzhou International will not make money.

As early as when he was planning "Ark", Fang Jie had already deduced everything that might happen in the world of Ark, and adopted the "buying life" charging model.

But there was one thing he missed.

He originally wanted to increase the difficulty and realism of the game by prohibiting text chat, but the players were not stupid.

Don't let text chat, don't the players know how to hack?

Especially after forming a village, it is no longer a matter of hacking. Those who are a little LOW will find a random chat room to open a room, call the villagers together, and cut out the game text chat when necessary. The advanced one is to download Other voice chat software, such as Boiling's own Boiling voice, replaced the voice system in the game.

This is probably because a wise man is bound to make a mistake when he thinks about it, and he actually made such a low-level mistake.

Fortunately, this matter is harmless. After all, this method can only achieve small-scale real-time communication within the team. Players on the whole server still cannot see or hear it. When meeting strangers, they still talk to each other.

In addition, "Ark" currently still has some small loopholes and bugs, but generally speaking, there are no major problems, and the framework has been built.

Time to enter September.

At this time, the fifth internal test of "Ark" has been carried out for 2 months, and the number of open players has reached 200 million, of which 90% are overseas players, and there are very few domestic players.

Not only because "Ark" has not been widely promoted in China, but also because this game is an open sandbox game, there is no clear game goal, and the gameplay is not strong. Players can do anything in the game, but they can also Do nothing, which makes many Chinese players at a loss.

Relatively speaking, "World of Warcraft", "Magic World", "Zhu Xian", "The Legend of Jin Yong" and Kingsoft's "Jian Wang II", which was launched in the summer, are obviously more attractive.

Fang Jie didn't devote all his time and energy to "Ark", some things still have to wait for fermentation.

For example, the current 200 million players are still too small for the original earth in the Ark World. Human beings have more than enough self-preservation and insufficient development. Let alone fighting, everyone is still in the stage of accumulating food and improving technology.

Fang Jie also plays "Ark". After all, this has nothing to do with him as a game planner. When he encounters various problems, he still has to fail. It is easier than ordinary players.

However, there is still a difference between his "explorer" and Mr. Pei. Mr. Pei has a top-level tenth certification, while he is only a five-level certification, which basically reflects his actual survivability.

Games or something, let's not mention it for now.

Just talking about the school, the graduate student he had fished for two years graduated, and then the school is still the same school, the college has not changed, the tutor is still the same tutor, and he still doesn’t come to the school for classes. The only change is the degree. One level higher...

It's not that you don't come to the school at all, at least you have to do the relevant procedures yourself. Although this is not necessary, it is a gesture anyway, otherwise it would be too arrogant and disrespectful to the school.

Today Fang Jie came to the school to go through the formalities of entering a higher school, but the car was blocked on the road as soon as it turned into Gongda Road.

I remember that when the flagship store of Boiling Internet Cafe first opened in 2000, Gongda Road was still a very depressing street, but now there is actually a traffic jam...

This matter cannot be blamed on the boiling group, because the headquarters has been moved to the industrial park, and now there is only the administrative department of the boiling Internet cafe, and there are not many employees.

It can't be blamed on the municipal government. Jiangcheng has been carrying out construction throughout the city. The roads are getting wider and wider, and construction projects such as elevated subways have started one after another. The blame can only be blamed on the fact that the people have gradually become richer in the past few years and can afford small cars. For example, the teachers in the art college, almost everyone has bought a car now.

Anyway, this section of the road is not long, 200 meters away, and the School of Design is still in the middle of the road, so Fang Jie had to get out of the car and walk.

But when he and his entourage came downstairs to the teaching building, they realized that the traffic jam could not be blamed on the common people, but was caused by human disputes.

A freshman who came to the school to report had a dispute with a taxi driver on the road. This road was originally narrow, and all the vehicles in front and behind were blocked on the road.

When Fang Jie arrived, he happened to see the student sitting directly on the hood of the taxi, while the taxi driver got out of the car angrily and grabbed the other student by the collar.

The driver was furious: "You really want to die, don't you!"

The student sneered: "If you have the ability, kill me!"

The driver was furious: "Don't think that I dare not!"

The student smirked: "Then you try!"

"You are so special!"

Of course the driver didn't dare to kill the student, but he still dared to do it. Immediately, he cursed and punched the student on the hood and beat him several times.

The student didn't expect that the driver would really do it. Although he subconsciously parried a few times, he still got punched several times.

Although this kind of blow doesn't hurt at all, it hurts my heart. The dignity of being a human being has been seriously violated, so the students started to fight back.

So the two directly rose to physical conflict, sometimes pulling, sometimes fighting, and the clothes of both sides were torn in several places.

However, the fighting soon ended.

It wasn't that Fang Jie and his accompanying bodyguards showed up, but the security guards at the flagship store of the Boiling Internet Café on the opposite side came out and quickly settled the two of them after hearing the news.

This security guard was one of the first five veterans recruited. His legs were a little lame, but his combat effectiveness was not weak at all. One in each hand, he directly unscrewed the two of them.

And of course he also recognized Fang Jie, the big boss of his old employer, so he directly screwed the two of them in front of Fang Jie.

"Xiao Fang, how do you think about this matter?"

The entire Boiling Group dares to call Fang Jie "Xiao Fang", probably only a few security guards in the flagship store of Boiling Internet Cafe. This is also a special and intimate title, and not everyone is qualified to call it.

After Fang Jie glanced at the two perpetrators, he smiled at the security guard and said, "Old Wang, why do you ask me about this? You can deal with it as you want. Let his car drive to the side of the road and don't be in the way. Then call the police and ask Qin Yang to come and lead them."

"Uh..." The old security guard hesitated for half a second, "That boy Qin Yang is now the director, so you should ask him for such a small matter, isn't it..."

"Huh? Has he become the director?"

Fang Jie was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly felt that things were different, and after nodding, he had no choice but to say: "Anyway, that's it, I'm not a law enforcement officer, I'm not in my position, I don't want to do anything, just let the police come and deal with it. "

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand, turned around and walked towards the gate of the teaching building, but just after taking two steps, the student behind him shouted: "Senior brother! I am also from the School of Art and Design!"

I met my junior brother!

Then this matter can't just be done businesslike, after all, it's fate.

Fang Jie turned around and couldn't help shaking his head and smiling: "Which major do you have?"

The man said: "Digital design, this year's first year of research, my tutor is Fang Xing."

"Fang Xing?"

Fang Jie was taken aback again, it seems that this matter really cannot be fooled.

There is only one word difference between Fang Xing and Fang Wanxing, but they are indeed two people.

Fang Wanxing is his father, and this Fang Xing is his postgraduate tutor, his current doctoral tutor, and the vice president of the School of Design.

So this guy in front of him is really a junior, and he is the one who comes from the same line as the master, the direct line.

This is our own people.

Since he is one of his own, he has to take care of this matter.

Fang Jie finally got serious: "What's going on?"

The younger brother was indignant: "He took a detour and overcharged me by 50 yuan!"

"Fart!" the driver quibbled: "It costs 200 yuan to get here from the airport!"

Fang Jie first glanced at his younger brother speechlessly: "How the hell are you rich enough to fly to Jiangcheng just to fight with someone for 50 yuan? The torn clothes are more than 50 yuan, right?"

Before his junior could react, Fang Jie turned his gaze to the driver again: "Come over from the airport to check the meter normally, it only costs 150, when did it become 200?"

The younger brother immediately echoed: "That's right! I used to get 150 every time I came here!"

"I took the third ring road, not the second ring road!" The driver said confidently, "Because there is a section of road in the middle that is under construction."

Hearing this, Fang Jie laughed.

A taxi driver here in Jiangcheng... It's hard to describe.

The reason for detours due to "road construction" has almost become their mantra.

But the whole city of Jiangcheng has indeed been building roads. It was built for 20 years in the previous life. Today it will be built here, and next year it will be built there. Jiangcheng is so big, you really can’t be sure if what they say is true or not, sometimes it is true, wronged good people It's not right.

But then again, anyone who comes to Jiangcheng to work, travel, do business, or settle down, including the locals of Jiangcheng, should say that no one has not been detoured.

After all, before online car-hailing came out, taxis were a seller’s market. There were too few taxis, and it was inconvenient to hail a taxi, and then various problems developed.

Since there is something wrong, it must be cured!

Thinking of this, Fang Jie smiled at his junior brother: "I'll give you the money later, let's forget about it. You have blocked the road like this, and the economic loss to everyone is definitely more than 50 yuan, so hurry up and leave!" "

The tempered younger brother immediately provoked: "How can I do that! I don't care about the little money, just like you said, I came to Jiangcheng by plane, do I care about the 50 yuan? I can't be more angry than this What's more, this matter has nothing to do with senior brother, so why should you take the blame for him? Even if you want to, I don't want to!"

"Fool! I'll tell you later!" Fang Jie patted his junior brother on the shoulder and dragged him away.

So a dispute ended at the cost of Fang Jie's "disadvantage".

In fact, I didn’t suffer a loss. Of course, my brother couldn’t ask the richest brother to ask for the 50 yuan. Not only did he not ask for the money, but after listening to the brother’s plan, he felt that the 50 yuan was really worth throwing in, so he added another 500 yuan. all willing.

Well, it is estimated that if the driver knows that he has stabbed a big basket just to earn the extra 50 yuan, which will cause him to lose at least 50 yuan in the future, he will regret crying in the toilet.

Yes, Fang Jie decided to start the online car-hailing industry!

And once online car-hailing is launched, not only will the income of taxi drivers be greatly reduced, but the license transfer fee for taxis in Jiangcheng will drop from the current 60 to 10!
Didn't this cause an economic loss of 50!
Originally, Fang Jie was still thinking about whether to engage in online car-hailing. He thought it was tasteless, and it had nothing to do with his core industry. At that time, taxi drivers across the country would definitely scold him with the rhythm of public opinion on the Internet, and his reputation would definitely will decline further.

But today's incident made him feel that it would be good to do it easily, at least it is a contribution to society, which greatly facilitates the travel of the common people, increases a large number of jobs, and makes the citizens feel less useless and less expensive. How good would it be to spend some wronged money and solve many internal conflicts among the people?

And this matter, he is really worried about letting others do it. He is afraid that he will be messed up by capital like in his previous life. If important data is leaked, wouldn't he be punished?
So it's better to control it yourself, so you can feel more at ease.

Of course, these reasons are just one of them.

The key is that the travel business will be linked with the real and virtual world in the future. The online car-hailing industry can provide a large amount of real and effective data information in the research and development of unmanned driving technology.

Unmanned driving technology involves a lot of high-tech network technology, sensor technology and radar technology. If these technologies are miniaturized, they actually have many similarities with virtual reality technology, and there are many real-world virtual application scenarios.

In addition, the new energy vehicle market was mainly driven by online car-hailing at the beginning, which provided a strong impetus for the development and innovation of new energy technologies.

Therefore, the online car-hailing industry is actually related to a lot of technology related to the Ark Project, and even involves national strategies. As the richest man in China, he should assume such social responsibilities, and there is nothing wrong with the layout.

As for the interests of the taxi drivers being harmed by this... Blame me?
(End of this chapter)

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