Chapter 203

(Monthly ticket 600 plus change, thank you for your monthly ticket support. Another: After saving the manuscript, I also have inspiration for writing, and I feel that the state is getting better and better. Let's work hard together!)

In fact, Fang Jie didn't do anything to him, he was just playing tricks.

First, through the Trojan horse program, a system pop-up window was directly sent to the other party's computer, which read: Classmates, please close the other 4 QQs immediately to avoid taking up more bandwidth resources!Otherwise, do so at your own peril! "Yes" "Ignore" "No".

What's funny is that the other party thought it was a system failure, the mouse pointer hesitated for a long time on the three options, and even clicked "Ignore".

ignore it?

Then you can't ignore it.

Then in the next second, another system prompt box popped up on the other party's computer, which said "Your behavior has constituted a crime of cyber hooliganism, please immediately surrender yourself to the local police station", options: "Yes" "No"... …

This time there was no "Ignore" option, so the other party chose "No".

"Yo? Diehard? Still want to resist? I warn you: if you confess, you will be lenient, if you resist, you will be strict!"

The above sentence is displayed in the system prompt window.

In other words, Fang Jie chatted directly with the other party in this way.

But he didn't understand why such a weird and humanized "system" appeared on his computer. He was probably frightened, and after being stupid for a long time, he clicked "No" again.

"Then are you willing to cooperate with our network monitoring work?" - "Yes" and "Not willing".

The other party clicked "yes" immediately.

"Okay. Now, go and apologize to all the girls on QQ, including your girlfriend, and say that you lied to them!"

After this sentence, there is only one "OK" option, which is beyond doubt.

So that guy really foolishly followed Fang Jie's request, and the result was a mess.

Afterwards, Fang Jie did not let the other party go, and made another pop-up window.

"What's your name?"

other side:……

Only then did Fang Jie realize that the other party couldn't answer him, so he hit a few more system pop-up windows.

"Open the notepad program and enter your name, gender, age, home address... and other information in it. We can see it."

"...Write it! We need to make a record of you and check it. If you can correct the evil in the future, then forget the past, otherwise we will notify your school and parents."

"Don't write it down, right? You're a freshman at Jiangcheng Polytechnic's Nanhu Campus, right? You're from the School of Art, right? Don't be surprised, we've already figured out your details! Hurry up and explain your situation clearly!"

After all this trickery, the other party finally gave up resistance, opened the notepad program, and wrote down his personal information: "Ruan Jianhua, male, 18 years old, College of Art and Design, dormitory 502..."

Seeing this message, Fang Jie couldn't help but curse: Damn it!

What a trough!
It turned out to be my roommate, that Ruan Jianhua who was absent from school all day, came in late and left early, and changed girlfriends every week!

Afterwards, Fang Jie secretly laughed for a long time, but Ruan Jianhua was really scared to pee.

Later, I heard Li Jianhua and Wang Xujiu mention it, saying that Ruan Jianhua behaved very strangely during this period, as if he had lost his soul, and was out of his mind all day long. Once, he was slapped twice by a girl at the door of the dormitory building. So many people have seen it, it's so sad.

Well, self-inflicted evil, can't live, retribution...

Not to mention these bullshit episodes, in fact Fang Jie was so busy that he quickly forgot about it, a little grasshopper was not worth his concern.

In short, through this incident, we can see how much influence Tencent and 51wan have at present. Not to mention registering N QQs for one person, MMs who are not very good at computers have also learned to use QQ to chat and make friends.

It shows that computers and the Internet, with the passage of time, even if only more than half a year has passed, the number of users has increased exponentially, the network environment has continued to improve, and the number of netizens has continued to increase, laying a solid foundation for online games.

But these are not enough, "Wulin" is going to be launched, there is another important problem: game software installation.

The previous games, whether stand-alone or online, were all sold in the form of physical discs, but if you want to go through the physical sales route, you can't avoid Lianbang and Ubisoft chain stores, and then get a piece of their pie.

This time, Fang Jie didn't plan to go offline, but all online!

Of course, game discs and package printing still need to be done, and this is handed over to the operation department and the publicity department for negotiation, just to test their capabilities.

However, the packaged game CDs are not sold in software stores, but in two ways: 1. Push them directly to all Internet cafes, telecom business halls, and distribution outlets; 2. Book online at 51ka and let the post deliver.

I don’t need to explain the first method. This promotion line has already been opened up when selling mobile phone recharge cards, and it can be rolled out quickly at any time. Relevant dealers and distributors are familiar with it.

The method of ordering express delivery is a little troublesome, but the cost is not high, because it is said that it is express delivery, but in fact, except for remote areas, most other cities can transfer goods from various Internet cafe distribution points, and the headquarters directly sends the whole vehicle for logistics. , Let the players go directly to the nearest Internet cafe to get the disc with the 51ka payment certificate.

In order to prevent piracy and to make Internet cafe distribution points profitable, the price of the light-packed version of the game CD is only 2 yuan.

The headquarters only recovers the cost of 1 yuan, and the extra profit of 1 yuan is used to pay the logistics fee and the sales commission of the Internet cafe.

You must know that even buying a blank disc now costs 2 yuan. At such a price, pirates have no profit at all and can only give up.

In addition to these two offline promotion methods, the Internet cafe management system is responsible for online game software installation.

This matter does not even need to be promoted. It is only necessary to inform the owners of Internet cafes everywhere through the Internet cafe management system, so that they will not shut down the machine manually when it is idle.

One week before the launch of "Wulin", the Internet cafe management system will automatically conduct a computer self-check. Once it finds that "Wulin" is not installed on the computer, it will automatically download the "Wulin" client program to the computer. After the automatic installation is complete, the computer will automatically shut down.

In short, um, there is no such thing as network management, a powerful Trojan horse... No, a powerful Internet cafe management system will help them do this job, or the kind that moisturizes things silently...

Thank you so much!
When the Internet cafe owners heard this, they were full of admiration. The Internet cafe management system is so easy to use. If there are any new games in the future, can you download and install them for us?

Fang Jie said to Wang: It's easy to talk long as you pay the Internet cafe management system usage fee, or reach the sales target on a monthly basis, these are easy to talk about, no problem at all!As for the previous games, if you want to install updates, you still have to charge some money. After all, the maintenance cost of the Internet cafe management system is very high...

(End of this chapter)

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