Blood Candle Keep Disciple

Chapter 47 The Shadow of Death

Chapter 47 The Shadow of Death

At 45:[-], when Zhen Cheng was standing at the gate of the security center on the second floor of the ivory tower, there was already a shrewd and capable man in his early thirties with a cold face beside him.The two security guards on duty stood at attention nervously at the door to welcome them.

Zhishi is one of the more than 30 deputy housekeepers in the Zhen family, and he is in charge of the daily affairs of the thirteenth lady Zhen Cheng on weekdays.Like every carefully selected colleague from around the world, he is extremely capable of handling affairs.It is most convenient to find him for chores that do not involve illegal activities like today's request for convenience in the family's business.

It's just because Zhen Cheng and the family's concept are inconsistent with many contradictions, the guy around him who should be the most reliable is more monitoring than assistance.Therefore, the relationship between the two is more like the relationship between the cold master and the slave who do not like each other, and there is no way to talk about trust or even dependence.

"Please cut out the monitoring of all the rooms facing the north wall from the 34th to the 46th floor, whether it is indoors or corridors, it is better to have the ones outside the building." Recalling the details observed after the accident of the advertising screen in his memory, Zhen Cheng pointed out A few points of doubt.

The security guard on duty at the ivory tower hurriedly connected points on the console, and then everyone in the room saw... a whole row of black screens.

"This...Miss, we..." The security guard's head was dazed, filled with all kinds of panic that he was about to lose his job.The presence of Miss Zhen's family caused his brain to crash to the point that he could not even trigger his professional vigilance to realize that a serious problem was about to happen in time.

Zhen Cheng didn't care: "It doesn't matter if it's not on these floors. Call up all the surveillance cameras that can see the outer wall on the north side. I don't think they have time to destroy the landscape probe on the top floor, right?"

The other party came prepared.How can an opponent who can create such a serious public accident that can be called a terrorist attack easily get caught by the tail?However, the dark row of surveillance screens in front of him were confirming Zhen Cheng's hypothesis step by step.

The scenery probe outside the building does not have a backup like closed-circuit monitoring. The main function of that thing is to put the high-level scenery in real time to many required departments, including the lobby on the first floor, for decoration.

It's just that the security room can indeed adjust the angle here, so that it turns directly down along the building edge to bring the advertising screen on the north wall into view.These were still in the memory of that week, and Zhen Cheng made a special investigation afterward to discover the details of the memory.

Those who move their feet are meant to leave no traces.Even if you know all the surveillance arrangements of the entire ivory tower, there is no reason to take extra risks to destroy a few probes that will not leave records or even be deliberately manipulated and will not face you.

Moreover, above the [-]th floor of the ivory tower is the private plot of the Zhen family, which is only used by some institutions with a higher level of confidentiality under the family. The security is extremely tight, and it is not easy to get in.

The stiff-headed security slowed down the progress of the matter for another 3 minutes, and then everyone vaguely observed the mounting interface of the advertising screen on the 45th floor below through the landscape probe on the top.

"Put it to the largest." Zhen Cheng pointed to the part of the screen where the big screen was close to the building's surface.

Zhi Shi, who was behind him, also keenly captured the strangeness of the matter, and asked with a frown, "This transparent... barrel? What is it?"

"The thermite that delays ignition is ignited by acting on the accelerant containing magnesium powder through the convex lens of the outer package. Afterwards, the container is completely vaporized without leaving traces, and the traces left by the fracture of the advertising screen can only indicate that it was welded by 'welding'. break'. That is, the criminal who broke the surveillance will not leave any tail after the imminent terrorist activity,"

Zhen Cheng still remembers the police's inference after the accident in his memory. The falling advertising screen was not caused by loose screws, corrosion or explosion, but left strange traces that seemed to be "welded off" in the connection structure.Thinking of this, she added another sentence like there is no silver 300 here: "I guess."

Having been cared for by the god of death for a week, coupled with the clear memory of being shot and killed, she has begun to reason and analyze on the premise that everything she is encountering has been calculated by Qu Yun.

Although she can't understand the purpose of that mysterious transfer student, as long as she picks out unnatural and artificial traces from the events she has experienced, she believes that sooner or later, she will be able to catch the fox tail of the white-haired children.

There is a coffee shop that Zhen Cheng likes very much on the front of the ivory tower. Every time she goes to the Metropolitan Bureau to assist the police in a case as a detective, she will buy food at a fixed place. This is expected to be understandable.

However, there is still a problem in this case, that is, even if the other party calculates that he will come to buy breakfast, how can he accurately calculate the specific time?
Zhen Cheng didn't believe that death was coming.Compared with those mysterious things, she believed in the supernatural ability and deceitful layout that really existed, and a certain beauty who shot her to death happened to meet both of these conditions.

Therefore, it seems very reasonable to guess that the series of "accidental" disasters encountered in the past week are all people who want their lives to be secretly arranged.Going a step further on this basis, there are killers waiting behind the advertising screen, and it becomes the greatest possibility to create artificial "accidents" at the right time.

When Zhishi was called for help, Zhen Cheng had predicted that the current criminal who was waiting to commit the crime would be caught in the surveillance, but in fact, the other party's method was far more professional and safer than Zhen Cheng expected, leaving no chance for her to break the game easily.

But if it's an automatic delay device... the waiting time for a sandwich is no more than 10 minutes at most. If it is really an attack against me as I expected, how can the other party judge the exact time I stayed under the billboard?
"Are we... going to call the police?" There was finally a wake-up caller in the security room.Compared with the police and the law, they are first responsible for the Zhen family to which they belong.

Many ordinary people outside may not be able to imagine it, but inside the system, they know what is going on with the three major families that are far above all power institutions behind the scenes in the world.

Zhi Shi looked at Zhen Cheng, and Zhen Cheng waved his hand casually: "Whatever. From the perspective of accountability, it is better for you to call the police, but when they arrive, they will probably only be able to catch the corpse.

You can also try to evacuate the people downstairs, and at the same time send someone to try to remove the two transparent barrels at the welding point.To be honest, it's not really dangerous until it burns, and it probably won't burn if you take it to a shady place,"

As she spoke, she squinted at the time on the monitor screen: "But even if you estimate it like this, it's too late, unless you can finish everything within 5 minutes."

(End of this chapter)

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