Blood Candle Keep Disciple

Chapter 46 The Shadow of Death

Chapter 46 The Shadow of Death

"Three... chances?"

Zhen Cheng, who sat up from the bed dazedly, murmured softly, as if he had had a strange dream.

Searching for memories, Zhen Cheng remembered the bizarre encounters in the secret space at the beginning, and then remembered that he participated in the detective game organized by the Scary family in order to obtain the extraordinary power to save his life in the secret space...

She lost the game under unjust rules, but gained power.He then returned to campus to experiment with his newfound power.This seems to have caused quite troublesome consequences, and it seems that he is being targeted by death, and he must experience at least one fatal disaster every day.

And all of this, nine out of ten is the mask that grabbed the hand, and gave it to him on the pretext of changing a tailor-made path of speech and spirit. The trap set.

After figuring this out, Zhen Cheng began to trace Qu Yun's traces deliberately, trying to figure out what was going on with this pitiful transcendental pathway on his body.

In the end, when he finally caught up with this guy in class, he was followed by a mutant classmate, a murdered teacher, and then he... was shot by her?
Zhen Cheng wondered if his words had failed in the end, or if Qu Yun didn't aim at her head at all.

Just looking at the other party's unwavering and slightly mocking eyes, Zhen Cheng could be sure that she really wanted to kill herself.But the result of the influence of this word...

She thought of a very embarrassing and the only reasonable explanation.Qu Yun really wanted to kill her, but for unknown reasons the shot would have missed.As a result, because of the interference of his word spirit, he deviates from the original trajectory and kills himself...

Damn luck...

But these are no longer important at this time. The most important question now is what does it mean when you wake up from your dormitory, who has been shot and died?Could it be that what just happened...was a dream?
Ordinary people will probably be puzzled by this question for a long time, but this bed is still a well-known student detective.

Zhen Cheng jumped up from the bed, first rushed to the living room and turned on the TV in his dormitory.

The TV was broadcasting a shootout at the bar in front of the famous North American pharmaceutical company Thetis. The police wanted the top killer of Songhai Heart [High-Profile Ai Logans]. As for the time... it was Monday a week ago.

Well, I just got a forehead tattoo from Qu Yun and returned to Academy City on the second day, when all the weirdness was about to come.

It matches the time on the mobile phone, and the news program that is usually broadcast shows the time of the day.This can rule out the possibility of someone changing the time of their mobile phone and desk clock to deliberately make themselves misunderstood.

But if it is so easy to conclude that she is a surreal assumption that she has traveled back to a week ago, then it is not a detective girl but a middle school girl.

Maybe someone used high-tech means to control the TV in their room, or maybe someone took over all the TV stations that Academy City could receive in order to do the trick and demanded that last Monday's show be broadcast again...

Well, that sounds unreliable, but at least it's more reliable than something like going back in time, isn't it?She has never seen with her own eyes how high the ceiling of human superhumans is, but if someone can go back in time, it is obvious that the three families who rule the world are no longer the three families.

Zhen Cheng still needs more clues to make a judgment on the status quo.It's a pity that she wasn't watching TV last Monday morning, and naturally she couldn't have any impression of the previous program.

Unlike the famous detectives who rely on amazing memory to solve cases, Zhen Cheng is the type who is good at deploying energy and relaxation.

She doesn't somehow remember the license plate that passed by the door a week ago or the posture of her classmates in the next yard exercising in the yard in the morning; on the contrary, she will forget most of the details on weekdays, so as to cultivate and support herself to start working. After the high-speed operation of the brain.

This is like a computer with the same configuration, if you keep the desktop neat and the background clean, the efficiency will always be higher.

In other words, she could hardly find any evidence in her memory that could prove whether this "Monday" ever happened, and everything was voluntarily forgotten by her good thinking habits.

But there are always some things in life that we want to forget but can't forget.On the Monday that I experienced last time in my memory, there were exactly two of them.

The former is the "Suspected Galaxy Falling Nine Heavens" incident that made this guy so ashamed that he didn't want to recall it.The latter was almost pushed off the platform later.

But before that, there is one more thing she can try to prove...

With his hands resting on the windowsill, Zhen Cheng looked out the window and saw two big crows on the top of the tree directly opposite him.I opened the window again and looked at the sky, um, the sun was rising, and the moon was close to the horizon in the distance, which was almost invisible to the naked eye.

Looking at the crow on the tree with a ghostly smile, she opened her mouth and said:
"The moon is falling and the sky is full of frost..."

The rose flower pot on the window sill seemed to be touched when the window was opened, and after reading a sentence, it happened to fall on... Zhen Cheng's big toe was covered.

"Ugh... woo woo woo!!!"

Zhen Cheng rolled on the ground with his feet in his arms... Is this still possible?Obviously it wasn't designed that way!
In the constant self-inflicted self-inflicted, Miss Zhen refused to give up the handsome way of using ability.

"Quack, quack..." The big crow's soothing laugh came from outside the window.

A few minutes later, Zhen Cheng got up tremblingly, glared at the crows on the treetops, and said, "The crows fly up the Huanglian tree - asking for trouble!"

The branch broke in response, and the big crow fell halfway down with a smile.

Well, at least it proves that the earlier thing from being involved in a hidden space to participating in a detective game to gain power is not a dream...

She had no class that day, and Zhen Cheng never got up early without an alarm.I usually have breakfast and take a walk, and I walk to the Metropolitan Police Station at around 12:30, taking it easy.

If I leave now, I will drive a battery car that the school can use casually, and I should save time for dinner and arrange it in advance before I reach the ivory tower on the Monday in my memory.

Of course, there are many ways to determine whether time goes back in time.As simple as making a phone call and asking yourself the guys who hired Qu Yun when you were interviewing, or as fine as retrieving all the information about every unlucky person on the death list around you for a week in memory and comparing...

But Zhen Cheng doesn't plan to take those measures, because what he is doing now can achieve some more important purposes in addition to unlocking the clues of the time paradox in his memory.

Suppose someone (Qu) (Yun) plays a big game against her, she needs to find out the opponent's flaws based on the difference between her memory and reality; and if time really goes back, she must find out what the guy said What exactly is "the world is dying because of you".

In any case, she must get there before the gears turn, and prepare her own hands and feet in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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