Blood Candle Keep Disciple

Chapter 2 Prologue My ability can't be so pitiful

Chapter 2 Prologue My ability can't be so pitiful

Despite this thought, Zhen Cheng subconsciously retreated under the eaves. "A basin full of silver dollars will probably fall downstairs," she once thought naively.

By the way, although the world Miss Zhen lives in is the 21st century earth and has credit payment methods, it does still use real gold and silver as currency, details will be explained later.

As a result, the giant ten-story billboard on the 35th to 45th floors overhead just fell down, killing 12 people on the spot.

Just ask you, does this thing have half a dime relationship with Galaxy? (╯#-dish-)╯~~╧═╧

Well, if you have to talk about relationships, there is a slogan on the billboard: Yishi Real Estate, you can buy a house with peace of mind.

Seeing this, you should have found out that Zhen Cheng is the kind of weirdo who is extremely smart, but doesn't like to look ahead and be cautious.

Well, a little sand sculpture full of wisdom.

All in all, that's about it.It made Zhen Cheng's habit of speaking with a lot of self-control and like to bring a few lines of poetry to be forcibly changed.The so-called multi-speech loss of words to hurt people is nothing more than a prophecy, um, it is the kind of interpretation that makes sense.

When such a big thing happened, it is natural to go to the initiator and ask for clarification.However, the strange course arrangement of Santa Matar Academy made it difficult for Zhen Cheng to find unfamiliar classmates.

So I survived the dying week like this, and finally got a class on Friday in the same classroom as the white-haired children - "Criminal Investigation".Zhen Cheng gritted his teeth and planned to wait until get out of class was over to catch the guy and ask him clearly.

After that, she carefully tried all kinds of ways to develop her own abilities, that is, all the ways of arranging and combining words and words that she could think of, and finally locked in a "less elusive" method of use, that is, let Zhen Cheng cut the skin pain after a break.

Where do you ask Miss Zhen to learn such a down-to-earth thing?Fortunately, the Zhen family has a deep background, and it took her a few days to be like Zhao Zilong holding the wrong golden cudgel - before the battle, he recited a large amount of life-saving remarks.

But the most worrying thing is the image problem that comes with it.Zhen Cheng's ability to speak words was nothing like any of the extraordinary ways she had ever heard of. Even if others weren't strong at first, they had never seen such an ability that could last for less than a second...

And what's even more pitiful is that the utility of this ability seems to be related to the volume.Others are the less hair, the stronger the power.When I get to her, the thicker the skin and the stronger the strength... Well, the hair is more important than the face.

Putting aside the thoughts of sand sculptures, we returned the camera to the classroom.Looking at the white-haired girl's broken cell phone, Zhen Cheng, who was the initiator, couldn't have the slightest idea of ​​gloating at the moment.

It was only because the sound of the phone falling to the ground could be heard very clearly.Moments before it hit the ground, the entire classroom was suddenly so quiet that a needle could be heard falling.

Pushing back a step further, the entire classroom was suddenly quiet, because Zhen Cheng was too concentrated and unintentionally shouted out the curse.

Under the surprised and sneering eyes of the whole class, Zhen Cheng squatted on the ground with his face covered.There was even a moment when she wished she had acquired the extraordinary ability to squeeze into the table bucket like a slug.

But the transcendent road is not Chinese cabbage. Now if you want to change it, how easy is it to find an opportunity?Even if she is Miss Zhen, the family itself has a mysterious inheritance, and it is impossible to find the corresponding extraordinary way if she wants any special ability, right?
"Sure enough, only Xie Houyu can use the ability accurately?" Zhen Cheng sighed inwardly.Immediately, she was attracted by what the teacher said on the podium.Without it, just because of the cases discussed in this criminal investigation class... She is too familiar with it.

The teacher on the podium, however, was not interrupted by the noise at the back of the classroom, and continued to speak with full concentration:

"Let's demonstrate the scene of the crime. The deceased male, 43 years old, was the owner of a large company and an antique collector. He had a harmonious family and a daughter who was in high school.

Recently, I am in debt because I am obsessed with the business process set ten years ago and refuse to change. Although I still live in a luxury villa mortgaged to the bank, I have actually gone bankrupt, and the only valuable thing in my hand is a lot of life insurance...

The podium in the classroom is the characteristic platform of half-person height in the concert hall, and the setting above it is a study room.The bookshelves on both sides of the walls are strictly symmetrical, and even the number of potted leaves corresponds to one another.

While the teacher was talking, he started to rummage and destroy the cabinets in the set on the podium.The set that fills the large podium cleverly provides unobstructed views for the students, which would be an incredible project in a typical school.

However, under the sunflower-shaped school badge made up of densely packed eyes in St. Matar Academy, even if it is an unpopular course with a small number of electives, even if every class needs to be rearranged or even destroyed all the furnishings, the school is receiving Teachers don't even frown when they allocate staff and funds after they apply.

At this time, the case that the well-known online teacher on the podium was talking about made Zhen Cheng quite concerned.However, when her thinking gradually rewinded with the case, her brain gradually became excited and active, but it was difficult for her to concentrate and go back to listening to the lecture no matter what.

This is not because the test of his own ability finally succeeded, nor because he couldn't get out of the embarrassment just now.In fact, the classmates just laughed in the hall, and soon they bowed their heads and went about their own affairs. No one would always care about the mood of others.

Zhen Cheng's mood was restless at this time, mainly because after some childish revenge and experiments, she had to continue to face her current precarious situation.

Well, to pass on your misfortune to that abominable white-haired child, should it be exchanged for half a day of cleanliness?I don't know how much a successful word of speech can divert my bad luck away...

It doesn't matter if this is metaphysics or a spiritual victory, anyway, this is how Zhen Cheng convinced himself.

Speaking of trouble... The "trouble" that worries Zhen Cheng is not a small trouble, but a series of big problems with life at stake.

For example, when she went to buy breakfast at the cafe she frequented under the Ivory Tower, the landmark of Academy City on Monday, the giant advertising screen hanging up and down the [-]th floor happened to fall off, killing the twelve people standing beside her.

Well, this may be because she was a slob and experimented with Yanling herself.But on the same night, she was almost pushed off the light rail platform, so she couldn't blame herself, right?
Consider Tuesday's meteor shower.It's not like I haven't seen it on weekdays, look at the beautiful scenery and make a wish, isn't it good that God, the old master of the Buddha, blesses me to become a big star?

A small-equivalent meteorite accidentally hit the Lieutenant Colonel's swimming pool.And she was taking diving lessons at the time, and she watched the cute senior sisters who were talking and laughing in the pool just being cooked alive...

Another example is the serious car accident where she hit under her nose and was killed in the teaching area on Wednesday; another example is yesterday, Thursday, on the way to the violin lesson, when Zhen Cheng suddenly had a fierce battle between the felon and the police. ...

(End of this chapter)

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