Blood Candle Keep Disciple

Chapter 1 Prologue My ability can't be so pitiful

Chapter 1 Prologue My ability can't be so pitiful

There are only a dozen people in the huge lecture hall, and most of them are sitting high in the back of the classroom against the wall. They are busy with their own affairs by connecting their mobile phones or laptops to the sockets on the wall.

This should be a very common scene in a large classroom classroom.But when Miss Zhen, who is quite pushy and sits in the first row every class, is also in the crowd at the moment, even in the corner of the last row, even the teacher can't help but turn to this side. After a few glances.

With her right hand, she gently rubbed the rune tattoo on her temple that she had just obtained a few days ago, and even she didn't know what it meant. Zhen Cheng herself was rarely listening to the lecture at the moment, and she didn't even notice the suspicious eyes of the teacher. .

In the past few days, the sudden appearance of the tattoo has attracted a lot of surprised eyes.Although the school does not restrict students' tattoos, the image of a good girl is completely broken.

And this is just the least worth mentioning part of Zhen Cheng's recent encounter.The unexpected mark and the mysterious power it brought also caused a curse that was [-] times more serious than that of her classmates, and even forced her into a desperate situation several times.If it wasn't for that guy...

There was no malice in her eyes, and there was a hint of gnashing of teeth, and she muttered to the silver-haired back who was sitting alone a few rows in front of her:

"If you want to cross the Yellow River Bingsaichuan, you will climb the snow-covered mountains in Taihang."

Her eyes were locked on the mobile phone by the silver-haired back table.The man was sitting at the farthest edge of the long row of desks, and a third of the phone on the desk was protruding from the edge of the desk.It seems... just a little bit more and it will fall off.

"The house leaks when it rains overnight, and the ship is late and hits the wind again."

As if he wanted to push on with his mind power, Zhen Cheng said viciously again.As the eldest lady of a wealthy family, Zhen Cheng can be said to be full of poetry and books.If possible, she would rather curse her enemies to death with these graceful lines.Think of the beautiful painting style of taking the head of an enemy general thousands of miles away...

However, it is difficult to get in when it is heavy to fly, the wind is loud and easy to sink, and the reality is always unsatisfactory.Two consecutive attempts ended without success, and sure enough... it's still impossible to curse other people's bad luck with the poetry that he is good at.

Zhen Cheng has no mind power, and naturally it is impossible for the phone to fall to the ground by himself.It's just that the owner of the phone didn't know whether he heard the curse behind it, or because of female intuition, and suddenly turned around to meet Zhen Cheng's eyes.

It was a girl's face so beautiful that the walls were separated.It's just that the innocent face of that day was evoking a mocking evil at the corner of his mouth.Raising her eyebrows lightly, the silver-haired girl smiled meaningfully at Zhen Cheng.

This smile shocked Zhen Cheng.She herself knew very well that it was impossible for any human being to hear her own thoughts at such a distance.The unresponsiveness of the three classmates sandwiched between them is the best proof.

Immediately, she became a little embarrassed because of her overreaction.Damn... If it wasn't for being deceived by these white-haired children, I would have already become a "real" superhuman, why would I have to rely on the supernatural power of a half-hearted person who is ineffective at this time every day?

That's right, the thirteenth young lady of the Zhen family, a beautiful girl of sixteen years of age, and a well-known detective, Zhen Cheng, is still an extraordinary person.

And this new superhuman is deliberately taking revenge on the initiator who brought her supernatural power.

As for why the blame for his unfortunate was put on the beautiful young lady, the reason is very simple, because the strange tattoo that suddenly appeared on Zhen Cheng's forehead at this time was thanks to her.

According to the white-haired girl, this is a way to ascend directly to the gods, and it is tailor-made for her.

Although she didn't want to believe this kind of nonsense, in fact, the strength Zhen Cheng gained from it really helped her survive the week of crisis-ridden daily life.

As for the specific power... Zhen Cheng doesn't think about it now, that thing is too shameful...

Including the broken thoughts in the class just now, she is still trying to control her power correctly... No, that is revenge, not an experiment!

She will not admit that she is still experimenting with the use of that kind of power, trying to find a decent and handsome person who is more in line with her identity image, not like she is now...

No, no, it's simply a matter of logical order.If it hadn't been for a moment of brainstorming and agreeing to get the brand, these deadly anomalies would never have happened!
When the silver-haired girl turned her head to look, her elbow seemed to accidentally touch her mobile phone, so that the mobile phone, which was only one-third of the air, was now on the edge of the table.

Zhen Cheng's eyes lit up, and the opportunity came.

"Going down the coal kiln with a cane - pounding coal!"

With a click, the phone of the silver-haired girl in front fell to the ground, and it seemed to hit something bad, and the screen went blank.

You guessed right, the power that the rune on the forehead brings to Zhen Cheng, that is powerful enough to reach the gods, and the way of sublimation that is filled with a touch of humility and sadness, is exactly - rest... ah, Yan Ling!
However, the power of words and spirit mastered by Zhen Cheng is not on the same channel as the synonyms she knows.In short, when the transfer student branded her, she simply explained that this power is related to the rhythm of words.

Although I didn't really believe it at the time, Zhen Cheng was still very happy.Miss Zhen, who came from a top wealthy family, is proficient in poetry, poetry, and poetry. It is understandable to say that this way of sublimation is tailor-made for her.

Just go back and give it a try... my heart is half cold.

How should I put it, reciting a poem well is not completely without visions, but I can't figure out the rules at doesn't work.

For example, she tried to recite "the bright moonlight in front of the bed" and found no change.It wasn't until I wanted to buy milk tea on the road that I realized in front of the shop window... I lost all my pocket money this month.

To be honest, Zhen Cheng's extremely smart little head was really tangled for a long time and didn't turn around. The main reason is that this level of misfortune has been flooded in her daily life since she was a child, and it is completely impossible to verify that it was a natural loss. Still lost...

However, although it cannot be verified, it can be speculated.Assuming that the phenomenon of "lost money" is caused by the word spirit, then it means that the rules of operation of this stupid thing's word spirit ability are nothing more than homophones.

Then she thought of this when she was buying milk tea at another coffee shop, so she said casually: "Suspected that the Milky Way has fallen for nine days".

Well, although Miss Zhen is not short of money, she is not happy if she loses her money.Aren't you taking it for granted?This time, there must be some silver in the sky for me to pick up, right?Even if the word "river" is added, what's the point of putting a basin of water on your head?
 Thank you very much for your recommended monthly pass rewards.These are really important for the new book. Xiaoyun is surprised that he can get so many people's support and attention as a first-level cute new book. I love you (o^^o)
(End of this chapter)

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