Chapter 342
Vehicles are slowly pulling over on the two roads, and everyone is willing to help, but they don't know how to start seeing the scene.Until someone shouted: "There are still people living in the car." It refers to the second car.

When everyone looked over, a man covered in blood slowly crawled out from the back seat with all four wheels turned upside down, and a woman squatted down with concern: "Sir, please don't move around, what do you need me to do for you?"

The blood man struggled hard, sat on the ground with the help of others, leaned against the side of the car, and took out his ID from his suit with his right hand: "Blade, Tim Blade. Tell them the seagull was attacked."

Someone helped, someone took a video, and the Internet exposed the matter as soon as possible.

"Tim?" Liang Xi recognized Tim at a glance. The first time Robert met him was to bring Tim with him.Two women and a man were reported to be bandaging Tim's head and legs.The news broadcaster explained that they checked several other vehicles, but found no injured people with obvious life forms. They did not dare to move around and waited for professional doctors on the spot, hoping that everyone will be fine.The broadcaster said that it was confirmed that four people in special police uniforms had been killed.He speculated that the police convoy had been the target of a planned attack.

Liang Xi looked at Baker, and Baker's face changed undecided: "Isa went to the maternity checkup. I wanted to go with her, but she wouldn't let me go. She wouldn't lie to me, would she?"

Liang Xi said: "Relax, Yisha is the commander, not the on-site commander, and she will not be in the convoy."

Baker stood up: "I'll go back first, it's a big deal." Blade's convoy used civilian vehicles, indicating that the convoy had a requirement for secrecy. Even so, they were attacked by gangsters, which shows the seriousness of the situation.No policeman in London can rest today.

Liang Xi knew that there must be his acquaintances in the convoy, so instead of disturbing Daofeng, he contacted Xiaobai, a computer technician working in the anti-terrorism office, and asked Xiaobai to tell him the information.After Xiaobai asked Liu Zhen, he not only gave the information that should be given, but also gave Liang Xi the information that should not be given.


More than a dozen special police officers from the special operations department formed a mercenary organization called Heishan. At the beginning, there were only three or four people in Heishan, and the beneficiary at that time was a middleman.The funder helps Yinghei and the flour merchants deal with legal issues on a daily basis, such as threatening witnesses and destroying physical evidence.After many cooperations, the sponsor recommended Montenegro to Mr. X, so that there was a later Montenegro.When Montenegro was destroyed, the gold master was serving his sentence in Poland. Liang Xi once asked Isha about the gold master, but Isha didn't give a direct answer, and told Liang Xi tactfully that he was doing it.

Today, the blade convoy is escorting the benefactor who was secretly extradited from Poland to the UK.The plane originally planned to land at airport A, and airport B is the alternative.But Isa and others don't believe that the Poles can keep it completely secret. The sponsor's matter is of great importance, which is directly related to the question of whether Davis can be dug out.Phil, mi6 Mediterranean and Isa formed a temporary command group to discuss the issue of escorting the gold master.

Phil's opinion is absolute force, escorted by fighter jets, airports for landing bacteria, and transport by armored vehicles.But the Prime Minister's Office specifically stated that the bacterial side cannot come forward.Because the British team must take a neutral attitude towards most matters in the country, strictly speaking, the sponsor only knows Davis, and he is not afraid of his identity.

The interim command group is concerned about the extradition.The extradition should have been carried out three days later, because mi6 received a lot of tips, and found that members of the mercenary team in the files appeared near the prison in the suburbs of Warsaw, Poland.So the British and Polish high-level officials contacted and took the person away three days in advance. Even so, they encountered a lot of trouble in the process of picking up the person, because the Polish personnel at the middle and lower levels did not receive the order. After receiving the order, they had to confirm Order.In the daily operation, there was no case of picking up people in advance, so it was still delayed for a day.

Considering Davis' energy, the interim team must come up with a strategy when there are still many diehards in the country.There are only two options for the strategy. The first option is to escort the donor with great fanfare with absolute strength.The second option is to quietly transport the donor away with a civilian hitchhiker.After the plane took off in Poland, mi6 received an unreliable message that an arms dealer in the United States sold two javelins at a high price three days ago.

The Javelin is a very powerful individual anti-tank missile, with a range of two kilometers and a preview time of only a few seconds. You can ignore it after launching.Were the javelins transported into the UK?The current intelligence system cannot give an accurate answer.Project Seagull was decided after group discussion.On the one hand, the concealed transportation method is adopted, on the other hand, the strength of the convoy is guaranteed.The first car and the last car in the convoy are Honghe special police, and they keep a certain distance from the two cars in the middle.

After simulating various possible situations, the team believes that unless the opponent has overwhelming firepower and personnel, the convoy has the ability to counterattack and stand by.But they never expected that the gangsters pretended to be policemen and shot and killed four Honghe special police officers with the strongest combat effectiveness.If it is a war zone, the special police will not fully trust the police.But the special police who are used to working in the city, when they see the police, they subconsciously react as their own.

The convoy consists of eight Red River special police officers and five Blade Detectives.Liang Xi, the five blade police detectives, only knew three of them, and the remaining two did not work at the blade base on a daily basis.These two agents are commonly known as shadow agents. They have a very ordinary job, such as a truck driver, such as a park ranger, such as a bartender.Taking advantage of their race and other advantages, they live and work in the gathering area on a daily basis.For example, Arren District, etc.These two shadow agents are Isha's old department, and they are excellent in all aspects except reasoning and solving cases.Over the past year or so, they have provided Blade with a lot of valuable intelligence.

The use of shadow agents this time is to ensure that everyone in the team is completely reliable, and there are not many people who can do it completely.Gangsters kidnap your wife and children and ask you to exchange information for their lives. Others will not know about this, and completely reliable people will choose to refuse without hesitation.The Honghe team only knew of a high-level secret escort mission just now.Prior to this, all their electronic equipment had been handed over to monitor each other.

One and a half hours after the attack, eight policemen were killed, two policemen are still being rescued, and the other three policemen were seriously injured although their lives were not in danger.In addition, there are two other pieces of information. There are two dead gangsters at the scene, one gangster is wearing police clothes, and two police cars are parked next to the fourth car, indicating that the gangsters pretended to be policemen and attacked the special police.The second message: the donor was not killed.According to eyewitness testimony, the gangsters did not take anyone away, but what is terrible is that the police did not know this information until an hour and a half after the attack.

Subconsciously, the body of the gold master was not found, and the other party's attack was very successful, indicating that the gold master was captured by the gangsters.It wasn't until the eyewitnesses took notes that it was learned that the beneficiary had escaped alone. It was already [-] o'clock in the evening and the sun had already set.The police in London and Birmingham launched a large-scale search for the donor and the criminals overnight, hoping to find the donor before the criminals find the donor.

Why didn't the benefactor turn himself in?The donor is very clear that his matter has nothing to do with the law, and there will be no trial at all.Even if he cooperates with the police to dig up Davis, he will die sooner or later from the revenge of Davis followers.The money owner doesn't want to fall into the hands of gangsters, and he will surely die.The donor has some strength in Europe and has a lot of resources in the UK. His best choice is to hide somewhere and escape from the UK after the news passes.


Liang Xi just understood the information without any reasoning or speculation. Even with the help of Xiaobai, his information was still very one-sided.After kissing Karin goodbye, drive back to the detective agency.Because of the news of the gangster attack, Bobby's accompanying bodyguards increased from six to 12 people.When Liang Xi arrived at the detective agency, the bodyguard was changing shifts. The head of the bodyguard told Liang Xi that Bobby told him not to disturb him.Of course he wouldn't stop Liang Xi from bothering Bobby.

Think of a detective agency as your own home?

Liang Xi went upstairs to the living area of ​​the detective agency. Bobby was wearing a leather vest and was video chatting with someone.The camera is facing a bookcase full of books embedded in the wall.

"I like to read every day." Bobby looked at Liang Xi, and his eyes signaled Liang Xi not to come over.Poppy continued: "I'm currently researching the history of the Eastern and Western Roman Empires."

"Then you must be very knowledgeable." The girl's voice was full of admiration.

Bobby said modestly: "No, no, I just like reading books, and I don't dare to say that I am knowledgeable. I just don't want to waste my life fighting for family property and power, so I opened a detective agency. I'm not a detective, I just want a detective. Quiet reading environment."

Girl: "I saw you during the live broadcast of the Internet celebrity festival. There is a detective named Liang Xi who is your friend."

Bobby said: "That's right, he is my friend and also my employee. His dream is to open a detective agency. My dream is to have a quiet place to read books. We hit it off, so there is Rose Detective Agency. Snow Li, do you have any plans for tonight?"

The girl Shirley was startled: "It's night now, it's already nine o'clock in the evening."

Bobby was surprised: "Is it nine o'clock? Time flies." This girl is a bit difficult to deal with, and she has no concept of nightlife.

Shirley sneered: "Immersed in the sea of ​​books, it's easy to forget the time. I can't chat with you anymore, I'm going to bed, and you should go to bed early."

Bobby regretted: "Okay, we will contact you tomorrow."

Shirley: "Well, good night."

"Good night."

Liang Xi and others interrupted the communication and asked, "What the hell?"

Bobby said: "Good girl, she is the girl who stood out in the draft. In the afternoon, she and her mother, who is an agent, went to the entertainment company under the Clement Group to discuss business contracts. Low, it's a scene where the domineering president steps forward."

Liang Xi was disdainful: "You just catch a few bodyguards and bully them hard."

Bobby stood up: "There are only a few employees directly under me. Let me show you." Although there are many employees in the mansion, they are directly under the leadership of Daisy.

Bobby played the video of Shirley's audition. Liang Xi watched it for a while and was quite amazed. This is the girl next door + the voice of nature + innocent smile + clean eyes + sincere attitude. From the appearance and voice It can be called particularly excellent.He is only six centimeters tall, with a small belly, his chest muscles are not that good, and his face has a little more flesh.But this kind of dreamy first love girl is sometimes more popular than girls with perfect body and low fat.

Liang Xi asked, "What did you do?"

Bobby smiled: "She has decided to develop in the entertainment industry. Even if I am willing to be a gentleman, she will be polluted sooner or later. Why don't I teach her a vivid social lesson so that she will suffer less."

"Animals." Liang Xi said, "Go home."

Poppy: "We're going to a charity gala tomorrow, and I need to find some books to preview."

Liang Xi: "I'm really not afraid that gangsters are educated, but that gangsters have will. What kind of charity party?" I haven't heard you mention it.

Bobby spread his hands: "A date always needs an excuse, right?"

Liang Xi was shocked: "In order to date a girl, you decided to hold an impromptu charity party?"

Bobby said: "Isn't this going to give Thresh 1 million?"

Liang Xi was even more shocked: "Did you decide to raise the 1 million tonight?"

Bobby didn't understand Liang Xi's expression: "Is it not possible? He gave me an account and agreed to use the name of the Clement family. I happen to need an excuse to find a female companion. Kill three birds with one stone, why not do it?"

Fuck you, little plum of Wall Street.Little Lizi's vocal cords were broken when he shouted, you just managed to deal with it lightly.This guy is still honestly a rich second-generation bastard. If he inherits the family business, he will sooner or later become a predator who eats people without spitting out his bones.

Since you don't go, then I will go.When Liang Xi picked up his coat and was about to say good night, Pique, the bodyguard with double skins, interrupted unexpectedly: "Mr. Liang, I heard that there was a firefight on Route 47."

Not to mention the professionalism of bodyguards, Pique is a person who talks very little.Liang Xi was a little surprised, but he still replied: "It is not accurate to say that there was an exchange of fire. Judging from the information, it is a massacre, and there is almost no power to fight back."

Pick said: "Can Mr. Liang please pay more attention to this matter."

Poppy asked, "Peak, what's going on?"

Peake replied: "Among the police officers who died in the line of duty was a comrade-in-arms of mine, a life and death friend."

Peake replied in exchange for silence, and the chief bodyguard was ready to smooth things over. He knew that Liang Xi was not willing to help, but that Liang Xi was unable to help.Liang Xi put his coat on the chair, picked up the marker pen on the table, walked to the writing board and began to write messages and draw pictures: "I believe the gangsters have received orders to kill and must destroy the target. The target is at large, and the police from the two cities dispatched A large number of police forces were deployed to carry out a blanket search of the area, including helicopters."

Liang Xi wrote the two cities of London and Birmingham on the clipboard, and drew a road in between: "We can't think about the problem from the perspective of the police, what we have to think about is: facing the current situation, how can criminals stay within the encirclement of the police?" Find the target first."

Bobby stood beside Liang Xi looking at the writing board, and said, "Is this impossible?"

Liang Xi said: "That's right, the police have invested such resources and haven't found the target. The possibility of the gangster trying to dig out the target from the encirclement is almost zero. At this time, it has become a gamble. The prerequisite for the gangster to kill the target is : The target is not in the encirclement. We don’t need to consider the possibility that the target is in the encirclement, we have to follow the gangster’s thinking. Suppose the target escapes from the encirclement, where will he go?”

Liang Xi went to the bookcase, rummaged for a while, and took out a hard-covered notebook: "The target is a middleman and broker, who helps organized crimes such as Britain, Black, and Flour Group deal with some difficult matters every day. He develops Several special police officers were dedicated to doing dirty work as mercenaries. Several special police officers were all members of the Special Operations Department, indicating that the target’s main service target was London and cities around London. The target must have been helped to escape the encirclement. This is an excerpt from John’s lifetime And record the situation of Britain and Black. There are several main forces in London and Black. The first group: Albanians. They are cruel and do not trust outsiders. There is one Albanian for every ten prisoners in the British Severe Penalty Prison. The second group: Irish. Three strands: Somalis active in the northeast area of ​​London. There are also Cyprus, Turkey, Pakistan, etc. All Lunhei are related to flour, soft flour, and new flour.”

(End of this chapter)

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