fog city detective

Chapter 341 Ambush

Chapter 341 Ambush
According to the photos, check the monitoring again to determine the license plate number of the car driven by the man.The car was a rental car, rented by a 35-year-old Portuguese man named Santos from a car rental company near a small airport that only takes off and off private jets.Two hackers came to work overtime temporarily, determined that Santos's car rental passport was a fake passport, and the car was returned to the rental company yesterday morning.

"Check this airport. You shouldn't rent a car near the small airport for anti-reconnaissance." The small airport is near the suburbs and suburbs.Liang Xi added: "Rental cars have route positioning."

Sierra compared Santos' photo with photos of passengers going through customs at the airport.Even if it is a small airport, you have to go out of the customs normally, but usually there is no waiting, and luggage is rarely checked, and the departure time is very wide.Small airports are not specially opened for the rich and powerful.As a metropolis, London has five and a half airports, two of which are international.As for half of the reason, it is because the airport is located between London and Birmingham, and there is no specific statement about which city it belongs to.Small airports can effectively relieve the busyness of large airports.

"Gesco, Portuguese, 35 years old. His father was engaged in smuggling weapons along the coastline from Eastern Europe to West Africa. 20 years ago, he refused the request of the Coast Guard to board the ship for inspection in the waters west of the UK, and used light weapons to shoot the Coast Guard ships. In the end, the sea With the help of the bacteria helicopter, the police took control of the ship. Five people, including Gesko’s father, died. The coast guard salvaged a large number of rifles and bullets in the nearby waters. According to the crew, the exchange of fire was to buy time to destroy the evidence. These weapons were originally intended to pull Go to Africa to exchange diamonds, also known as blood diamonds.”

"Gaseko himself completed his undergraduate studies in Lisbon and opened his own clothing trading company. He spent most of his time in Europe instead of Portugal. According to tax records, Gesco's income is not bad. He has earned pre-tax income every year for the past three years. over a million euros."

Liu Zhen approached Liang Xi sideways: "Fishing?"

Liang Xi said: "Have you forgotten the last time the deep-sea group was exterminated? In order not to let themselves take a little risk, the top of the group can sacrifice the middle. The same is true for the middle. For their own sake, they will sacrifice the bottom without hesitation. Fishing is not as good as Eating fish directly is a real thing. Following the line of Ge Sike, maybe we can dig out some surrounding people and things.”

"Like her?" Fiona played the surveillance video, and Gesco appeared on the gangway of the small plane, followed by a woman wearing sunglasses.Fiona said: "Gris, Italian, 29 years old. Her father was the backbone of the famous Italian-Black family in Rome. He led a 12-member stormtrooper. He was assassinated by a rival family 24 years ago. Grace was once Alleged theft of trade secrets and commercial bribery, it is suspected that Gemini Company hired Grace. Gemini Company is a family company owned by Zhao’s grand-girlfriend’s mother’s natal family.”

After seeing Grace's photo, the tainted witness believed that she was the liaison between himself and the Deep Sea Group.

Liu Zhendao: "We lack evidence now."

Liang Xi reminded: "Have you forgotten the incident of the Shenhai regiment? As long as we catch them and detain them for 24 hours. One possibility is that they are just middle-level managers who will beg us not to let them go. One possibility is that they are members of the Shenhai regiment. The backbone and the core, the deep sea group is equivalent to being caught by the tail. If you communicate with the judicial agencies of the EU countries, at least half of the deep sea group will be abolished."

Liu Zhen nodded and greeted his people: "Notice to pack up and leave at any time."

Liang Xi asked Fiona: "Do Gesco and Grace have a computer background?"

Fiona said: "There is no information related to computers in the data."

Liang Xi felt a little regretful: "They are not Deep Sea." Maybe there is no Deep Sea Group, only Ge Si Ke Group or Grace Group.But neither Gesco nor Grace are the best, and Deep Sea is the best hacker.Without catching the deep sea, even if the gang was wiped out, Liang Xi still felt unsatisfied.


Deep Sea, as the first hacker, already knew that Clay set a trap, two thugs were arrested, and the counter-terrorism office took over the case.As an omnipotent man, he was counterattacked as soon as he connected to the mobile phone of Liu Zhen, the deputy director of the Anti-Terrorism Office.Two hackers confront the first hacker, you catch me and escape, and I steal you to defend.Serra and Fiona didn't call for reinforcements either, they got into the deep sea.

The members of the deep sea regiment who relied too much on the deep sea were full of confidence and thought there was no problem when they did not receive information from the deep sea.Until the commandos of the counter-terrorism office came to the door like wolves and tigers.When Grace and Gesco were arrested, Deep Sea was still fighting Fiona and Sierra online.Deep Sea already has a certain advantage, but the advantage is useless, because the anti-terrorism office does not use computers or mobile phones, and uses another communication system that Deep Sea does not know at all.

Hackers play hackers, Liu Zhen plays Liu Zhen.The two members of the Deep Sea Regiment didn't know what went wrong until they were brought to the counter-terrorism office.The success is also the deep sea, and the failure is also the deep sea. It is better to have no deep sea than to be superstitious about the deep sea.Bet everything on the first hacker, and when the first hacker goes wrong, they can't even figure out what happened.

Liu Zhen has a wealth of interrogation skills against gangs. First, he put the two together and told them: "I want Shen Hai's identity and information, and there is only one informant. You can consider it yourself." , take the attitude of no interrogation.At the same time, they actively applied for search warrants to investigate their temporary residences.

Liang Xi was very curious about Liu Zhen's game, isn't it just a prisoner's game?Liu Zhen told Liang Xi that the members of the criminal gang are all based on interests, lack trust among each other, and the team lacks cohesion and belief.If one of the two confesses, it is naturally a prisoner's game.What about no one confessing?The police have no evidence to charge them, they will release them sooner or later.After the release, they will definitely not be able to regain the trust that the team had placed in them before.

One possibility is silence. They are the core members of the team. Knowing that they may be silenced, the best way is to cooperate with the police.Police can provide them with a new identity.Of course, it is not so easy to be a tainted witness. In addition to betraying the gang, you have to testify against your accomplices in court.

One possibility is to return to the team after being released, or be alienated, or everyone has evil intentions, which is very harmful to the team.Not only will others suspect that he is a police informant, but he himself will suspect that others suspect that he is a police informant.When necessary, the police can cooperate and make some hints to get them into the bloody sprinkler.

This is Liu Zhen's usual method to disintegrate a criminal gang. In short, there are four words: sowing discord.

In the last operation by the former mayor of London, the Deep Sea Regiment had already suffered a fatal blow. Although it survived in the end, most of them are now temporary personnel.Liang Xi believed that with the exposure of these two important members, the annihilation of the Deep Sea Regiment was just a step away.But the next job is for Liu Zhen and the two hackers, Liang Xi can't help much.

Looking back on the past ten days, first the bomb went out, and then the accident was dug up, running back and forth, and finally relying on Thresh to win a big victory.Recalling the fight between myself and Thresh, I found that my structure was too small, so I didn't succeed in breaking the plan.Whether it is actively intervening, passively intervening, or being pulled to intervene, there is always a blind eye to see Mount Tai.

For example, in the past ten days, I thought Zhao Sun was the end of the incident, but I didn't know that others made me think that Zhao Sun was the end of the incident.These conspiratorial schemers are the most abominable, until the end you don't know what their purpose is and what their position is.

Karin has a different view on this.


Two years after John's death, Mary finally left London, England, and decades of being a housewife to embark on a solo trip to Europe.Before Mary left, she asked Karin to help take care of the house and gave Karin the right of residence.Karin moved out of the hotel apartment, so as a boyfriend, she naturally had to help clean it up, but basically she just watched Karin clean it up.When Karin was busy, Liang Xi baked and made a batch of pastries that were not very good looking but tasted good.Set up on the sun-lit grass in the front yard, home-cooked afternoon tea takes shape.

During the afternoon tea, Karin listened to Liang Xi's explanation of the incident and his views on the planners, and expressed different opinions: "It is more difficult for the police to solve premeditated crimes than crimes of passion. The principle is the same. What the police see is very limited. One-sided, the premeditator is like God, he knows the cause and the consequences. The starting line of the two is different, and it does not mean that there is a big gap between the abilities of the two."

Before Liang Xi expressed his opinion on Karin's statement, Baker came driving.He knew that Karin was staying at Mary's house, so he specially sent some sets of furniture over.Liang Xi wanted to help, but was pushed back by Karin and kissed him, telling him to stay still.After moving the furniture, Baker joined the afternoon tea.As Baker, who has worked in the criminal investigation department for a year, he has a great say on premeditated crimes.

"What Karin said is just a theory. The reality is that premeditated crimes always leave a loophole." Baker said a case last month: a couple quarreled and divorced, and their relationship was bad. Called the police four times in a month.One day, the husband's younger brother died, and the younger brother fully inherited the father's estate. The younger brother's closest relationship was the older brother, so the police suspected that the older brother had killed the younger brother.During the investigation, although the wife was very reluctant, she admitted that when the younger brother was killed, the older brother quarreled with her at home, and it was impossible to kill the younger brother ten kilometers away. The neighbors also proved this point.

The technical department collects the couple's DNA and fingerprints to distinguish the scene. After all, the couple often go to the younger brother's house.It was this detail that allowed the premeditated crime to have a loophole, a loophole they didn't expect.The technical department found the wound bitten by sand fleas on the husband's arm, collected the wound tissue, and compared it with the sand fleas in the younger brother's house.In the end, judging from the formation time of the sand flea, the husband had been to his brother's house within two days.But they had previously confessed that they had visited his brother's house a week ago.So they became prime suspects.

This is followed by scents collected by the technical department.At the scene of the crime, the technicians collected some molecules with an air molecule collector in the basement of the younger brother's house. After testing with a chromatograph and other instruments, it was confirmed that it was a newly launched men's cologne.My brother's house happened to have the same brand of cologne.At this point, it is basically confirmed that the elder brother killed the younger brother, and the wife used the recording of the quarrel between the elder brother and herself to help the elder brother forge the alibi.Even so, the prosecution lacked evidence to bring charges against them.

The technical department took samples of all the husband's shoes and found that the soil composition of a pair of shoes was consistent with that of the soil in the backyard of the younger brother's house.Although they are all land, some people do insect removal, weeding or fertilization in the backyard, and the amount is different, and the land is not the same.At this time, with the help of a lawyer, my elder brother changed his words and said that he asked his younger brother to borrow money two days ago. Because he felt ashamed, he went over the wall to see his younger brother through the back door.

At this time, the technicians took out their trump card, and the younger brother's saliva was on his clothes.When talking at a normal social distance, although the saliva splash is not visible, it still splatters.At the scene of his brother's death, technicians collected his saliva on his clothes, including the murder weapon, and there was also saliva in the gaps in the wooden handle of a mace. Finally, the brother pleaded guilty.

Baker was the first to feel that criminal investigation technology has reached the molecular stage.The progress of criminal investigation technology comes from the progress of science and technology.The living space of traditional police detectives is being squeezed by technology.The second feeling is that perfect premeditated crimes only exist in textbooks, unless the police do not plan to catch criminals with all their strength. 20 years ago, who cared about DNA?Who cared about fingerprints a few decades ago?
Liang Xi proposed an idea: "Don't wear perfume, kill people without saying a word, and clean up your shoes."

Baker said with a smile: "The ruffians on the street want to beat you, so they have to talk to you first. You are talking about a professional killer. You also got to the point. Nowadays, the most difficult case to solve is not a murder with a cold weapon, but a murder with a firearm." The less exposure, the less evidence."

Liang Xi nodded and asked, "When will you get married?"

Baker was startled, and replied: "You will know when the time comes. We plan to go abroad to get married, and we will call you when we arrive abroad."

Liang Xi asked, "Can Yisha go away?"

Baker said: "There have been no major cases recently, and the blade has been mainly fishing and tracking recently."

At this moment, on the road from London to Birmingham, four cars drove in a file at a high speed, heading towards London.When it was 20 kilometers away from London, a large truck started to speed up, and the four small cars didn't realize it.When the two vehicles approached, the large truck turned the steering wheel to the left, the truck hit the isolation belt, overturned the isolation belt to the opposite lane, and rushed to the four small vehicles in the reverse direction.

The car at the head was directly hit and flew, the body was severely deformed, and sparks rolled out of the guardrail all the way.The second car passed by the truck, and the vehicle lost control and rolled forward for more than 90 meters due to dodge.The third car is far away, and it brakes and turns to avoid the big truck, but the big truck has already predicted that there is not enough space for the car, and it squeezes the car together with the guardrail.In the end, the car rolled over [-] degrees, and the guardrail on the roof slid forward tens of meters.The fourth car parked successfully, and four people dressed as special policemen opened the door left and right, two went to the isolation zone, and two went to the guardrail, shooting at the large truck that had stopped.

Soon the siren sounded, and two police cars came from behind and reached the position of the fourth car. Four policemen took pistols and got out of the two cars to quickly support.Two policemen leaned against the guardrail, and two policemen leaned against the isolation strip.The special police did not suspect that he was there. While guarding against the movement of large trucks and the oncoming lane, they used the radio to call for additional personnel.Then four policemen shot at the back of the special police at the same time. In the blink of an eye, the four special policemen fell in a pool of blood.

Three men in ski hats jumped out of the back of the truck, and four fake police officers surrounded the third car with submachine guns.The third car was in a stationary state with its back against the guardrail, and the glass of the whole car was completely shattered and scattered on the road.Suddenly a bloody head appeared from the window of the driver's seat, raised a pistol and shot one gangster, and then shot the No.2 gangster, and the remaining gangsters fired together to kill him.

A man in a white ski cap raised his fist, and the rest of the gangsters indiscriminately emptied a magazine in the third car.The man jumped on the guardrail, bent down and looked into the car, but he didn't see what he wanted to see.The man looked towards the landslide slope beside the guardrail, and saw a man with his hands handcuffed 200 meters away, limping and running desperately.The man took the gun and shot, and the lame man ran faster.

Radio notification to everyone to evacuate immediately.The man scolded his mother angrily, jumped off the guardrail and walked towards the isolation zone, followed by a group of gangsters.In front of the injured gangster, the man didn't blink his eyes, kept walking, and shot three consecutive shots at the wounded gangster with a pistol in his right hand.After crossing the green isolation belt, the two vans pulled to the side of the road as if calculated, and the gangsters got into the two cars respectively, and the vehicles drove away from the scene.

 If you have time, you can fill up the fuel tank. Personally, I think there will be large fluctuations in the next refined oil adjustment window.I can save a little bit.

(End of this chapter)

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