Chapter 549 is for
"Hey, Xiaoyan is back from get off work."

"Yes, Mr. Guo, have you eaten?"

"I've only been back for a while, good guy. If you want to talk about the few restaurants in our yard, you should count your food. It's eggs and meat. This pork belly looks really good. Okay, let's have a bottle of wine What about someone at home?"

The faucet of the pool in the yard was used to wash his face. A short, bald old man blinked his small eyes and looked at the young man in overalls who had just pushed his bicycle in in front of him.

This young man was of course Wang Yan. On the handlebar of the bicycle he was pushing, there were eggs, a piece of meat, and a bottle of Red Star Erguotou. In fact, there was also a bag of soybean sprouts.This Uncle Guo is the later one, who was tricked by Cheng Jianjun's fake Yuan Dynasty pot and wanted to commit suicide.

"No one came. This is not enough for one person. The whole family is not hungry. It just happens that the salary is paid today, so eat something good."

While speaking, he set up some old [-] bicycles and untied his things: "I'm back, Mr. Guo."

"Hey, let's go."

Seeing Wang Yan enter the room, Lao Guo shook his head and continued to bend over to wash his face.

This is one of the mixed-use courtyards located near Chongwenmen in the capital.

This courtyard was originally a quadrangle courtyard with two entrances. In the early years, the original owner’s family fell into poverty, so he sold the courtyard or rented out some rooms in the courtyard. For these reasons, the courtyard house has become a large courtyard house.

The same is true, in such a set of two-entry yards, Hualahuahu held nine families, or a family of nine families.The same is true, in order to live more comfortably, this courtyard has inevitably undergone some renovations, and the original courtyard layout has disappeared.

After all, people have to grow up, and when they grow up, they have to start a family. The daughter is married off, and the son is married back. A family with four, five, six or seven children is not enough to live in.In order to solve the housing difficulties, the state allows a little extension, a little extension, and a little expansion.But at this time, although there are some private buildings and random constructions, it is not very chaotic and not very crowded.After all, if you want to build a house, you need building materials, which is not so easy to do.

After the earthquake in Tang City, because the losses suffered were too great, the government ordered the people to build earthquake shelters to prevent disasters and allocated a large amount of building materials.At this time, people used those materials to build houses and expand the living space.

Then within two years, it began to open again, social control was relaxed, and incomes increased a little bit, and there was a new wave of private construction, which became more chaotic and crowded.

Of course Wang Yan's conditions are good, he lives alone in two rooms in the East Wing.Open the door and enter the kitchen, which is also piled with messy sundries, and then enter the back room. There is a large desk near the window, and other furniture, all of which are made of solid wood. There is a double bed on the west side, and there is a bed on the floor. The two chairs are relatively clean.

This is another legacy left to him by his parents... This time when he was 15 years old, because of a production accident, in order to save the loss, his father died, and his mother died a few years later.

Then because he was alone, he got him a job in a food factory.The food factory is nothing but Yili Food Factory. Coincidentally, he happens to have a worker named Li Chengtao...

The time now is the summer of 23, exactly one month after Han Chunming came back.Wang Yan is [-] years old this year, the same age as Han Chunming and Li Chengtao, and he is still a classmate with Han Chunming.

He came in the morning and returned to his home in this world after a day's work.The place he lives in is of course in the same courtyard as the protagonist Han Chunming in this world.He was in the East Wing, and the three main rooms were where the Han family lived.It's so lively at the moment, it's obvious that someone is here.

Wang Yan took the key to unlock the lock, carried his things into the house, put the meat and bean sprouts on the table in the outer room, and put Erguotou on the desk in the room.Then he took off his clothes, and put on cool pants and a white vest, revealing his muscular muscles.

Living alone, no one knows what is cold and what is hot, so eating and drinking is of course on your own.He didn't rest after changing his clothes, but went to the outhouse to scouring sorghum rice, and cooked it on the stove.

Then he went out to the yard to wash his face.

At this moment, a girl with two big braids and her head exposed, wearing a floral skirt and wearing small leather shoes came in rattling.She stared blankly at Wang Yan who was washing up, and said hello with a blushing face, "You just came back after get off work, Wang Yan?"

Of course, Wang Yan's muscles are not given for nothing, the lines are smooth and tough, and now the aesthetics are not deviated, even if they are deviated, his pimples represent health and strength, and he looks very comfortable.

He nodded with a smile: "Yes, I just came back."

"I'm going back to the backyard." After finishing speaking, the girl hurriedly left.She is two years younger than Wang Yan, and the social environment is different now, and there are only the two of them in this courtyard. Looking at Wang Yan's muscular body, she feels a little embarrassed, but it's normal.

And there is another point, the identity arranged by the living father has been a bully here since he was a child.Not to mention the stubborn master, but he has never been bullied.So the girl was embarrassed, and at the same time a little apprehensive.

Watching the girl leave, Wang Yan shook his head and smiled, then continued to wash his face and rub his arms.

There is no need to say who this girl is, she has been on and off with Han Chunming for more than 30 years, but she is still single-minded.

The things she did can be explained quite clearly by one self.Self-proclaimed aloofness, most people look down on them, always feel that they are capable, thoughtful, with high eyesight and low hands.She has made some achievements because she has been honored by the times.

If it is changed to 40 years later, there is no social atmosphere like now, there is no such uncle as her, and it is just an ordinary family, there is a high probability that a player like Su Meng will play with men's feelings to live a life and go to the high branch wholeheartedly.Because she doesn't have great ability to do good deeds, and she will definitely not be willing to be a hard-working, desperate worker.

At this time, she has stayed at home for several years and has not gone out to work.In the play, it was also during this period that Cheng Jianjun's father got two places in Yili Food Factory. Cheng Jianjun wanted to please Su Meng and wanted them to work together, but Su Meng said he didn't want to be a worker.In such a period, with such a sentence, she can be locked up and criticized...

But this woman's ego, if you want to say who is torturing, the victim is actually Han Chunming, and everyone else is actually fine.And many misunderstandings between her and Han Chunming originated from her ego, and the main reason for the 30-year delay was also her.

After washing his face, Wang Yan went back to the house to dry himself off, and then in the kitchen of the outhouse, he dipped the kitchen knife in water and began to chop vegetables.Chopped green onion, sliced ​​garlic, sliced ​​ginger, sliced ​​meat, and two dried chilies, and then washed the bean sprouts.

Light the gas tank with a match, heat the oil in the pan, add the meat slices first, stir until golden brown, then add the onion, ginger, and garlic to the pan...

Stir-fried meat, especially pork belly with fat, the aroma rises and spreads tens of meters high and low.In this era of material scarcity, people can't eat a meal of meat for ten days and a half months, so they are especially sensitive to this aroma.

In the main room, Han Chunming sniffed while watching his aunt who just came over this morning talk to Meng Xiaoxing with a smile, and smelled the aroma of meat.

Meng Xiaoxing also smelled it, she sniffled and said, "People in this city are different. We are in the countryside, and in the whole village, there may not be a few fried meat restaurants in a month. Hmm... the smell, I guess You have to fry half a catty, it’s really fragrant.”

Han Chunming rolled his eyes: "As long as you have a good nose, you can tell how much meat someone cooks by smell?"

"That's right, I have this ability, I really want to eat two bites."

"Okay, let's make meat-filled dumplings at night, see how greedy you are." Han Chunming shook his head, got up and said, "Mom, let's make dumplings. I can't do well, so I won't help. Xiao Xing , you and Zao, be honest, don’t rummage through my things.”

Meng Xiaoxing hurriedly said, "Why are you going, Brother Wu, I'll go with you."

"Are you following the big one?" Han Chunming rolled his eyes, opened the door and walked out.

Searching for the taste, listening to the sound of tinkling spoons coming from his ears, Han Chunming looked at the east wing, rolled his eyes, and walked over with a smile on his face.After knocking on the broken wooden door, he opened the beaded door curtain and entered the room with a clatter.

"Hey, stir-fried pork belly with soybean sprouts, my lord, are you getting rich again? This skill is really good, let me help you taste the saltiness?"

A big mouth can eat all directions, and a sweet mouth can also eat all directions.After all, they have all entered the door, rubbing their hands and smiling at that, and besides, their princes have called, so it's hard to refuse them.

And in Wang Yan's assigned status, because he became an orphan again, the old Han family treated him well.Of course, when he didn't offend anyone again, the other families in this courtyard were actually kind to him. After all, who could refuse to help a helpless orphan.In addition, there are also neighbors who are concerned by the street. They are all neighbors who have lived in the same courtyard for decades. If they are treated indifferently, they will be stabbed in the back.

"Salary is paid today, isn't this just improving." While speaking, Wang Yan took a big spoon and got two pieces of meat out of the pot with bean sprouts: "When I was buying meat, Aunt Li told me that Your family is making dumplings tonight, and you still serve me to rub the meat?"

"Oh, don't mention it, my aunt and the others are here again. My elder brother and elder sister are all coming back tonight, so many people eat together, how many diced meats can there be in a dumpling? It's not like your old man, eating alone Full, the whole family is not hungry, eat delicious and spicy food every day."

Han Chunming was not afraid of the heat, so he stretched out his hand to hold the sliced ​​meat and put it in his mouth. He slurped his mouth and ate it deliciously, and even rubbed his thumb and index finger with the pork just now.Shaking his head with a satisfied face: "It's delicious, the craftsmanship is really good, the saltiness is just right, and it can be cooked."

Wang Yan stir-fried it a few more times, and quickly put the vegetables on the plate, then took out the sorghum rice on the stove from the pot, and put it into cold water to keep it cool, it was sorghum rice.The remaining cooking soup was not in vain. I poured some into a bowl to dry, and poured the rest into the trash can.

He brought the food into the room and put it on the desk, and got pickled dried radish, then sat on the stool, unscrewed the Erguotou and poured it into a ceramic cup with a lotus pattern, then turned his head and looked at the Behind his buttocks, Han Chunming, who was sitting on the side with serious eyes and concentrating on his wine glass, said, "What do you mean? Let's eat together? Don't your family eat dumplings at night?"

Han Chunming's Adam's apple twitched, he swallowed, and then said meanly, "My lord, can we discuss something?"

Wang Yan raised his eyebrows noncommittally: "Tell me."

"Can I... have a look at this wine glass?"

"What is there to discuss? Open the cabinet behind you, and there are three more inside." Wang Yan took a sip of wine, put a piece of meat into his mouth, and pouted casually.

"They're all the same style?"

"Don't you know if you look at it?"

Seeing Wang Yan's indifferent expression, Han Chunming swallowed again, turned around and carefully opened the cabinet, took out three wine glasses from inside, placed them lightly on the desk, then picked up a glass and put it in front of his eyes, Looking back and forth, after a long while, he breathed a sigh of relief: "My lord, can these four glasses...hehe...sell them to me? I'll buy you a new set of wine glasses for you later? "

"Bullying me for not knowing the goods?" Wang Yan sneered: "Is it because I jumped in the queue? Or do you think I'm down because I'm just a logistics repairer in a food factory? Is it all because of me?"

Han Chunming smiled sheepishly: "I'm used to seeing good things, but don't be as knowledgeable as I am. Besides, this is the Chenghua bucket color used by the imperial kiln. It looks so good. It's still a set. You Is this always used to drink?"

He said so on the lips, but in his heart he secretly scolded Wang Yan for being a dog face, and the change was too fast.

Of course he was guilty, although they were classmates since childhood, although he was also naughty and generous, but obviously, he was much worse than Wang Yan.Because Wang Yan is a serious person, he knows a lot of stubborn bosses and veterans, and in the two groups that are hostile to each other, they are both right and left, and they all have face and are full of ruthless people.This is why he is called Wang Ye, because he is really a Lord.That is to say, they live in the same courtyard, and his mother takes good care of him, and he also knows Wang Yan a little bit, knowing that Wang Yan is a talkative person who doesn't stick to small details, so he dares to come to ask for meat.

"Isn't it just a wine glass? What else can you do if you don't use it for drinking? Is it possible to offer it?"

"You are this." Han Chunming stretched out his thumb with a look of admiration on his face. If he had such a thing, he would really be reluctant to use it for drinking.He asked curiously: "My lord, why haven't I seen it before? I just got it recently?"

"It's been several years. It seems that I got it from a friend of my friend's cousin. They don't know where to buy it, and they look for a buyer when they hold the money. It's just right. I was there, and I bought it back.”

"how much did you spend?"

"It's like ten yuan, and there are some milk powder tickets."

Han Chunming nodded again and again, staring at the Doucai small wine glass: "It's not expensive, it's two hundred, and a set of four is worth it."

Wang Yan smiled, he really didn't lie to fool Han Chunming, that's how the system information was explained.And there are not only these four small wine glasses in his room.Perhaps in order to match the main line of the play, the living father made some configurations for him.The furniture in his room is either huanghuali or red sandalwood, as well as the whole set of Qianlong tea sets, as well as pens, inks, papers and inkstones, all of which are cultural relics.There are quite a few other messy decorations, stamps, etc.According to the statement given by the system, many of them were passed down to him by his father, and some of them were picked up by him over the years.

The reason why Han Chunming is not surprised is because he knew a long time ago that Wang Yan's house has a lot of good things.The reason why they asked if they could sell it to him was mainly because he had only been back for a month and hadn't seen Wang Yan for several years, so he didn't know how deep it was. Besides, he was so excited to see something good, so he was bald.It's just that the way is still shallow, and you haven't learned restraint yet.

Actually speaking, Wang Yan also has an understanding of cultural relics.Maybe he's not like in this play, the whole thing just messes up a story, an allusion or something.But he has the ability to tell if it is true or not, or the age.This is because he knows a lot and sees a lot.After all, he has always been a big brother, and cultural relics have always been good things to do. Whether he likes it or not, the value it represents can not be wrong when it is given out.So he gave it to others, and many people gave it to him. After a long time, he gained experience.

What's more, he has been in the Ming Dynasty and the Song Dynasty. There are too many things in the official collection, and those who are greedy and so on can make a lot of them by raiding the house.He will look at these things when he has nothing to do, for entertainment.

The reason why he doesn't tell stories like the characters in the play is because he didn't study so many things.Cultural relics are really just trails for him.After all, he doesn't do archaeology, he has appreciated and borrowed, he has also marveled at the wisdom of the ancients, the level of the master craftsmen of the ancients, and his superb skills...then the biggest role left is to use it.

Seeing that Wang Yan was silent, Han Chunming asked again: "Why have you never heard of it before, and you still like these old things?"

"What can I say? My dad likes these things, and it's not like you don't know. You just see me messing around outside? Even if I'm not proficient, I shouldn't know everything. Forget it this time, next time You are bullying me for not understanding these things, but don't blame me for turning my face and denying people."

"I can't, I'm just bald. You don't know, my lord, if you see something you like outside, you can't show it. Otherwise, people will have to ask for the price? Where can I buy it? It's not that it's been a long time, and this habit has been developed. Forgive me, forgive me."

Han Chunming was mean, and then carefully put the three small wine glasses back, and looked at the other good things in the cabinet reluctantly. It's all good stuff, the way of heaven is unfair, unfair...

He turned back to look at Wang Yan: "My lord, can we discuss something else?"


"Lend me a dollar and pay it back next month."

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(End of this chapter)

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