13 last bus 2

Chapter 138 Dao Insanity

Chapter 138 Dao Insanity
Earlier, Huang Chunsheng said that flying-headed fangs like them only have a lifespan of two or three years at most. Although they are normal people like everyone else during the day, they fly their heads out uncontrollably to look for food at night. They gather because they are afraid of disturbing their families. Come together and live a life where neither humans nor ghosts!
However, these were all deceived by Dai Zushan!
If the silver needle between the old man's eyebrows is not pulled out and Daizu Mountain cannot be found, Li Taoqi will undoubtedly die!

Is there any more important choice than the life of a friend who was born and died?
Let go of this demon, no matter whether you are dead or injured, come to me and ask for your life!
Let go of this devil, even if he is deceived, he is doing his best for Li Taoqi, so what's the matter?
Let it go, and all the consequences and retributions will be borne by me!

Chen Chen repeated it in his heart over and over again. His forehead was already sweating, but his heart was stronger than stone. He gritted his teeth and said:
"I let you out, I hope you can fulfill your promise!"

After finishing speaking, regardless of other people's obstruction, he took a step forward, and swiftly pulled out the silver needle inserted between the old man's eyebrows and eyes!
As soon as the silver needle was pulled out, the whole brick house began to vibrate inexplicably.

The old man didn't know whether he was crying or laughing, and he murmured "Come out, come out" in a gloomy way.

The villagers turned around at this moment, and found that something was wrong, they all went to the lake to watch the situation.

Seeing that the house was about to collapse, the bearded man quickly dragged Chen Chen out. Just as he withdrew, he heard a loud "boom", and the brick house collapsed in an instant, creating a huge crater on the spot.

The fellow villagers who watched the excitement seemed to sense the danger, and one by one turned around and ran away with livid faces, but it was too late, a black shadow rose from the pit, so fast that the shape and appearance could not be seen clearly, left and right in the crowd. He rushed to the right, and after a while, the snow by the lake was stained red with blood, and there was not even a little white of clear snow to be seen!

These "patients" who received Daizushan's treatment had no power to fight back. They all collapsed, leaving gums on their necks, and some were bitten into arteries, and blood continued to spurt out.

There was a lot of wailing at the scene, a hell on earth.
The real Flying Liaozi is indeed a murderous devil. The old man did what he said. He killed everyone who had injected his blood, including Huang Chunsheng and the owner of the lottery shop. In the whole village, except for Chen Chen and his party, no one was left. Take any life.

After killing someone, he was about to go to Daizushan for revenge. The old man left a sentence "Go west along the road!" Like a shooting star, it pierced the sky and disappeared.

In order to prevent him from cheating, everyone tried to control the old man's body and lay down on the edge of the pit to see, but found that it was so deep that even the flashlight could not shine to the bottom!

In desperation, the skinny Taoist hurriedly greeted everyone to get in the car, and went straight west along the highway. Sure enough, after more than half an hour, he saw Daizushan's car on the side of the road.

The car door was open, blood was spattered everywhere inside, and there was a pair of glasses and an eyeball left under the seat. One can imagine what happened to Dai Zushan.

Letting the old man go led to a tragedy all the way. The only thing that is gratifying is that he kept his promise and didn't hurt Xu Banxian'er and Li Tao.

Whether the choice is right or wrong is not important anymore. No one is a living Bodhisattva. When life is at stake, who can be selfish?
The skinny Taoist was really surprised when he saw the person Chen Chen wanted to save. He actually knew Li Taoqi! !
Dao Yun, who died in the ice cream factory, was their master and uncle. The world is so big, but there are so few Taoist priests. Unexpectedly, Li Tao's seven lives should not die.

This location is not far from Laoshan Mountain. He said that there is an expert on the mountain who is of the same generation as Daoyun. He will definitely save Taoqi's life.

That man's name is Dao Dian!

As the name suggests, he is crazy and crazy. It is said that he never goes down the mountain for nothing, and he does not practice on the mountain all day. He just teases cats, walks with dogs, and reads books.

I don't know what Dai Zushan did to Xu Banxian'er. After he woke up, he couldn't move half of his body. Chen Chen was unhappy all the way. Hearing the bearded man's story about their encounters and choices, Xu Banxian'er didn't feel much comforted after hearing it, but just turned towards him. He patted Chen Chen on the shoulder.

He also heard that the skinny Taoist priest was able to introduce Dao Man, and even Xu Banxian was overjoyed, which shows how extraordinary this person is.

Laoshan is close to Qingdao. It is close to the sea. The city is clean and beautiful. Although it is winter, the temperature is not too low, and the overall feeling is very comfortable.

The name of the Taoist temple is Taiqing Palace. It stands among the peaks, valleys and cliffs. It is full of incense and gathers followers.

After going up the mountain, he didn't see Daodian, and Li Taoqi's headache was already very bad because of other masters. Unexpectedly, after the old Taoist's inspection, he found that Xu Banxian'er's condition was not optimistic.

It turned out that the insane Dai Zushan injected him with half a tube of Flying Head Liaozi's blood on the way. Fortunately, he was killed in time, otherwise the gods would be hard to save!
As for whether the half tube of blood will change Xu Banxian'er, the old man can't say for sure, but what is certain is that in a short period of time, Xu Banxian'er needs to rest and take medicine to detoxify for a long time.

During the days of cultivating in the Taoist temple, Chen Chen was in a very bad mood and couldn't calm down at all.

Zhong Yinhong appeared once, and Li Taoqi had half his life left. She was different from Gu Renpan and Gu Zuofeng who couldn't do without the last bus on No. 13. She could wander outside anytime and anywhere. Then the second time, the third time time?
The skinny Taoist priest has been looking for Daoist seniors all over the mountains, but there are many Taoist temples in Laoshan, and that person is crazy and abnormal, and he doesn't know where he lives every day, and he will be invisible for a while.

At night, Sun Xiaoyan realized that Chen Chen hadn't contacted her for a long time, so she specially sent a message to ask.

After learning about their experience, Xiaoyan's position was very clear. She believed that Chen Chen's choice to release the old man was not wrong. With her support, Chen Chen felt a little better.

These days, she took the last bus of No. 13 and talked with Gu Zuofeng all the way. According to her, Xiaoyan seems to trust Gu Zuofeng's words more in this family of three.

This is the difference from Chen Chen. Through his understanding, Gu Zuofeng is a very scheming person. In comparison, he trusts Gu Renpan's words even more!
Unexpectedly, one day, Chen Chen and Sun Xiaoyan would support different Gu family members. It was not a quarrel, but after expressing their views, no one could convince the other. Xiaoyan changed the topic and mentioned an unremarkable person.

This person, Chen Chen almost forgot about him, was the colleague Xiao Zhou who Gu Zuofeng mentioned when he was in the car for the first time, who was crushed by a machine to make ice cream.

Zhou Guanfu is still alive and well. Gu Zuofeng was not talking about Xiao Zhou at the time. Sun Xiaoyan has a clue and is still investigating. Chen Chen is now concerned about the health of Li Taoqi and Xu Banxianer. He couldn't even bring himself to be interested, so he chatted with her a few more words, and then they each fell asleep.

He hasn't been resting well in the past few days. He just fell asleep when it was almost dawn, and was awakened in an instant.

I don't know who it is outside the door, but they are hanging their throats early in the morning.

And not going east or west, he shouted at Chen Chen's door.

Unable to rest anymore, Chen Chen simply opened the door to look, but saw that the yard was empty, not even a single person.

Turning around and going back to the room, I was shocked again, and there was a person lying on my bed!

The man didn't know whether it was a man or a woman, so he covered his head with the quilt, turned his back to the outside and snored.

Chen Chen felt strange, walked over and stretched out his hand.

See a broom under the quilt!
Not knowing who was playing a prank, he took the broom away and turned around, but no one came in.

It's just a special discovery that there is an extra square mirror on the wall opposite the bed.

Chen Chen walked over cautiously, looked in the mirror, and immediately took three steps back in shock! !
The person in the mirror was not himself, but the one he feared most, Zhong Yinhong with long hair and red lips! !

(End of this chapter)

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