13 last bus 2

Chapter 137 Dilemma

Chapter 137 Dilemma
Dai Zushan underestimated the strength of Chen Chen and Big Beard, thinking that sending them to this man's den to trap them would be all right, but he didn't expect to be perverted and almost destroyed the whole village with two fires.

The No. [-] dead man is the source of everything that happened. Huang Chunsheng led everyone to look for it by the lake. Chen Chen had been there just now, and it was the place where he first found Baishi's head preying on them.

Standing by the lake is a boxy red brick house with a layer of uneven snow and frost on the brick wall. There is no window in the whole, and a rough lock is hung on the big thick iron door.

After walking around the small brick house, Chen Chen asked:
"Are you sure he's still in there?"

Seeing Huang Chunsheng nodding firmly, everyone was about to open the door. The fat man returned to the car to look for tools, and the skinny Taoist guarded him vigilantly. Chen Chen knocked on the iron door and shouted inside:

"anyone there?"

Seeing that the little brick house did not respond, I asked Huang Chunsheng:
"There are no windows around this house, how did you get in?"

Huang Chunsheng pointed to the ground and said:
"It's close to the lake, and the soil at the corners of the wall is soft in summer. I was curious about what was inside, so I dug a hole from the door and entered it. Later, Daizushan found it, filled the hole, and smeared the surrounding area with cement! "

While talking, the fat man came back with the crowbar, and everyone frantically tried to pick the lock. After a lot of effort, the iron lock was finally broken!

As soon as the door opened, a stench came from the shop, which made people cough in a low voice.

When I carefully shone the light of the flashlight inside, I saw chicken feathers everywhere in the hut, and a thick layer of poultry carcasses piled up at the door. In the corner of the room, an inconspicuous, skinny old man was nailed to the wall with handcuffs and ankles. face.

The old man's hunchback is not as big as a child's, there is no fat on the skeleton, only a thin layer of skin is left, and he hangs his head against the cold wall, lifeless.

This is an out-and-out civilian. The first time he opened the door, Chen Chen blocked the door and didn't let everyone in. After observing for a minute or two and confirming that it was absolutely safe, he stepped inside cautiously.

The bearded man flicked his flashlight back and forth to search the old man's body. Seeing that he was motionless, he sighed:


Chen Chen turned his body and motioned for Huang Chunsheng to talk to him. The two seemed to have not seen each other for a long time. He cautiously raised his head and said:
"Uncle Long, it's me!"

Hearing the familiar voice, the old man's frail body finally moved.

He dragged the heavy iron chain and slowly raised his head.

Those cloudy eyes were like a puddle of mud, and the black and white of the eyes could not be distinguished. The facial features were the same as those of normal people, except that there were two teeth on the upper and lower sides of the mouth, which were extremely sharp like wild animals.

There was no joy on his face, nor was he afraid of light. He glanced at Huang Chunsheng, then carefully sized up the people behind him, and said with a resentful smile:
"You are finally here!"

finally come?What is this nonsense!

Chen Chen asked vigilantly:

"You knew we were coming?"

The old man nodded in satisfaction and responded:
"I know, I knew you would come to save me!"

For some unknown reason, a long silver needle was stuck between the old man's brows and eyes, probably made by Dai Zushan.

He dragged his half-dead body and was nailed to the wall like a demon. Chen Chen also had some embarrassments, and said bluntly:
"Old man, to be honest, I don't have any good intentions to save you, I just want to find my friend back."

The old man lowered his head heavily, and even smiled sinisterly "hee hee".

After a while, he sighed in a low voice:
"I know, I know, your friend is male and female, and there is a blind old man, I bet right, you really found this place, you are not ordinary people!"

Chen Chen was shocked when he heard this, and he clenched his fists and asked him.

"How do you know this?"

The old man moved his feet, and the iron chains collided with each other and made a "crash".

Then there was a "hee hee!", and he continued to laugh.

"Of course it was Dai Zushan who told me. He said that a patient came to him for a head replacement and begged me to give him some blood. As soon as I inquired, I knew that you are not mortals!"

"What about Daizu Mountain? Where is he?"

"I'm about to die. I lied to him that the male and female figure could replace me, so I sent them to a remote place. They won't come back in a short time. You can find me because of fate. We We can help each other!"

It turned out that the old man deceived Dai Zushan and took him away.

"What's your purpose? Who knows if you're with him?"

"Bah!" The old man wanted to scold, but he was powerless, and he didn't know where the pain was, so he began to moan and sigh.

After he got better, he continued slowly:

"We Luotou people have lived in the mountains for generations and can't come out. One year, Daizushan lost his way to our hometown while collecting herbs on behalf of his ancestors. The neighbors entertained him wholeheartedly. Unexpectedly, he would avenge his kindness. After discovering the secret of our flying heads at night, he got up. With evil intentions, I killed all my family members!"

"Cough" he sighed.

"Especially after discovering that my blood can infect people, they locked me here for more than [-] years. I'm different from him. Tell me, can I be with him?"

"Where did you lie to people?"

The old man suddenly became excited, raised his head, and stared at Chen Chen with those cloudy eyes:

"You're a smart guy who can find this place, shall we make an exchange? Do me a favor, I swear, I'll save you guys!"

He looked ferocious and terrifying, he looked like a devil, and it was difficult to tell the truth from the falsehood.

Chen Chen thought for a moment, then asked vigilantly:
"How do you want me to help you?"

The old man suddenly laughed cheerfully and said urgently:
"Do you see that silver needle in the middle of my brow? Do you see it? Just pull it out for me, and I can save your friend!"

Before Chen Chen could make a decision, Huang Chunsheng hurriedly pulled him aside and persuaded him in a low voice:

"That silver needle should be used by Dai Zushan to prevent him from flying his head. He once told me that if he can escape from here one day, he must kill all of us who have injected his blood first!"

Chen Chen nodded understandingly, thinking about it in his heart, unable to make a decision.

The old man was looking forward to it, and kept shaking his body, causing the handcuffs and anklets to rattle.

Unremitting begging says:

"Help me pull out the silver needles. Only I know where they are. If it's later, your unconscious friend won't be able to survive!"

Now there is a dilemma!

If the needle is pulled out and the people are released, the old man will surely go out to take revenge and kill Dai Zushan, and he will also kill all the innocent people in this village. Will continue to deceive people and create more monsters!

In fact, no matter how you do it, you have to stand the test of conscience, and there is no optimal solution!

Huang Chunsheng himself is a fly-headed dog, and neither he nor the fat man agreed to pull out the needle.

But the bearded man and the skinny Taoist felt that they could give it a try at the end of the road. The differences were different. The two groups had a dispute, and Chen Chen's palms were sweating. He knew that no matter which choice he made, there would be pros and cons!
After pondering for a while, he stared at the silver needle between the old man's eyebrows, and finally made a final decision!

 There is another chapter after one o'clock, let's read it tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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