360 Coercion 5
That voice was full of condescending, sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.It seemed that he had decided that Heidi had no other choice but this one.

The little girl took out the makeup box, and within a few minutes, she thickened her eyebrows and narrowed her eyes.Although he couldn't hide his childishness, he at least concealed his feminine side, making himself look like a teenager.Then she added some freckles to her face.Let alone outsiders now, even her sister or mother would not recognize her the first time they saw her.

"Do you all care about being recognized?" Ao Guang said suddenly.

"Well, even Batman has to wear a mask." The little girl replied casually.

"Who is Batman?"

"A very rich and powerful person." The little girl has already made all the preparations she should do.She listened to the conversation between Heidi and Allen on the phone.In Heidi's words, the posture has become lower and lower.Like all rich people who face such dangerous situations, she tried to spend money to stop the disaster, but it didn't work.

The little girl already knew it was useless.She'd seen it from the start.It is impossible for the other party to give in.This time Heidi was doomed with her.This was not only because of the other party's greed - this time the other party was determined to swallow Heidi in one gulp, the kind that left no skin and bones - but also because the other party also had to worry about the subsequent revenge.If Heidi escapes this time, no one knows what consequences the revenge of a billionaire (especially a billionaire whose fortune is still growing at a high speed) will lead to.So any request made by Heidi will not be accepted.She has only two options, either die, or obediently surrender everything, including herself.This is the final result they set for her.

Of course, Heidi is still so humble at the moment, in fact, the main reason is to delay time.

"It's almost there." The little girl held the colorful gun in her hand. "Your Majesty Ao Guang, can you protect me?"

"Are you referring to help you resist bullets? Generally speaking, there is no problem." Ao Guang stretched his body gently.

On the phone, Heidi was still delicately bargaining with the other party, delaying the call time to find out the other party's location.Whether the other party is a mobile phone or a landline, the location can be traced.For hackers, this is actually not difficult to achieve technically.

"Over there next door," the little girl pointed to another building outside the window. "Let's go to the roof first."

The dragon flew back and circled around her.Then the next moment—this time she felt a real teleportation with all her concentration—the whole world outside the dragon's body was briefly distorted.

So it turned out that Ao Guang used his own body as the basis for teleportation.To put it simply, all the things within the surrounding range of one's body will not move, and the whole body will be instantly moved to the destination.This kind of thing is obviously neither scientific nor magical (she has studied the theoretical part of teleportation), if I have to say...it can only be called divine power.

Then she looked around.

There are a total of eight men around, all wearing black suits, leather shoes, and sunglasses.It's like the standard attire for bodyguards traveling.As she expected, once Heidi and her accepted the conditions, it would be like sending herself into the jaws of a tiger.When you come here, you will be arrested immediately, your mobile phone will be searched, and the communication with the outside world will be cut off.Then everything is up to others.

She had plenty of time to look at it and imagine what her (and Heidi's) fate would have been, because he was more surprised than she was.In fact, almost everyone was petrified by the sudden appearance of dragons and people.

Everything was so unreal that these people were slow to react.More than one person took off their sunglasses and rubbed their eyes to make sure they were reading correctly.

"By the way, I have a question to ask you." At this moment, Ao Guang's spiritual dialogue sounded in the little girl's mind again. "What do you think is 'de'?"

"Let me answer," the little girl raised the colorful gun in her hand and pulled the trigger.Because he was too surprised, the opponent didn't dodge at all, and was hit by the colorful light. "Killing these guys is 'de'!"

Ao Guang let out a big laugh.

In a suburb far away from here, in a luxurious villa with a large area, a very formally dressed white man was talking on the phone by the swimming pool.He was sitting on a recliner with a phone in one hand and a glass of juice in the other.He has a dignified appearance and an upright face. He wears a neat suit, combed back hair, and wears a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. His whole body reveals a certain stable and reliable temperament: .

Across the table from him was a young black man, wearing swimming trunks, shirtless, and his body was full of water stains that hadn't been wiped clean.He is not thin, but he is not so much fat as he is fat.He looked impatiently at the man on the phone in front of him, and tried to intervene several times, but couldn't find a chance.

Farther away, there were four burly men who knew the identity of the bodyguard at a glance, surrounded a fat black man.The most noticeable part of this black man is his tattoo, which has the head of a bison tattooed on his body.With huge, twisted horns and red eyes, the bull looks like a dangerous beast that's going berserk when it's stimulated.

"I don't know how you arranged it, but... dear Miss Heidi, can you hear the footsteps of those thugs?"

The white man said in a relaxed tone. "Looking at what they've done, do you think you have a chance to buy them off? I don't even think you might even have the chance to speak up."

"I'm willing to spend a billion dollars, I believe. There is no one in this world who cannot be bought at this price."

"Miss Heidi, I have to point out to you that your voice is a little flustered. You are right, there is no one who cannot be bought with a billion dollars, but there are people who have a billion dollars but cannot find a chance to negotiate. It doesn't take a billion dollars to buy the loyalty of these thugs, but they also have to consider whether they have a chance of getting a billion dollars alive. You need a reputation of honesty to make this deal, and you just don't have that , isn't it?"

"Alan, you are pushing me. I now believe that I will never do anything good if I do what you say."

"Ha, dear Miss Heidi, it's not me who is forcing you, but the gangsters who are pressing on you. Well, I guess they should be two floors away from you, maybe only one floor. They are not fast, But you really don't have much time left."

"I know who you are, Alan Harold, 33 years old, married. It is said that you are an out-and-out litigator, a lawyer who specializes in consulting for gangsters."

"Miss Heidi, it seems that you still have time to know who I am." Allen laughed.While laughing, he took another sip of the juice and looked at his watch by the way.In terms of time, this telephone negotiation has less than 5 minutes left.He didn't panic at all about this situation, even all of this had been expected by him. "Your intuition is very keen, but what's the use?"

This Heidi was a rare talent—although Wall Street was never short of talent.In fact, every year there are geniuses who fall into the sand on Wall Street and become meteors.But even among many geniuses, Heidi is special.In addition to her intellectual intelligence, she also has an...indescribable, instinctive sense of danger.A novice like her would of course be the target of others, it's not that no one has calculated her.Many times, someone deliberately dropped the bait and hid the hook, trying to catch her as a fish and cook her as a dish.But every time she could accurately detect the danger before the other party raised the fishing rod.According to intelligence, she was so keen that she was not like a human being when she was operating, and she could even judge danger based on those completely irrelevant clues.It's not reason, it's instinct.It is precisely because of this ability that several times of sniping on her ended in failure.Every time, Heidi can eat the sugar coating and spit out the cannonball smoothly, turning a carefully planned into a joke.

By the way, according to gossip in the financial circle, Heidi is not only a financial wizard, but also proficient in computers and networks, and even a very good hacker.

It is not easy to make such a person submit.Even when you start, you have to plan to fail.Of course, it is impossible to fail this time, just choose from "best result" to "good result".

"They say that you have all the qualities of a top lawyer. He is eloquent, quick-witted, proficient in business, and best at exploiting legal loopholes... But for some reason, you just like to take some weird cases, or for some weird Serving people." Heidi's voice over there became a little surprising.She actually had the leisure to start talking about Allen.

"Odd? Haha... Odd! Thank you for using that word. But you can just use other words such as 'despicable'. In my eyes, law is just a tool, and morality is not even a tool. Ass paper Ordinary existence. If given the opportunity, I would never mind defending a serial killer or a big drug lord. For a lawyer, victory is justice, and winning a lawsuit is the way for a lawyer to defend his professional integrity. "

"You could have made other choices. It's not just big drug lords or serial killers who can pay lawyers. You can choose to stand on the side of justice and goodness."

"Ha... Now that people are very clear that they live in an unfair and impossible fair world, they should have a deeper understanding of the meaning of the existence of the judicial system. In this game, hold high the banner of morality It's useless. If you want justice to be done, you must be able to afford it and win it." Allen replied in a lazily sinister tone. "For example, Miss Heidi, do you think you can win now?"

"Why not?"

"You brought a gun? Let me guess. The biggest possibility is a pistol, of course it may be a pocket submachine gun. Let's overestimate it, you have an automatic rifle." Allen laughed. "You're going to face more than a dozen thugs. I don't see any record of your shooting, but we can assume that you are a god of marksmanship and can hit every shot. Unfortunately, you don't have body armor, you don't have suitable terrain, and you can't have Too many bullets. You don’t have flashbangs, smoke grenades, grenades, etc., and all kinds of supporting weapons. If this is a gamble, then I will never bet on you. After all, I also want to win.”

"Also," he paused. "If you want to record the call between us... as a means of coercion, then I suggest you trust my professionalism. No matter who the recording of the call falls into, they can only do so from a moral point of view. Accuse me of taking advantage of the fire. Yes, it is immoral and a bit despicable. But as I said just now, it is useless to raise the banner of morality in this game."

"No, I didn't intend to blackmail you." Heidi's voice said. "I know where you are?"

"Where am I?"

"Are you in a villa on the outskirts of the city? A big villa with a swimming pool and a garden. Oh, and a pier with a yacht in it."

"Did you find the satellite photos? Where did you get the traffic?" Allen said. "However, I suggest that you pay more attention to your environment. As I said just now, there are more than one or two people who want you to die, but I am the only one who wants you to live. If your genius mind is like this in this The disappearance of the world... tsk tsk... Even I think it's too pity."

"Who wants me dead? I think if they really can't understand me, they can compete with me in the financial market."

"Your idea makes me very sorry. My boss challenged a gambler on a gambling boat two months ago. From the first moment I saw him, I knew that our side could not win the game He. There is no chance of winning at all. So my boss chose an easy way. He invalidated the money order of the gambler. So the game ended, when the host declared the money order invalid and needed to increase the bet. The only thing the gambler can do is to take a coin out of his pocket. Use that coin as a bet and look at the cards of both sides. He does win because his card is higher. But this kind of victory has another What's the point? The real winner is my side. You see, Miss Heidi, why should people resort to solutions with low odds when they can solve problems with simple solutions? If I'm not mistaken, You have the last 2 minutes - maybe only 1 minute."

"Alan, do you know that there are some things in this world that you can't understand?"

"Oh, like what?"

"For example, the intuitive me you mentioned. But in fact I am a dull person. What really makes me look so powerful is because I have a friend. It is thanks to her that I have come into contact with Another world." Allen noticed that the other party's voice became strangely indifferent. "You'll see soon enough."

"Did you finally decide to die? What a pity." Allen said. "It's a pity for your youthful beauty, it's a pity for your sharp mind, it's a pity for the beautiful life you originally had."

"I will have all these, and you will not have any of these," replied Heidi. "Isn't it just resorting to violence? I will too. And I won't be as childish as you!"

Allen looked at the phone in surprise, even ignoring that the last sentence was not Heidi's voice.At this time, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a golden color that should not have appeared in the slanted thorns.

(End of this chapter)

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