359 Coercion 4
The mood of the mob was obviously extremely broken.

They are a group of cold-blooded mercenaries, the type who don't care about anything but money.Strictly speaking, such people usually die very quickly.But it is a fact that they die quickly, but it is another fact that they can be replenished anytime and anywhere.The bigwigs in the underground world will always need them as a butt wipe to wipe some "stuff", so they have a living space.Of course, even for these mercenaries, this big business is unprecedented.

So they can't help but guess whether there are other factors involved.But no matter how they guessed, they didn't expect a supernatural creature to rush down from above.

The whole body is covered with golden scales, a dragon that can fly in the sky!

Whether it's Zhang Cheng, the little girl, or Heidi, they can all feel the sacredness and majesty when they first met Ao Guang.But for these murderous killers, they feel the fear.

At this very moment, dense bullets were raining down on Jinlong's body.But it was clear that the golden scales were nothing extraordinary, even though the bullets hit the golden scales and sparked a little spark, the scales showed no sign of being broken at all.Even if they changed the magazine, it was still the same.

"Damn monster!" A total of five thugs on the first floor shouted and cursed while changing magazines.

Just when Jinlong seemed to be recovering a bit, another flash bomb was thrown next to its head.The effect of this flash bomb seems to be better, because the long body of the golden dragon began to tremble slightly.

Five people are responsible for guarding the first floor to ensure that no one can escape.Five people are a small number compared to a spacious hotel lobby, so they have enough shelter and cover.The flash bomb thrown just now did not affect his own people.

"Don't you need to make a move?" The little girl also saw the scene in the distance.Seeing the dense rain of bullets hitting the dragon scales and sparks, she couldn't help asking.

"No, no need." Zhang Cheng knew that Ao Guang's situation was far from as bad as it seemed.Although Ao Guang and Zhang Cheng are actually in an equal relationship, it is his biological card after all.In other words, the two parties have a spiritual connection.Through the spiritual connection, Ao Guang clearly stated that he was completely fine.And the experience of fighting Ba Snake and Taiyin Xingjun also told Zhang Cheng, not to mention that bullets can't penetrate the dragon scales, even if they do, it's useless.Because the body of the Great Spirit is not an ordinary biological structure, only hitting that "core point" can really kill them.

Not only that, Ao Guang also wants to take the opportunity to try the weapons of the earth humans.

Don't look at the weapons (at least light weapons) on the earth are very easy to use.Compared with bullets, the magic of the other world is a bit ostentatious and flashy.But when facing a creature like Ao Guang, the bullet showed its limitations.Even though the five thugs fired with all their strength with their submachine guns, and the bullets rained down, they couldn't do anything to Ao Guang at all.Not to mention the dragon scales, even the dragon's head and even the longan's eyes didn't feel the slightest bit when the bullet hit it.Ao Guang's eyes seem to be very fragile, but in fact even if the bullet hits him, he can only slide away harmlessly on the eyeball, causing no harm at all.

This level of attack has no meaning to Da Ling, on the contrary, the flash bomb is more effective, it at least temporarily deprived Ao Guang of his vision.Of course, Zhang Cheng knew that things like eyesight could not restrain Daling at all.

"It..." the little girl asked. "What the hell is it?"

"Of course I'm a dragon." A voice suddenly sounded in the little girl's mind, scaring her to cover her ears with her hands.But after a few seconds, she realized that this was not an ordinary voice, but a spiritual dialogue.Zhang Cheng couldn't hear it.In fact, Zhang Cheng didn't even hear her question, he was seriously watching the battle in the distance - if it was called a battle.

"That... May I ask who you are?" the little girl asked cautiously in Chinese in her mind.

"My name is Ao Guang."

"Ao Guang? Dragon King of the East China Sea? Ao Guang...Your Majesty?" Countless thoughts flashed through the little girl's mind.She did think about why Zhang Cheng had a dragon wrapped around him for no reason.But I really didn't expect this answer.

"Hahaha, I like this title, you can call me His Majesty Ao Guang, or His Majesty King Guangde." Ao Guang's laughter sounded in her mind.

"But... isn't it said that Ao Guang is the Azure Dragon? The Dragon Kings of the Four Seas are the Azure Dragon, the Red Dragon, the White Dragon, and the Black Dragon. There is no Golden Dragon."

"Ah? This... I am also blue sometimes." Ao Guang replied with a smile in her mind. "The problem with color is not too much of an issue."

"But...why...why...that...is there really a Dragon Palace...Crystal Palace?" Since Ao Guang exists, what about the Heavenly Court, the Jade Emperor, the Monkey King, are those gods real?
"Of course. My palace is the Crystal Palace." Ao Guang replied. "Why, I don't look like I have a Dragon Palace? Or I don't look like a Dragon King? Or maybe I can't bear the title 'Your Majesty'?"

"Don't get me wrong, Your Majesty Ao Guang. I don't mean any disrespect!" The little girl quickly replied in her heart.Even if she had doubts in her stomach, she dared not point it out directly now. "I'm just... just... kind of surprised."

"What to do, I've run out of bullets!" The mob who was shooting over there shouted. .

But he didn't need to think about it right away.Because the golden dragon uttered a dragon chant—it’s hard to describe the sound of the dragon chant, it can only be said that when it reached the eardrum, every cell in your body seemed to be trembling—and rushed straight at this person.The hard dragon's body brushed against him.He was carried by a huge force, and he was thrown several meters away, hitting the wall with his back.The sound of bones breaking could be heard from far away.It is estimated that a rib pierced his lungs, and a large amount of blood spurted out between his mouth and nose.

This is the power of the golden dragon, even if you don't use special supernatural abilities, just ordinary people can't bear it.

Seeing that something was wrong, the rest turned around and wanted to run away.But Jinlong's speed was as fast as a gust of wind. In the blink of an eye, its body was twisting and turning in the air, but it was ahead of a group of thugs.There is only one entrance and exit on the first floor of the hotel, and it blocks the exit, blocking the escape route of all mobs.

Even the thug who rushed to the front stopped abruptly.

There was a trace of cruelty in the golden dragon's eyes, its mouth was slightly opened, and a stream of flames spewed out from its mouth.This is no ordinary fire, its temperature is extremely frightening.The thug who was sprayed by the breath directly turned into a black solid.Not to mention the human body, even the tiles on the floor of the hotel lobby that were affected by the flames were instantly melted and turned into magma.

"At least [-] degrees...maybe more than [-] degrees..." the little girl whispered to herself. "Is it really the Dragon King? Is it said that the Dragon King also breathes fire?"

It seems that there is really no conclusive record of the Dragon King's breath. Of course, it may be that the little girl has not done much research on this.

"No, I can spit anything." Ao Guang's voice sounded.Even in battle, he still has enough leeway to have a heart-to-heart conversation with the little girl.As if to prove his words, Ao Guang opened his mouth and breathed out for the second time.What spewed out this time was not flames, but a gust of frost-white cold air.As far as the cold air reaches, everything is frozen - including the human body.The cold air seemed to be slow, but it was fast, and the two thugs spread and turned into ice sculptures in an instant.All the water in their bodies was frozen, and their bodies collapsed like rotten wood.

The last thug fled desperately towards the toilet over there.He remembered that there was a window over the toilet.But it was useless, because Ao Guang opened his mouth again the next second after exhaling the freezing air, and spit out a jet of water—in fact, it cannot be called a jet of water, but a very thin stream of high-pressure water.From this angle, the little girl can see clearly that this stream of water appeared outside Ao Guang's mouth out of thin air.This high-pressure water flow has terrible power.As it swept across, it sliced ​​through everything.Including but not limited to furniture, glass, tiles, and the human body.The body of the last thug was cut obliquely in two.

"Heidi!" The little girl had already sent a message to her companion using the chat software. "It's over here, you take the elevator to the garage."

Thanks to the arrangement of the thugs, there were no extra people here to witness this indescribable scene.

"Is there anyone else among them?" Ao Guang suddenly spun around in mid-air, turning his head to face the little girl again.The little girl noticed that there was no trace left on the golden dragon's scales.The bullet hit Ao Guang just now had no meaning at all.


"Zhang Cheng told me that you are very smart and knowledgeable. So I can ask you many scientific questions." Ao Guang continued to talk with his heart. "For example, I want to know something about computers. So I thought, maybe I can help you deal with some enemies. Because I just need to try human power. This level of power is not the top level of human beings. force?"

"Not counting." The little girl replied immediately. "These... don't even count as light infantry."

Although this group of people are vicious armed thugs, but if measured by the standards of the army, they can't even meet the standards of light infantry.Even if you don't talk about training, just talk about equipment.Light infantry are often equipped with machine guns and bazookas, and these thugs don't even have machine guns and bazookas.

But... the real gangsters probably have the level of light infantry.After all, sweeping with a Chicago typewriter has been a repertoire of gangsters since the last century.As for now...they have all the right and wrong weapons, and it's normal for an RPG to pop up by chance.

"Do you know where they are? I can take you there." Ao Guang continued.

"Ah?" The little girl looked at Zhang Cheng. "Where's Brother Zhang Cheng?" He noticed that what Ao Guang said was "bring you there", and he didn't seem to mean to bring Zhang Cheng.

"Don't you think someone needs to take care of the aftermath here?" Ao Guang smiled.The golden dragon quickly moved closer and surrounded the little girl's body. "I can help you...Of course you can refuse."

"That..." The little girl was still able to think in this state. "Can I change clothes?"

"Where to change?" Ao Guang said.

"We have a room on the third floor. In fact, we just put the clothes in the room." The little girl said. "Room 309."

In the next moment, she found that the scene in front of her eyes had changed, but it was no longer in the lobby, but in the hotel room.She looked around, but saw a suitcase in the corner where she packed her clothes.

Just now this was... teleportation?
She has seen teleportation in another world.As a mage herself, she has also initially learned the teleportation spell (but her power is not enough to use it).But this kind of feeling is different, Ao Guang's ability...how should I put it...seems to be better than ordinary teleportation, it's like a light weight.There is no warning or preparation, but the location is very accurate.

She opened the box and took out the clothes she was going to change from.She and Heidi came here secretly this time, and they planned to keep a low profile.After all, this is the first offline meeting of the "Trade Union", and they don't want to be recognized as their real identities.

Ao Guang was suspended in the air, holding something in his claws and fiddling with it.The little girl recovered and realized that it was a submachine gun.It was the weapon used by those thugs just now.

During the battle just now, Ao Guang was obviously not simply being beaten.The dragon already knew how to handle the submachine gun.In fact, at this moment Jin Long was using his own dragon claws to change the magazine for the submachine gun.Its dragon body bears little resemblance to a human, but the dragon's claws are not the same thing.Because the little girl clearly recognized that the dragon's claws could hold each other.Not only that, the joints of this claw do not know what is going on, they are very flexible, and they are not inferior to human hands.

Jinlong's claws are sharp and sharp, but he can control his strength very well.Just fiddled with it three or two times, and Long had already removed the magazine.

When the little girl tied her hair, Long began to load bullets into the magazine one by one.It's hard for you to imagine that such a dragon can do this kind of thing with its own claws, but Ao Guang did it.

After making all the preparations, Ao Guang raised the gun with his paws—although the gun was a little too small compared to his paws and felt a bit pocket-sized, he still shot a gun at the outside very steadily. bullets.

"Pretty good weapon." Ao Guang commented.

"You..." The little girl didn't know what to say.All of this still feels very unreal.But even so, she quickly put on an old-fashioned hat (to hide her hair), a neutral coat, and a skirt for trousers.In front of the mirror, the little girl becomes a teenager.At least strangers will be indistinguishable when they see her for a while.

The phone on the table vibrated.The little girl took a look and recognized the call sharing from Heidi.That is to play it to her.She pressed the switch button, and Alan's annoying voice sounded again immediately.

"...you only live once, Miss Heidi. You're young, aren't you?"

(End of this chapter)

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