Planeswalker My Plane War

Chapter 346 Legacy 2

Chapter 346 Legacy 2
The next card is suddenly a product brand: "nuclear fusion battery".

Nuclear fusion battery: a nuclear battery using the principle of cold fusion, 8 in a group, a total of five groups.cost 0.Features: High-tech battery, known for its durability and safety - it will not explode in a nuclear explosion. "

Ma Dan... Sure enough... Zhang Cheng can only sigh with emotion.

Several cards are "Fusion Battery".Apparently, Zhang Cheng's predecessor also understood that the more such things are used as consumables, the better.Technological creations are extremely dependent on energy. If the mechanical armor does not have a power source, it will be tantamount to waste.

Then Zhang Cheng saw an "electromagnetic rifle".

Electromagnetic Rifle: A rifle that uses electromagnetism as the driving force and has extremely strong penetrating power.Cost: 0.Characteristics: This weapon is not used independently, it is obviously an external weapon of some other device.

You don't need to ask, this thing is obviously an external weapon of the mechanical armor.The exterior style of the two is the same.However, it can be seen from the two cards separated from the mechanical armor that Zhang Cheng's predecessor did not usually use an electromagnetic rifle.I don't know why, but I think it might be that there are not enough bullets.Because Zhang Cheng found that although there were batteries in the stack of cards, there were no bullets.

"Nano-printer": a three-dimensional manufacturing printer that uses metal powder as a raw material. As long as there are raw materials and drawings, it can manufacture almost any device.Cost: 0.Features: Powered by nuclear fusion batteries.

Below the card is a line of small words: an industrial master machine of a certain scientific and technological civilization, with a large number of design drawings inside, which can be freely and flexibly matched.It can be used in almost any environment.But if you want it to run with high precision, you must provide a clean room.

This thing looks awesome.Zhang Cheng felt that his three views had been refreshed once.Fortunately, since time travel, his three views have been refreshed more than once, so he got used to it after brushing.He flipped through the nanoprinter's card for a long time, and then turned to take out the next card.

Single-person aircraft: a single-person flight device manufactured according to the principle of anti-gravity, powered by nuclear fusion batteries, but the energy of the batteries is running out.There is a console on it, and the user can directly control it.But the user can also control it through the interface.Cost: 0.Features: external interface, powered by nuclear fusion battery, energy exhausted.

From the perspective of the card, its appearance is more like a podium than an aircraft.This is obviously also something that matches the mechanical armor.In other words, this thing can still fly...although it relies on peripherals to fly.

The last card is another style that is completely irrelevant.

"Blood Curse: 'Cut the grass without eradicating the roots, and the spring wind blows and regenerates', probably some villains out of fear of the victim's revenge, leading to the birth of this curse. This is one of the most notorious curses in all worlds, the origin Unknown, but the original user is said to be a mage named Toril the Silver Hair in a certain world called Firmament.The curse is so horrifying that intelligent beings on many worlds have signed a pact to prohibit its existence. Normal methods cannot stop the spread of this curse, and every time it appears, it will lead to massacre-level death. Cost: 15 mana/5 darkness. Features: Use the blood of the dead target as a medium to curse and kill all people related to the blood of the target. Kill to the end The number of people depends on the decision of the planeswalker. The minimum number is 50, and the maximum is unlimited. The curse will start randomly from the person with the closest blood. This curse cannot be precisely controlled, and it will take a while to take effect. During this time, the planeswalker must maintain The expenditure of this curse, otherwise the curse may fail or get out of control. There is no record of the consequences of the curse being out of control, but researchers agree that the best consequences of being out of control are disasters at the level of annihilation. God restarts the cycle of life throughout the world."

There is a line of small words below the card. "I'm sure this guy doesn't have any relatives to avenge him!"

Ma Dan... Sure enough, there is such a very dangerous thing in the planeswalker's card.Although he was a planeswalker and the card was in his hand, looking at the description on the card, Zhang Cheng felt chills on the back of his neck.

So the Planeswalker is indeed... what is that called, it is the death of the world.This is enough to destroy the world.

In this way, the newly acquired cards are complete this time. "Dimensional Rift (Damage)" and "Blood Curse" are relatively independent, and the other cards are obviously related, at least they come from the same place.Simply put, it is a set of exoskeleton armor, with an electromagnetic rifle and a single-person flying device.And the massive amount of batteries necessary to make the gear work.There is also a nano-printer that I don't know what to use.

From the card point of view, this thing is obviously a fetish.It is equivalent to getting an industrial system directly from a higher civilization.But for planeswalkers, this is completely meaningless.Because planeswalkers can't stay in one world for too long.Zhang Cheng thought about it for a long time, and finally thought that maybe his former planeswalker planned to use this thing to make bullets for electromagnetic rifles.

Zhang Cheng put on this damaged armor.

The servo system of the mechanical armor automatically adjusted the armor to fit Zhang Cheng's body shape.This thing is really smart.Because of the weather, Zhang Cheng wore thicker clothes (leather armor inside), especially the mink coat.Originally, this was a very bulky outfit, but this armor cleverly controlled the power of constriction within an appropriate range.It's a bit tight, but overall it's okay.Zhang Cheng took out a floor-to-ceiling mirror from the card, put it in front of him, and found that he was completely wrapped in the mechanical armor.

After entering the armor, an auxiliary vision device appeared, directly with infrared dark vision.Not to mention physical fitness, not to mention strength and endurance, even agility has increased significantly.It also has an automatic balance adjustment system that uses multiple air jets to ensure you never fall over.There is also an air filtration system and temperature adjustment function, which is simply a set of universal armor.

It's a pity that what the technology side can provide, the magic side can also provide.And the biggest disadvantage of this armor is that it is incompatible with the surrounding world, and the big hole in the side.This gap caused its value to drop significantly.Zhang Cheng opened the armor with some regrets, and walked out from inside.

Although he expected his predecessor to leave him with a complete set of mechanical armor, he actually knew that this was unlikely.

Although he has not been a planeswalker for too long, Zhang Cheng also understands some things about planeswalkers.These situations are by no means unique to him, but are faced by all planeswalkers.

Planeswalkers rely entirely on cards.If there is no card, then the planeswalker is just an ordinary mortal.Therefore, as a planeswalker, you must classify the cards and put them away.For example, Zhang Cheng, now divides the cards into different types.The cards that need to be used at the moment of danger include a cure for serious injuries, a silencer pistol, a semi-lethal spell (usually fatigue wave on earth, and fireball here), dimensional rift, and a flying The spell is placed in the most accessible position (the flying spell was added after the last time it was almost blown off the cliff by the wind), in order to deal with those unexpected accidents that change into armpits and elbows.Then there are those cards that are most likely to be used in a crisis, including automatic rifles, bullets, foot oil, invisibility, flash bangs, adult wrestlers, rakshasa warriors, and so on.These cards are also readily available, but there are a lot of them, and it may take a little time to choose.The last ones are problems that are not urgent, such as various items and tools, some summoned creatures such as dark liches, ordinary ghouls, dream worms, lower angels, some protective spells, such as protection from energy damage, brute force , light spirit, haste, some offensive spell cards and so on.These cards are put away by category, and when needed, take out a stack and choose the cards you need to use.Finally, there are some miscellaneous cards, which are generally difficult for you to use, but useful under certain conditions.Some of these cards were even placed directly inside the Void Castle.After all, carrying too many cards is quite cumbersome.

Zhang Cheng is like this, it can be seen that other planeswalkers, including his predecessor, are also like this.At least not too bad.In order to access the card conveniently, you will naturally do this.

This situation means that cards of the same type should be put together, and all cards related to this "Mechanical Armor" series should be here.There's a good chance that the planeswalker didn't have a second set of armor.He didn't know that the quality of this thing was so reliable that he didn't think it was necessary to prepare a second set.Or maybe he couldn't get more armor for a while.

All in all, if he wants to use this suit of armor, he may need to find a way to repair it.If the internal structure is damaged or something, he doesn't have to think too much at all.But this armor damages the outer armor plates.Even if it is placed on the earth with inferior technology, it should be able to be repaired, right?
After sorting things out, Zhang Cheng took out the original card, "Book of Records".

This card is different from the previous "Book of Blasphemy". It is in a sealed state, which means that outsiders cannot take out the book without the Planeswalker himself.

Ordinary people don't understand the mysteries of planeswalker cards, and they don't know that cards have three states.Therefore, some people in this world mistakenly think that some cards are invalid cards that are "imitated by others".That's why those cards from the "Common Beasts" series are heavily used and consumed, while the more expensive cards remain intact.

Zhang Cheng used to find it difficult to make biological cards, but now he finds it not difficult at all.He has almost no interest in the cards of ordinary beasts.Sometimes, he even felt that the original purpose of this kind of card should only be used as a camouflage to make the Planeswalker appear harmless.

With the blue planeswalker fire rising, he held the "Book of Records" in his hand.It's an odd title to say the least.He checked the front and back covers. The book's front and back covers were actually clips—an ingenious construction similar to earth folders.That is to say, as long as the owner wishes, he can add pages to the book at any time, and vice versa.

But this is just a very ordinary book - except for the texture of the paper, it is actually no different from the books on earth.But when he opened the first page, Zhang Chengcheng saw a malicious text written in unknown characters.

"This records all my private secrets, and outsiders are forbidden to read it. If you read this book, I will curse you."

Zhang Cheng was stunned for a moment, and then opened the second page, which was also written in an unknown language.

"Well, if you see it, it usually means I'm dead. So whether I can curse you or not is up to you."

Open the third page. "I curse you for never being able to understand the words I use. If you understand it, treat me as if I didn't curse."

This teasing tone... Well, Zhang Cheng felt familiar.Indeed, his predecessor seemed to be this kind of person.Imbued with a fearless optimism that...can only be called revolutionary?

He opened the next page, and the content was much more serious.

"...I have accepted my destiny to live as a planeswalker. From this moment on, I will make a severance with my past. So I decided to use this moment to start my life as a planeswalker. Write down things of value..."

So... this is a Planeswalker's diary?Oh, it's not a diary, because it's not written every day.It's a travelogue.

On this page, Planeswalker wrote about his process of saying goodbye to his hometown.He finished reading the planeswalker book.Then when some ominous signs appeared one by one, he chose to live as a planeswalker.He took his own card and left his home world like a Planeswalker.Because he knew that it was almost impossible for him to go back, he was full of melancholy and reluctant to part.

Although the writing style is very simple, it still reveals the sincere reluctance.

Zhang Cheng turned to the next page.This page is filled with joy.The planeswalker was noticed by the god of gods when he entered a world.Fortunately, he is still in the root world at this time.So once he realized that he was being targeted by the god of gods, he immediately grabbed some source cards and fled into the sea of ​​chaos, which can be regarded as avoiding a fatal disaster.

Turning to the next page, the planeswalker stayed in a world for a long time this time.Because he kept a low profile all the time, he didn't attract the attention of any powerful beings in this world, and even got together with a girl in this world.It is a pity that an external conflict affected this happy family.A bully has come to the door.Unbearable, the planeswalker killed the bully with his own power, and immediately exposed his identity.The god immediately lowered his avatar to hunt him down—but he had already prepared for this, so he escaped relatively smoothly.Only deep regret remains.

The planeswalker described this untouching story in a very brief tone.Finally admitted that he made a big mistake.He wanted to take his lover away, but the lover couldn't let go of all kinds of fetters after all.The planeswalker once again embarked on a lonely journey alone.

Page after page, this story never came up again.The planeswalker travels in various worlds and encounters various dangers.Generally speaking, they are discovered by gods or gods, or encounter various dangers in the process of collecting cards.Or encountered some rare situations in a certain world.These stories are simple, even abbreviated.The details are basically not involved, which roughly explains what happened.However, Zhang Cheng is also a planeswalker, so he can feel a thrilling adventure in every simple story.

The planeswalker invades, hides, accumulates cards in one world, and finally leaves before the master of the plane or the god finds out.It can be seen that different worlds are very different (but Zhang Cheng has experienced this for a long time). Sometimes, the lord of the plane is very active, often urging the gods to hunt down and besiege the Planeswalker.But in other worlds, the masters of the planes are much more passive. They are more like a consultant or wise man, guiding the gods, and usually don't care much.

That said, there are different types of World Masters... some aggressive, others less aggressive.

Zhang Cheng continued to look through.Then he saw a page with a very surprising record.

(End of this chapter)

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