Planeswalker My Plane War

Chapter 345 Legacy 1

Chapter 345 Legacy 1
Zhang Cheng knew before that the power of the planeswalker is absolutely complex.I also understand that different worlds must have different creatures, different technologies, different equipment, and different tools.But he really didn't expect his senior to be so wild.

It can be seen that high technology is not the patent of the earth.There is certainly a high-tech world out there.At least the technological level of this "mechanical armor" is more than one step higher than that of the earth.You must know that Zhang Cheng has never seen soldiers from the earth dressed like this on the TV news.In fact, think about it, this is also normal.Take this world as an example, even if there are no traversers, the technology of this world will continue to improve.And as long as technology advances, theoretically it will be able to develop to the level of the earth sooner or later.

Zhang Cheng finally came back to his senses in time, and quickly calmed down.I don't have time to look at the other cards, anyway, let's study them slowly when I go back.

They continued to move forward, passing through various collections of Mr. Donghai.But at this time, most of Zhang Cheng's thoughts were on the cards, and he didn't pay much attention to the rest.

But after the spoils, souvenirs, and offerings, the rest are gifts from friends.This "friend" is of a higher grade, either it is a high-ranking existence such as a great spirit or god, or it is a high-ranking person who holds power in the world such as the son of heaven and princes.These things are exquisite, but not many in number.After all, the gifts given by people of this level are very particular. Generally speaking, they will not be flashy items (such as the soul gems presented by Zhang Cheng and Xiaoxiong), and they will not be sent to the warehouse for hiding. It is carried by Donghai Jun and used at any time.

The visit is over.They returned to the original side hall.

It must be said that although Mr. Donghai said politely, "Can you give me some advice", Zhang Cheng felt that his real purpose was to show off.Because although Zhang Cheng and Xiaoxiong didn't mention any opinions, Mr. Donghai seemed quite happy.

"Then let's set a time." Donghai Jun said. "I think it will take a long time to go back and forth this time. I think Taiyin Xingjun and Heng'e may have enough patience, but we shouldn't make them wait too long."

"Then," it was Zhang Cheng who spoke this time. "I can go together when I go back this time."

"Okay, let me know before you leave." Donghai Jun said. "It's late, I'll send you two out."

The Crystal Palace was filled with smog, and when the smog cleared, Zhang Chengcai suddenly found himself in a small open space on the edge of the Donghai Monarch Temple.He himself has no idea how it was removed.

"This Lord Donghai is really powerful." Zhang Cheng couldn't help but be amazed.

"Yeah, now I'm sure," said the Cubs. "It already has more than one and a half priesthood. Thank you, Zhang Cheng." After saying this, Little Bear rushed over.When approaching Zhang Cheng, it turned into a gust of wind and disappeared, but he had already returned to the card.

Walking back to the gate of the temple, here, Hu Chen, Jiang Hei or Jiang Kao were all waiting here.Obviously they had been waiting for a long time, Hu Chen and Jiang Hei were fine, but Jiang Kao looked anxious.Seeing Zhang Cheng appear, Jiang Kao was overjoyed.

"Brother Zhang Chengxian, that...just now...that..." There was some embarrassment on Jiang Kao's face.He and Zhang Cheng saw the abyss spider just now, and he was so frightened that he ran out.It must be said that if Jiang Kao was alone, he would not have any special psychological burden.After all, the horror of that thing cannot be described without witnessing it with one's own eyes.That kind of trembling, biological instinct will scare everyone away.But as the saying goes, you are not afraid of not knowing the goods, but you are afraid of comparing goods.He scared away, but Zhang Cheng didn't.Not only did he not run away in fright, he also obviously passed the test and was summoned by Mr. Donghai.Otherwise, they wouldn't have been waiting here for so long. "Did you see Mr. Donghai?"

"I see." Zhang Cheng replied.

"Then you asked Mr. Donghai... about the scorpion?"

"I asked." Zhang Cheng replied.Now he is also clearly aware that Jiang Kao must have an idea, but as long as it has nothing to do with him, he has no intention of pursuing it. "Jun Donghai said..." He hesitated for a moment.

"Brother, it's okay to say." Jiang Kao said quickly.

"Mr. Donghai said that as long as all the lords of Xia and the East set up temples to worship him... then this matter will be accomplished."

Jiang Kao let out a long breath. "I see." It must be said that his nervous expression calmed down almost instantly. "It's reasonable." He commented on this condition.

They began to return to the residence along the same road.At this time, it was already dawn, and the night would soon be over.

"Brother, do you have any plans?" Jiang Kao asked. "We've been in Guicheng for a few days, and it's time to go back. We worked hard last night, I think it's more appropriate to take a day off today and go back tomorrow. What do you think?"

I didn't sleep all night last night. Although I was young and able to hold on, I was a little sleepy.It's even worse for Zhang Chengcheng, after all, he hasn't slept for two nights.But I don't know if it's because of Donghai Jun's inexplicable soup, but I don't feel sleepy at all.Not only did I not feel sleepy, but I was very energetic.

"Brother Jiang, I may have to stay in Guicheng for a while longer." Zhang Cheng replied.

"That..." Jiang Kao hesitated to speak.Obviously very concerned about this matter.After all, in his original plan, it was actually safer to come back to the city, and it was dangerous to go back.Facts have proved that the world is not as beautiful as he thought.Without Zhang Cheng, Jiang Kao would probably have become a big meal for Lai Yi by now—no, I’m afraid it has become a digested poop.

"I asked Mr. Donghai about this matter," Zhang Cheng said. "It's not dangerous to go back by water. But if you go back by land, you will be intercepted and killed by the barbarians."

"Wan Yi?" It wasn't Feng Yi, nor Huai Yi, why was it Wan Yi?Jiang Kao looked surprised.

"Jun Donghai said that Dongyi wants to raise troops to attack Yingqiu." Of course, this is not a rare thing, Dongyi has done this kind of thing many times.Also succeeded many times.Jiang Kao knew far more about this than Zhang Cheng.After all, Zhang Chengna came from the remote Kunwu City, and Jiang Kao could be regarded as a person living in this area.

"I it to prevent the war preparation from being detected?" War is not something that happens overnight.In particular, Dongyi is not a complete and strict country, but an alliance.In this way, wanting to fight a war involves the mobilization of troops of multiple forces, material reserves, and the exchanges of diplomatic envoys, etc. are easier to be discovered. "No wonder..." Jiang Kao suddenly realized.That makes sense.After all, after they came here, they found that Guicheng was not as dangerous as the legend said.At least within the scope of this city, Lai Yi does not eat people.

Of course, it's hard to say if you leave the city.

But since the opponent has already started to intercept and kill the business traveler, it shows that this upcoming war is probably already in the process of intensive planning.As long as there is no major change, then things are irreversible.

But if you go back by water... Lai Yi is also a big threat.He hesitated.It's dangerous to go back without Zhang Cheng's protection.

"By the way, I saw some Huaiyi sailing back to the city," Zhang Cheng said. "There must be some way to avoid Lai Yi's harassment."

Without knowing anything about Guicheng, they parked the boat a little far away from the city.But other business travelers who came to Guicheng did not do this.Those lizardmen drove their boats directly into the city.The specific structure of Homecoming also allows them to do so.

Lizardmen's ships are naturally safe in Guicheng, but they will definitely be attacked by Laiyi outside Guicheng's jurisdiction... In other words, there is a way to solve this problem.

"..." Jiang Kao thought for a while. "Brother Zhang Chengxian, if that's the case, I saw Huai Yi coming and going over there, why don't we ask?"

In fact, Zhang Cheng didn't want to go, he was anxious to study his new cards.But in this case, there is no way to refuse Jiang Kao.The four of them soon arrived at a nearby pier.

When they came, a group of Lizardmen who were obviously merchants were unloading the ship.The goods are some grains, but they are some kind of local crops that Zhang Cheng doesn't know.Others were piled up on the quayside, apparently intended to be loaded immediately after unloading.Zhang Cheng noticed that this was exactly the nail piece he had seen before, and he didn't know if it was made of shell or coral.The defense of these armor pieces can only be said to be average, but they are definitely not afraid of rust at all.At the moment they look like innocuous odds and ends, but once stringed together, they're instantly a suit of armor.

Indeed, returning to the city seems to be calm, but there is a sense of uneasiness that is about to come.A large amount of food and weapons and equipment are flowing through transactions, hiding power that can affect the entire world.

There is a clear hierarchy among the lizardmen: those who are busy are obviously hired workers, perhaps slaves.And it should be the boss who supervises on the sidelines.Therefore, these inferior people looked very shabby in warm clothes, and the boss was wearing mink fur with the same texture as Zhang Cheng.Of course, the texture is the same, and the manufacturing style of clothing is quite different.

The two came together, each reporting their names and saluting.The other party hurriedly returned the gift.The Huaiyi and human races often have wars, but on the whole, they agree that each other is also a civilized race.So the interracial friendship thing is pretty common.In this regard, Lai Yi, who is also one of the Nine Barbarians, is completely different.

After a few polite words, Jiang Kao immediately mentioned the insecurity in the waters outside the city.The Huaiyi businessman burst out laughing when he heard this.It turned out that this matter is very easy.You just need to contribute to Lord Donghai—if you have time, you can hold a relatively grand sacrificial event, if you don’t have time, just donate directly to Wu Ji—then Wu Ji will give you a long streamer.It is something enlightened by Lord Donghai, and it is hung on the ship, so Lai Yi will not trouble you.

Because almost all Laiyi now believe in Lord Donghai, especially the Laiyi groups near the sea.

Ma Dan!Zhang Cheng immediately thought of the great pirates of the Republic in history—it seemed that they all used this method to collect protection money from maritime merchants.They gave the sea merchants a flag as a proof of paying the protection fee. If there is no flag, they will grab it, and if there is a flag, they will let it go... Donghai Lord is worthy of being Donghai Lord. It is easy to find a simple and effective method from the history of the earth.

"By the way, I don't know what use these things are for taking them back?" Jiang Kao asked casually.While talking, the lizardmen had finished unloading and began to move the armor plates onto the ship.

"This..." The Huaiyi businessman hesitated, talking about him from left to right, obviously unwilling to explain clearly.Jiang Kao is also a sensible person. Seeing the other party like this, he naturally didn't ask questions, so he left soon.

"Huaiyi... Wanyi... Laiyi..." Jiang Kao said suddenly. "Brother Zhang Chengxian, if Dongyi goes upstream along the Daxi, it may be a situation where you can advance or retreat."

"Well, I think so too." Zhang Cheng replied.To be honest, he already wanted to go back and study his newly acquired cards, but he had no intention of continuing at this time.

"In this case, Yingqiu may be in danger..."

"Didn't you say that Zhuxia's reliance is not Yingqiu, but Dongyi's internal discord?"

"That's right!" Jiang Kao laughed. "Even if Dongyi has all kinds of clever tricks, it's useless. Let's find a way to warn Yingqiu." He was also open-minded and didn't care. "There should be still time." From this point of view, although Jiang Kao is an aboriginal, some ideas are clearer than Zhang Cheng's, and he can understand it when he thinks about it. "Let's go back and rest first."

Soon they returned to their residence.Jiang Kao didn't close his eyes all night, so of course he fell asleep when he went back.As soon as Zhang Cheng returned to the room, he quickly took out a bunch of cards he had just acquired.

There is no need to think too much about the card "Dimensional Rift (Damaged)", just put it away.It would be nice to have a dimensional gate available. The same is true for the "Book of Records", which should be put away before reading.

Next up is the item brand "Mechanical Armor (Damaged)".

Even if Zhang Cheng holds it in his hand now, he still can't believe it.But truth is truth.The card is in a sealed state, that is to say, outsiders have nothing to do with the card and cannot take it out from it.But in the hands of planeswalkers, this is not a problem at all.

Zhang Cheng held the card in his hand, and the blue planeswalker fire ignited.Then, in the room in front of him, a set of armor full of futuristic sci-fi style emerged.

But this armor is not complete.There used to be some huge force across the flanks and ribs, directly tearing a whole piece of armor apart, exposing the mechanical structure behind the armor.It's not a small cut, but a big enough notch.It used to protect the whole body, but now there is a huge and clear cover door.As armor its value is greatly reduced.

It's hard to say exactly what ripped through its armor.But from the way the armor is torn, and then think about the cause of death of its previous owner, you probably understand a little bit.

Ma Dan, that is to say...was it broken by the second party?Of course, having said that, it was probably because of the protection of this suit of armor that the Planeswalker was not directly killed by the God of Slaughter.Although he died in battle in the end, the planeswalker struggled solidly for a while, and found a chance to kill the second negative clone.Losing is not a shame.

He quickly took out other cards.

(End of this chapter)

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