Although Constantin Waldo didn't know why the other party wanted to attack him, he still fought back. Although the war spear in his hand was damaged, he was better at swordsmanship.

In the battle of Prospero, Constantine Waldo faced more than 30 top-notch combat forces of the Thousand Sons Legion in the surface battle, as well as the siege of the sword masters of the Conite Secret Sword Order. These warriors were able to pass through the spiritual Able to predict enemy attacks.

However, Constantin Valdo still killed them all, and in the process, he only suffered one minor injury.

From here we can see how superb Constantin Valdo's swordsmanship is.

So he directly pulled out his sword from his waist and fought Magnus. At that time, he had discovered that the sword in Magnus's hand was much harder than the sword in his hand, so Constantin Valdo Never let your own sword come into contact with the sword in Magnus' hand.

Even if there is contact, it will only be the difference between the blade and the blade. There will be absolutely no collision at all.

Relying on his exquisite swordsmanship, Waldo beat Magnus back steadily. Even though Magnus was faster than Waldo, stronger than Waldo, and even had better weapons than Waldo, he still had better skills than Waldo. He is no match for Waldo.

Magnus is an excellent magician, but not a master of swordsmanship, so during the sword duel, he didn't know how to use his sword at all, and could only let Waldo pull the sword in his hand. , every attack he made was cleverly avoided by Waldo, or was directed to other places, and there was no way to cause any harm to Waldo.

But Waldo himself is also in trouble. Although he is more skilled than Magnus, he cannot cause any harm to Magnus. His attacks can only make Magnus busy and have no time to attack him. But if you want to cause harm to the opponent, it is completely impossible, because even your most sophisticated attacks cannot break through the opponent's defense.

Even every time he came into contact with the opponent's weapon, he would feel a numbness in his hands. It also made Waldo know that the opponent's power was much greater than his own, and it was completely impossible for him to win in contact with the opponent.

Now he could only see when the other party would stop, or when the Emperor would come back to save him. At this time, he glanced at the Emperor secretly and found that the Emperor was talking to the Khan at this time.

"Are you also a Primarch?"

At that time, many famous Primarchs had returned to the Empire. Horus and Leman Russ had returned. Of course, there was also the second Primarch who disappeared, but all the information about this one was lost. , eliminated.

The third one to return was Ferrus Manus, and then Fulgrim returned.

In addition, Vulkan, Rogal Dorn, Guilliman and other guys have also returned one by one.

As for Khan's return, it was already the 14th Primarch to return to the Empire.

Although the old Magnus returned relatively late, he had already established contact with the Emperor.

After all, he is the only one among all the Primarchs who can enter the subspace at will, and the Emperor can be said to have always lived in the subspace. The two sides often meet each other, so they are acquainted, but Khan Never seen it before.

"I am Jaghatai Khan, the Primarch of the Taiping Star Territory, and the Primarch of the White Scars Legion."

Khan shook his hair. He had been paying attention to the battle between Magnus and Waldo before, and he didn't braid himself, so the hair fell in front of his eyes.

That is to say, they pay attention to personal hygiene now, otherwise he would not be much better than the Crow King now. It can be said that among all the Primarchs, except for a few, most do not pay attention to personal hygiene.

Of course, I have said before that these people don't pay attention to personal hygiene. It's not that they don't want to pay attention to it, but it's a problem with the world. The whole world is barren and barren and has an abnormal shortage of water resources. There are no resources for them to take a bath.

"White Scar Legion, then you are the seventh one. I really didn't expect to see you here. I originally planned to pick up Magnus. That guy has been active in the subspace. I was worried that he would be in danger. So I planned to go see him and bring Magnus back, but I didn’t expect that this person would come to you right after the door opened. You said this is M42? I believe it.”

The Emperor couldn't help but believe it, because the Empire simply didn't have the standard warships in front of him, and Magnus was not a one-eyed red giant. The Magnus he saw now was a red one-eyed monster.

But in the subspace, Magnus's eyes were clear and bright.

The state of the soul can reflect a person's body. If a person is injured in the state of the soul, it will also be reflected on his body.

Likewise, damage to the body will be reflected in the state of the soul.

That's why so many means of attacking the soul have been created, and they attack the soul directly.

"I didn't expect you to believe it so easily. This is the era of M42. I thought I would need to explain it to you for a long time. After all, the emperor of our world is an antique."

Khan suddenly felt that the emperor in the 30k era was still a good guy.

"By the way, what is the grudge between Magnus and Waldo? What grudge? Why do they have to fight to this point? Why do they continue to fight when they obviously lose so much in terms of skills? It feels like there is no point in being energetic. Even so, neither of them used their full strength."

The Emperor could see that although Waldo was trying his best to dodge, he still had some strength left, but he had no way to fight back. However, Magnus kept attacking and was fast enough, but in Technically, he was no match for me, and he was being bullied like a dog being walked.

Now this scene is indeed a bit funny, both of them look like they have no energy to use.

And the Emperor could also see that Magnus had no intention of using all his power, because this guy had not yet used his psychic powers.

An archmage does not use spells, but uses a sword. This shows that the other party has no intention of killing. Although in Magnus's view, he wants to kill the other party completely, but in the emperor's view, , this is the idea that there is no killing.

"The planet Prospero was destroyed in the 32nd millennium. Leman Russ carried out the order you gave. Waldo also participated and led people to rush into the planet Prospero. , carried out massive destruction. Oh, by the way, the planet Prospero is the home planet of Magnus."

Khan said in an understatement, his words were completely meaningless.

He didn't explain clearly the cause of this incident at all, but only mentioned a result, which made the emperor a little confused. However, the emperor still grasped the key point, "I gave the order to destroy the planet Prospero, so why did I give this order?"

"Horus rebelled, and Magnus wanted to send this news back to Holy Terra. As a result, something happened at that time. You were building a subspace network that belonged to humans, and then that network was knocked out by Magnus. You opened a hole and caused the demon army to besiege Holy Terra, so you decided to capture Magnus. However, this order was intercepted by the rebellious Horus after it was issued. He changed the order to kill Magnus. Nuth, destroy Prospero, and then Magnus will join Tzeentch.”

Khan explained a little bit.

The emperor's face turned dark at this time. "I told him a long time ago not to enter the subspace easily, not to indulge there, and not to trust any creature there. Why did he join Tzeentch?"

"What's the matter? Angron has joined Khorne, Fulgrim has followed Slaanesh, Petlman has followed Nurgle, and the four demon princes are all your sons."

Khan looked at the Emperor and smiled ferociously. In fact, he knew very well that the rebellion of these guys was largely the fault of the Emperor himself, so he really had nothing to say about the Emperor.

In fact, the relationship between the Khan and the Emperor is neither good nor bad, so it is.

Most of the Primarchs also had this attitude, and only a small number still had a good relationship with him.

"So why is Magnus back to normal now? Hasn't this guy become the Demon Prince?"

The Emperor then looked at Magnus, who was slashing people with a sword. This guy didn't seem to be in the state of a demon prince!

"No, he has not returned to normal. We come from the m32 world, the era before the Horus Heresy. But for some small reasons, we came to this era and became the Primarchs who returned to this era. As for those Primarchs who have taken refuge in the Chaos Gods, they still exist, but they were dealt with some time ago, and they may be being dealt with now."

Khan was not so sure when he said these words, because he is not sure what is going on in the subspace now. Anyway, he only knows that there are many powerful guys in the subspace.

People in the historical world have begun to plot against the Warhammer world, so naturally other worlds have joined in, not to mention the Super Seminary and the StarCraft world. These two worlds came with the main world, but some other worlds at this time They all came in too.

Pluto Acha has come to the Warhammer world with his brother Chi You who has recovered his physical body.

Regarding the Warhammer incident, Hades Acha had only one idea, and that was to include this world into their afterlife.

The underworld now governed by Hades Acha is an extremely huge world, a world that has spanned the multiverse.

They have integrated the afterlife of multiple worlds, and I also have the afterlife of multiple worlds voluntarily joining them, especially because the reason is very simple, that is because this world joined early enough, and the afterlife already has it. It's your own seat.

The owner of this seat is Acha, the King of Hades.

"The subspace is similar to the world after death. Brother, we can also feel a lot of energy here, but the energy here is too violent. There is no order at all. It seems that no one cares about it at all. How to sort out the energy of this world."

The energy riots in the subspace that Bang Acha sensed were not so good-looking. As a master who is accustomed to order, when he comes to a place without order, he will always feel that it is too barbaric.

"Chacha, you have to understand that we are not here to play, but to do business. If there is no order here, we will bring them order. If the people here are disobedient, we will make them obedient. In short, we There is only one purpose for coming here, to inform the afterlife here. If we can't do it, others will come. You don't want Lords of the Ten Palaces of Yama and Taishan Mansion to come. If those guys are stronger, We don’t have much status anymore.”

Petroleum was just a primitive person before, but now he is no longer. Now he has turned his physical body into energy, and his whole person has become something similar to the carp in the world of death. Of course, if it is more specific, It should be the Spirit King.

It is the anchor point of the entire world. Of course, this is also because it was originally established to seek for Chi You's soul, so Chi You can transform his body at will, and it will be more convenient to transform his body after only his soul is left. .

Now he can regard himself as the Spirit King. Therefore, it absorbs the energy in the subspace and then releases its own spiritual energy.

Then, the subspace storm where he was immediately stopped.

"Chacha, you see this is pretty good. At least we can make this world like ours. But there are too many filthy evil ghosts here. We need to mobilize the Yama Army. Take care of things here.”

Chi You pushed up the glasses on his face. He actually didn't need to wear glasses, and he only wore them because they were a connector for his dark plane computer.

At the same time, this is also his energy limiter. Chi You's own energy is too powerful. If it is not restricted, his own existence can crush a planet.

So he needed to wear glasses to suppress his power. After all, Chi You and his group didn't have any idea of ​​suppressing their own abilities at that time. They all used their abilities as much as they had, but they felt that they were not strong enough. I never feel that I am too capable.

And after becoming Zengzi in the spirit world, he spread his abilities on a large scale. In this world, he was worried about the irreversible impact of his appearance, so he put on glasses. However, Then he discovered that the glasses didn't seem to need to be carried.

"This world is pretty good. The power I can exert is about 6 to 7%."

Chi You then opened his own eyes, and then his power was directly emitted, and began to plunder the subspace energy. After the plundered energy entered his body, Chi You began to sort out and transform the energy. All the chaotic energy was sorted out and made smooth.

Then he released this smooth energy, filling the space around him. In one minute, he turned the subspace of an entire star field into a normal subspace.

"This seems to be the Taiping Star Territory. Let's establish our own territory here!"

With just a snap of his fingers, he began to manipulate the energy and create buildings one by one. In less than a few minutes, he created a place here similar to the underworld of their world.

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