"You are really that bastard, Khan. I will remember your help this time. If you have anything to do in the future, just tell me!"

When Magnus read the communication, Waldo immediately laughed. He wanted to destroy this guy now. He thought that he had never thought of rebelling at all, just because something unexpected happened while transmitting the message. As a result, his mother ruined this incident under Waldo's manipulation, which he will remember for the rest of his life.

Although Horus had not yet reached Holy Terra when he came over, the Horus Rebellion had already begun. He also sent the news of the Horus Rebellion and his home planet had been destroyed.

Regarding this matter, Magnus did not resent the Emperor, because the Emperor was indeed deceived by him, and he was deceived by him for more than 10,000 years. During these more than 10,000 years, he could only sit in gold. On the toilet, if it weren't for the fact that they traveled to this era and made the Emperor give up the royal way of subspace, then the Emperor would die on the golden toilet, with his whole body welded directly to the golden toilet.

So Magnus doesn't resent the Emperor, because that incident was indeed a mistake on his part, but he resents Waldo. Constantine Waldo massacred his home planet, which Magnus will never tolerate. Will forget!

It’s just that Waldo has never been found in this world, otherwise he would have chopped Waldo into pieces.

Because he knew very well that the emperor at that time did not want to attack his home planet, and asked his mother to punish him. He was well aware of those punishments. To put it bluntly, it was just a life of familiar sin. ? The worst case scenario would be to lock up hundreds or even thousands of people, so he still had any thoughts of rebelling, but after Waldo and the others massacred their home planet, it would be different.

The entire Red Devil Legion rebelled together. In this case, as the Primarch, he couldn't do it without rebelling, so he had to kill Waldo.

"Waldo, you old bastard is still alive!"

Magnus looked at Waldo appearing on the screen and wanted to chop this guy directly. At this time, his eyes were red, his whole body was trembling, and he entered an almost crazy state.

"who are you?"

Wang Er'er was surprised at this time. He didn't know this guy at all. Why did he call him a bastard when he first came up?

"Magnus, Red Devil Magnus, I want to settle a score with you!"

As soon as Magnus' neck twitched, he disappeared from the screen. Then when he appeared the next moment, he was directly behind Waldo with a sword in his hand, pointing at Waldo's neck. Just cut it down.

Waldo immediately sensed the danger. He was also a man who had experienced many battles on the battlefield, so he raised his spear and put it next to his neck. Then a strong force hit him, and Waldo moved backwards. He rolled and avoided Magnus' attack, but the spear in his hand had been cut off.

The sharp spearhead was inserted into the deck beside Waldo, and the entire spearhead disappeared directly.

Looking at the spearhead less than half a foot away from his head, Waldo's throat twitched. It had been a long time since he had this feeling of approaching death.

"What are you going to do? Why do you want to attack me?"

Waldo couldn't figure out when he offended the Magnus in front of him, and why he wanted to attack him?

"I didn't expect you to go there with a sword. You are Prospero's most powerful mage, and you can actually use a sword. It seems that you really hate him!"

Khan looked at Magnus and laughed directly. He knew very well that Magnus was a powerful mage. Now it was so interesting to let a mage kill people with a sword!

"Prospero, are you the fifteenth Primarch, that filthy psyker?"

Waldo directly said what he was thinking at this time. This guy thinks that psykers are dirty. Even though he knows that the Emperor is also a psyker, it does not prevent him from discriminating against psykers because in the entire imperial culture Inside, the psykers are at the bottom.

The planet Prospero is an ancient planet founded by psykers. It is also the planet where Magnus landed after being abducted by the evil god of Chaos. The ancestors of the local people were refugees who had been persecuted and fled here.

When Magnus arrived, this civilization was already on the verge of extinction. A creature called the Devourer occupied almost the entire Prospero. Only Prospero's capital, Tizca, did not fall.

Those soul-eating monsters look like oversized wasps, and they like to lay eggs in the minds of psykers, so these creatures are the natural enemies of psykers.

Magnus, the psyker second only to the Emperor, was lucky enough to land in the central square of Tizca City after arriving on the planet. Then under the care and guidance of local scholars, Magnus Si grew up and learned all kinds of knowledge crazily like a giant red sponge. In just a few years, his psychic power and skills surpassed those of his teachers, becoming Prospero's most powerful The mage.

After that, Magnus led the residents of Prospero to launch a campaign to eliminate the ghost-eating monsters and regain their living space.

Russia steadily conquered the entire world in just one year. After the Prospero people returned to their long-lost homeland, they jointly elected Magnus to become the leader of the planet.

And Magnus lived up to expectations and used his wisdom and eloquence to unify the divided political factions and complete Prospero's revival.

With his efforts, Prospero's capital, Tizca, transformed from a desperate shelter into the most shining pearl of human civilization, with magnificent spiers and pyramids, as well as roads built with pure white marble. Magic gardens can be seen everywhere in the city, and at the same time, the atmosphere of psychic bliss enriches the entire planet. He also created psychic resonance crystals that can help young psykers control their potential. He even built the most advanced three-dimensional space in the human empire. Defense network.

He even has time to compile and organize all the knowledge he can learn about the vast ocean, and the vast ocean is subspace.

This matter is so important that all the current knowledge of the Inquisition about the subspace comes directly from Magnus. In the huge library left by Prospero, there is everything he collected and studied about psychic energy and the warp.

The Emperor also discovered Magnus at this time. After all, the Emperor was very familiar with this powerful psyker who could probe the subspace. He had met this great man several times in the subspace. Yes, the two even used psychic powers to talk to each other all night long. Originally, the Emperor wanted to pick up Magnus after bringing his sons back, and give him a big hug, but this had not yet happened, so he did not meet Magnus directly. He just had contact with Magnus' spiritual energy, and now that he found Magnus, he was ready to get up and give him a hug, but at this time, Magnus didn't want these things that much.

Although this hug can make some of his brothers remember the brain hemorrhage, but now Magnus wants to kill Constantine Waldo in front of him as soon as possible.

Magnus just wants to use the sword in his hand to slowly chop Constantine Waldo into pieces.

Not only did he think so, but the Thousand Sons Legion under his command also thought so.

The relationship between the Thousand Sons Legion and Magnus is better than that of all the Primarchs and their legions. Because the legions under Magnus are all psykers, those psykers have to use psionic power for a long time. After that, one's spiritual energy will be out of control, resulting in some uncontrollable physical changes.

That is to say, let his form develop into an alien form and save his own legion. Magnus went to the subspace many times to find a way. As Taijia who obtained the method to cure the mutation of the Thousand Sons Legion, he contributed one of his eyes to One mantra he didn't understand was "JUST AS PLANED" by the Warp Squid.

All psykers know about Magnus' efforts to save the Thousand Sons Legion under his command, so the Thousand Sons Legion truly regards Magnus as a father.

So they also have the same problem as Magnus, that is, they are knowledge bandits. In order to help Magnus build his great library, they even engaged in many disobedience incidents on the battlefield.

The final result was the emergence of the Nikaea Conference. After the conference, all the think tanks of the Star Legion were disbanded, and everyone was prohibited from using psychic powers in combat. From then on, only Astronauts and Navigators could openly use psychic powers. It works.

If these things just happened, Magnus wouldn't be so resentful, because this incident was actually caused by him. Before, he was a guy with no social skills. He couldn't communicate with others. It was completely a self-centered and arrogant attitude. Even the Khan with whom he had the best relationship could silence the other person.

Of course, these things were not enough to cause Magnus and the Empire to completely fall out, but what happened later during the Horus Heresy was different.

When Magnus learned about the Horus rebellion, he directly used a large-scale psychic ritual to transmit his spiritual image to Holy Terra in order to ensure that his message could be delivered quickly. Tell the Emperor.

Of course, no one can explain clearly what this kind of thing actually is.

However, many believe that Magnus' true purpose was to convince the Emperor to recognize the strategic value of psionic powers, thereby overturning the ban on Nicaea.

But a big problem arose in this matter, that is, when Magnus sent the news back, he hit a giant psychic barrier that enveloped the entire palace in Holy Terra, and then he was killed by the one who had helped him. With help, the barrier was broken.

This barrier is the human royal road that the Emperor is constructing. This plan was supposed to save humanity from the pain of navigating the subspace. However, due to this collision, the webway directly turned into a highway for demons to rush straight to Terra. .

For this reason, the Emperor began to scold Magnus for ruining the future of all mankind, and banished him from Holy Terra, and blasted him directly back to Prospe.

Of course, this matter is actually Magnus's fault, because Huang told Magnus before returning to Terra that he was studying something similar to the King's Way, so he hoped that Magnus was doing it Be careful when doing psychic research. Signs telling no one to enter are left on the barriers of the psychic network in various places.

Unfortunately, Magnus did not see it at the time, and he did not spread the news of the Horus Rebellion. Then the Emperor directly responded to Horus's request and asked Leman Russ to take Magnus with him. Return to Holy Terra for trial.

The matter had originally ended here, but Gus went to do something, which was to change the order received by Leman Russ into executing Magnus, encircling and suppressing the 15th Legion, and destroying Prospero.

Since this order came from the Emperor, Leman Russ accepted the appointment, and also received the Custodes troops led by Constantine Valdor himself, millions of auxiliaries, and a squad of Sisters of Silence. support.

However, even after accepting the extermination order, Leman Russ did not want to take action directly, but wanted to ease his mood. He contacted Magnus through various methods along the way, hoping to talk to Magnus. talk.

After arriving at Prospero, Leman Russ openly disobeyed orders and refused to fight. He wanted to continue to contact Magnus to explain the matter thoroughly, but Magnus did not respond. As for the reason for this, What it is, no one knows, but Magnus now puts it all on Konstantin Waldo.

He believed that Constantine Waldo, as the person closest to the Emperor, should know the outcome of everything, but this guy said nothing and just sat and watched the destruction of his home planet.

Of course, Magnus himself would not say anything about what he had done. He could not let everyone know what he had done, because if everyone knew, this man with the most knowledgeable knowledge in the empire If a guy makes a series of mentally retarded decisions, he will be completely shameless.

In addition, Magnus now also knows all the history of 40k, and he also knows what he chose during the Horus Heresy?

So now he wants to bury it all, and the way he chooses to bury it is to find someone to take the blame for him. Horus can no longer leave, Vulkan has a good relationship with him, and the most important thing is that he can't defeat him. He, as for the others, is even more impossible to find.

So Magnus placed everything on Constantine Waldo, who had hated them from the beginning, thinking that this guy was responsible for the conspiracy.

And the reason why he came to Constantine Waldo with a knife was entirely to prevent the emperor of the 30k world from blocking his psychic attack or causing any interference to his psychic attack, so he took the knife directly. Come and kill people.

Otherwise, he himself knows that he may not be able to kill Constantin Valdo, but he must do these things, at least throw all the blame on Constantin Valdo. As for the 40k world Constantin Valdo has long since disappeared, and many people even think that this guy may have become the King in Yellow.


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