Blood tax

Chapter 513 God's War

Chapter 513 God's War

Pulled away by him!
As soon as the fear engendered by the entanglement of death receded, the orcs broke free from the chaos and immediately began to search for the knight.

Invisibility, according to intelligence, the guardian knight is equipped with a sealed item that can hide himself. After the combo is interrupted, he will immediately retreat into the shadows, and then make a sneak attack... The strong orc Malbus quickly swept across the most likely place for a sneak attack. Columns, walls, sculptures and furnishings, the beast-like perception spares no trace.

"What are you looking for?" Griffith knocked on the scabbard as a greeting, "Your prototype, the orc warriors of the Clan Alliance wouldn't panic like this."

He didn't hide or hide, he stood upright under a mural of Moonglade, and raised his chin at the vigilant orc.

"Don't compare me with those lower creatures, human beings," Marbus hissed, "We are the warriors of the Creator, a perfect evolution beyond the primitive orcs, far superior in strength, speed, and precision. "

"Oh? Power, are you talking about the cute fists like girls slapping foundation just now? Poor and weak, you should find a handkerchief to embroider!"

The orc's face was crooked.The ugly outline, the fangs protruding from the lips trembled.

"I'm going to tear your head off and hang it on your intestines to dry."

"Hey, what are you waiting for?" Griffith raised his fists and put on a fighting posture, "Come here quickly, and I will teach you what fighting is."

The orc roared loudly.He sank to the ground, kicked his legs to the ground, and shot out like a cannonball.

"I'm going to break your bones! 2000-pound punch!"


This punch directly sent the knight's arms flying, and even the breastplate was sprayed like mud.Malbus's fist pierced through the chest, digging a huge hole in Griffith's body.

However, after this blow was successful, Malbus did not feel the slightest joy and joy.The hit felt like a punch into a muddy swamp, the viscous, stagnant feeling trying to swallow him in.

Horror flashed across his ferocious eyes, and Marbus suddenly saw the knight in front of him dissolving and melting away like an ooze monster.

Puppet double, this is a trap!
The howling wind sounded from behind.A huge spider web covered the sky and covered the sky, covering the orc tightly before he could break free.

In a place where there was no one, the air suddenly shook like water waves, and Griffith's mighty figure emerged from the twisted ripples.He held a sharp spear, and lava-like fire was flowing on the spear.

"You have half a minute," Griffith stared coldly at the prey under the predator's web, "say, who is your master?"

The orc suddenly burst into flames, tearing wildly with astonishing explosive power.However, the extremely tough net ropes trapped his hands and feet, and even tightened more and more until the flesh was torn apart, making teeth-itching cutting sounds on the bones.

Griffith waved his hand, and the veto shot out, piercing the orc's lower abdomen and pinning him to the ground.

"There are still 27 seconds, 26, 25..."


Marbus laughed hoarsely, his body began to tremble violently, his strong muscles swelled, and sharp bones pierced through his body, tearing flesh.Just under the cracked flesh, a layer of pitch-black bone armor is wriggling like a bug, growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"I will give you a lot of insight, starting now, the true form of the orc!" Marbus shouted, "For a strong man like me, there are still one hundred and zero..."


Before the words fell, the second spear of veto roared out, crushing the orc's head.

This strong headless body stopped its mutation in an instant, shook and fell to the ground.



Heart-piercing roars echoed underground.The voice was not elf-like, nor human, and it brought back some memories that Galadia was about to forget.

However, Galadia had no time to think, the black thread was dragging her into the darkness.After being entangled by these worm-like black shadows, she felt that her thoughts gradually became chaotic and slow, her arms and shoulders were very stiff, and her joints were as stiff as if they were wrapped in plaster.

These black lines are as flat as shadows, even if you pull them with your hands, you can't catch them without substance.

This is the ability of a Transcendent in the "Collector" path!Tarkin Amon was at the end of the line.

Galadia immediately pulled out the silver table knife hidden under her skirt, and picked it towards the silk thread.

The moment the knife light shone, the spiritual energy surged, and the black silk threads were all cut off.Something let out an almost unreal scream and fled into the shadows.

Galadia broke free and looked around vigilantly.

It was very dark here, and the lights on the walls barely made it possible to see around.Gorgeous white stone steps lead to a deeper and darker lower level. The majestic buildings and murals on the walls show that this is still the lower part of the Nebula Temple.

Somewhere, she heard a strange sound of unknown origin.

The strange voice seemed to emerge from the darkness of the void, echoing in his mind.

A few black hands emerged from the invisible darkness and approached quietly.They are also like shadows, flat as painted on the ground, without wriggling or crawling, just a little bit elongated, extending continuously in the indescribable sinister flute sound.

Galadia felt dizzy for a while, and her vision began to become hazy.The moment she witnessed these tentacles, she lost some sanity.

Those hands twisted around, not close.However, a hand approached the crystal chandelier on the wall, paused, and then made a "clenching" motion.

The lights went out instantly.

The black hand "stolen" the light.At the same time, Galadia seemed to fall into the abyss, her mind was violently impacted, and she almost lost consciousness.

This is a mystery that attacks sanity...Galadia's demonic eyes flashed a captivating red light, more magnificent than jewels, deeper than the abyss, igniting a pure red spiritual fire.

"Burn them all!"

The red flames tore apart the gaps in the barriers of the world, and the chaotic breath was vented as black flames, splashing on the ground and walls.

This weird flame seemed to be burning, but there was another almost liquid flow, spreading to the surroundings.

"Boom." Once the almost invisible black hand came into contact with the pitch-black flame, it immediately exploded and turned into fly ash and disappeared with the wind.

The fire of the void released by the magic eye has the power to annihilate all defenses.

Galradia was bathed in blood-red arcs, balls of scarlet arc whips whipping wildly in the air. , forming a powerful shield that makes people daunting.When the mysterious tentacles disappeared, she felt that her sanity seemed to have recovered a little.

Griffith and I were separated...

The sound just now, there is another creature that doesn't belong here is helping Tarkin, how did it get in?Could it be that……

Galadia pressed her forehead lightly, stabilized her mind, and said to the dark place where she couldn't see clearly:

"The breath outside is a strong orc?
"It seems that he doesn't intend to hide it anymore. Is this really good?"

"The communication between Canaan and the outside world has long been interrupted; as long as no one can tell the secret alive, there will be no leak," Tarkin's hoarse voice sounded faintly in the darkness, "besides, it is too late to find out now."

He seemed to be dragging some heavy burden, showing his figure with difficulty.The firm and wise eyes are full of fatigue and sleepiness, like a dull doll.

As Tarkin appeared, Galadia seemed to see something wriggling and swollen in the corner.

A few groups of shadow-like things are slowly taking shape.At first unreal like mist, they gradually become thick and solid, with huge bodies, disproportionate hooves, jagged mouths and goat horns, extremely chaotic and unreal.

"Attack, my kin!"

In front of Tarkin, hordes of umbrals appeared, surrounding them from all sides.But before they could reach Galadia, the flames of the Void swept up, engulfing Tarkin in crimson flames.

As long as it is caught by Galadia's magic eye, the fire of the void that ignores defense will ignite the target.

Tarkin's shield flickered quickly and then disappeared, and his clothes and flesh were burned and turned into nothing in the blink of an eye.

However, the action of the shadow monster did not stop.These chaotic and evil monsters have lost their summoners, but still follow their previous orders.

A umbral even squeezed to the outside of Galadia's shield, opened its mouth and took a bite.

This mouth seemed ordinary, but it caused a violent arc, causing damage to the shield visible to the naked eye.More monsters followed one after another, biting wildly.

Tarkin is still here, and he is still commanding these umbral monsters... While avoiding the bite of the umbral monsters, Galadia scanned the surroundings with her keen perception, and found that there was another Tarkin's breath in another corner.

what happened?It was true just now that Tarkin had been eliminated.Whether it is psionic energy or aura, they must all be captured.

My psychic energy is very stable, this is not an illusion... Could it be that Tarkin, like Iseus, has the authority of constant resurrection?

Galadia didn't have time to think about it, the dense umbral was tearing at her shield.She immediately turned her gaze away, and the second tarkin was ignited on the spot, completely burned.

"The Hand of God is really a cursed existence," Tarkin's voice sounded again, appearing at another entrance of the underground hall, "The power of the void can burn through all defenses. But the breath of the end will also swallow you .Galadia, this route is hopeless."

"I agree with you, indeed, this power shouldn't exist in the world," Galadia said, and the left eye that had been guiding the fire of the virtual world was temporarily closed, extinguishing the terrifying burning, "But, you You don't expect me to be caught without a fight?"

"I don't expect that," Tarkin admitted frankly, "but the continuous release of Voidfire will make you very tired, and the body and will cannot bear such power.

"This is the limit of flesh and blood."

The two elves were talking and fighting.Whenever Galadia destroys a Tarkin, a new Tarkin immediately appears nearby commanding the umbral to engage her.

The pace of the battle between the two sides was extremely fast.Under the attack of the fire of the void, Tarkin's survival was almost counted in seconds, but he kept reappearing like an endless stream.

As time passed, more and more umbrals appeared around them, even faster than Galadia could burn them.

I will be dragged down... If this continues, even if Griffith arrives, he will not be able to deal with so many umbral monsters... Galadia waved her hand, and the silver knife in her hand pointed at the dense army of umbral monsters like an arrow .

"This knife is very sharp, but what's the use of it!" Tarkin noticed her action and asked loudly, "In the same sequence of battles, when a collector releases all the summons, the victory of the battle Doomed!"

"Everything you say is right~"

The silver table knife in Galadia's hand suddenly turned into starlight and disappeared.Her long hair was flying in the air, and layers upon layers of magic circles were revolving around her body with astonishing momentum.Blue, green and golden ball lightning loomed beside her.A little bit of light gathers into a dazzling starlight.

Is this also the power of the Void Realm?It's not at the same level as before... After a moment of astonishment, Tarkin suddenly realized——

The function of that knife is not to attack, but to recharge!

"A spell to attack the military range, the shelling form unfolds, the countdown is activated,

"Prayer strengthening."

Galadia stopped dodging, using her powerful shield to stop the umbral's siege while singing in a low voice.In the extreme northern night sky beyond sight, there is a star echoing her prayer with irresistible coercion and power.

Galadia's eyes became as pure as losing emotion, as if she was an indescribable existence and will walking on the ground, the air, light and dust were suddenly stopped, and she listened fearfully and obediently to her bright and direct heart prayers:

"Eternal light that bestows good shelter,

"The guardian of nature and balance,
"The guide of the endless journey,
"I identify that the arrows are directed towards the enemy of the starlight."

Tarkin choked.The astonishing psychic energy is like a tide, filling the entire underground space, leaving him and his summoned nowhere to escape.

The air suddenly compresses.Sound and light were instantly deprived, as if a black hole swallowed everything.Immediately afterwards, pure brilliance bloomed and roared towards the darkness.

"Aiya Erendil Elenion Ancalima! (Hail to the brightest star, Erendil!)"

The indescribable screams and deafening roars merged together, opening up a bright and smooth path in the dark underground.

The densely packed monsters were swept by the unstoppable silver light, regardless of whether they were strong or weak, crazy or evil, they were all wiped out in the bright light.

(End of this chapter)

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