Blood tax

Chapter 512 Meeting you that day was the luckiest thing in my life.

Chapter 512 Meeting you that day was the luckiest thing in my life.

The dark red blood mist quietly enveloped the hazy glimmer of light.The underground wind is also getting stronger and stronger, as if it can penetrate walls, domes and columns, crushing the mind with unstoppable wantonness and toughness.

The fallen elves sensed it in their dizziness, the red armored cavalry stepped out of the dark void, and Xu Ming's horseshoes were as heavy as the echo of the abyss.The ferocious gauntlets tore everything apart and descended from the unknown depths of history.

Galadia stared blankly at the red-striped black-armored knight, her hot breath flowing in her ears like a familiar one.

"Give me everything you have." His steps were steady and calm, not rushing or slowing down, like a storm on the sea or a thundercloud on a mountain top, unstoppable, "I will also give you everything I have."

Griffith is here!Galadia covered her mouth excitedly, her bright eyes filled with tears.Even though he had witnessed his own knight coming, his heart still trembled unstoppably at this moment.

At this moment, language lost its color, and reason was overwhelmed by an irresistible impulse.

The night I was imprisoned here, my thoughts, he heard!Even without the means of communication, our necklace and ring still led him here!

I want to jump up, into the warm embrace, never face the cold darkness alone, don't wander in the shadow of the unknown!
Yes, go now!I have so many things to say to him!Galadia stretched out her hand subconsciously, wanting to hand herself over to those warm arms.

However, the confided words and the nightly thoughts were suddenly dyed with other colors.A cold premonition came unexpectedly, and the trajectory known as fate has been distorted.

"You, shouldn't, come here."

Galadia spoke intermittently, with a hint of confusion on her face.Before the tears of joy were wiped away, a cold thought emerged.

【restraint. 】

Griffith may not understand, but Galadia does.Since the day she returned to Canaan out of control, she has known a lot of high-level mystic knowledge.As the Chosen One's Sacrifice drew to a close, she became more and more aware of what she was facing!
I am here, and I can still meet him as Galadia. It is only the last restraint of divinity in the temple, and it is the last mercy of fate to me...

The joy of reunion was thrown into the glacier, and the longing was almost frozen. Galadia once again remembered her situation.The calm thoughts overwhelmed the impulse of happiness for a while.

Galadia felt dizzy and lost.She felt inexplicably like a blackboard that had been wiped off, the words just now disappeared, and sudden thoughts slowly came out.

"Tarkin is activating the Eradicators deep underground."

Galadia slowly revealed a key secret.Following this thought, she realized that this is the place where the seal is mysterious, the most dangerous place in the world, and Griffith cannot stay here.

[Yes, tell him the key information, and he will leave. 】

Galadia said hurriedly, and one or two of the elves lying on the ground even trembled slightly.

"That is the war colossus that Canaan sealed up in ancient times. It is a huge three-legged protoplasmic life form with heavy armor and shields. The proton cannon arrays look like tentacles. Their huge size can crush war elephants. And ..."

Some languages ​​are lost, and the unknown is imprisoned.

For a moment, Griffith opened his arms for a hug, but the lover stopped a few steps away.

Sometimes it's hot, sometimes it's cold.

He looked around, and a strange aura like a tide had already filled the place.He is not as sensitive as the elves, but he can also feel that even if he covers his ears tightly, the unknown will confuse people through his hands.

"Galadia." He hesitated briefly, then walked towards her again.

[Stop him. 】

Griffith, are you an idiot!
No, no, I have to stop him!Let him understand the obligations he should fulfill at this moment, and the responsibility he has to bear for his own life!I'm going to talk to him about something serious and dispel those ambiguous thoughts, just like he did to me before~
Galadia stabilized her emotions, and said the horrible thing in a calm tone:
"I'm here with Neferti, and at certain moments, we're the only ones with each other; now, Neferti is not here, do you understand~" Galadia stretched out her hand, making a stop gesture, wanting to stop Step off the steps of a knight and tell him the danger warning, "Understood! What is sealed here is..."

The words are somewhat indistinguishable remixes, audible but unintelligible.Not even Galadia herself knew what it meant.

It's like the greeting when Roland and Griffith first met.

At this moment, keenly, she noticed at the edge of her hazy consciousness——

"My consciousness and actions have been interfered with.

"They, watch here."

Galadia shuddered.Everything is about to become the cruelest fact, as if to ridicule pure yearning and fear, the ending couldn't be more clear——

The appointed time is at hand.

However, Griffith did not stop, did not hesitate.He has passed the barrier and there is no reason to turn back.

Galadia, who sensed some truth, was about to collapse, and tried to dissuade her with a desperate cry:

"Don't come here. No one can face it for me. I really want to go back to the ordinary days.

"However, the hands of gods will attract each other, influence each other, and finally create an existence that transcends reality. It was destined from the beginning to become a container for wishing!"

"Don't come here—!"

Griffith opened his arms and hugged her tightly.

"Let go of me! Idiot!" Galadia pushed him hard, "The day we met, everything was arranged from the beginning."

Griffith hugged tighter: "I know. I guessed it."

Galadia couldn't push it away, couldn't escape, so she opened her mouth anxiously and bit his neck.

Broad shoulders and strong arms surrounded her like mountains, and the hot breath that was close at hand touched her pretty cheeks, almost melting her.Griffith tilted his head slightly, and pressed the girl who was biting him on his shoulder.

"Meeting you that day was the luckiest thing in my life."

"For this day,
"I will shatter the world."


Galadia's steps were light and quick.She collected some wands, scrolls, and spell-casting materials, but no bows, arrows, or guns.

They walked side by side in the dark.The assault engineers brought by Griffith are restraining the elf on the ground, delaying him to explore the underground.

The graceful figure is leaning against the powerful arms, the delicate long skirt rubs against the hard armor, and the familiar fragrance scratches the tip of the nose and lingers in the heart.

"feel better now?"


The indescribable will just now seemed to have dissipated, and it could no longer stop Galadia.

At this moment, there are only deep thoughts in my heart.

"Thank you, thank you for your company."

Galadia put her hand in Griffith's and let him hold it tightly.

"My loss of control has been suppressed, but it seems to be limited to the Nebula Temple.

"Once out of here, the radiance of psionic energy wrought horrific distortions on living beings."

They walked shoulder to shoulder, as they usually do in the small town outside of Homonwarts.

"What countermeasures does Ms. Aviana have?"

"Mom didn't say..."


"However, the Senate believes that Tarkin's work will help me."

Griffith quickly thought about the implied meaning:
If it is a truly effective strategy, as a demigod, Ms. Aviana Sylph will not have any reservations about her daughter.

She does not agree that the Tarkin route is a reliable solution, and is likely to know a certain solution to the problem, but this method cannot be publicly advocated; in other words, the method of saving Galadia has a high probability Conflict with Canaan's interests.

In the end, Ms Aviana's silence most likely means that effective countermeasures are already being implemented.

This series of thoughts flashed through Griffith's mind quickly.He had a feeling that Ms. Aviana might have pinned part of her hopes on herself.

"I will break down other god's hands and form a complete wishing device."

"It's not easy."


Galadia rubbed against his arm:

"Then let's seize the opportunity in front of us and kill Tarkin here! I have a feeling that as long as the two are together, any difficulty seems to be overcome."

Griffith couldn't help laughing, and patted the girl on the head, "It's not in my plan to challenge a god's hand alone. You didn't have such a plan in the first place, did you. Isn't it too rash to do it temporarily?"

Galadia took out the hidden silver knife from under her skirt:

"At least you can test it out, can't you?
"I've become brave and I'm not afraid of anything. Even if the road ahead is the end of the abyss, as long as you are always by my side, the safest place is not as safe as my heart."


Through the dead and silent passage, Griffith and Galadia came to the deep underground of Nebula Temple.Further forward, is where Tarkin is.

There were no pursuers behind, and no movement ahead.

The hideous and eerie sculptures on the high walls cast distorted shadows in the dim light.On the road leading to a hall ahead, there are many broken objects scattered.

Griffith stopped and checked carefully, and found that these objects came from the remains of pure blood elves.Even the most reliable half-elf would not be trusted to guard the gate of the sealed item secret vault at such a critical position.

They were all horribly mutilated, with limbs, armor, and weapons completely destroyed, scattered like torn dolls.

"Watch out, Tarkin is coming."

With Galadia's warning, Tarkin wearing a silver crown appeared in front of them.His eyes swept over Griffith and Galadia in turn, and bowed to them:

"What's taking you so long? Galadia.

"My artifact fragments have condensed, guiding my people to complete the ascension.

"The end of the Void Realm is coming. Abandoning this skin is our only way out. The noble clansmen sealed us here, looking forward to a road leading to eternity."

"Did you do this?" Galadia swept over the corpses on the ground.

"They are all comrades who agree with my path, and I have freed them from the shackles of flesh and blood," Tarkin Amon said in a deep voice, "All of this is not fundamentally different from the future you have announced."

All three fell silent.

After a while, Tarkin spoke slowly again: "It seems that the two of you are ready. Then, let's start."

There is a faint ray of bright light in the darkness, presenting a dreamlike and beautiful brilliance, as if the distant Milky Way has been packed here.


Galadia gave a low cry and pushed Griffith.Tarkin suddenly disappeared, and countless thin black threads emerged from nowhere, entangled her like tentacles, and dragged her straight into the darkness.


Griffith stretched out his hand to grab it, even spreading hot blood and sweeping up immediately.However, at this critical moment, a lightning-like punch came from the darkness.


The camouflaged dominance helmet flew out, and warm blood dripped down his forehead.Griffith took two steps back, and the second punch followed.

This punch hit the blade, and Han Guang let go with a hum!

A strong figure nearly two meters tall blocked the way.

This strong creature has the bronze skin of an orc. It has a well-proportioned body, elf-like pointed ears, and a ferocious and ferocious face. Under the bronze-like muscles, the blood vessels and meridians are all prominent, and each one is wriggling like a poisonous snake, full of tyranny.

He was bare-chested, wearing leather pants, and had no weapons in his hands, only gloves with sharp corners.

"Tianxiongxing, Eight Hussars Marbus," the orc pointed at the knight with a finger, "your journey stops here."

Griffith drew his gun and fired.


Conviction's extremely close-range shooting was swept away by lightning-like steps, and the silver barrel was immediately knocked away, and the next punch roared towards the cheek.


There was only a muffled sound, and the ice armor shattered. Griffith raised his hands to protect the front door, blocking the heavy straight punch.Then there was a shocking pain in the waist and abdomen.

Every punch is a thousand-pound blow!
The orc dived down, and at the same time pushed the hard bare head and the hardest part of his body, he punched Griffith's lower abdomen for the third time.

The fourth punch and the fifth punch came like a series of storms.

Five punches in one second, enough to knock down five bears, hit the knight holding his head in defense.Every blow was on the flag captain's breastplate, shattering the urgently generated eagle banner shield, hitting the solid armor, the force of the punch even shook the spleen, and went straight to the heart.

I can't hold it anymore!After just a few punches, Griffith already felt the pain of being knocked out, and almost fell to his knees.However, at this time, no matter what, you can't lower your arms in front of you to protect your waist and abdomen.

This orc is a powerful super-heavyweight boxer. What he is waiting for is the moment when the enemy let go of his face, a blow that is completely silent!
Hold on, cover your head, because an uppercut is about to come!Griffith felt that he was about to be beaten to death by the liver explosion, and even his consciousness began to blur.

"Frozen Nova!"

In a hurry, under severe pain, the ice ring spread out, freezing the strong orc who was punching forward in place.

It only takes half a second to open the distance and regroup!Griffith dodged back sideways, the death coils already twirling at his fingertips.

"Death - entanglement!"

As soon as the miserable green magic energy came out, Griffith flew backwards.A straight punch hit his cheek, and a loud bang of "DUANG" rang out in his brain.

(End of this chapter)

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