Blood tax

168 Combat Mobilization

168 Combat Mobilization
Griffith's inspiration was suddenly touched again.

Not long after the vision that appeared in Raven's cemetery appeared, strange echoes appeared in the air again.He and Amber looked out the window and saw a black cloud as thick as ink gathering in the southern sky.Immediately afterwards, a strange green light flickered to illuminate the black clouds, and distant screams echoed in the air.

Griffith's heart tightened, and he couldn't help but exchanged glances with Amber.Both faces turned pale.

"The cultists can attack from two directions at the same time. It seems that their strength is beyond our imagination." Amber said.

"It's amazing." Griffith nodded.

The cultists are preparing their lair south of Lower City.They move faster than expected.

However, it was too fast.

After a short thought, Griffith said: "I speculate that the enemy in the south will not be as strong as the Revan Cemetery, or they will not gather corpses so quickly. The lower city is not such an important target.

"However, this is my speculation after all. I am going to lead a small team there to conduct reconnaissance and learn about the enemy's situation."

Amber raised his chin: "I like the idea. I'll go with you and kill them if I get the chance."

At this time, the administrator and the captains of the militia came.The two town mayors in the lower city, the financial officer, the sheriff, and some other officials reported the progress of the work and the current difficulties.

To sum it up, most of the residents in the lower city have been concentrated, the attacks of the living corpses are endless, and then there is a shortage of supplies, lack of food, medicine, and weapons.

However, in general, everyone is still confident that they can hold on.

The problems are serious, but Griffith isn't worried.Although he had no idea at first, but after he really took up the burden and started to act, he was not afraid of anything.

"Okay, ladies and gentlemen," Griffith said to everyone after listening to the report, "We have just been notified by our superiors that tens of thousands of living corpses and monsters are coming from the direction of Revan Cemetery. The cultists are also deploying their lairs to the south of us. Larger battles are coming."

Everyone swallowed a mouthful of saliva and listened to him without saying a word.

"Sheriff," continued Griffiths, "we will soon be conducting an active attack under my command with a few following me to scout or destroy the cultists' lairs to the south. While I am away, you will Assuming the command responsibility of defense, can it be done?"

"As long as the arrow towers can be erected," the sheriff said, "Scattered living corpses can't break through our defenses. If there are arrow towers, we can further reduce casualties."

Griffith nodded, turned to the treasurer and the mayors and said:

"Tell the chamber of commerce who hid in our position that we will conduct a round of material collection, and they can sell the material to us if they want,
"However, the price is [-]% off the previous offer. Let them reply to me within half an hour."

"Oh!" The mayor and the financial officer exclaimed, "The chamber of commerce will object."

Griffith nodded: "It's not a big deal. You can tell them that I have been notified by my superiors that the battle is about to break out. In a critical situation, Bayeran instructed me to set fire."

"Set fire to block the streets? This sounds good," a group of people nodded. "It's difficult for a living corpse to cross the line of fire."

"How many minutes can it take to set fire on the street?" Griffith snorted disdainfully, "I mean, set fire to burn the city."


"You can't!" Almost everyone jumped up.

"No, of course I can," Griffith shook his head, "You know the terrifying and powerful Lordes supernatural wizard, right? He is a professor at the Hormonwatts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the most wise and terrifying mage in the world Right there at City Hall. With a single spell he can set fire to half the city.

"If we fall here, he will immediately set us on fire according to the order. Have you ever seen the power of a superhuman?"

The administrators present were silent.

Griffith ignored them and continued: "I'll show you all.

"Byelan's concern is that the upper city and the mage's tower must not be lost. For this reason, the tens of thousands of people here cannot be turned into rotten monsters. If the situation in the lower city cannot be controlled, the city should be burned to purify. The young lady who had just left was there to convey this.

"Those lucky ones who are not dead will be sent to Verona by ship. There have been rebels there recently, and there are many unclaimed lands.

"So, if the chamber of commerce doesn't want to sell supplies, then let them do whatever they want. We couldn't move them in the first place. If we can't move them, we should turn them into ashes."

"Big liar~" Amber softly commented in his heart.

However, officials don't think so.Everyone could see Erza's brilliant weapons and impressive aura. In the morning, she and Griffith had a few short battles. The most ignorant people were guessing that she was almost as powerful as a god. The presence.

"You can't do this!" shouted an official.

"Yes, our homes are here!" Another person yelled, "This is chaos, Bai Yelan doesn't know what's going on here."

"We can hold on! White Eagle Knight!"

The seething noise nearly knocked the roof off.They were so aggressive that several people even ran out of the meeting room like crazy and spread the horrible news.

Griffith watched them, listening to their alarmed reports.Soon, people from other rooms also came.

They have been concerned about the reinforcements of Bayerland and the upper city, and suddenly they heard such terrible news.

"You can't set fire!"

"We can hold on!"

The small conference room was packed with panicked officials and citizens.They yelled and begged Griffith to petition his superiors not to set the fire.

"Quiet." Griffith yelled.But frenzied shouting drowned out his words.

"Amber, please be quiet." Griffith nodded to Miss Apprentice Huntress.


A blazing white light flashed, and a whip-like lightning burst on Amber's gauntlet, making a terrifying whistling sound.

The conference room fell silent for an instant.Everyone looked at the beautiful and terrifying Extraordinary, their teeth trembling with the beating arc.

"Okay, since you insist, then I promise you," Griffith said, "I will do my best to keep this city. For this, I need all of you to stick to my banner. Be quiet and don't make any noise."

"Now, you all go out and bring me all the town council members and city council members. While I am out fighting, these people, plus some people I designate, will form a military committee and decide everything. Lanza Novice Da will remain here as my proxy.

"Going right now!"

The citizens in the room gritted their teeth, panted, nodded vigorously, and ran out of the room like a gust of wind.

"Treasurer, the two mayors, stay here for a while," Griffith said.

After everyone else went out, he continued the topic just now, "The three of you will continue to be responsible for the procurement. I won't ask any further. After all, I didn't quote to the chamber of commerce, so I don't know how much the [-]% discount is."

Many complicated thoughts flashed in the treasurer's eyes.The two mayors looked at him with equally complicated eyes.

Griffith gave them half a minute to digest the information, and then continued: "I will give you an authorization, and according to the authorization, you can quote to the chamber of commerce for purchases. The more purchases this time, the better.

"Go, treasurer, the two mayors, it's not difficult."

Griffith slowly pulled out the buzzing long sword from the scabbard: "You can discuss it with the merchants, but within three quarters of an hour I need to know the route and quantity of the materials collected, and then the militiamen will start to carry them.

"If my line of defense collapses due to insufficient supplies, or if there is not enough food to feed these people, I will hand you over to the military committee that is about to be formed, and they will hang you all at the street lamp without asking a word superior."

"You can't!" shouted the treasurer. "We are public officials, and we have to protest above."

The town mayors also shouted: "What business do we have? We didn't quote the price."

"What's the hurry, haven't I hung you up on the street lamp yet?" Griffith looked at them with a smile, "You still have 44 minutes, go quickly. But remember, the superior is far away from here, There is still a river in the middle, blocked by monsters. And the military committee, tsk, I can already hear footsteps."


"You're scaring them again," Amber came over and patted Griffith on the shoulder, "You're so bad."

"This time it's not just fear," Griffith said.

"Yeah, you gave the finance officer and the town mayor a chance to play a role in the procurement," Amber pinched his shoulders, "They will definitely make a lot of money. Are you not afraid of accidents?"

Griffith shook his head: "An accident? Why should I worry about this?
"There is a military committee watching over it. Besides, by the time something happens, I'll be back in Bayeran long ago.

"With the drive of fear and profit, with the military council, the lower city will recover from the initial chaos, and even while we are away, they can make decisions."

"There's already a town council and officials here, why are you starting to empower them now?" Lansada asked.

"Naturally, it's because the crisis has just happened, and when it's in a mess, there must be someone who uses strength and terror to put back their frightened little hearts," Griffith said, "but when the situation stabilizes a little There is no need for this.

"I'm a soldier, not an administrator, at least not right now. It's impossible for me to juggle recruiting and logistics in the heat of battle.

"The townsfolk here are no fools, and they act with astonishing efficiency to provide me with soldiers and supplies in times of life and death and the threat of their homes being burned.

"Just make it through the first few days. We'll tear apart the cultists' nests and kill them all."

(End of this chapter)

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