Blood tax

Chapter 167 Sealed Artifact Activation

Chapter 167 Sealed Artifact Activation

Both Erza and Amber were looking at Griffith with foolish expressions...

"Hey, you guys, don't be rude to His Majesty the Knight, goo..." Lansada shouted.The gleam in Erza's eyes swept over him, and the apprentice monk's speech immediately turned into a burst of cooing.

Amber thought for a while, and said to Griffith: "This will not work, the dead militiamen will be transformed into living corpses."

"It doesn't matter, there are fortifications and medical staff, we try our best to treat them, as long as they survive, they will not be transformed. For the unfortunate dead, we will cremate them," Griffith said, thinking for a while and adding, "My militia has no field capabilities, I know that."

Amber went on to say: "There is a limit to the courage of human beings. They can't last long after witnessing the casualties around them for a long time."

"So I built fortifications, and will soon erect arrow towers to maintain non-contact combat with the living corpses and minimize casualties."

Amber asked the third question: "Armed militias need a lot of money, weapons will break, shields will be broken, and you will inevitably give them some wine and rewards when you send them into battle, right?"

This is the point.

Griffith sighed: "You are right. So I still want to minimize casualties. In addition, I also need financial and material support. The upper city must provide me with a channel for material transportation."

Erza raised her hand, and stopped the two people who were talking: "Griffith, if you want to stay in the lower city to command operations, that's really good, but the big battle is coming, I can't stay here for a long time, For the time being, it will be difficult for the Front Enemy Committee to send enough Extraordinary people to support you, at most two or three. You will take charge of the lower city with very little force, let's call it the southern line."

"It doesn't matter," Griffith replied, "If the lower city is transformed into living corpses, there will be a wave of corpses covering the sky, and it may not be safe for me to hide back in the upper city. Hey, no, I should fine."

Erza smiled lightly: "Our enemies will not only be living corpses. Their sealed items have not yet fully exerted their power, and such a large-scale event must be commanded by powerful high-sequence monsters."

"Then I can't give up on the southern front," Griffith made up his mind, thumping the table and said, "Please ask Amber to support me. With her here, my combat power will be doubled."

Amber was delighted to hear this.She immediately said, "Just let me stay, Captain!"

"Okay." Erza nodded.

Griffith then thought for a while: "I know that the reserve team needs to be strong, concentrated, and reserved to deal with high-sequence enemies and command centers. But I still hope to give me some ballistas and Extraordinary. Lordes There are my acquaintances in the Extraordinary team, Ophelia and Midianmaia, if we can get their support, the southern front will form a complete combat system."

"The ballista and the two Extraordinary, I will fight for it," Erza nodded, and stood up, "Then, I leave this place to you for the time being. If nothing can be done, you can retreat to the other side of the river and join me .”

As she spoke, she packed up her equipment.

Suddenly, a burst of abnormal spiritual energy fluctuations descended.

At first, it was just the tumult and reverberation of psionic energy.However, in the blink of an eye, the Extraordinary present seemed to be facing a terrifying phantom.

It was the aura of disaster that Griffith was familiar with that had appeared in Hepu Town.

The terrifying and sharp sound of the trumpet echoed in the distant sky.Ordinary people are unaware of this.

Griffith and others immediately came to the roof and looked into the distance.

In the northwest of Raven, an extremely large and ominous cloud appeared and spread towards the city.Under the gray sky, an evil green light flickered, reflecting the dark clouds into a terrifying color.A horrible echo of inhuman horror can be heard faintly.

Erza took out a disc inlaid with gems, held it in her hand, and poured spiritual energy into it.

"This is a holy artifact that can only be driven by Sequence 7 spellcasters and Sequence 6 or higher transcendentals. It can share vision and sound," Erza said, "Lourdes must have noticed the vision in the distance. They will soon use reconnaissance methods and share intelligence with us."

Sure enough, a clear image soon appeared on the disc.

That's the cemetery northwest of Raven.

At the end of the empty road, the desolate hills are shrouded in lavender clouds, accompanied by a strange green light that appears and disappears from time to time.A huge black building is standing there.It should be the large tomb chamber of the cemetery. The four corners of the roof and the spire where the stone carvings should have been are as if something twisted is crawling and wriggling.

A cemetery that can provide a peaceful place for a big city like Raven naturally covers a large area.From the ubiquitous withered tree trunks, it can be seen that this place used to be a quiet green forest, and stone monuments stand in it, making people immersed in infinite nostalgia and tranquility.

But at this moment, the three-story tomb in the center of the cemetery has been corroded by some strange plant-like and tentacle-like substances, like a black palace, emitting a strange green light to the surroundings.

Trees, grassland and even stone monuments have all disappeared, replaced by a layer of sticky black mud covering the ground.The black mud seems to have life, and it is extending its tentacles to the surroundings. Wherever it goes, the soil under the tombstone begins to wriggle and expand, as if something is about to break through the ground.

In a shrill and indescribable wail, a decayed corpse was revived.

A faint green fire flickered in its eye bones, and it dug up the ground with its bony arms, opened its withered mouth, and roared silently.

Beside it, the black mud exploded bubbles one after another like a bursting slurry, and groups of dead shook their already decayed bodies and crawled to the ground.

The smell of corruption and thick sadness seemed to be transformed into substance, and every Extraordinary could faintly hear the endless screams echoing.

The image seemed to be shrouded in a thin layer of fog.In the eerie darkness and shadows, there seems to be something frightening.

"Don't use your inspiration to explore the details of the image," Erza said hastily, "There may be a terrifying existence hidden there. The circle of truth will try to shield its breath, but blind exploration may make you see indescribable horror... ..."

Before she finished speaking, everyone heard a scream.

Lansada foamed at the mouth, fell to the roof with a plop, and passed out.His inspiration seemed to be good, and his reckless observation made him touch some kind of horrible picture he had never witnessed before, which knocked him down instantly.

Farther away from the large tomb, the black mud squirmed violently, and black towers bulged up like cysts.Fel-green crystals condense from the top of the tower, spinning rapidly amid bursts of humming.

Endless living corpses burst out of the ground.They rushed down from the hillside of Revan's Cemetery like a tide, and rushed towards the human city.Among them, there are also some huge or agile shadows.

"Call of the Ancestors" has been activated.

An army of the undead appeared.

The abnormality this time is different from that in Hepu, but it is even more frightening and incomprehensible.

Erza withdrew the projection and said to everyone: "I must go back to the Mage Tower immediately. Griffith, I leave this place to you."


After Erza left, Griffith carried the fainted Lansada back to the meeting room, and issued an order to the heads of various departments to come to the meeting.

The fainted Lansada fell on the sofa with absent-minded eyes, drooling from his mouth, unable to even move.

"Yeah, it's just him, and those militiamen," Amber shook his head, "I don't know how long we can hold out."

Griffith laughed softly, and he shook his head: "The hordes of corpses that appeared in Revan Cemetery are not aimed at us. They will go straight to the most important mage tower and the upper city, and cut off the reinforcements. Otherwise, the extraordinary will attack them Flank and disintegrate them.

"During this period, we may be attacked by some corpses. They should try to establish a base nearby to attack us."

"The living corpse also needs a base?" Amber asked in surprise.

"Yes," Griffith pointed to the map, "Look, there are some small-scale cemeteries and mass graves in the south of the lower city, and the Deathrattle Order will not let them go."

"Then we should destroy it immediately! We can't let them resurrect the living corpses there," Amber said. "Give me some militiamen, and I will take people to burn it."

"I'll go with you too," Griffith said, "but we have to wait until the meeting is over and the locals can take on the defense. Let's wake up the novice monk first, and someone must participate in the next work. "

The poor young man lay flat on the couch like a dead fish.

"Lanzada, get up," Griffith said, splashing some water on the face of the fainted novice monk.

"Lanzada Xiuston apprentice monk!"

"Hey, my friend, wake up!"

Griffith raised his voice and slapped the novice's face hard.

"You can't be awakened like this after receiving a mental shock," Amber folded his arms and criticized, "You, like the captain, like to use physical means. At this time, you should try to infuse him with spiritual energy and fill his sanity. Like so!"

As Amber said, he gestured to his fist wearing the fine gold gauntlet.Griffith could even feel the whistling wind pressure and strength around her strong forearm, and it seemed that she was going to use this to infuse spiritual energy into Lansada...

"Don't do it, you will kill someone!" Griffith hurriedly stopped her.

"Huh? What?" Lansada opened his eyes in a daze, and moved his lower lip slightly.He has a pair of violet eyes, very beautiful, with a pale and delicate face, he looks a bit like a girl.

"What?" Griffith picked him up and sat him down on the sofa. "What what? Why what?"

Without waiting for the novice monk to answer.Griffith raised his right hand, and "slapped" the face of the novice monk with a confused face and a limp body.

After being beaten, Lansada sat up straight, put his hands on his head and said, "I'm a little dizzy~"

"You are no longer dizzy~!" Amber shook his head, "Is there any discomfort?"

"I, I saw something terrible!" Lansada said tremblingly, "But I can't describe it, I don't know what it is!"

"Whether you are awake or not, there is no time for you to adjust slowly~" Griffith brought him a cup of black tea, "Get yourself ready, we have work to do."

As soon as these words came out, Griffith had a strange sense of déjà vu.It was as if the scene just now, the conversation just now had happened before.

 One more today.

(End of this chapter)

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