Blood tax

Chapter 164 Raven Racing

Chapter 164 Raven Racing

The living corpses moved like a tide again.Their goals were extremely clear, and they didn't care about the fleeing citizens, but charged directly at the armored cavalry.

There is a commander, and besides the stitch monster just now, there is another commander.

Griffith flicked the head on the gun point casually, jumped into the pool, and rushed towards the group of corpses.

The war horse jumped down from the pool, smashed into the dense crowd of corpses, and made a series of crackling and crackling sounds amidst the flashing ice-blue streamer.Broken ice shields, shattered lances were splashing, and broken bones and internal organs were flying with blood.

Griffith drew out his horse sword, and slashed at the living corpses that rushed one after another.These rancid monsters have no concept of fear at all, and immediately after one batch is blown away by the ice shield, another batch swarms up.

He wreaked havoc among the corpses with his horse sword and iron hoof. The blade of the sword split open the black and smelly skull to the left, stirring up a cloud of corpse fluid, and then he swung the sword to the right. The bones of his body splintered and bounced off his helmet, catching a flash of fire.

Griffith threw the horse sword and pulled out the cavalry shield beside the saddle to sweep it away. Before he could see what he had hit, there was a dense sound of rain hitting the roof.

After a few breaths, he rode alone through the corpses, and rushed back to the stone bridge across the river in a blink of an eye.The silver breastplate was already covered with black and red minced flesh, and green and white corpse fluid slowly dripped down.He looked at the half-broken gun in his hand, threw it on the ground, and reached for the saber at his waist.

The saber made by Fan Tie came out of its sheath, humming like a sharp weapon of a magic weapon, and attracted the attention of the audience to focus on the blade.Under the dark sky, the blade of the sword gleamed with blood.He raised his long sword again, and let out a heart-shattering cry:

"Follow me to attack!"

"Attack!" The leading young monk yelled together with his militiamen, rushing towards the tide of corpses from all directions.

The civilians who were running around in the square turned around and took shovels, sticks and even bricks and rushed towards the horrible corpses.

The densely packed undead creatures visibly stagnated for a moment.Some of them turned around and prepared to kill civilians, while others stayed where they were.

Griffith immediately poured psychic energy into the pendant to observe the nearby psychic energy ripples through the crystal.He prayed to the Queen of Silvermoon and Starlight for her blessing on his vision and his battle.

Sure enough, a cobweb-like black line extended towards a roof beside the square.In a dark corner, someone is watching the battle here.

"Got you!"

Frost was cast into shape, embodying the sharp ice spear in the hands of Griffith.

He turned his horse's head and charged towards the roof, using the speed of the horse to throw the ice gun in his hand like lightning.


The screaming ice gun pierced through the chimney, and the chief envoy who was hiding behind screamed, and flew out together with a large piece of gravel and ice.


"Put down your weapons!" The Extraordinary dressed as a monk raised his staff and pointed at the envoy who fell from the roof and fell to the ground, and ordered loudly, "Put down your weapons and surrender to us!"

The chief envoy hidden under the black robe didn't listen to his persuasion to surrender, and suddenly rushed up with a wild scream.

The Extraordinary was stunned for a moment, and hastily retracted the staff to his side to resist.

A gust of wind swept by, and the Extraordinary was hit hard and fell to the ground.He hurriedly got up, only to see a headless corpse pressing on his body, there was a neat cut on the neck, and green pus was flowing out of the rotten flesh.

"Eh!" He hurriedly pushed away the corpse, and crawled back with his hands on the ground.Only then did he see the mighty Jia riding a horse passing by his side, sweeping his indifferent and cold eyes.

The Extraordinary suddenly trembled, as if death and cold had strangled his throat, unable to move.

This terrifying sight flashed by.The armored cavalry passed by him in a blink of an eye, and rushed back to the square where the fierce battle was taking place.


The living corpses that lost their commanders became complete monsters, and they began to attack the humans around them desperately.But after Griffith joined the battle, he and the resisters wiped out these monsters in a blink of an eye.

Piles of corpses were piled up in the square, and the surviving wounded were wailing.Griffith observed the scene and found that the militiamen and citizens who had not fled were treating the wounded and stabbing the damaged but not dead living corpses.

He looked again at the completely dead monster beside the horse's hoof.

They are dressed in ragged and tattered linen clothes, and their faces are hideous and decayed.In addition to the disgusting stench of corpses, there was also the smell of excrement from the sewer.

These people who were transformed into living corpses must have been homeless people who once lived in the sewers.They are poor people who are not registered on any documents and no one pays attention, otherwise it is impossible to explain how the living corpses suddenly have such a scale without the local people noticing.If so many ordinary citizens were transformed and killed in advance, no matter how much Raven locals can hide it, they will not be able to hide it.

At this time, that Extraordinary hurried over.Holding the battle staff that seemed useless, he was panting from exhaustion.

Griffith sheathed his sword, and asked the Extraordinary beside him: "I am Griffith Brandon, the captain of the Reserve Assault Squadron, the special investigator of Bayerland. What's your name? A monk."

"Lanzada Huston, I am a trainee monk, Sequence 9 'Messenger', Your Excellency Knight!" The trainee monk said excitedly.

Oh it's you.Griffith took a good look at him immediately.

The short blond hair of the trainee monk was covered with blood and minced flesh, and his violet eyes stared at Griffith's solid breastplate and the bloody scabbard, his eyes sparkling with fear.From his appearance, he was less than 15 years old, about the same age as Paxiu from Verona, and he was a rookie with low qualifications.

"Aren't you investigating in Raven Cemetery?" Griffith asked.

"There was my first stage of investigation," said the trainee monk, "I found that the living corpses at the beginning might have been made from corpses that had been buried in the ground, but as the investigation deepened, I, I found that they were made by killing Living people can produce the same kind faster."

He was panting badly, and it seemed that his physique was still far from those monsters that those who claimed to be priests were actually strong enough to kill bears.After calming down a bit, he finally began to speak fluently and clearly:

"I found that the movement of living corpses still consumes energy. The more flesh and blood, the stronger and stronger they are, the stronger and more agile they are. Although the corpses in the grave can also climb up and become living corpses, they are obviously weaker.

"I speculate that the flesh and energy contained in the human body as the material of the living corpses are the driving force for their actions; if the dead bones are to be resurrected, more external resources must be consumed, and the materials of the cultists cannot be endless. They're definitely going to try to make new zombies in the under-the-radar downtown, so here I am.

"I have only been here for two days, and I encountered the situation just now."

Not bad, a solid brains guy.Griffith nodded, then asked, "Who is your superior?"

"I am on a pilgrimage in the Order of the Holy Light in Raven, and I am currently not directly taking orders from anyone."

"Okay, Lansada, I need your help." Griffith was very satisfied with the situation. "As you can see, the Extraordinary's strength is insufficient, and there is no way to cover the lower city. I will stay here and try to organize Can you assist me with local defenses?"

"I am very happy, knight." The trainee monk said excitedly, "You are the only commander who came here to support. I sent a request to the Mage Tower and the Order of the Holy Light, but their reply was either that there was no time or There are no hands."

"There is no manpower in the religious order?" Griffith asked in amazement.

Raven is a big city.In addition to the Extraordinary who directly belong to the government and the Mage Tower, there will also be some low-level monks in the religious orders of the local gods. They don't need to participate in mundane affairs and vigilance at ordinary times, but they are an important force in times of crisis. .The Order of the Holy Light is the main belief, and their power is relatively strong.

"Yes," Lansada said regretfully, "I heard that after the old bishop, Mr. Clariant, was transferred, the activities of the local church have been chaotic, and there was a fire recently."

Raven's church, the fire... Could it be clearing up clues about Krista?No, it's been so long, they should have cleaned it up long ago.

"Where is the residence of the Order?" Griffith asked.

"On the other side of the river not far away, in the east of the upper city."

Okay, it seems that there is no time to find out.Griffith felt a little regretful, but there was nothing he could do. He said to the trainee monk, "Take me to see the administrator here. We need to mobilize all the militia and armed forces."

The administrative hall in the lower city is near the square where the attack has just taken place.In this district, theoretically, there should be a mayor in charge of civil affairs and a sheriff in charge of the militia.They seemed to have received some news and received the martial law order. A large group of people huddled together like quail in the conference room, half-dead from the fright of the attack just now.

Soon, they saw the Lord Knight, who had just been invincible in the corpse tide, opened the door and walked towards them.

Griffith glanced at the people in the room, and shouted sharply:

"Where's the mayor and the sheriff?"

A middle-aged warrior in the crowd immediately ran over and told:
"Herold, the magistrate of the lower city, is leading the militia to strengthen the city defense under the order of the district chief."

"Where's the district chief?"

"District chief, I'm gone. Now the civil affairs are in charge of the two mayors and the district finance officer." The magistrate pointed to the three people who were at a loss in the crowd.

It's okay, the main people are still there, and there are still rescues.

Griffith showed his authorization document and said:
"I am Special Investigator Griffith, the captain of the Reserve Assault Squadron. According to the appointment of Bayeran, I will take over the work of martial law in the lower city from now on. Immediately give me your map, organization and equipment, Ming Ring the alarm bells and call all the community leaders to come and meet."

The sheriff and several officials only had time to glance at it, and asked in amazement after hearing this:
"No, don't you want to repair the city wall? We received an order from the city hall to enforce martial law, and then repair the city wall to prevent monsters from running in."

"If you think the city wall can block the sewer, then I agree with you to continue this work." Griffith's eyes swept over everyone like a blade, "Can it be blocked?"

"No, right."

"Then go ring the alarm. More zombies will surely continue to attack the residents here until they turn everyone into monsters."


Several messengers were sent to the direction of the mage's tower for help.Griffith sat down directly in the center of the conference room, and Lansada was not far away from him.

After briefly checking the map and manpower situation, Griffith marked some locations on the map, and then began to issue commands:
"My first order is that all civilians bring their clothes and food with them, and gather in the city squares, municipal public schools, and chapels or temples of various religious orders according to the distance I designate."

The people present immediately jumped up and said in one voice:

"What should I do if I am attacked by a monster?"

"What about food and lodging?"

"There can't be so many people there!"

"A lot of people will stay at home."

Lansada watched Griffith with violet eyes, obviously curious about the answers to these questions.

Griffith stood up and said to everyone:

"First of all, it is impossible for the fortifications to cover the entire city in a short period of time. The living corpses will attack the residents here. After killing them, they will turn into the same monsters. I can protect them only after gathering the residents;
"Secondly, it's a warm spring now, people won't freeze to death, I will contact Bayeran to provide the food, we have already made preparations before coming here;
"In the end, if someone stays at home, let him go. You declare my will. The knights from Byelan only protect those who accept the order, and only distribute food to those who have gathered."

This answer sounds okay, and it seems to have been prepared for a long time.Although everyone still has doubts, the uneasiness and discussions have also been suppressed a little.

Griffith looked at everyone, and suddenly showed a strange smile: "If you are free, you can explain my intentions to the people you meet, this should help your work.


"I, as an officer sent by Bayeran, didn't come here to be a saint to protect all citizens. I came here to race."

The people present were stunned for a moment.

Lansada thought for a while, and asked for everyone: "Excuse me, what are you racing against?"

Griffith drew out a gleaming dagger, and said slowly:
"It was me who assembled the troops to exterminate the living corpses quickly."

As soon as the words fell, he threw the dagger towards a big mouse in the corner of the conference room, nailed it to the floor, and continued:

"It's also the speed at which the residents here are transformed into living corpses."

(End of this chapter)

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