Blood tax

Chapter 163 In the name of Galadia, attack!

Chapter 163 In the name of Galadia, attack!
Today is March 1444, 3 in the Second Age, the first day Griffith arrived in Raven.

According to the order of the Front Enemy Committee composed of extraordinary people, Revan began martial law throughout the city, and all residents immediately returned home or went to designated places.

At dusk, the Extraordinary and Extraordinary from Byelan had already headed to their respective locations.They are scattered in important strongholds, relying on the assembled army to control a large area with the Mage Tower and Raven City Hall as the core.However, in order not to disperse the mobile forces at hand, only a few sentinels were sent to patrol the large downtown area, farms and cemeteries in the western suburbs.

After dinner, Griffith came to the Mage Tower.The local official and Ms. Layla, an apprentice mage, have prepared a war horse and some weapons for him.

This is a strong black oriental war horse. It is naturally incomparable to Hepu's horse and the war horse used by Bayeran to attack veterans, but it is also up to the standard of a war horse. Carrying a cavalryman wearing a breastplate marched a long distance.

"Pretty good." Griffith stroked the horse's back and neck in satisfaction.He was a Lancer, and even in the cavalry, he was the only one with the best riding and spear skills. Sonia praised him for his superb riding skills many times.However, after returning to the rear, he could only exercise at the horse farms of Byerland and Homenworth, and there were very few opportunities to ride army horses for combat.

Whenever he rides this tame, strong, dexterous and beautiful animal, he feels very safe, just like reuniting with old friends.

Layla, who was petite, handed him some carrots.

"Thank you, Miss Layla," Griffith nodded to Miss Mage Apprentice satisfied, and began to feed his war horse, "How much do you know about the Lower City?"

"It's very messy and crowded," Leila replied. "When I went to the market there to buy things, I heard some disturbing rumors among the neighbors, saying that there was a mysterious noise underground, like hundreds of moles digging holes together. .”


"It was there a month ago, and the authorities conducted an investigation, but nothing was found. The sewers there are very old and intricate, and no one wants to go deep."

Terrible, an intelligence and threat that was not known in advance, the thing that the person in charge who was temporarily assigned was most afraid of happened...

Griffith's eyes almost turned black, he had no idea about the sewers.After all, Raven's defense still had huge omissions.If the Order of the Deathrattle is plotting something in the shadowy sewers, the Council of Frontal Enemies can do little to stop it.

Even with Beyonders, a well-trained team of Beyonders and a large city defense force, these forces are still not enough to control the entire city.They can keep an eye on the most important upper city, but what about the lower city where a large number of civilians live?

Even if the most powerful supreme wizards and great demigods in the world come in person, it is impossible for them to have so many familiars and magical powers to dig into the sewers and alleys to find out all the bad guys.

In order to eliminate the cult group hidden in the shadows, it is necessary to investigate each room, cut off their access and access to supplies, and report suspicious persons and signs at any time. Only in this way can the danger be nip in the bud.

This requires the mobilization of grassroots militias with no official establishment, all landlords, hotels and shops need to verify the identity of customers, dedicated policemen need to go deep into slums, vigilant housewives and children playing on the roadside...

In a word, it needs all citizens living in Raven.

Griffith pressed his forehead.This is beyond his cognition, and he has never seen or heard of such a large-scale action.

He could only take a three-meter lance, and ran down to the city with a heavy heart, to see the situation there first.


It was getting dark.Griffith walked on empty streets and bridges.Martial law has been declared and cities are enforcing curfews.

There were still some people passing by in a hurry, they were either in a hurry to go home or busy preparing food, Griffith didn't care about them.Speeding in the evening wind, he passed through the beautiful streets and city walls, and soon the outline of the low lower city came into his eyes.

The River Raven, flowing from east to west, divides the city into north and south.The relatively low lower city has no city walls, and it presents a black and yellow outline at dusk, which makes people look depressed.

Bats and blackbirds flew across the night sky, hovering among the spires and chimneys.There are quite a few pedestrians in a hurry, and they are rushing home with big and small bags.The dark red cobblestones stretched out into the darkness like the tongues of giant beasts.

A low and distant bell sounded in the evening wind, as if an ominous prophecy was announced.

Griffith's weak inspiration was touched. In the dim light and deep shadows, he seemed to see thorn-like tentacles wriggling on the walls and ground, and dark lines of spiritual energy spreading around.

Griffith shuddered.He stood on the arched stone bridge that spanned the River Raven.There is a square not far along the road under the bridge, where the administrative hall of the lower city is located.

However, he remained motionless.

The cult has obviously activated some arrangement in the lower city. Griffith doesn't know what it is, but he is sure there must be one.Why didn't the local area report such obvious signs?If it wasn't for the fact that the local area has been infiltrated into a sieve by the cult, then this inspirational vision just appeared.

"Elusha? Mage Tower, do you hear me?" Griffith hurriedly contacted the rear through the Echo Crystal.However, the psychic echoes, whose communication had always been clear, became noisy, as unusable as they had been during the Verona incident.

The Order of Deathrattle is on the move!As soon as the Extraordinary commando arrived, the religious group started to attack, and the unreliable psychic echo was cut off again.

Turn around and run away?First retreat back to find Erza to help.But this time, when they retreated, they would not be able to grasp the situation in the lower city.

Griffith immediately began to hesitate.The danger is obvious, and a temporary retreat is undoubtedly the safest solution.However, there is no Extraordinary leader in the lower city, and the situation is deteriorating rapidly, and it may get out of control at any time, followed by countless casualties.

He reached into his neckline, clutching Galadia's mithril pendant tightly.

It's not foolproof all the time, and it was the same against the goblins, and it's the same this time.If I retreat, Lower Town may be over.However, if this is a trap, I will jump right in without even reinforcements.

At this moment, screams and cries for help came from the streets in the distance.In the silent dusk, the sound was extremely terrifying.Immediately afterwards, ferocious and crazy figures emerged from the darkness and the sewer, and rushed towards the crowd on the road like a pack of crazy wolves.

Trap, this is an obvious trap!These cultists know I'm coming.

Griffith screamed wildly in his heart, the cult group knew that after the martial law was activated, they no longer concealed themselves, and used unknown means to block the psychic echo; they even started to attack the citizens in front of their eyes, making it clear that they wanted to let people appear at the intersection The armor cavalry can't turn back.

At this time, a Extraordinary appeared on the dark road.He was alone, wielding a silver battle staff, sprinting left and right in the crowd, knocking down the living corpses that rushed over.

Some militiamen followed him in revolt.

However, this solitary Extraordinary does not seem to be powerful, and his militiamen are no more than that, and the madness surging from the darkness is obviously even better.They have been planning for a long time and are already ready to go.Black and gray living corpses came out of the sewer one after another, attacking and killing everywhere.

A huge, shambling shadow surged through the alley.Huge monsters stitched from corpses appeared.

Streets and squares suddenly became slaughterhouses.

Terror is spreading and chaos is unstoppable.The citizens screamed and fled in all directions.

Griffith grabbed the pendant, kissed it lightly, and carefully tucked it back into the neckline.

He raised his lance towards the front, the icy light swirled around him, and the bloody aura rose towards the sky.

The scorching momentum and killing intent spread, and even the living corpses who were being killed and the citizens who were desperately resisting turned their heads subconsciously.

All eyes were on the armored cavalry on the stone bridge.The black war horse suddenly stood up, almost substantial blood appeared under its ribs like wings.The war horse neighed like a dragon, piercing the chaotic darkness.

The knight on the horse pointed his spear directly at the sky, and let out an earth-shattering cry:
"In the name of Galadia,

Griffith rode his horse with a gun and rushed down the bridge like lightning.

The living corpses that were attacking the citizens all turned around for a moment, left the prey in their mouths, and rushed towards the armored cavalry.

Griffith put down his lance, stepped on the cobblestone road, and rushed straight towards the center of the living corpses rushing from all sides.

The heavy hoofs roared, and his body, armor, and lance trembled.The icy blue light and air mass are flickering.

The two sides are getting closer.Griffith could already see clearly the rotting face and gray eyeballs of the flailing corpse.His spear pointed at the huge stitched wight deep in the tide of corpses.


The armored cavalry and the tide of corpses collided violently.

The lance accurately pierced the throat of one living corpse, and pierced through the back of its head into the throat of the second living corpse, tearing them apart together.

Several living corpses were hit by the heavy horses, and they were broken into several pieces and flew out.The following monsters were stacked together, stepping on each other's shoulders, and pressing down like a tide.

They hit the ice shield immediately, and flew out together with the sharp shattered ice in the sky with a loud noise.

The icy air waves and icicles spread in a circular shape, knocking down the dense living corpses in pieces.The tide of corpses crowded in front of Griffith was completely empty.

"Hungry - roar!"

The huge stitch monster held up the axe, machete and chain weapons, and let out a terrifying roar at the armored cavalry with its broken throat.The living corpses hidden in the lower city seemed to have been ordered to fight, gathering from all directions like a stream merging into the sea.

"Knight, it is the leader of the undead creatures!" The monk in the battle shouted to Griffith, pointing at the terrifying stitch monster with his staff.

His voice fell back, and a phantom flashed in front of his eyes.

An ice gun tore through the air, pierced the Stitcher's neck, and knocked it back two steps.This mighty monster has strong vitality, and it still can't fall under the blow that almost broke its neck.

A terrifying aura suddenly filled the air.Behind Griffith who was charging, a huge mountain monster phantom roared.He raised his lance, and struck lightning-like precision at the neck of the Stitched Monster, which was wrapped in fat and rotting flesh.

This blow sent out a roar that tore through the air, changing the situation.Immediately afterwards, a thunderous bang was heard throughout the lower city.

The citizens who fled in all directions were stunned.They all stopped running away.Even the terrified residents poked their heads out of windows and attics, cautiously surveying the square.

Among the densely packed living corpses, the terrifying giant monster stood there as if petrified.The boiling square fell silent for a while.After a while, the huge monster shook its body and fell to its knees with a bang.

The knight on the black horse raised his lance aloft, and led the mount around in a small circle like a champion in the arena with graceful strides.He did not charge, but stepped into the pool in the square, and raised his lance high amidst the splash of water and the sound of kicking.

The head of that terrifying stitched corpse hangs on the spear point impressively.

The monk who was still shouting just now was stunned, and the citizens, militiamen, and living corpses around him lost the ability to speak and move as if frozen.

The armored cavalry raised the lance with its head high, pulled the horse to raise its front hooves, and shouted thunderously to the horrified audience:
"Follow me to attack!"

 One more chapter today.

(End of this chapter)

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